80 research outputs found

    Social-Economic Impacts of the Marine Shrimp Culture in Selected Brazilian Cities

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    The impact of farmed shrimp on the economy of ten municipalities are analyzed. A model of the municipal economy is developed and input-output tables are used to estimate indirect and induced impacts on job, income and municipal finances. It is concluded that farmed shrimp has a sizable contribution to job increases, in particular formal employment. Indirect and induced impacts are reduced because of spillovers to larger municipalities and other states. Income impacts can be sizable in particular in small counties. In general, the generated income represents a large share of total municipal product. In relation to municipal finance, direct contribution is rather small but indirect, through product increases and mainly transferences from State and Country taxes may be substantial. In conclusion, shrimp farms in the selected municipalities, contributes to expand and stabilize employment, to expand income and product, to increase municipal finances and to improve life conditions.Farmed Shrimp, Job, Income, Municipal Level Impacts, Direct Indirect and Induced Impacts, Tax Impacts, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q10, Q22, R0,

    Prioridade Brasileira entre Acordos de Livre Comércio Utilizando Equilíbrio Geral Aliado à Teoria dos Jogos

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    Diversos estudos têm mostrado os benefícios do comércio internacional para o Brasil de uma redução de tarifas. Com um modelo de equilíbrio geral computável (GTAP) são simuladas quatro alternativas: abertura ampla na OMC; negociação entre Mercosul e União Européia (Mercoeuro); ALCA; e a manutenção do Mercosul. Em cada uma se supõe a eliminação total das tarifas de importação e exportação, para os países envolvidos, mas com manutenção de subsídios domésticos à produção de produtos primários, à insumos agrícolas e pagamentos à terra e ao capital. Com os resultados dos quatro cenários foi elaborado um jogo para identificar qual a melhor estratégia do Brasil para atingir a maior variação positiva no PIB. A análise, através de equilíbrio em subjogo perfeito, indica que quanto mais ampla a liberalização maior é o impacto positivo sobre o PIB brasileiro enquanto a Argentina obtém maior vantagem com o Mercoeuro.Acordos Comerciais, Teoria dos Jogos, Equilíbrio Geral.

    Influências políticas na eficiência de empresas de saneamento brasileiras

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    Sanitation services present severe losses and serves only 31% of Brazilian homes. DEA efficiency models for water supply and sewage collection and treatment with 4 inputs and 8 outputs are estimated. Water systems are more efficient than the sewage ones. Regression analysis explains efficiency by operational, geographical and political variables. Companies located in the South are positively affected while those in the North and Center-West are negatively affected. Efficiency is positively affected by administrative continuity and coincidence of political parties at a municipal and state level.O setor de saneamento apresenta elevado nível de perdas e atinge apenas 31% dos domicílios. Modelos de eficiência DEA com 4 insumos e 8 produtos foram estimados para empresas de abastecimento de água e coleta e tratamento de esgoto. Serviços de água são mais eficientes que os de esgoto. Foi estimada regressão para analisar a influência de variáveis operacionais, geográficas e políticas. Localização no Sul afeta positivamente a eficiência e localização no Norte e no Centro-Oeste negativamente. A eficiência é positivamente afetada pela continuidade administrativa e pela coincidência de partido na gestão municipal e estadual


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    Experiences of inclusion of irrigated fruit farming in family farming in thenortheast of Brazil are analyzed. It’s highlighted the experience of CASI–Project for the Conservation of Water and Irrigation Systems, because it is apioneer project encompassing research and experimentation with theproducers. They are examined experiences of little impact, either singly or inprojects in irrigated areas, and successful experiences, again including specificactions and large areas. Based on the methodology, factors that may be relatedto the results are analyzed, which includes: the availability of water and insufficient quantity; the availability of energy sources for the distribution ofwater, the experience of producers with irrigated agriculture, the availabilityof irrigation technologies representing the different combinations of systemsand crops, the possibility of coordination and cooperation between theirrigators and, in particular, the achievement of economic results, for whichthe market plays a decisive role. Additionally, there are problems ofmismanagement and difficulties of linking the various components neededfor a project from the point of view of sustainable economic, social andenvironmental. In conclusion, the analysis shows necessary conditions andsuccessful experiences in consolidating the family farming in the Northeast.Experiences of inclusion of irrigated fruit farming in family farming in thenortheast of Brazil are analyzed. It’s highlighted the experience of CASI–Project for the Conservation of Water and Irrigation Systems, because it is apioneer project encompassing research and experimentation with theproducers. They are examined experiences of little impact, either singly or inprojects in irrigated areas, and successful experiences, again including specificactions and large areas. Based on the methodology, factors that may be relatedto the results are analyzed, which includes: the availability of water and insufficient quantity; the availability of energy sources for the distribution ofwater, the experience of producers with irrigated agriculture, the availabilityof irrigation technologies representing the different combinations of systemsand crops, the possibility of coordination and cooperation between theirrigators and, in particular, the achievement of economic results, for whichthe market plays a decisive role. Additionally, there are problems ofmismanagement and difficulties of linking the various components neededfor a project from the point of view of sustainable economic, social andenvironmental. In conclusion, the analysis shows necessary conditions andsuccessful experiences in consolidating the family farming in the Northeast

