20 research outputs found

    Chapter Oppido Mamertina in 3D: dalla fotogrammetria alla ricostruzione digitale

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    Digital Data and Semantic Simulation—The Survey of the Ruins of the Convent of the Paolotti (12th Century A.D.)

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    In the presence of architecturally significant ruins, restoring and disseminating the idea of a testimony that has survived the destructive work of time is a cultural and social necessity that the use of advanced methods and tools allows to communicate in a timely and comprehensive manner. The integration of 3D surveying techniques and digital information production and management processes (graphic and alphanumeric, i.e., geometric information) makes it possible to put in place multifaceted and effective strategies. The article aims at describing the process of data acquisition (using applied photogrammetry) of the remains of a medieval cloister located on the outskirts of ancient Oppido Mamertina (RC, Italy). The use of the acquired point cloud, cleaned and optimised, made it possible to extract suitable orthophotos from which to derive the matrix profiles of the vaulted roof system. The information organisation of the model, which can be queried on time despite the generic level of detail, leads us to meditate on the change taking place in the field of documentation for urban environmental design and maintenance

    Information modelling actions from a survey of the Neronian era

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    [EN] Redesigning the ichonographiae carved in the marble table kept at the Archaeological Museum of the Umbrian capital, has a double meaning: (1) to collect what has been examined by experts of Roman topography on a cartographic practice already recurrent at the death of Augustus, (2) observe with a renewed spirit a document of fundamental interest for the history of survey and architectural drawing. There are in fact three horizontal sections meticulously quoted in Roman ¿feet¿: the ground floor of a funerary monument with an outdoor triclino (scale 1:84), the plan of a vegetable garden serving the rustic villa (scale 1: 140) inhabited on the upper level by the caretaker (1: 230). Proceeding from the mathematical analysis to the planimetric vectorization of the monumental complex, the contribution illustrates the reasons and the path that informed the 3D reconstruction. In compliance with a digital practice shared by the scientific communities; the unprecedented interpretation represented an opportunity to explore its potential uses in terms of a renewed communication paradigm. The objective in progress is aimed at raising a frame of meanings around the memory of Imperial civilization, to guide strategies that do not fail to fall on the policies of protection and enhancement of the property studied. The immersive use of models and adequate spaces for collaboration, which have become collectors of information, thanks and by virtue of dedicated servers, lead to the generalization of issues, which, by affecting a wider audience of users, encourage socio-economic programs as well as cultural technicians.Rossi, A.; Lillo Giner, S.; Gonizzi Barsanti, S. (2021). Information modelling actions from a survey of the Neronian era. DisegnareCon. 14(27):1-17. https://doi.org/10.20365/disegnarecon.27.2021.2S117142


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    Protecting and enhancing inherited assets is a duty of every age; ours requires disclosure through the services of the interconnected network, the only one, to date, capable of reaching a wide audience and with it attracting adequate economic resources for the implementation of programs. In keeping with the international definition of "Cultural Heritage", the paper describes the methodology that guided the construction in 3D of the monumental building sculpted in the iconographies between 52 and 62 AD on the marble slab now preserved at the archaeological museum of Perugia. An informative workflow on what has been collected is proposed to then discuss the potential of its uses. The focus lies in particular on the possibility of the model to act as an interoperable collector to compare the reconstructive hypotheses. The final objective looks at the opportunity to create multimedia, multimodal and cross modal collaboration spaces to remedy aspects that, by affecting a wider audience of users, encourage socio-economic policies

    In the origins between memory and sustainable development the productive: space of the drawing

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    Drawing is the productive space of the exchange between memory and reason. It does not matter if it is "phenomenalized"—in the sense that the work carried out is the immediate depository of the creative idea (as it was originally)—or "mediated", since the graphic mediator precedes execution or anticipates modification. Taking some of the evidence found in the Telles- Sultan and Çatalhöyük sites as a starting point, the proposed analysis is a reconstruction "exercise" on the origin of the first human communities, the development of a criterion allowing us to provide some keys to register the leaps in changes and transformations throughout history. The fundamental objective of this study is to establish a plausible hypothesis that could contribute to clarify the where, how, when and why of the advent of technical drawing as an instrument of mediation between the will, the idea oriented to satisfy primary human needs and the executed project; that is, the necessary tool to objectively establish the characteristics and connotations of the habitat that transcends the natural environment and whose systematization has allowed the development of more sustainable construction typologies

