48 research outputs found

    Fluoride Concentrations In The Water Of Maringa, Brazil, Considering The Benefit/risk Balance Of Caries And Fluorosis

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    Current Brazilian law regarding water fluoridation classification is dichotomous with respect to the risks of and benefits for oral diseases, and fluoride (F) concentrations less than 0.6 or above 0.8 mg F/L are considered outside the normal limits. Thus, the law does not consider that both caries and fluorosis are dependent on the dosage and duration of fluoride exposure because they are both chronic diseases. Therefore, this study evaluated the quality of water fluoridation in Maringa, PR, Brazil, considering a new classification for the concentration of F in water the supply, based on the anticaries benefit and risk of fluorosis (CECOL/USP, 2011). Water samples (n = 325) were collected monthly over one year from 28 distribution water networks: 20 from treatment plants and 8 from artesian wells. F concentrations were determined using a specific ion electrode. The average F concentration was 0.77 mg F/L (ppm F), ranging from 0.44 to 1.22 mg F/L. Considering all of the water samples analyzed, 83.7% of them presented from 0.55 to 0.84 mg F/L, and according to the new classification used, they would provide maximum anticaries benefit with a low risk of fluorosis. This percentage was lower (75.4%) in the water samples supplied from artesian wells than from those distributed by the treatment plant (86%). In conclusion, based on the new classification of water F concentrations, the quality of water fluoridation in Maringa is adequate and is within the range of the best balance between risk and benefit.29

    Fluoride concentrations in the water of Maringa, Brazil, considering the benefit/risk balance of caries and fluorosis

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    Current Brazilian law regarding water fluoridation classification is dichotomous with respect to the risks of and benefits for oral diseases, and fluoride (F) concentrations less than 0.6 or above 0.8 mg F/L are considered outside the normal limits. Thus, the law does not consider that both caries and fluorosis are dependent on the dosage and duration of fluoride exposure because they are both chronic diseases. Therefore, this study evaluated the quality of water fluoridation in Maringá, PR, Brazil, considering a new classification for the concentration of F in water the supply, based on the anticaries benefit and risk of fluorosis (CECOL/USP, 2011). Water samples (n = 325) were collected monthly over one year from 28 distribution water networks: 20 from treatment plants and 8 from artesian wells. F concentrations were determined using a specific ion electrode. The average F concentration was 0.77 mg F/L (ppm F), ranging from 0.44 to 1.22 mg F/L. Considering all of the water samples analyzed, 83.7% of them presented from 0.55 to 0.84 mg F/L, and according to the new classification used, they would provide maximum anticaries benefit with a low risk of fluorosis. This percentage was lower (75.4%) in the water samples supplied from artesian wells than from those distributed by the treatment plant (86%). In conclusion, based on the new classification of water F concentrations, the quality of water fluoridation in Maringá is adequate and is within the range of the best balance between risk and benefit.Current Brazilian law regarding water fluoridation classification is dichotomous with respect to the risks of and benefits for oral diseases, and fluoride (F) concentrations less than 0.6 or above 0.8 mg F/L are considered outside the normal limits. Thus, the law does not consider that both caries and fluorosis are dependent on the dosage and duration of fluoride exposure because they are both chronic diseases. Therefore, this study evaluated the quality of water fluoridation in Maringá, PR, Brazil, considering a new classification for the concentration of F in water the supply, based on the anticaries benefit and risk of fluorosis (CECOL/USP, 2011). Water samples (n = 325) were collected monthly over one year from 28 distribution water networks: 20 from treatment plants and 8 from artesian wells. F concentrations were determined using a specific ion electrode. The average F concentration was 0.77 mg F/L (ppm F), ranging from 0.44 to 1.22 mg F/L. Considering all of the water samples analyzed, 83.7% of them presented from 0.55 to 0.84 mg F/L, and according to the new classification used, they would provide maximum anticaries benefit with a low risk of fluorosis. This percentage was lower (75.4%) in the water samples supplied from artesian wells than from those distributed by the treatment plant (86%). In conclusion, based on the new classification of water F concentrations, the quality of water fluoridation in Maringá is adequate and is within the range of the best balance between risk and benefit2911

