24 research outputs found

    Barnets rÀtt till familjeÄterförening - en utredning av hur principen om barnets bÀsta tillgodoses inom rÀtten till familjeÄterförening i svensk rÀtt

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    The principle of the child's best interest is an important principle, both nationally and internationally. According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child it should be taken into account in all decisions concerning children. Another important principle is the right to family reunification. This essay connects the two principles and examines how the principle of the child's best interest is met within family reunification in Sweden. The material on which the essay is primarily based on is the Swedish Aliens Act (Sw. utlÀnningslagen) and the Family Reunification Directive . The right to family reunification in the European Union for third country citizens is regulated in the Family Reunification Directive . The essay investigates how the implementation of the directive was like in Sweden and how it affected the Swedish legislation. Furthermore, the essay investigates which children and familymembers that has the right to family reunification, and which actions the legislature has taken to meet the principle of the child's best interest. According to family reunification directive, the traditional families will be granted residence. Sweden has however in the implementation of the directive chosen a broader definition of family than this. In the essay, I discuss how the child's best interests is met in the Swedish Aliens Act , but I havn't found an easy answer to the question, since the scope of the essay hasn't included examination of how the law is interpreted in practice

    The Foundations of the Town's Sense of Community : Views of Society and Welfare Strategies in Linköping 1600-1620

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    This dissertation studies early seventeenth century local government, both the secular and religious, in order to investigate that period’s concepts of ”the good society”, and the strategies that were used to achieve and retain this ideal. The goal of the investigation is to give a broader understanding of early modern society at the local level. Order and balance appear to have been the overriding goal for the local institutions in Linköping. Justice and well-being were not a question of individual rights, but rather were found in corporative associations in which differences together created a hierarchical harmony and order. People who stood outside these were threatened by marginalization. For those who were “on the inside” resources were available. In the town were found material resources such as wells and gristmills, the community of the parish and the rĂ„dsturĂ€tt. Local authorities do not express any concept of development or a utopia of change. It did not seek to redistribute material resources or systematize support for specific vulnerable groups. A fundamental welfare strategy was to fit people into households within which they could support themselves. In the same way the religious punishments, can be seen as an important welfare strategy. To recreate order was also a way of appeasing God. If God liked what he saw, then perhaps he would rest his hand over the congregation. In summary it can thus be said that the local government tried to formulate the conditions for welfare by creating the premises for two important spheres—the home and the parish

    The Foundations of the Town's Sense of Community : Views of Society and Welfare Strategies in Linköping 1600-1620

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    This dissertation studies early seventeenth century local government, both the secular and religious, in order to investigate that period’s concepts of ”the good society”, and the strategies that were used to achieve and retain this ideal. The goal of the investigation is to give a broader understanding of early modern society at the local level. Order and balance appear to have been the overriding goal for the local institutions in Linköping. Justice and well-being were not a question of individual rights, but rather were found in corporative associations in which differences together created a hierarchical harmony and order. People who stood outside these were threatened by marginalization. For those who were “on the inside” resources were available. In the town were found material resources such as wells and gristmills, the community of the parish and the rĂ„dsturĂ€tt. Local authorities do not express any concept of development or a utopia of change. It did not seek to redistribute material resources or systematize support for specific vulnerable groups. A fundamental welfare strategy was to fit people into households within which they could support themselves. In the same way the religious punishments, can be seen as an important welfare strategy. To recreate order was also a way of appeasing God. If God liked what he saw, then perhaps he would rest his hand over the congregation. In summary it can thus be said that the local government tried to formulate the conditions for welfare by creating the premises for two important spheres—the home and the parish

