32 research outputs found

    Vizualna argumentacija u oglaŔavanju

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    Cilj rada bio je ustanoviti status i utjecaj vizualne argumentacije u multimedijalnom oglaÅ”avanju, te time utvrditi njezin značaj za suvremeno javno uvjeravanje. Da bi se provjerilo kako vizualna argumentacija funkcionira u oglaÅ”avanju, tj. kako se oblikuje, na čemu se temelji, te koliko doprinosi postizanju persuazivnog cilja, na odabrane reklamne plakate i ambijentalne oglase primijenila se retorička i argumentacijska analiza. Rezultati su pokazali kako se vizualno argumentiranje u oglasima najčeŔće temelji na pathosu, te oblikuje kao vizualna demonstracija ili vizualna metafora koja zajedno s verbalnom komponentom čini paralelni ili sljubljeni multimodalni argument. Ustanovljeno je takoĎer da je vizualna komponenta oglasa bila ta koja je čeŔće nego verbalna bila nositeljica njegovog argumentacijskog sadrÅ£aja i persuazivnog efekta, iz čega se moÅ£e zaključiti kako je uloga vizualne argumentacije u suvremenom oglaÅ”avanju velika, te kako ona predstavlja vrijedan i efikasan alat javnog uvjeravanja.The aim of this study was to establish the status and impact of visual argumentation in multimedia advertising and to determine the significance it may have for modern public persuasion. In order to examine how visual argumentation in advertising functions, i.e. how is it designed, what is it grounded in, and how much does it contribute to the persuasive goal, rhetorical and argument analysis were applied to chosen print and ambient ads. The results show that visual argumentation in ads is usually based on pathos and shaped as visual demonstration or visual metaphor that combined with the verbal component makes parallel or joint multimodal argument. They also show that the visual component of an ad is often the one that contains its argumentative content as well as its persuasive effect, which brings to the conclusion that visual argumentation greatly effects contemporary advertising and represents valuable and efficient tool of public persuasion

    Lokalni nazolabijalni režanj u rekonstrukciji defekata dna usne Ŕupljine

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    After an extensive tumor resection, a defect of the floor of the mouth is a significant reconstructive challenge. The main goal is to preserve the mobility of the tongue, which allows the restauration of mastication, deglutition, and articulation. Today, a standard method for reconstruction of floor of the mouth defects is free microvascular flaps, especially radial forearm free flap. Despite that, a potential problem is the high perioperative risk and high complication rate associated with the patientā€™s age and comorbidities. Current literature suggests that a local nasolabial flap is a reliable treatment option for reconstruction of this type of defect, with a low complication rate and excellent functional and aesthetic results. The aim of this case presentation is to show the use of a local nasolabial flap for reconstruction of the floor of the mouth and to determine the criteria for this type of reconstruction. We present a patient who underwent resection of a floor of the mouth tumor. Due to the patientā€™s age, medical condition, and comorbidities, the defect was reconstructed with a local nasolabial flap. There were no postoperative complications. Articulation, mastication, and deglutition were satisfactorily rehabilitated. Follow-up showed no signs of recurrent disease twelve months postoperatively. To conclude, a local nasolabial flap is still an important reconstructive choice for oral cavity defects, especially for elderly patients with multiple comorbidities who have a higher risk of perioperative complications.Nakon opsežne onkoloÅ”ke resekcije, defekt dna usta predstavlja rekonstruktivni izazov u smislu očuvanja mobilnosti jezika i zadržavanja zadovoljavajuće funkcije žvakanja i govora. Danas se slobodni mikrovaskularni režnjevi, prvenstveno podlaktični režanj, smatraju metodom izbora za rekonstrukciju defekata o ovoj regiji. Unatoč tome, kod bolesnika starije životne dobi i s multiplim komorbiditetima, očekujemo visok perioperativni rizik i povećanu stopu komplikacija nakon mikrokirurÅ”kog zahvata. Prema podatcima iz literature, lokalni nazolabijalni režanj se pokazao kao jednostavna i pouzdana metoda rekonstrukcije defekata usne Å”upljine uz nisku stopu komplikacija te dobar funkcionalni i estetski rezultat. Cilj ovog rada je ukazati na mogućnost koriÅ”tenja lokalnog nazolabijalnog režnja za rekonstrukciju defekata dna usne Å”upljine i utvrditi kriterije za izbor bolesnika za ovakav tip rekonstrukcije. Prikazujemo bolesnika koji je kirurÅ”ki liječen zbog karcinoma dna usne Å”upljine. Zbog loÅ”ijeg općeg stanja bolesnika, visoke životne dobi i komorbiditeta odlučili smo se za rekonstrukciju lokalnim nazolabijalnim režnjem. Operativni zahvat je proÅ”ao bez komplikacija. Bolesnik je zadovoljavajuće govorno i gluticijski rehabiliran te bez znakova recidiva bolesti dvanaest mjeseci postoperativno. Možemo zaključiti da lokalni nazolabijalni režanj i danas zadržava važno mjesto u rekonstrukciji defekata usne Å”upljine, osobito kod starijih bolesnika s brojnim komorbiditetima koji imaju visok perioperativni rizi