    Estado, planejamento regional e classes sociais no nordeste

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    As relações entre o Estado, o processo de planejamento e as classes sociais são consideradas de forma sintética com o objetivo de contextualizar politicamente o processo de planejamento agrícola no Brasil e no Nordeste. O estudo se detém urn pouco mais profundamente nas relções entre o processo de planejamento estatal e as classes sociais no Nordeste, analisando-se especificamente as relações entre a política agrícola e de desenvolvimento rural e os grupos dominantes regionais e locais. Uma tese central do presente estudo é a de que a constituição de uma economia nacional unificada e de natureza capitalista e que ensejou a integração nacional sob a hegemonia de grupos burgueses da região Centro Sul destruiu as bases de poder em escala regional e estadual de modo significativo, ficando o poder dos grupos sociais dominantes regionais e locais limitado ás questões paroquiais, isto é, questões locais que não criem, real ou potencialmente, obstáculos ou ameaças á acumulação capitalista e à hegemonia burguesa nacional. No entanto, embora os processos de planejamento regional e setorial sejam comandados a partir do poder central, representando os interesses das classes nacionalmente dominantes, ao nível de sua execução uma parte dos recursos e benefícios de tais programas e projetos é apropriada pelo grupos dominantes regionais e locais. Dessa forma colocam-se em conflito interesses dos grupos dominantes a nível nacional, que fundamentam a política regional voltada para a integração econômica da área e a modernização da agricultura e da pecuária, e interesses dos grupos dominantes a nível regional, procurando reter a parcela de poder que ainda detém. E sob esse prisma que se analisa a política agrícola e de desenvolvimento rural para o Nordeste, até a formulação em processo do projeto Nordeste.Interrelations between the State, the planning process and social classes are considered with the objective of conceptualizing the politics of agricultural planning in Brazil and the northeastern region. Interrelations between state planning and social classes in the Northeast are analysed in more depth in particular those developed between regional hegemonic groups and the politics of rural and agricultural development A central thesis of the study is that the unification of a national capitalist economy under a ruling class centered in the Center Southern region eroded the basis of regional and local power to the point of limiting their autonomy to parochial questions that do not cause any potential obstacle to accumulation. Notwithstanding regional and sectorial planning be determined at a central level and in connection with objectives of a central ruling class, at an executive level regional and local interests are able to obtain some benefits. Thus the  interests of a central ruling class of modernization and economic integration of the agricultural sector and of regional and local groups of retaining their traditional power appear in conflict Under this perspective agricultural and rural development policies in relation to the northeastern region are reviewed

    Impactos socioeconômicos do cultivo de camarão marinho em municípios selecionados do Nordeste brasileiro

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    This paper analyses the impact of farmed shrimp on the economy of ten municipalities in the Northeast of Brazil. A model of the municipal economy is developed and input-output tables are used to estimate indirect and induced impacts on job, income and municipal finances. It is concluded that farmed shrimp has a sizable contribution to job increases, in particular formal employment. Indirect and induced impacts are reduced because of spillovers to larger municipalities and other states. Income impacts can be sizable in particular in small counties. In general, the generated income represents a large share of total municipal product. In relation to municipal finance, direct contribution is rather small but indirect, through product increases and mainly transferences from State and Country taxes may be substantial. In conclusion, shrimp farms in the selected municipalities, contributes to expand and stabilize employment, to expand income and product, to increase municipal finances and to improve life conditions.farmed shrimp, municipal level impacts, direct, indirect and induced impacts, job, income, tax impacts., Agribusiness, Q10, Q22, R11.,


