67 research outputs found

    Pediatric Nursing Modelling Approach on Mother's Knowledge, Practice Ability and Maternal Confidence of Infant Growth and Development

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    Introduction: The first five years of age of a child is a critical time that will affect the child growth development process. Any untreated disorders may impair the process that subsequently influences quality of life of the child in the future. Therefore, it is imperative for a mother to optimize the growth development process. This study aimed to identify the effectiveness of health education with modelling approach on mother's knowledge, practice ability and maternal confidence of infant (0-6 months) growth and development. Method: A quasy eksperimental pre-post with control group design was used. The intervention given was health education with modelling approach related to lactation management and infant growth development stimulation. The research was conducted in Maros Regency wiht 81 samples (41 in the treatment group and 40 in the control group). Result: The wilcoxon test reveals that there was a signi fi cant difference between treatment and control group, accordingly, knowledge (p = 0.00, p = 0.01), practice ability (p = 0.00, p = 0,006) and maternal confidence (p = 0.03, p = 0.03). In addition, from mann whitney test, between the two group, the data obtained are: knowledge (p = 0,950), practice ability (p = 0.00) and maternal con fi dence (p = 0,061). Discussion: Health education with modelling approach conducting by nurse was effective in increasing knowledge, practice ability, maternal confidence breastfeeding and baby stimulation, which was in turn can optimize baby growth and development. That is why, community health nurses role should be increase by making community health nursing program as one of primary public health centre program

    Penatalaksanaan Psikologis pada Penderita Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

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    Saat ini PTSD masih menjadi masalah global. Penanganan PTSD dapat dilakukan dengan tindakan psikoterapi, obat-obatan dan kombinasi keduanya. Beberapa ragam studi intervensi psikoterapi telah dilakukan pada penderita PTSD yang semuanya telah terbukti dapat menurunkan gejala PTSD. Tujuan dari review ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana bentuk penatalaksanaan psikologis pada penderita PTSD yang diharapkan dapat menjadi ragam pilihan untuk perawatan penderita PTSD. Pencarian artikel dilakukan pada 4 database yaitu PubMed, Wiley, Science Direct dan Google Scholar. Studi pada penelitian ini berfokus pada intervensi psikologis pada penderita PTSD, artikel yang dipublikasikan tahun 2017-2020, full text dan studi berbahasa Inggris. Kata kunci yang digunakan yaitu “psychological interventions” OR “cognitive interventions” OR “psychoeducation” OR “psychological debriefing” AND "post traumatic stress disorder" OR “PTSD” OR "PTSD patient". Terdapat 65 artikel yang sesuai dengan pertanyaan penelitian, namun hanya 24 artikel yang masuk dalam kriteria inklusi. Ada beberapa intervensi psikologis  yang digunakan dalam menangani PTSD yang secara efektif dapat mengurangi gejala PTSD. Ragam intervensi psikologis ini dapat meningkatkan kualitas kesehatan penderita PTSD. Temuan dalam studi ini menawarkan alternatif intervensi-intervensi psikologis berbasis kognitif dan telah menunjukkan bukti dan implikasi yang positif bagi penderita PTSD

    Terapi Musik Efektif terhadap Penurunan Kecemasan pada Pasien Kanker

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    This study aims to determine the effectiveness of music therapy in reducing anxiety in cancer patients. The research method is a literature review using five databases, namely PubMed, ProQuest, Science Direct, Clinicalkey, and Google Scholar, using keywords based on PICO. The results showed that the five articles analyzed all articles reported that music therapy effectively reduced anxiety in cancer patients. Music has psychological, physical, social, and spiritual effects that can increase support for cancer patient care, improve mood, and improve the quality of life of cancer patients to provide nursing interventions to reduce anxiety. In conclusion, music therapy is an effective therapy to reduce anxiety from children, adults to the elderly.   Keywords: Cancer, Anxiety, Music Therap

    Guided Imagery to Improve Mental Health in Cancer Patients with Chemotherapy: Literature Review

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    Aims: The purpose of this study was to review the research literature related to the use of Guided imagery on the mental health of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Methods: The design of this review is a literature review. Five quantitative experimental articles and RCTs were obtained from the database: PubMed, Proquest, Clinicalkey nursing, Science Direct, with the criteria of experimental articles providing guided imagery interventions for chemotherapy patients, published 2011-2021, in English and Indonesian. Results: The findings of this review article were guided imagery intervention, two articles combined PMR relaxation, and three articles carried out guided imagery with deep breath relaxation. The duration of guided imagery differed in some studies from 15 minutes to 30 minutes with various sessions either supervised or conducted independently with compact disc (CD) recordings. The results of the findings that guided imagery can reduce mental health problems such as stress, anxiety and depression experienced by cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Conclusion: Guided imagery is a practical, easy, and simple action that can be taken to reduce mental health problems in cancer patients with chemotherapy