    Detection of human papillomaviruses type 16, 18 and 33 in bronchial aspirates of lung carcinoma patients by polymerase chain reaction: a study of 84 cases in Croatia [Određivanje humanog papiloma virusa tipa 16, 18 i 33 u aspiratima bronha pacijenata s karcinomom pluća metodom lančane reakcije polimerazom: istraživanje 84 pacijenta u Hrvatskoj]

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    Besides its well-known role in cervical carcinoma, HPV is also suggested to be involved in lung cancer development. A number of authors have been investigating the presence of HPV in histological materials. We used routine bronchial aspirates from 84 patients with lung carcinoma for DNA extraction and then performed polymerase chain reaction for high-risk HPV types 16, 18 and 33. The results were compared to those obtained from buccal and eyelid mucosa. Only three patients were positive for HPV in bronchial aspirates: one for HPV 16 type, one for HPV 18 type, and one for HPV 33. Our data indicated the low prevalence of HPV in patients with lung carcinomas in Croatia, therefore it seems unlikely that HPV contributes to the development of lung carcinomas in this region

    Non-Hodgkin\u27s lymphoma of the frontal sinus. Case report and literature review

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    Primary frontal sinus Non-Hodgkin\u27s lymphoma (NHL) is an extremely rare condition with 20 cases published in the existing literature to date. We describe a 64-year-old patient who presented with right orbital pain, severe headache and diplopia. He was initially diagnosed with acute exacerbation of chronic rhinosinusitis and responded well to antibiotic treatment, but his symptoms returned. The diagnosis of frontal sinus NHL was made only after functional endoscopic frontal sinus surgery was performed in general anaesthesia. A tumor mass, which was filling the entire right frontal sinus, was completely removed and sent to histopathological examination. The patient was finally diagnosed with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the frontal sinus and referred to the haematology department for tumor staging and chemotherapy. This case emphasizes the importance of early clinical suspicion and diagnosis, which leads to early treatment and better prognosis

    Upotreba i odgođene komplikacije nakon ugradnje govorne proteze kod laringektomiranih bolesnika - naÅ” pristup rjeÅ”avanju curenja uz protezu