    Welfare and Social Capital in Linköping, 1600–1620

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    his article deals with early seventeenth century local government, both the secular and religious, in order to present a thesis investigation of that period’s concepts of ”the good society”, and the strategies that were used to achieve and retain this ideal. 1 T The modern concept ”welfare ” is used as an analytical tool, not in spite of, but rather due to its modern connotations, because it opens up the field for questions concerning the differences and similarities between us and these people who lived in the past. Perhaps the social transformation of the latest centuries has only created new premises for a striving that is universal and common to all mankind? Current social scientists often speak of welfare in terms of participation, influence and creation of a society in which people have confidence in formal institutions. In other words this is what usually is referred to as a social “glue”, a social capital. 2 An important quest for welfare is how to integrate a fundamental base of trust between different groups of people in society, which differ in lifestyles, working patterns and perhaps identifies themselves in diametrically different ways. In the end, society is build of compound human social relationships. Formal institutions are obviously based on single human individuals. Studies in welfare can therefore benefit from analysis that separates those mechanisms that create, nourish and maintain relationships, both horizontal and vertical. In that way a social capital can be tracked and in what way and for whom it might be beneficial. 3 Along with the dimensions of power that lies in the terms of social capital, it can also be seen as a collective and societal resource. 4 Robert D Putnam speaks of a strong socialt kapital – bonding social capital – to define that sort of capital that has got the 1 This article is based on the dissertation Stadsgemenskapens resurser och villkor. SamhĂ€llssyn och vĂ€lfĂ€rdsstrategier i Linköping, 1600–1620 (The Towns sense of Commuity. Views of Society an

    NÀr Àr det tillrÀckligt ömmande? En utredning om sÀrskilt ömmande omstÀndigheter i utlÀnningslagen ur ett barnrÀttsperspektiv

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    Sedan 2005 har uppehĂ„llstillstĂ„nd beviljats en utlĂ€nning om det vid en samlad bedömning av utlĂ€nningens situation föreligger sĂ„dana synnerligen ömmande omstĂ€ndigheter att han eller hon bör tillĂ„tas stanna i Sverige. I juli 2014 trĂ€dde en bestĂ€mmelse i kraft som stadgar att barn kan fĂ„ stanna i Sverige om det föreligger sĂ€rskilt ömmande omstĂ€ndigheter. Uppsatsens syfte Ă€r att utreda rĂ€ttslĂ€get för bestĂ€mmelsen om sĂ€rskilt ömmande omstĂ€ndigheter ur ett barnrĂ€ttsperspektiv. UppehĂ„llstillstĂ„nd pĂ„ grund av humanitĂ€ra skĂ€l Ă€r ett omrĂ„de inom migrationsrĂ€tten som Ă€ndrats flera gĂ„nger pĂ„ kort tid vilket bidragit till att rĂ€ttslĂ€get Ă€r svĂ„rbedömt. Det Ă€r vidare tydligt att politik spelar en stor roll pĂ„ omrĂ„det. Vad som gör omrĂ„det Ă€n mer osĂ€kert Ă€r att bestĂ€mmelsen stĂ€ndigt Ă€r i konflikt med andra samhĂ€llsintressen, sĂ€rskilt intresset av att reglera invandring. Regeringen har valt att inte nĂ€rmare reglera i lag och förarbete hur bedömningen av sĂ€rskilt ömmande omstĂ€ndigheter ska gĂ„ till. Inte heller barnrĂ€ttsperspektivet och principen om barnets bĂ€sta Ă€r tydligt definierat i svensk lag utan ska tolkas som ett öppet koncept. Syftet med införandet av bestĂ€mmelsen om sĂ€rskilt ömmande omstĂ€ndigheter var vidare att fler barn skulle fĂ„ stanna i Sverige och att mildra den praxis som gĂ€ller barn. I arbetet konstateras att syftet med lagĂ€ndringen 2014 inte verkar fĂ„tt önskat genomslag. Genom att studera frĂ€mst förarbeten och praxis blir det genom uppsatsens gĂ„ng allt tydligare att omrĂ„det Ă€r förĂ€nderligt och att vi befinner oss i ett oklart rĂ€ttslĂ€ge. BarnrĂ€ttsperspektivet Ă€r svagt dĂ„ domstolen sĂ€llan utvecklar sina resonemang kring barnets bĂ€sta, varför dess innebörd Ă€r fortsatt oklart. LagĂ€ndringen 2014 hade ett tydligt syfte att fler barn skulle fĂ„ stanna i Sverige men i slutĂ€ndan var bĂ„de lagstiftaren och rĂ€ttstillĂ€mparen svaga i genomförandet. Följden Ă€r att rĂ€ttslĂ€get prĂ€glas av oförutsebarhet och att barnrĂ€ttsperspektivets roll inte blivit starkare.Since 2005 an alien can be granted residence permit if, after an overall assessment of the alien’s situation, there are such exceptionally distressing circumstances that he or she should be allowed to stay in Sweden. In July 2014 a provision came in force which stipulates that children may stay in Sweden if there are particularly distressing circumstances. The purpose of this thesis is to determine the correct legal position for the provision of particularly distressing circumstances from a child rights perspective. Residence permits based on humanitarian reasons is an area within ​​migration law that has been changed several times in a short amount of time, which has contributed to a legal situation that is difficult to assess. It is also evident that politics play a big part in this area. Further uncertainty is added to the field as the provision is in constant conflict with other social interests, particularly the interest to regulate immigration. The government has chosen not to further regulate the provision or how the assessment of particularly distressing circumstances should be carried out. Neither the child rights perspective nor the principle of the best interest of the child are clearly defined in Swedish law, but should rather be interpreted as an open concept. The purpose of the provision on particularly distressing circumstances was that a greater number of children would be able to stay in Sweden as well as mitigate the case law concerning children. The thesis establishes that the purpose of the legislative change in 2014 does not seem to have had the desired impact. By studying mainly preparatory work and established practice, it will be evident throughout the essay that the area is inconstant and that we are in legal uncertainty. The status of the child rights perspective is weak since the court rarely develops its reasoning when applying the principle and should furthermore be interpreted as an open concept. The legislative change in 2014 had a clear purpose that a greater number of children would be able to stay in Sweden but in the end, both the legislator and the actors applying the provision have been weak in their implementation. The result is that the legal situation is characterized by unpredictability and that child rights perspective has not become stronger