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    O agronegócio da avicultura pernambucana é de grande importância na geração de ocupação, emprego e renda, sobretudo no meio rural. O estado não dispõe de milho e soja para fazer o frango, tem que trazer essas matérias primas de regiões produtoras no país, sendo o milho muitas vezes importado. Mesmo assim, ocupa lugar de destaque no cenário nacional como produtor de ovos e de carne de frango. Para entender essa situação o trabalho analisa as estratégias de grandes unidades industriais a partir de suas situações no ambiente. A base teórica da análise é assentada nas abordagens SWOT, Cadeias de Valores, e Grupos Estratégicos. Registra-se que as empresas adotam estratégias compatíveis com suas possibilidades dadas, pelas suas condições internas e externamente vêm tendo um grande apoio de políticas publicas, contam com o crescimento da economia e o aumento do consumo desse tipo de carne na região nordestina. --------------------------------------------The agribusiness of poultry in Pernambuco is very important in the generation of occupation, employment and income, especially in rural areas. The state has no corn and soybeans to make the chicken, and has to bring those materials from other producing areas in the country, and the corn is often imported. Therefore, occupies high place on the national scene as a producer of eggs and chicken meat. To understand this situation this work examines the strategies of large industrial units from their positions on the environment. The theoretical basis of the analysis is set on the approaches of SWOT, Chains of Values and Strategic Groups. Compa-nies adopt strategies consistent with their possibilities that are given by their internal condi-tions, and externally are having a great support of public policies, considering the growth of the economy and increase of the consumption of such meat in the Northeast of Brazil.Integração, empresas avícolas, estratégias, mercado, avicultura, Integration, poultry companies, strategy, market, poultry, Agribusiness, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Quais as Perspectivas da Produção de Biodiesel de Mamona no Nordeste Brasileiro?

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    O objetivo desse artigo é analisar as condições necessárias para o desenvolvimento do PNPB (Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso do Biodiesel) no nordeste brasileiro. A metodologia utilizada é essencialmente prospectiva, considerando o custo de oportunidade da produção de mamona para os agricultores familiares para avaliar como se comportam diante de variações de preço e produtividade da mamona, apontada como insumo mais adequado para o Biodiesel da região. Os resultados encontrados apontam para a necessidade de incrementos no nível de produtividade da cultura a fim de incentivar maior participação da agricultura tradicional. Há indícios de que uma média de produção próxima de 1ton/ha tornaria o plantio dessa oleaginosa viável para maior parte desses agricultores, contudo um acréscimo um pouco maior se faz necessário para tornar o biodiesel de mamona mais competitivo frente ao derivado de óleo de soja, assinalado como o mais apropriado para atender o programa no âmbito nacional.-----------The aim of this article is to analyze the necessary conditions for the development of the Programa Nacional de Produção e Uso de Biodiesel - PNPB in Brazilian Northeast. The methodology consider the opportunity cost of castor beans production for family farmers to assess how they react to variations in price and productivity of castor beans, identified as the most appropriate input to biodiesel in this region. Results show the need for increases in productivity in order to encourage greater participation of traditional farmers in the semi-arid. There is evidence that an average production close to one ton/ha turn production of castor beans viable for most of these farmers, however a higher increased is necessary to make biodiesel from castor beans competitive in relation to biodiesel obtained from soybeans, pointed as the most appropriate to meet the program at the national level.Mamona, Biodiesel, Produtividade, Agricultura familiar, viabilidade econômica, Castor beans, Biodiesel, Yield, Family agriculture, economic viability, Crop Production/Industries, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,


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    O Sistema de Transporte Público da Região Metropolitana do Recife está vivenciando processo de reestruturação. Análise de eficiência foi procedida para identificar sistemas eficientes e elementos correlacionados a essa eficiência, visando obter indicações que auxiliem nesse processo. Os sistemas de transporte públicos urbanos caracterizam-se por estruturas institucionais e tarifárias distintas tendo, os eficientes, partição de poder do órgão gestor bastante democrática entre componentes e sistema tarifário com múltiplas opções. A partir da análise, é sugerida a adoção de estrutura institucional que tenha partição de poder distribuída, com participação dos diferentes níveis de Governo e de órgãos representativos da sociedade, e que tenha estrutura tarifária flexível, atendendo tanto às necessidades de deslocamentos como favorecendo melhoria qualitativa e de eficiência do sistema.The Transport System of the Recife Metropolitan Area is under change. As a subsidy to its change an efficiency analysis is done with the purpose of highlighting characteristics of the efficient systems. These systems are characterized by different power and tariff structure. Efficient ones adopted a more democratic power partition among communalities and established a more broad system of tariffs. Among other lessons it is suggested that RMR adopts structure that allows a more equal partition of the municipalities comprising the Metro Area including representatives of users groups. Also it should adopt a more flexible tariff system giving advantages to usual users and favoring an improvement of efficiency