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    Aim: To determine success in use of voice prosthesis, prosthesis lifetime and long-term complications after total laryngectomy with primary tracheoesophageal puncture and to describe our approach to periprosthetic leakage. Introduction: Voice restoration after total laryngectomy is usually performed by placing a silicone voice prosthesis in an artificially formed tracheoesophageal fistula. Methods: We performed a retrospective study on 187 laryngectomies with primary tracheoesophageal puncture in the 15-year period, treated in our hospital. Results: In the group of patients with more than 1 year follow up, 87.8% of patients had successful voice restoration. Average prosthesis lifetime was 8 months. Long-term complications developed in 17.5% of patients. Periprosthetic leakage was the most common. We were able to successfully resolve long-term complications in 19/24 patients and they continued to use their vocal prostheses. Conclusion: The primary placement of the voice prosthesis is successful and safe way to restore a voice after a total laryngectomy. Complications are commonly treatable in an outpatient clinic or with minor surgery.Cilj rada je analizirati uspjeÅ”nost koriÅ”tenja govornih proteza, životni vijek proteza kao i odgođene komplikacije kod primarne ugradnje govorne proteze nakon totalne laringektomije kao i opisati naÅ” pristup rjeÅ”avanju curenja uz protezu. Uvod: Govorna rehabilitacija nakon totalne laringektomije se najčeŔće postiže ugradnjom silikonske govorne proteze u umjetno formiranu treheoezofagealnu fistulu. Metode: retrospektivno smo analizirali 187 bolesnika koji su u 15-godiÅ”njem periodu liječeni u naÅ”oj bolnici te kod kojih je učinjena primarna ugradnja govorne proteze nakon totalne laringektomije. Rezultati: U grupi bolesnika koji su postoperativno praćeni viÅ”e od godine dana, 87,7% je zadovoljavajuće govorno rehabilitirano. Prosječno trajanje govorne proteze je bilo 8 mjeseci. Odgođene komplikacije je razvilo 17,5% bolesnika. NajčeŔća komplikacija je bila curenje uz govornu protezu. UspjeÅ”no smo rijeÅ”ili odgođene komplikacije kod 19 od 24 bolesnika koji su se nakon toga nastavili služiti govornom protezom. Zaključak: Primarna ugradnja govone proteze je uspjeÅ”an i siguran način postizanja govorne rehabilitacije nakon totalne laringektomije. Komplikacije nakon postupka je najčeŔće moguće rjeÅ”iti već prilikom ambulantnog pregleda ili manjim kirurÅ”kim zahvatima

    Contribution to the knowledge of the autumn migration of shorebirds Charadriiformes in the Vransko Lake Nature Park

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    The Vransko Lake Nature Park is an internationally important area for waterbirds. Its avifauna has been well studied, with a total of 261 species recorded. In times of low water level, it provides good feeding and resting habitats for a number of shorebirds (36 species recorded up to date). The dry summer of 2017, with an extremely low water level, resulted in extensive muddy and rocky shores appearing in north-western part of the lake, in the area of Special ornithological reserve. In the period between 14 and 19 August 2017, regular counts of shorebirds were carried out on a stretch of about 1 km of muddy lakeshore. This resulted in the observation of 21 species, with daily maximum numbers ranging from 31 to 53 individuals of shorebirds. The most common species were Sandpipers Tringa spp. and Calidris spp., Plovers Charadrius spp. and the Lapwing Vanellus vanellus. Some of the more rare or irregular passage migrants were observed too: 1 Broad-billed Sandpiper Calidris falcinellus, 3 Ruddy Turnstones Arenaria interpres, 2 Kentish Plovers Charadrius alexandrinus and 1 TemminckĀ“s Stint Calidris temminckii. In late August, other observers saw another irregular species ā€“ a juvenile Red Knot Calidris canutus. Although the total number of observed individuals of shorebirds is relatively low, the area is undoubtedly an important stopover site for a large number of species during their migration from northern Europe and Siberia towards Africa

    Detection of Human Papillomaviruses Type 16, 18 and 33 in Bronchial Aspirates of Lung Carcinoma Patients by Polymerase Chain Reaction: A Study of 84 Cases in Croatia

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    Besides its well-known role in cervical carcinoma, HPV is also suggested to be involved in lung cancer development. A number of authors have been investigating the presence of HPV in histological materials. We used routine bronchial aspirates from 84 patients with lung carcinoma for DNA extraction and then performed polymerase chain reaction for high-risk HPV types 16, 18 and 33. The results were compared to those obtained from buccal and eyelid mucosa. Only three patients were positive for HPV in bronchial aspirates: one for HPV 16 type, one for HPV 18 type, and one for HPV 33. Our data indicated the low prevalence of HPV in patients with lung carcinomas in Croatia, therefore it seems unlikely that HPV contributes to the development of lung carcinomas in this region