    Heterocontrole da fluoretação da água de abastecimento público da 15ª Regional de Saúde do Paraná

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    Objetivou-se conhecer o processo de fluoretação das águas de abastecimento público e realizar o heterocontrole do fluoreto nas águas dos 30 municípios que compõem a 15ª Regional de Saúde do Paraná. Um questionário contendo dados relativos a fluoretação dos municípios foi aplicado e cinco coletas de água em Unidades Básicas de Saúde ou poços artesianos foi realizado em todos esses municípios, no período de 12 meses. Dos 30 municípios que compõem esta regional, em 77% dos municípios a água utilizada é proveniente de poços, 77% relatam ter água fluoretada e 40% dos municípios realizaram levantamento epidemiológico para fluorose dental. Das 335 amostras de água, 79,5% foram classificadas como máximo benefício contra cárie e mínimo risco para fluorose dentária. Conclui-se que apesar da maioria dos municípios pesquisados realizarem a fluoretação das águas de abastecimento, o heterocontrole não é prática comum nos mesmos

    Clínica ampliada em Odontologia: experiência precursora avaliada pelos usuários

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    Objetivou-se analisar a atenção em saúde bucal prestada pela Clínica Ampliada (CA) da Universidade Estadual de Maringá, bem como avaliar satisfação com atendimento odontológico e autonomia do paciente sob percepção de usuários. Trata-se de estudo observacional, transversal, descritivo, retrospectivo, com usuários que frequentaram o serviço odontológico da CA. Foi aplicado questionário estruturado sobre variáveis socioeconômicas, humanização, autonomia, acesso, encaminhamento e satisfação sobre atenção odontológica da CA. Os dados descritivos foram analisados no Programa EpiInfo. O principal motivo de procura da CA foi dor (37,8%), sendo escolhida principalmente pela gratuidade do atendimento (43,4%). Todos pacientes citaram que os dentistas os escutaram com atenção, tiveram um bom relacionamento e confiança no seu trabalho. A maioria dos pacientes mudou seu comportamento sobre hábitos saudáveis em relação à sua saúde, aumentando autonomia e sua responsabilização com manutenção da saúde bucal. A maioria dos pacientes avaliou satisfatoriamente a CA em relação aos recursos humanos, estrutura e limpeza. Todos avaliaram o atendimento odontológico como muito bom/bom, sendo que acharam que o dentista fez bom trabalho e recomendariam a CA. Conclui-se que esta experiência pioneira está sendo positiva, qualificando a atenção odontológica em relação à humanização, aumentando autonomia do paciente e satisfação do usuário com serviço prestado

    Increased Conversion of Tryptophan to Nicotinamide in Rats by Dietary Valproate

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    Amino Acid Composition of Amniotic Fluid during the Perinatal Period Reflects Mother’s Fat and Carbohydrate Intake

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    Dietary content during pregnancy is important because it is necessary for the growth of the fetus. With the assumption that the nutritional status of the fetus can be monitored by measuring amino acid concentrations in the amniotic fluid, we investigated whether the habitual dietary intake of pregnant women affected the composition of the amniotic fluid and the significance of performing amniotic fluid analysis. The subjects were 34 mothers who delivered full-term babies by cesarean section. Three biological samples were collected from the mothers: blood, cord blood, and amniotic fluid. At the same time, the mothers’ prenatal nutritional intake information was also recorded. When the amino acid contents of the samples were compared with the mothers’ nutrient intake, many amino acids in the amniotic fluid were positively correlated with lipid intake, but not with protein intake. There was a negative correlation between lipid intake and carbohydrate intake, and the amino acid contents of the amniotic fluid were also negatively correlated with carbohydrate intake. The results of this study were consistent with those found in animal models, suggesting that the analysis of amniotic fluid may be a useful method to investigate the effects of habitual diet during human pregnancy on the fetus

    Changes in B-Group Vitamin Status in Adenine-Induced Chronic Renal Failure Rats

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