    Methodology for the graphic restitution of a missing building: the Casa de Armas of Valencia

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    [EN] With the advent of current virtual restitution techniques based on technologies such as photogrammetry or laser scanning, the process of planimetric surveying has experienced an unprecedented methodological evolution, making it possible to generate information with a precision difficult to achieve using traditional techniques. These latter techniques are contingent upon the existence of physical remains allowing defining the reference geometry on the basis of which different rectification proposals can be developed. However, when lacking such physical elements serving as a reference, these current graphic restitution techniques are hardly applicable. In these cases, it is necessary to resort to a methodology based exclusively on the treatment nd analysis of written documentary sources and available graphic documentation, which makes the work unique and stands as an alternative to the architectural heritage 3D modelling traditional procedure. The present case, which involves the graphic restitution of the Citadel of Valencia, demolished in 1956, exemplifies the possibility of pursuing the graphic reconstruction of a missing building by means of using a methodology based on the treatment and analysis of graphic and written documentary sources exclusively, making it possible to recover the image of the building over time.[ES] Con el advenimiento de las técnicas actuales de restitución virtual, basadas en tecnologías como la fotogrametría o el escáner láser, el proceso de levantamiento planimétrico ha desarrollado una evolución metodológica sin precedentes que permite generar información con una precisión difícil de alcanzar con técnicas tradicionales. Estas técnicas quedan supeditadas a la existencia de vestigios materiales que permitan definir la geometría de referencia en base a la cual desarrollar las diferentes propuestas de rectificación. Sin embargo, puede darse la circunstancia de que no existan tales elementos materiales que puedan ser utilizados como referencia, en cuyo caso las técnicas actuales de restitución gráfica son difícilmente aplicables. En estos casos se debe recurrir a una metodología basada exclusivamente en el tratamiento y análisis de las fuentes documentales escritas y la documentación gráfica disponible, lo que singulariza el trabajo y lo convierte en una variación sobre el procedimientotradicional de modelado 3D de la arquitectura patrimonial. El caso que nos ocupa, que tiene por objeto la restitución gráfica de la Ciudadela de Valencia, demolida el año 1956, ejemplifica la posibilidad de reconstruir gráficamente un edificio desaparecido a través, exclusivamente, del empleo de una metodología basada en el tratamiento y el análisis de las fuentes documentales gráficas y escritas, que ha posibilitado recuperar la imagen del edificio a través del tiempo.Lillo Giner, S.; Rodrigo Molina, Á.; Esteve Sendra, C. (2021). Metodología para la restitución gráfica de un edificio desaparecido. La Casa de Armas de Valencia. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 26(43):96-109. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2021.13797OJS961092643ARCINIEGA, L. 1999. Defensas a la antigua y a la moderna en el reino de Valencia durante el siglo XVI. Espacio, tiempo y forma. Serie VII. Historia del arte, no. 12. Pp. 61-94. Pp. 41BÉRCHEZ, J. 1994. Arquitectura renacentista valenciana (1500-1570). Valencia: Bancaixa Obra Social.COBOS, F. 2016. Metodología de análisis gráfico de los proyectos de fortificación. El dibujante ingeniero al servicio de la monarquía hispánica. Siglos XVI-XVIII. Alicia Cámara Muñoz (ed.). pp. 119-139FERNÁNDEZ-MORALES, A.; HERNÁNDEZ, L.A. 2019. Reconstrucción virtual de Saraqustä. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, Valencia. nº 36, pp. 96-107. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2019.10910GÁMIZ, A.; BARRERO, P. 2019. Imágenes de un patrimonio desaparecido: la Puerta de Triana en Sevilla. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, Valencia. nº 37, pp. 80-91. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2019.10905GÓMEZ-FERRER, M. 1998. Arquitectura en la Valencia del Siglo xvi. El hospital General y sus artífices. Valencia: Albatros. pp. 264.LASSALA, V. 1845. Memoria relativa al proyecto de aumentar los cuarteles de la Ciudadela de la Plaza de Valencia y de proporcionar una plaza de armas. Archivo General Militar de Madrid. 3403. 4-4-3-10.LILLO, S. 2010. La imagen de la Ciudadela de Valencia en las representaciones de la ciudad. Diploma de Estudios Avanzados. Dep. Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. Valencia: UPV.LILLO, S. 2012. La Ciudadela de Valencia. Origen, evolución y análisis gráfico. Tesis doctoral. Dep. Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. Valencia: UPV.LILLO, S.; LLOPIS, J. 2012. Pedro de Guevara y la fortificación de transición. El plano para la reforma de las defensas de Valencia de 1544. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, Valencia. nº 20, pp. 66-75.LLOPIS, J. 2002. Gaspar Gregori y la Introducción de la Metodología Proyectual Renacentista en Valencia. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, Valencia. nº 7, pp. 48-60.RAPOSO-GRAU, J. F. 2010. Identificación de los procesos gráficos del "dibujar" y del "proyectar" arquitectónico, como "procesos metodológicos de investigación científica arquitectónica. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, Valencia. nº 15, pp. 102-111. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2010.99