    Connexins Expression in Adenocarcinoma of Nasal Cavity and Paranasal Sinuses

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    Aim: To investigate the immunohistochemical expression of connexins (Cxn) 30, 32, 37, 43 in patients with adenocarcinoma of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. Methods: This was a retrospecitve study which included patients with adenocarcinoma of the nose and paranasal sinuses operated at the ENT Department of University Hospital Center Sisters of Mercy in an 11-year period (from 2007-2018). Immunohistochemical analysis was performed on a single representative block from 20 cases. We used primary antibodies for Cxn 30, 32, 37 and 43 (Abcam). Material was routinely processed and analyzed under the light microscope. Each section was analyzed in the whole mount two times. The first time under low power (x40) and the second time under high power magnification (x400). Results: All cases showed negative reaction for Cxn 43, moderately positive reaction for Cxn 32 and extremly strong positive reaction for Cxn 30 and 37. Conclusion: The preliminary data of our study showed the absence of the reaction for Cxn 43 and positive reaction of Cxn 30, 32 and 37 in patients with adenocarcinoma of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses. These findings are in concordance with the results of studies performed on adenocarcinomas of the ovary, prostate, lung and stomach. Further studies are needed to explore the potential prognostic role of Cxn expression in these patients

    Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease - A multisystem disease?

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is one of the most common comorbidities associated with overweight and metabolic syndrome (MetS). Importantly, NAFLD is one of its most dangerous complications because it can lead to severe liver pathologies, including fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatic cellular carcinoma. Given the increasing worldwide prevalence of obesity, NAFLD has become the most common cause of chronic liver disease and therefore is a major global health problem. Currently, NAFLD is predominantly regarded as a hepatic manifestation of MetS. However, accumulating evidence indicates that the effects of NAFLD extend beyond the liver and are negatively associated with a range of chronic diseases, most notably cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes mellitus type 2 (T2DM) and chronic kidney disease (CKD). It is becoming increasingly clear that these diseases are the result of the same underlying pathophysiological processes associated with MetS, such as insulin resistance, chronic systemic inflammation and dyslipidemia. As a result, they have been shown to be independent reciprocal risk factors. In addition, recent data have shown that NAFLD actively contributes to aggravation of the pathophysiology of CVD, T2DM, and CKD, as well as several other pathologies. Thus, NAFLD is a direct cause of many chronic diseases associated with MetS, and better detection and treatment of fatty liver disease is therefore urgently needed. As non-invasive screening methods for liver disease become increasingly available, detection and treatment of NAFLD in patients with MetS should therefore be considered by both (sub-) specialists and primary care physician

    Visual argumentation in advertisement

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    Cilj rada bio je ustanoviti status i utjecaj vizualne argumentacije u multimedijalnom oglaÅ”avanju, te time utvrditi njezin značaj za suvremeno javno uvjeravanje. Da bi se provjerilo kako vizualna argumentacija funkcionira u oglaÅ”avanju, tj. kako se oblikuje, na čemu se temelji, te koliko doprinosi postizanju persuazivnog cilja, na odabrane reklamne plakate i ambijentalne oglase primijenila se retorička i argumentacijska analiza. Rezultati su pokazali kako se vizualno argumentiranje u oglasima najčeŔće temelji na pathosu, te oblikuje kao vizualna demonstracija ili vizualna metafora koja zajedno s verbalnom komponentom čini paralelni ili sljubljeni multimodalni argument. Ustanovljeno je takoĎer da je vizualna komponenta oglasa bila ta koja je čeŔće nego verbalna bila nositeljica njegovog argumentacijskog sadrÅ£aja i persuazivnog efekta, iz čega se moÅ£e zaključiti kako je uloga vizualne argumentacije u suvremenom oglaÅ”avanju velika, te kako ona predstavlja vrijedan i efikasan alat javnog uvjeravanja.The aim of this study was to establish the status and impact of visual argumentation in multimedia advertising and to determine the significance it may have for modern public persuasion. In order to examine how visual argumentation in advertising functions, i.e. how is it designed, what is it grounded in, and how much does it contribute to the persuasive goal, rhetorical and argument analysis were applied to chosen print and ambient ads. The results show that visual argumentation in ads is usually based on pathos and shaped as visual demonstration or visual metaphor that combined with the verbal component makes parallel or joint multimodal argument. They also show that the visual component of an ad is often the one that contains its argumentative content as well as its persuasive effect, which brings to the conclusion that visual argumentation greatly effects contemporary advertising and represents valuable and efficient tool of public persuasion