22 research outputs found

    Propuesta de un modelo de entrenamiento de squash a partir de parámetros obtenidos durante la competición

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    El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue estudiar el esfuerzo físico realizado por jugadores de squash de nivel regional, a través de la cuantificación y clasificación del los golpes realizados, del conocimiento del tiempo de juego y del tiempo de pausa y de la determinación de la frecuencia cardíaca (FC) durante el partido. Para ello se analizaron 31 partidos de categoría provincial. En 22 partidos se registró el tiempo de duración de cada juego (TJ), el tiempo de pausa entre cada juego (TEJ), el tiempo de duración de cada tanto (TT), y el tiempo de pausa entre cada tanto (TET). En otros 10 partidos se midió la FC cada 5 s. Finalmente, en 6 partidos se registró el tipo de golpe, distinguiendo entre revés, drive, globo, dejada y mate. Los resultados muestran que los TT y los TEJ tienen una duración entre 9 y 10 s a lo largo de todo el partido. La FC media durante los Ti fue de 169,3 ± 5,6 lat.min-1 y durante los TEJ de 144,1 ± 3,8 lat-min-1. Los Ti oscilaron entre 7 y 10 min, con TEJ cercanos a los 3 min. Los tipos de golpe más utilizados fueron el drive y el revés. Por tanto, un entrenamiento que se asemeje a la realidad del juego debería basarse en sistemas de ejercicio intermitente, que alterne fases de actividad y de pausa de similar duración

    Proposta d'un model d'entrenament d'esquaix a partir de paràmetres obtinguts durant la competició

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    L'objectiu del nostre treball va ser estudiar l'esforç físic realitzat per jugadors d'esquaix de nivell regional, a través de la quantificació i classificació dels cops realitzats, del coneixement del temps de joc i del temps de pausa i de la determinació de la freqüència cardíaca (FC) durant el partit. Per això es van analitzar 31 partits de categoria provincial. En 22 partits es van enregistrar el temps de durada de cada joc (TJ), el temps de pausa entre cada joc (TEJ), el temps de durada de cada punt (TP) i el temps de pausa entre cada punt (TEP). En uns altres 10 partits es va mesurar la FC cada 5 s. Finalment, en 6 partits es va enregistrar el tipus de cop, amb distinció entre revés, drive, globus, deixada i mat. Els resultats mostren que els TP i el TEJ tenen una durada entre 9 i 10 s durant tot el partit. La FC mitjana durant els TJ va ser de 169,3 ± 5,6 batecs min-' i durant els TEJ de 144,1 ± 3,8 batecs-min-1. Els TJ van oscil·lar entre 7 i 10 min amb TEJ propers als 3 min. Els tipus de cop més utilitzats van ser el drive i el revés. Per tant, un entrenament que s'assembli a la realitat del joc, hauria de basar-se en sistemes d'exercici intermitents, que alterni fases d'activitat i de pausa de durada similar

    Iliopsoas and gluteal muscles are asymmetric in tennis players but not in soccer players

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    Purpose: To determine the volume and degree of asymmetry of iliopsoas (IL) and gluteal muscles (GL) in tennis and soccer players. Methods: IL and GL volumes were determined using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in male professional tennis (TP) and soccer players (SP), and in non-active control subjects (CG) (n = 8, 15 and 6, respectively). Results: The dominant and non-dominant IL were hypertrophied in TP (24 and 36%, respectively, P<0.05) and SP (32 and 35%, respectively, P<0.05). In TP the asymmetric hypertrophy of IL (13% greater volume in the non-dominant than in the dominant IL, P<0.01) reversed the side-to-side relationship observed in CG (4% greater volume in the dominant than in the contralateral IL, P<0.01), whilst soccer players had similar volumes in both sides (P = 0.87). The degree of side-to-side asymmetry decreased linearly from the first lumbar disc to the pubic symphysis in TP (r = -0.97, P<0.001), SP (r = -0.85, P<0.01) and CG (r = -0.76, P<0.05). The slope of the relationship was lower in SP due to a greater hypertrophy of the proximal segments of the dominant IL. Soccer and CG had similar GL volumes in both sides (P = 0.11 and P = 0.19, for the dominant and contralateral GL, respectively). GL was asymmetrically hypertrophied in TP. The non-dominant GL volume was 20% greater in TP than in CG (P<0.05), whilst TP and CG had similar dominant GL volumes (P = 0.14). Conclusions: Tennis elicits an asymmetric hypertrophy of IL and reverses the normal dominant-to-non-dominant balance observed in non-active controls, while soccer is associated to a symmetric hypertrophy of IL. Gluteal muscles are asymmetrically hypertrophied in TP, while SP display a similar size to that observed in controls. It remains to be determined whether the different patterns of IL and GL hypertrophy may influence the risk of injury.This study was granted by Real Madrid – Universidad Europea de Madrid Research Chair (2009/04RM) and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (DEP2010-21866)

    Validity and reliability of the international fItness scale (IFIS) in preschool children