    Welfare and Social Capital in Linköping, 1600–1620

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    This article deals with early seventeenth century local government, both the secular and religious, in order to present the concepts of ”the good society”, and the strategies that were used to achieve and retain this ideal. Most people were excluded from the ranks of decision-makers and had little or no possibility to influence the decisions that were made concerning their interests, such as the unwed mothers, hired hands and female servants. Still, those in society with a presumed low social capital also clearly valued the rituals of the town council and the church, and used the formal institutions to improve their conditions. The conclusion can thus be drawn that there was great confidence in the formal institutions and that they were used by more than those who belonged to the upper social strata. The local Swedish government of the town Linköping provided public resources which were beneficial to common people. This article illustrates how this functioned in practice

    Arvspolitik och sociala frÄgor : AllmÀnna Arvsfonden och ett samhÀlle i förÀndring

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    Syftet med den hÀr aktuella skriften Àr att ge en första redovisning av ett pÄgÄende arbete om AllmÀnna arvsfondens verksamhet frÄn dess tillkomst 1928 till 2008. Vi har valt att i en förhoppningsvis lÀttillgÀnglig form berÀtta om en del av den allmÀnna historiska bakgrunden tillfondens tillkomst, nÄgot om verksamhetens inriktning samt ge ett par mycket konkreta exempel pÄ Àrenden som kan belysa de levnads- och samhÀllsförhÄllanden som man hade att förhÄlla sig till. Tyngdpunkten ligger pÄ den första hÀlften av fondens ÄttioÄriga verksamhet, medan den senare utvecklingen behandlas i en kommande studie. Av utrymmesskÀl Àr redovisningen av det material som anvÀnts begrÀnsad i denna första skrift frÄn arbetet.  Detaljerade hÀnvisningar till arkivmaterial, tidningsartiklar och offentligt tryck kommer i en kommande mer utförlig rapport

    Handlingsnormer och rÀttskipning i det tidigmoderna Vadstena / FrÄn mammas husmanskost till social ingenjörskonst -Debatten om fria skolmÄltider under 1930- och 40-talet i Sverige

