17 research outputs found

    Análisis del enfoque de gobierno del conocimiento organizativo: un proceso de transferencia, creación y desarrollo de innovación

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    This paper proposes a framework of analysis with the aim of offering some guidelines in order to contribute and advance towards the formalisation of an efficient knowledge governance model. The research proceeds as follows. First, we present a critical analysis of knowledge management as well as the relevance of advancing towards a knowledge governance approach. Next, we depict a proposal of knowledge governance as a process of knowledge transfer and innovationEl presente trabajo ofrece un marco de análisis y reflexión que pretende contribuir a la construcción de unas directrices que permitan avanzar en la formalización de un modelo de gobierno eficiente y efectivo del conocimiento organizativo. Para ello, el artículo recoge un análisis crítico de la propuesta disciplinar de gestión del conocimiento y argumenta la relevancia de la emergencia del enfoque disciplinar de gobierno del conocimiento, el cual se analiza como proceso de transferencia para la creación y desarrollo de innovació

    Coping with uncertainties via resilient supply chain framework

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    Supply chain resilience (SCR) is a promising area budding from the emergent admiration to minimise supply chain disruptions by practitioners and by researchers across the globe. To inflate monetary earnings, many organisations execute initiatives such as comprehensive reach of supply chains, amplified outsourcing, shorter product life cycles, reduced buffers and centralisation. These initiatives are effective in stable surroundings, but they could make supply chain vulnerable to various types of disruptions. The main thrust of this research is, to propose a conceptual model for endowing deeper knowledge of how uncertainty from suppliers, customers and existing supply chain structure amplifies vulnerability and consequently increases supply chain risk exposure. In accordance with fitness landscape theory, this paper accepts a complex systems perspective to view supply chain organisations and understand their capabilities. It focuses on diminishing the vulnerability of supply chain systems and the ability to design systems to be more resilient to chang

    El caso de las empresas españolas del sector de la alimentación en China

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    The Chinese market is the first world-wide food consumer and no doubt, that this characteristic has constituted one of the key reasons for Spanish industrial groups of entering the country. These are family-owned companies that decided to conquer this emergent market. The present article gathers the experience of some of these companies, including the case of Nutrexpa, Panrico, Chupa Chups, and Miguel Torres. The work, finally, analyzes some of the main factors in their process of internacionalisation, highlighting as main conclusions the common aspects or critic factors of the companies in the mentioned process.El mercado chino es el primer consumidor mundial de alimentos y, sin duda, éste ha constituido uno de los puntos clave a la hora de analizar el que grandes grupos empresariales del sector de la alimentación de España tomaran la decisión de entrar en China. Estas empresas muestran una característica común; cual es su estructura de naturaleza familiar y que, además, se incluyen dentro de las primeras empresas españolas que, de forma pionera, decidieron la conquista de este mercado emergente. El presente trabajo recoge la experiencia de algunas de estas compañías, como es el caso de Nutrexpa, Panrico, Chupa Chups y Miguel Torres. También analiza algunos de los factores relevantes en su proceso de internacionalización, poniendo de relieve, como conclusiones, los aspectos comunes o los factores críticos que dichas compañías muestran en el citado proceso

    Origins, Concept and Developments of Intellectual Capital in the Knowledge Economy: Intellectus Model and its Main Applications

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    En el entorno socio-económico actual de la Economía del Conocimiento, la principal fuente de ventaja competitiva sostenible de las organizaciones reside fundamentalmente en sus activos de naturaleza intangible, reflejados en su Capital Intelectual. En la última década del siglo XX, comenzó a desarrollarse la principal literatura de Dirección del Conocimiento y Capital Intelectual en las organizaciones, y con ella surgieron los primeros esfuerzos de evaluación de este último concepto. El presente trabajo muestra, en primer lugar, el origen, justificación y desarrollo del Capital Intelectual, para pasar seguidamente a destacar los principales modelos. A continuación, se analiza el concepto de Capital Intelectual, y seguidamente las principales aplicaciones y experiencias desarrolladas de uno de los modelos presentados, el Modelo Intellectus. Finalmente, se recogen las conclusiones del trabajo y posibles líneas de investigación a desarrollar sobre el tema.The main source of competitive sustainable advantage, in the current socio-economic environment of the Knowledge Economy, resides basically in the Intellectual Capital. The main literature on Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital was developed in the last decade of the 20th century, giving rise to the initial attempts for evaluating the latter concept. This paper examines firstly the origin and development of the Intellectual Capital and discusses the chief existing models. Then, the concept of Intellectual Capital is analysed together with the main applications and implementations of a particularly relevant model, the Intellects model. Finally, some conclusions and future research extensions are presented

    How does culture influence innovation? A systematic literature review

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to conduct a systematic literature review of the studies that have analyzed the impact of culture on innovation. Design/methodology/approach: The authors carried out a systematic literature review of peer-reviewed articles in the past 37 years (January 1980-January 2017). Based on a total of 61 identified primary studies, the authors developed two clusters of culture definition studied in relation to innovation, including organizational culture and national culture. Findings: After reporting the findings of the systematic literature review, the authors discuss how a variety of culturally related factors combine to facilitate or restrict innovation performance in their corresponding cluster. The findings highlight the complex and idiosyncratic relationship between culture and innovation. Future research lines are recommended. Research limitations/implications: The authors adopt a systematic literature review method to probe into existing literature, inevitably missing some empirical studies. Implications for future research are suggested. Practical implications: The paper offers interesting implications for managers and academia. For business practitioners, this study can provide a useful reference regarding the role of cultures in the corporate internal management or international operations; for scholars, the study can provide a current research landscape and development process in this field. Originality/value: The findings are derived from a systematic literature review that has studied the influence of culture on innovation. In addition, implications and insights as to where future research might be usefully inquired in this field are providedThis study was partially supported by Knowledge and Innovation in, to and from Emerging Markets Project Acronym: K.I.T.F.E.M. (Grant No.734447), China Scholarship Council (CSC) (FileNo. 201306090133), and the Monte Ahuja Endowment Fund for the Monte Ahuja Endowed Chair of Global Business at Cleveland State University, Ohio, US