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    Objectives Examine the validity and reliability of parent-reported International FItness Scale (IFIS) in preschoolers. Method A cross-sectional study of 3051 Spanish preschoolers (3-5 years). Fitness was measured by PREFIT battery and reported by parents using an adapted version of the IFIS. Waist circumference was evaluated, and the waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) was calculated. Seventy-six parents of randomly selected schoolchildren completed the IFIS twice for a reliability assessment. Results ANCOVA, adjusted for sex, age and WHtR, showed that preschoolers who were scored by their parents as having average-to-very good fitness had better levels of measured physical fitness than those preschoolers who were classified as having very poor/poor fitness levels (18.1laps to 22.1laps vs 15.6laps for cardiorespiratory fitness; 6.6 kg to 7.5 kg vs 5.3 kg for muscular fitness-handgrip-; 71.7 cm to 76.4 cm vs 62.0 cm for muscular fitness-standing long jump-; 17.2s to 16.2s vs 18.2s for speed/agility; and 11.2s to 15.6s vs 8.7s for balance; p < 0.001). The weighted kappa for concordance between parent-reported fitness levels and objective assessment was poor (kappa <= 0.18 for all fitness measures). Overall, the mean values of the abdominal adiposity indicators were significantly lower in high-level fitness categories reported by parents than in low-level fitness categories (p < 0.05). The test-retest reliability ranged from 0.46 to 0.62. Conclusions The reliability of the parent-reported IFIS are acceptable, but the concordance between parents reported and objectively measures fitness levels is poor, suggesting that parents' responses may not be able to correctly classify preschoolers according to their fitness level.The PREFIT project takes place thanks to the funding linked to the Ramon y Cajal grant held by Ortega FB (RYC-2011-09011)

    Physical fitness reference standards for preschool children: the PREFIT project

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    Objectives: Reference values are necessary for classifying children, for health screening, and for early prevention as many non-communicable diseases aggravate during growth and development. While physical fitness reference standards are available in children aged 6 and older, such information is lacking in preschool children. Therefore, the purposes of this study were (1) to provide sex-and age-specific physical fitness reference standards for Spanish preschool children; and (2) to study sex differences across this age period and to characterise fitness performance throughout the preschool period. Design: Cross-sectional. Methods: A total of 3179 preschool children (1678 boys) aged 2.8–6.4 years old from Spain were included in the present study. Physical fitness was measured using the PREFIT battery. Results: Age- and sex-specific percentiles for the physical fitness components are provided. Boys performed better than girls in the cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, and speed-agility tests over the whole preschool period studied and for the different percentiles. In contrast, girls performed slightly better than boys in the balance test. Older children had better performance in all fitness tests than their younger counterparts. Conclusions: Our study provides age- and sex-specific physical fitness reference standards in preschool children allowing interpretation of fitness assessment. Sexual dimorphism in fitness tests exists already at preschool age, and these differences become larger with age. These findings will help health, sport, and school professionals to identify preschool children with a high/very low fitness level, to examine changes in fitness over time, and to analyse those changes obtained due to intervention effects.The PREFIT project takes place thanks to the funding linked to the Ramón y Cajal grant held by FBO (RYC-2011-09011). CC-S is supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BES-2014-068829). JRR and FBO are supported by grants from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC-2010-05957 and RYC-2011-09011, respectively). In addition, this study was further supported by the University of Granada, Plan Propio de Investigación 2016, Excellence actions: Units of Excellence; Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES). Additional funding from the SAMID III network, RETICS, funded by the PNI+D+I 2017-2021 (Spain), ISCIII- Sub-Directorate General for Research Assessment and Promotion, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (Ref. RD16/0022), the EXERNET Research Network on Exercise and Health in Special Populations (DEP2005-00046/ACTI), the University of the Basque Country (GIU14/21), and the University of Zaragoza (JIUZ-2014-BIO-08)

    Bone Mass and the CAG and GGN Androgen Receptor Polymorphisms in Young Men

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    BACKGROUND: To determine whether androgen receptor (AR) CAG (polyglutamine) and GGN (polyglycine) polymorphisms influence bone mineral density (BMD), osteocalcin and free serum testosterone concentration in young men. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Whole body, lumbar spine and femoral bone mineral content (BMC) and BMD, Dual X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA), AR repeat polymorphisms (PCR), osteocalcin and free testosterone (ELISA) were determined in 282 healthy men (28.6+/-7.6 years). Individuals were grouped as CAG short (CAG(S)) if harboring repeat lengths of < or = 21 or CAG long (CAG(L)) if CAG > 21, and GGN was considered short (GGN(S)) or long (GGN(L)) if GGN < or = 23 or > 23. There was an inverse association between logarithm of CAG and GGN length and Ward's Triangle BMC (r = -0.15 and -0.15, P<0.05, age and height adjusted). No associations between CAG or GGN repeat length and regional BMC or BMD were observed after adjusting for age. Whole body and regional BMC and BMD values were similar in men harboring CAG(S), CAG(L), GGN(S) or GGN(L) AR repeat polymorphisms. Men harboring the combination CAG(L)+GGN(L) had 6.3 and 4.4% higher lumbar spine BMC and BMD than men with the haplotype CAG(S)+GGN(S) (both P<0.05). Femoral neck BMD was 4.8% higher in the CAG(S)+GGN(S) compared with the CAG(L)+GGN(S) men (P<0.05). CAG(S), CAG(L), GGN(S), GGN(L) men had similar osteocalcin concentration as well as the four CAG-GGN haplotypes studied. CONCLUSION: AR polymorphisms have an influence on BMC and BMD in healthy adult humans, which cannot be explained through effects in osteoblastic activity