    Resilience Caregiver for Patients with Mental Disorders

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    This review aims to map and provide a general overview of the barriers and resilience strategies for Caregivers of patients with mental disorders who are hospitalized. This scoping review refers to Arksey and O'Malley's 2005 methodological framework which has been refined by JBI. The article search used five databases in the period 2012-2022, with the criteria: all studies with samples of Caregivers of patients with mental disorders who were hospitalized with English and Indonesian texts. As a result of the research, ten articles met the inclusion criteria. From the results of the review, it was found that there were three factors inhibiting the resilience of Caregivers of patients with mental disorders, namely personal, family and social factors. In conclusion, strategies to increase Caregiver resilience include personal, family, social background, social support and education factors. To overcome the factors inhibiting Caregiver resilience, namely by maximizing strategies for increasing the resilience of Caregivers for patients with mental disorders.   Keywords: Caregiver, Mental Disorders, Resilience, Mental Hospita

    Intervensi perawatan spiritual bagi pasien kanker: Tinjauan sistematis

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    Pendahuluan: Tujuan tinjauan sistematis ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran tentang intervensi perawatan spiritual. Metode: Pencarian database pada  Pubmed, Science Direct, dan Google Scholar. Kata kunci yaitu ”Spiritual needs” AND”Spiritual care” AND”Spiritual care interventions” AND”Cancer patients”. Filter 5 tahun terakhir dan full text.Hasil: Delapan (n=8) dari 1.085 artikel ditemukan membahas tentang intervensi perawatan spiritual berupa terapi musik; program perawatan spiritual; perawatan spiritual berdasarkan prinsip ajaran Buddha; konseling spiritual; dan intervensi berbasis spiritual Islam. Efektifitas penerapan intervensi perawatan spiritual meningkatkan pandangan tentang akhir kehidupan, menurunkan tingkat rasa sakit, kekahwatiran, tingkat depresi, kecemasan, stres, dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan spiritual dan relaksasi pasien. Dimensi agama dan dimensi eksistensial mengalami peningkatan nilai yang signifikan. Kesimpulan: Intervensi perawatan spiritual meningkatkan kesejahteraan spiritual sehingga pasien memiliki penguatan diri dan semangat hidup untuk menjalani penyakitnya

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Komunikasi Efektif SBAR Perawat dan Dokter

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    The aim of this research is to map research results related to the implementation of effective SBAR communication between nurses and doctors. The research method used, namely Scoping Review, was used to map the literature using PRISMA guidelines. The synthesis method uses PCC modification. Articles obtained from the Google Scholar search engine as well as the electronic databases PubMed and ScienceDirect. Search results, from 87 relevant articles with titles and abstracts, 6 articles were found that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The research results found that the analysis of the implementation of effective SBAR communication between nurses and doctors contained seven themes, namely patient safety and satisfaction, lack of self-confidence, environment, lack of interpersonal communication, lack of training, and work safety climate. In conclusion, effective communication and collaboration between doctors and nurses is very necessary in managing and limiting disturbances that can endanger patient safety and the continuity of safe care for at-risk patients.   Keywords: Implementation Analysis, Effective Communication, SBA

    Persepsi Dan Hambatan Tenaga Medis Dalam Penerapan Clinical Pathway: Literatur Review

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     Clinical pathways involve the health team and part of the patient's records. Hence, team dynamics become a principal factor that needs to be appraised during implementation. Clinical pathways were considered as an additional workload for medical personnel. This research aims to review articles that discuss the perceptions and barriers among medical personnel in implementing clinical pathways. The articles were searched through the PubMed, Willey, ProQuest, and Google Scholar databases, which were published no less than ten years period from 2010 to 2020. The keywords used perception OR response AND barriers OR obstacles AND clinical pathway OR care. The pathway corresponds to the title and purpose of the review and is in full-text form. In total, eight articles meet the review criteria and objectives. The results showed that clinical pathways are perceived as a process that is directed at realizing benefits, creating habits, and requiring enthusiasm, support, and time. Obstacles for medical personnel that often arise in implementing clinical pathways include not having enough time, lack of direction and guidance, lack of staff awareness, lack of compliance in documentation, and lack of staff commitment. Conducting a direct study on evaluating the implementation of clinical pathways in hospitals is recommended


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    Semakin banyak orang Indonesia yang depresi. Di Indonesia, penyakit jantung adalah penyakit kedua tertinggi setelah depresi. Mahasiswa kedokteran mengalami depresi karena sistem pembelajaran akan berubah, yang mendorong mereka untuk menjadi lebih mandiri dalam menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan pembelajaran mereka sendiri. Dengan perkembangan terbaru dalam pathogenesis depresi, yang menyebabkan peradangan, diperlukan sumber makanan yang terdiri dari empat belas buah dan sayur mentah sebagai anti inflamasi dan antioksidan untuk terapi depresi. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan mahasiswa kedokteran tentang manfaat kombinasi empat belas sayur mentah dan buah sebagai terapi depresi ringan-sedang. Metode pelaksanaan adalah dengan mengumpulkan mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran UPN Veteran Jakarta untuk pretest. Pembelajaran online tentang 14 kombinasi buah dan sayur mentah untuk mengatasi depresi ringan-sedang menggunakan media PowerPoint, kemudian dilakukan kembali setelah tes. Hasil dari baik Uji T Dependent menunjukkan bahwa ada pengetahuan yang signifikan tentang bagaimana menggabungkan buah dan sayur mentah dapat membantu mengatasi depresi ringan-sedang
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