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    [EN] In 1544 Pedro de Guevara executed his plan to reform the defenses of Valencia. This is the first "reliable" cartographic representation of the city and constitutes a paradigmatic example of the so-called Transitional Fortification, but also involves the introduction of the new renaissance way of representing the city, in which the image acquires a strong will to objectivity, clearly different from the idealized graphical view of previous centuries.[ES] En 1544 Pedro de Guevara ejecuta su plano para la reforma de las defensas de Valencia. Se trata de la primera representación cartográfica "fiable" de la ciudad y constituye un ejemplo paradigmático de la denominada Fortificación de Transición, pero también supone la introducción de la nueva manera renacentista de representar la ciudad, en la que la imagen adquiere una fuerte voluntad de objetividad claramente diferenciada de la visión gráfica idealizada de los siglos anteriores.Lillo Giner, S.; Llopis Verdú, J. (2012). PEDRO DE GUEVARA Y LA FORTIFICACIÓN DE TRANSICIÓN. EL PLANO PARA LA REFORMA DE LAS DEFENSAS DE VALENCIA DE 1544. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 17(20):66-75. doi:10.4995/ega.2012.1405SWORD66751720Cobos, F., De Castro, J. Dise-o y desarrollo técnico de las fortificaciones de transición espa-olas. Las fortificaciones de Carlos V. Ediciones del Umbral. Madrid, 2000. Pp. 218-24

    La torre del Rey de Oropesa. Un modelo de fortificación renacentista

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    [EN] The tower named “del Rey” is one of the most clear examples of the fortification called “de transición” in the area of the eastern spanish coast that was, as in the present case, through the addition of new technological resources, a model of the adaptation of the old medieval defensive types to a new conception of the military architecture that appeared as a result of the development of the artillery. Built by Joan de Cervelló in 1534 in Punta de les Lances of Oropesa (Castellón), an especially vulnerable emplacement to the attacks of the barbary pirates of the time, it owes its origin to a tower built in 1413th year from that It takes its rectangular shape and that it be attached, forming a soffit on the lower floors on which it supports the new stonework. Starting from its historical, geometric and constructive study arises as the main objective of this communication the generation of necessary metadata and three-dimensional models for the interpretation and effective enhancement of the tower. To do so, we propose the use of the most advanced technical resources in the area of graphical representation that will allow us to get three-dimensional photo-realistic models, incorporating both data of the existing building as those relating to their type, existing elements, etc. The obtained results intend to set, in connection with works belonging to other towers from the same historical and geographical scope, a database that can be used both as a reporting tool as a documentary source for future research.Lillo Giner, S.; Rodríguez-Navarro, P. (2015). La torre del Rey de Oropesa. Un modelo de fortificación renacentista. En Defensive architecture of the mediterranean: XV to XVIII centuries. Vol. I. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 105-112. https://doi.org/10.4995/FORTMED2015.2015.1677OCS10511

    Morphological and geometrical study of the Puente del Mar bridge of Valencia throught its graphical representations