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    Handlingsnormer och rĂ€ttskipning i det tidigmoderna Vadstena Av Annika Sanden Syftet med uppsatsen Ă€r att fĂ„ en inblick i tidens mentalitet och stadsinvĂ„narnas beteendemönster, men ocksĂ„ i de ideförestĂ€llningar som styrde rĂ„dsturĂ€ttens rĂ€ttskipande verksamhet. DĂ€rför skall tidens normer studeras, bĂ„de pĂ„ det individuella och det mer principiella planet. VĂ„ldet Ă€gnas dĂ€rför sĂ€rskild uppmĂ€rksamhet. Ärendena, anklagelserna och vittnesmĂ„len i rĂ€tten bör i sig sĂ€ga nĂ„got om socialt liv och samtidens ideal. För att kunna beskriva tidens normer och rĂ€ttstĂ€rikande utgĂ„r undersökningen frĂ„n följande frĂ„gor: Vilka typer av vĂ„ldsbrott förekom och vad sĂ€ger dessa om det sociala regelverket i staden? Vilket rĂ€ttstĂ€nkande kan utlĂ€sas ur rĂ„dsturĂ€ttens verksamhet, dvs vilka principer grundade sig rĂ€ttskipningen pĂ„? Om rĂ€ttskipningen förĂ€ndrades i takt med statsmaktens framvĂ€xt, hur sĂ„g förĂ€ndringen i sĂ„ fall ut? Forskningen visar att vĂ„ldstrenden gick ner nĂ„gon gĂ„ng under 1600-talet. Skedde en förĂ€ndring under de perioder som studeras? Hur stod i sĂ„ fall vĂ„ldsfrekvensen i relation till den politiska utvecklingen? Om vĂ„ldsfrekvensen sjönk under undersökningsperiodema, var det i sĂ„ fall en produkt av en civiliseringsprocess? Det faktiska tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€ttet Ă€r ett beaktande av Vadstena stads Ă€ldsta tĂ€nkeböcker mellan Ă„r 1600 och 1610. Under denna tioĂ„rsperiod var rĂ„dsturĂ€tten fortfarande lokalt förankrad, men statsmaktens centraliseringsambitioner kan ocksĂ„ vid det hĂ€r laget ha satt spĂ„r i tĂ€nkeboken. StadsinvĂ„namas handlanden och rĂ„dsturĂ€ttens agerande ses i uppsatsen som ett uttryck för deras vĂ€rderingar och synsĂ€tt. Denna gemensamma dombok och minnesbok över Vadstena kan dĂ€rför vittna om just grĂ€nsöverskridanden och om staden som socialt fenomen. Genom att studera de Ă€renden som tas upp och vilka handlingar som bestraffades antas det som ansĂ„gs inskrĂ€nkande pĂ„ ordningen och försörjningsmöjlighetema kunna utlĂ€sas. TĂ€nkeboken rymmer en mĂ€ngd Ă€renden dĂ€r straff inte utdöms och dĂ€r anklagelser inte bestyrks med  bevis. BrottmĂ„len i tĂ€nkeboken Ă€r dĂ€rför fler Ă€n de enskilda brotten. Det inressanta Ă€r emellertid vad som tas upp i tĂ€nkeboken, inte endast de antal begĂ„ngna och bestraffade brott som registrerats. Under 1600-talet kom staten och kyrkan att utöva en större makt över individen. Den lokala rĂ€ttskipningen fick en övervakare i den statliga Svea hovrĂ€tt. Det medeltida lokalsamhĂ€llet rörde sig under 1600-talet sĂ„lunda mot ett mindre isolerat lokalsamhĂ€lle genom statens och kyrkans ökande kontroll. För att se vilka effekter detta fick pĂ„ lokalplanet skall tĂ€nkeboken dĂ€rför studeras igen, mellan 1623 ochl633. Den hĂ€r perioden studeras genom ett otryckt manuskript som saknar sidnumreringar. HĂ€nvisningarna i texten görs dĂ€rför till det datum dĂ„ Ă€rendet var uppe i rĂ„dsturĂ€tten. Genom ett bakĂ„tblickande stĂ„r det klart att rĂ€ttskipningen och vĂ„ldstrenden förĂ€ndrades under 1600-talets gĂ„ng, men hur och nĂ€r denna förĂ€ndring skedde Ă€r inte helt klarlagt. Den senare perioden har dĂ€rför valts för att studera hur förĂ€ndringen gick till - dvs nĂ€r den skedde. Det spelar naturligtvis roll om en sĂ€rskild typ av brott skedde vid ett enstaka fall eller vĂ€ldigt ofta. Statistiken Ă€r dĂ€rför