    Adiposity and Age Explain Most of the Association between Physical Activity and Fitness in Physically Active Men

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    BACKGROUND: To determine if there is an association between physical activity assessed by the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: One hundred and eighty-two young males (age range: 20-55 years) completed the short form of the IPAQ to assess physical activity. Body composition (dual-energy X-Ray absorptiometry), muscular fitness (static and dynamic muscle force and power, vertical jump height, running speed [30 m sprint], anaerobic capacity [300 m running test]) and cardiorespiratory fitness (estimated VO(2)max: 20 m shuttle run test) were also determined in all subjects. Activity-related energy expenditure of moderate and vigorous intensity (EEPA(moderate) and EEPA(vigorous), respectively) was inversely associated with indices of adiposity (r = -0.21 to -0.37, P<0.05). Cardiorespiratory fitness (VO(2)max) was positively associated with LogEEPA(moderate) (r = 0.26, P<0.05) and LogEEPA(vigorous) (r = 0.27). However, no association between VO(2)max with LogEEPA(moderate), LogEPPA(vigorous) and LogEEPA(total) was observed after adjusting for the percentage of body fat. Multiple stepwise regression analysis to predict VO(2)max from LogEEPA(walking), LogEEPA(moderate), LogEEPA(vigorous), LogEEPA(total), age and percentage of body fat (%fat) showed that the %fat alone explained 62% of the variance in VO(2)max and that the age added another 10%, while the other variables did not add predictive value to the model [VO(2)max  = 129.6-(25.1× Log %fat) - (34.0× Log age); SEE: 4.3 ml.kg(-1). min(-1); R(2) = 0.72 (P<0.05)]. No positive association between muscular fitness-related variables and physical activity was observed, even after adjusting for body fat or body fat and age. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Adiposity and age are the strongest predictors of VO(2)max in healthy men. The energy expended in moderate and vigorous physical activities is inversely associated with adiposity. Muscular fitness does not appear to be associated with physical activity as assessed by the IPAQ

    Associations between Screen Time and Physical Activity among Spanish Adolescents

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    Excessive time in front of a single or several screens could explain a displacement of physical activity. The present study aimed at determining whether screen-time is associated with a reduced level of moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in Spanish adolescents living in favorable environmental conditions. or more to total screen-time showed a 64% (OR = 0.61, 95% CI, 0.44–0.86) increased risk of failing to achieve the recommended adolescent MVPA level. Participation in organized physical activities and sports competitions were more strongly associated with MVPA than screen-related behaviors.No single screen-related behavior explained the reduction of MVPA in adolescents. However, the total time accumulated through several screen-related behaviors was negatively associated with MVPA level in boys. This association could be due to lower availability of time for exercise as the time devoted to sedentary screen-time activities increases. Participation in organized physical activities seems to counteract the negative impact of excessive time in front of screens on physical activity

    Apunts. Educació física i esports

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónEl objetivo del trabajo fue estudiar el esfuerzo físico realizado por jugadores de squash de nivel regional, a través de la cuantificación y clasificación del los golpes realizados, del conocimiento del tiempo de juego y del tiempo de pausa y de la determinación de la frecuencia cardíaca (FC) durante el partido. Para ello se analizaron 31 partidos de categoría provincial. En 22 partidos se registró el tiempo de duración de cada juego (TJ), el tiempo de pausa entre cada juego (TEJ), el tiempo de duración de cada tanto (TT), y el tiempo de pausa entre cada tanto (TET). En otros 10 partidos se midió la FC cada 5 s. Finalmente, en 6 partidos se registró el tipo de golpe, distinguiendo entre revés, drive, globo, dejada y mate. Los resultados muestran que los TT y los TEJ tienen una duración entre 9 y 10 s a lo largo de todo el partido. Los Ti oscilaron entre 7 y 10 min, con TEJ cercanos a los 3 min. Los tipos de golpe más utilizados fueron el drive y el revés. Por tanto, un entrenamiento que se asemeje a la realidad del juego debería basarse en sistemas de ejercicio intermitente, que alterne fases de actividad y de pausa de similar duración.CataluñaUniversidad Pública de Navarra. Biblioteca; Campus de Arrosadía; 31006 Pamplona; Tel. +34948169060; Fax +34948169069; [email protected]