8 research outputs found

    Energy Effect in Pavel Florensky’s Writings: Energy Communication, Language, Art and Energy Reading

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    In light of the contemporary paradigm of quantum reality with research on unified quantum field and energy communication in the Humanities, it is essential to ponder Pavel Florensky’s considerations on the energy effects and energy activity of language, words and space, pertaining both to arts and physics. The Russian language contains the word ènergiynost’ – a much broader notion than ènergiya (energy). In Florensky’s writings this relates to the author’s perception and sensibility for language, art and the space of culture within the integrative tendencies of Russian Cosmism, a subject that has not yet been thoroughly studied. In this essay, we focus on Florensky’s interpretation of the magicity of energy communication, as well as on the energy cognition of its participants. A sensitivity to ènergjynost’ in any dimension of consciousness in communication is being gradually recognised today by both scholars and “non-scholars” who integrate psychological and physiological aspects of cognition. The tendency is to relate ènergjynost’ to an emerging quantum model of reality

    The Theory of a Holarchic Evolution of Cosmos or Holistic Embracing of Fragmented Consciousnesses

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    U teoriji holarhijske evolucije Kozmosa Wilber razlikuje četiri temeljna tipa holarhija, shvaćajući da ih je nemoguće svesti na jednu, osnovnu holarhiju. Mapa četiriju kvadranata ukazuje na dimenzionalnost i »dubinskost« njegove kozmologije. Pojmovi »holon« i »holarhija« ključni su pojmovi u Wilberovoj interpetaciji stupnjeva spiralnoga razvoja ljudske svijesti. U teoriji spiralne dinamike društvenoga razvoja Dona Becka i Chrisa Cowana poznati su kao »Memi« – sustavi temeljnih vrijednosti, reprezentanti beskonačnih stupnjeva progresa ili regresa. Na modelu »spiralne dinamike« Wilber interpretira stupnjevanje unutarnje transformacije koja prati razvoj svijesti, posvećujući posebnu pažnju četirima stupnjevima »višega«, transpersonalnog razvoja koje još naziva »psihičkim«, »suptilnim«, »kauzalnim« i »nedvojnim«. To su razine svijesti na kojima um prestaje, a o njima svjedoče mistične, kontemplativne i jogičke tradicije. Na ovome mjestu njegova teorija postaje znanstveno neprihvatljiva i, time, problematičnaIn his theory of a holarchic evolution of Cosmos, Wilber distinguishes four fundamental types of holarchies, realizing that there is no possibility to reduce them to one, basic holarchy. The map of four quadrants indicates dimensionality and profundity of his Cosmology. Notions such as “holon” and “holarchy” represent the key notions in his interpretation of spiral evolution stages of human consciousness. In the theory of spiral dynamics of social development, created by Don Beck and Chris Cowan, they are known as “Memes”– systems of core values, the representatives of infinite stages of progress or regress. By means of a spiral dynamics model, Wilber interprets staging of the inner transformation that accompanies the evolution of consciousness, paying special attention to four stages of a “higher”, transpersonal evolution, which he also calls “psychic”, “subtle”, “causal” and “nondual” stages. These are levels of consciousness where the mind stops and which are testified by various mystic, contemplative and yoga traditions. At this point, his theory becomes scientifically unacceptable and rather problematic

    Energy and Symbolic in Pavel Florensky’s Conception of Space

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    U radu se propituje simbolizacija prostora i njezina veza s energijnošću svega što postoji, a ona se temelji na antinomiji unutarnje/vanjsko kao jednoj od temeljnih antinomija u Florenskijevu razumijevanju prostorne organizacije i načina čovjekova postojanja u svijetu. Funkcionalnost simbola Florenskij objašnjava i opravdava energijom simbola, a energijnost se podjednako očituje i u jezičnoj djelatnosti (riječi, imenu Božjem), ikoni i umjetničkim djelima. S druge strane, znanost i filozofija – »opisi stvarnosti« – objašnjavaju se kao simbolički »modeli stvarnosti«.The paper examines symbolization of space and its link with the energy of everything that exists, based on the internal/external antinomy as one of the basic antinomies in Florensky’s understanding of spatial organization and mode of the man’s existence in the world. Functionality of symbol is explained and justified by Florensky by means of energy of symbols, while energy is also equally manifested in the language activity (words, God’s name), icon and works of art. On the other hand, science and philosophy – “descriptions of reality” – are explained as symbolic “models of reality”


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    U ovome se radu posvećuje pozornost antinomijama prostora u Pavela Florenskoga na primjeru analize boja unutar umjetničke ekspresije, koje proizlaze iz njihova simboličkog aspekta. Smatrajući da u temelju simbolizacije leži skrivena priroda čovjekova postojanja, jedinstvo čovjeka i svijeta, Florenskij veliku pozornost pridaje neočitovanome – unutarnjem, nevidljivom prostoru koji je u ikonografskome prikazu sveti prostor

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology

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    Proceedings of the 12th Conference of Sport and Quality of Life 2019 gatheres submissions of participants of the conference. Every submission is the result of positive evaluation by reviewers from the corresponding field. Conference is divided into sections – Analysis of human movement; Sport training, nutrition and regeneration; Sport and social sciences; Active ageing and sarcopenia; Strength and conditioning training; section for PhD students

    Working Principle of the Hand Laser Distance Meter Leica "Disto" and its Applications

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    Opisan je princip rada maloga ručnoga laserskoga daljinomjera DISTO, koji se prvi od elektrooptičkih daljinomjera koristi faznom modulacijom. To omogućava da se ne mora posebno izvoditi "fino" i "grubo" mjerenje, a to skraćuje potrebno vrijeme mjerenja. Razvila ga je poznata švicarska tvrtka geodetskih instrumenata Leica. Osim toga opisan je ukratko način rukovanja s njim i njegove moguće primjene u geodeziji i arhitekturi.The paper describes the work of the small hand laser distance meter DISTO, which is the first among other electro-optical distance meter to use phase modulation. It excludes separate performance of "fine" and "rough" measurements, and it also shortens the time necessary for measurement. It has been developed by a famous Swiss firm of geodetic instruments Leica. Apart from that, the handling method and possible application of the distance meter in geodesy and architecture have also been described in short

    A Year in the Life of Sea Fennel: Annual Phytochemical Variations of Major Bioactive Secondary Metabolites

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    Sea fennel (Crithmum maritimum L.) is one of the most abundant and widespread Mediterranean halophytes, traditionally harvested and used in the summer months. As the plant bioactive metabolites are strongly influenced by the plant vegetation period and environmental conditions, we investigated some of the main bioactive compounds from sea fennel leaves over a one-year period to gain a deeper insight into their annual changes. A comprehensive phytochemical analysis of the essential oils using GC-MS, as well as the major phenolic and carotenoid compounds using HPLC, was performed. The results showed a high positive correlation between temperature and all major bioactive compounds, especially phenolic acids, cryptochlorogenic acid, and chlorogenic acid (r = 0.887, p = 0.0001 and r = 0.794, p = 0.002, respectively), as well as the limonene content in the essential oil (r = 0.694, p = 0.012). PCA analysis clearly distinguishes the period from February to April from the rest of the year, which contained the least bioactive metabolites overall. The overall data analyzed show great variations in sea fennel phytochemicals during the period of a year, with β-carotene content being the least effected. Therefore, it can be concluded that the plant can be used as a functional food or in other industries, such as the cosmetic and/or pharmaceutic industries, beyond its typical harvest period (early to midsummer)