viktig, men ocksĂ„ tolkningarna av denna. Empirin kommer kontinuerligt att varvas med analys för att slutligen passas in i en helhetsbild av vĂ„ldstrenden och rĂ€ttskipningen under de tvĂ„ perioderna. För att nĂ„ en bild av vad som egentligen skedde Ă€r metoden dĂ€rför bĂ„de kvantitativ och kvalitativ, men ocksĂ„ hermeneutisk.FrĂ„n mammas husmanskost till social ingenjörskonst : Debatten om fria skolmĂ„ltider under 1930- och 40-talet i Sverige Av Kent Waltersson "Det Ă€r uppenbart, att samhĂ€llet och skolan hĂ€r mĂ„ste trĂ€da emellan och pĂ„taga sig ett större ansvar Ă€n tidigare för barnens hĂ€lsa och allmĂ€nna kondition. { ... }Tillkomsten av skolmĂ„ltider Ă€r alltsĂ„ motiverad ur synpunkten att stödja och underlĂ€tta hemmens arbete. Utvecklingen av kvinnoarbetet har ocksĂ„ bland annat medfört, att Ă„tskilligt, som hemmen tidigare haft att bestyra i frĂ„ga om barnens vĂ„rd och uppfostran, numera överflyttats till skolan. SkolmĂ„ltiderna falla ocksĂ„ pĂ„ ett naturligt sĂ€tt in i raden av övriga socialpedagogiska Ă„tgĂ€rder inom skolans ram { ... }, vilka Ă€ro de första uttrycken för den nya skola, som mĂ„lmedvetet strĂ€var efter att vara ett kraftcentrum i hĂ€lso- och socialvĂ„rdens tjĂ€nst". (SOU 1945:47. BetĂ€nkande om skolmĂ„ltiderna, s 102f). Citatet ovan Ă€r hĂ€mtat ur befolkningsutredningens betĂ€nkande om skolmĂ„ltider, som lĂ„g till grund för ett avgörande riksdagsbeslut om skolmĂ„ltiderna 1946, men frĂ„gan var aktuell under mĂ„nga decennier, bĂ„de före och efter detta beslut. Samma Ă„r som riksdagsbeslutet strejkade skolbarnen i Göteborg. De hade reagerat mot maten som tillhandahölls vid folkskolestyrelsens fria skolmĂ„ltider, och vĂ€grat Ă€ta korvkaka nĂ€r den serverades utan lingonsylt, som de var vana vid hemifrĂ„n. FörestĂ„ndarinnan för skolmĂ„ltiderna i Göteborg hĂ€vdade att det var "höga vederbörande i Stockholm" som bestĂ€mt vad barnen skulle Ă€ta. Skolöverstyrelsen tillbakavisade kritiken och menade att de endast upprĂ€ttat en typmatsedel som föreskrev en viss standard pĂ„ maten. Femton Ă„r efter riksdagsbeslutet och strejken i Göteborg, hösten1961, behandlade kommunfullmĂ€ktige i GrĂ€storp, en liten kommun pĂ„ vĂ€stgötaslĂ€tten, ett förslag till införande av fria skolmĂ„ltider för alla skolbarn. NĂ„got som inte var populĂ€rt hos alla. Det fanns de som varnade för en stor skattehöjning om förslaget blev verklighet. Men det fanns andra argument Ă€n de rent ekonomiska mot införandet av skolmĂ„ltider. Högermannen Carl-Gustav Andersson yttrade sig i debatten, med argumenten att "mor Annas köttbullar Ă€r bĂ€st" och "mammas smörgĂ„sar Ă€r de bĂ€sta". Man beslöt att inte igĂ„ngsĂ€tta skolmĂ„ltidsverksarnheten höstterminen 1962, utan vĂ€nta till 1963. En annan högerman, Karl Svensson, reserverade sig med motiveringen att skolbespisningen "var av sĂ„ stort humanitĂ€rt och socialt intresse att han ej kunde acceptera de avgivna nejrösterna". SkolmĂ„ltidsfrĂ„gan tillmĂ€ttes sĂ„ledes stor betydelse och rymmer flera olika teman: Hurvida fostran skulle ske hemma eller i skolan, innehĂ„llet i byggandet av en ny nation, möten mellan olika kulturer, relationen mellan centralt och lokalt. Texterna vĂ€cker sammantaget mĂ„nga frĂ„gor. Varför ville man göra mĂ„ltiden till ett ansvar för samhĂ€llet? Hur var det möjligt att föra över nĂ„got sĂ„ grundlĂ€ggande som mĂ„ltiden frĂ„n familjen till skolan? I vilken samhĂ€llelig kontext utspelar sig dramat om skolmĂ„ltiderna