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    [EN] There are a number of architectural elements in the Turia riverbed which have been developed over the centuries: bridges, embankments, ornamental elements, etc...Their capital importance for the historical and artistic heritage of the city of Valencia along with the little attention they have received so far, raised the need to pursue their study and cataloging. This paper analyzes one of the most emblematic elements integrating the Turia riverbed from a morphological and geometrical perspective, that is, the Puente del Mar bridge. The backbone of the present research focuses on deepening the potential of graphical representation tools for recovery, preservation and enhancement of the architectural heritage, coupled with the consideration that the drawing itself has, i.e. be the generator of architectural production.[ES] Son múltiples los elementos arquitectónicos que en el cauce del río Turia se han desarrollado a lo largo de los siglos: puentes, pretiles, elementos ornamentales, etc. La importancia capital que para el patrimonio histórico-artístico de la ciudad de Valencia revisten, unidos a la escasa atención que hasta el momento han despertado, suscitaron la necesidad de su estudio y catalogación. La presente investigación analiza, desde un punto de vista morfológico y geométrico, uno de los elementos más emblemáticos del conjunto que integra el cauce del Turia como es el puente del Mar. El eje vertebrador del proceso investigador se centra en la profundización del potencial de los instrumentos de la representación gráfica al servicio del conocimiento para la recuperación, conservación y puesta en valor del patrimonio arquitectónico, unido a la consideración que el propio dibujo tiene, es decir, ser el generador en la producción de la arquitectura.Lillo Giner, S.; Rodrigo Molina, A.; Giner García, MI. (2013). Estudio geométrico y morfológico del Puente del Mar de Valencia a través de sus representaciones gráficas. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 18(22):164-173. doi:10.4995/ega.2013.1682SWORD1641731822– LLOP, J. (1676) De la Institvcio, Govern Politich y Ivridich, Costvms y observancias de la Fabrica Vella, dita de Murs e Valls; y Nova, dita del Riu. 2001, Ayuntamiento de Valencia.– TEIXIDOR F.J. (2001) Antigüedades de Valencia. Observaciones críticas Escribiólas en 1767. Tomo I. Edición Paris-Valencia. Valencia

    Uso de dispositivos móviles para el desarrollo de las prácticas de laboratorio utilizando una herramienta on line

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    [EN] Laboratory practices allow students to learn concepts and develop competencies that contribute to making sense of the theory of the subject in question. That is why, in many cases, they play a primary role in the overall teaching load of the subject, so that their assessment may become very important in the final grade. Thus, its monitoring and evaluation acquire significant relevance. In this sense, it would be of great interest to implement the use of a tool that would guide the student in the development of the work and help him to systematically collect the relevant data for further treatment, in addition to facilitating the final evaluation by the teacher. It would also be desirable that, at the same time, the tool facilitate the final evaluation by the teacher. Based on these premises, the use of mobile devices as a pedagogical tool is proposed, since its infinite applications allow to complement the learning process taking into account some of its advantages. One of them may be the increased motivation of the students when incorporating to their academic tasks a tool with which they are fully familiar. The objective of the present work is to implement a new methodology that guides the student in the realization of the practices through the incorporation of mobile devices. Its use in laboratory practices allowed to provide order to the data obtained from the development of the work and greater accessibility to information by all students. At the same time, it allowed the teacher a simple control of the attendance to the practice and facilitated the evaluation of the practical work of the student.[ES] Las prácticas de laboratorio permiten a los estudiantes aprender conceptos y desarrollar competencias que contribuyen a dar sentido a la teoría del tema en cuestión. Es por esto que, en muchos casos, tienen un peso determinante en la carga docente global de la asignatura, de forma que su valoración puede llegar a ser muy importante en la nota final. Así, su seguimiento y evaluación adquieren una relevancia significativa. En este sentido, sería de gran interés implementar el uso de alguna herramienta que permitiese guiar al alumno en el desarrollo del trabajo y le ayudase a recoger sistemáticamente los datos pertinentes para su posterior tratamiento, además de facilitar la evaluación final por parte del profesor. En base a estas premisas, se propone el uso de los dispositivos móviles como herramienta pedagógica, puesto que sus infinitas aplicaciones permiten complementar el proceso de aprendizaje aprovechando algunas de sus ventajas. Una de ellas puede ser el aumento de la motivación por parte de los alumnos, al incorporar a sus tareas académicas una herramienta con la que se encuentran plenamente familiarizados. El objetivo del presente trabajo es implementar una nueva metodología que guíe al alumno en la realización de las prácticas a través de la incorporación de los dispositivos móviles. Su uso en las prácticas de laboratorio permitió proporcionar orden a los datos obtenidos del desarrollo del trabajo y una mayor accesibilidad a la información por parte de todos los alumnos. Al mismo tiempo, al profesor le permitió un sencillo control de la asistencia a la práctica y le facilitó la evaluación del trabajo práctico del alumno.Lillo Giner, S.; Camacho Vidal, MM.; Martínez Navarrete, N. (2018). Uso de dispositivos móviles para el desarrollo de las prácticas de laboratorio utilizando una herramienta on line. En IN-RED 2018. IV Congreso Nacional de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 238-249. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2018.2018.8889OCS23824