322 research outputs found

    O Teatro Nô

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    Measurement of thermal conductivities of drill cuttings and quantification of the contribution of thermal conduction to the temperature log of the Hachimantai geothermal field, Japan

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    This study proposed and evaluated a method of measuring the thermal conductivity (TC) of drill cuttings from several igneous and pyroclastic rocks using the transient plane source principle, which allows quick and reliable measurements. The estimated bulk TCs of rocks were within an error of <10%, and suitable models were found. Measurements were applied to drill cuttings obtained along a well in the Hachimantai geothermal field, Japan, and TCs were obtained at ∼25 m intervals to a depth of 1700 m. Our analysis of the temperature profile using estimated TCs suggest the possible presence of fluid-flow zones in the well

    The Firing Squad Synchronization Problems for Number Patterns on a Seven-Segment Display and Segment Arrays

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    The Firing Squad Synchronization Problem (FSSP), one of the most well-known problems related to cellular automata, was originally proposed by Myhill in 1957 and became famous through the work of Moore [1]. The first solution to this problem was given by Minsky and McCarthy [2] and a minimal time solution was given by Goto [3]. A significant amount of research has also dealt with variants of this problem. In this paper, from a theoretical interest, we will extend this problem to number patterns on a seven-segment display. Some of these problems can be generalized as the FSSP for some special trees called segment trees. The FSSP for segment trees can be reduced to a FSSP for a one-dimensional array divided evenly by joint cells that we call segment array. We will give algorithms to solve the FSSPs for this segment array and other number patterns, respectively. Moreover, we will clarify the minimal time to solve these problems and show that there exists no such solution

    Sleep-Waking Discharge of Ventral Tuberomammillary Neurons in Wild-Type and Histidine Decarboxylase Knock-Out Mice

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    Using extracellular single-unit recordings, we have determined the characteristics of neurons in the ventral tuberomammillary nucleus (VTM) of wild-type (WT) and histidine decarboxylase knock-out (HDC-KO) mice during the sleep-waking cycle. The VTM neurons of HDC-KO mice showed no histamine immunoreactivity, but were immunoreactive for the histaminergic (HA) neuron markers adenosine deaminase and glutamic acid decarboxylase 67. In the VTM of WT mice, we found waking (W)-specific, non-W-specific W-active, sleep-active, W and paradoxical sleep (PS)-active, and state-indifferent neuron groups. We previously demonstrated in WT mice that only W-specific neurons are histaminergic and that they are characterized by a triphasic broad action potential. In the VTM of HDC-KO mice, we found all these groups of state-dependent and state-indifferent neurons, including W-specific neurons that were characterized by a triphasic broad action potential and a W-specific slow tonic discharge, as in WT mice. The W-specific neurons ceased firing before the onset of electroencephalogram (EEG) synchronization, the first EEG sign of sleep, and remained silent during both slow-wave sleep (SWS) and PS. At the transition from SWS to W, they discharged after the onset of EEG activation, the first EEG sign of W. They either responded to an arousing stimulus with a long delay or did not respond. They therefore presented exactly the same characteristics as those seen in the VTM of WT mice. Thus VTM neurons deprived of their natural transmitter histamine still exhibit the firing properties of W-specific HA neurons


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    BACKGROUND: ADAMTS13 specifically cleaves the peptide bond between Y1605 and M1606 within the VWF-A2 domain. OBJECTIVE: The VWF contains ABO(H) blood group antigens, which may influence the susceptibility of VWF to ADAMTS13. METHODS: Using a unique monoclonal antibody recognizing the Y1605 residue, we have developed a sandwich ELISA to analyze the generation of a VWF-DP by ADAMTS13 quantitatively. RESULTS: Production of VWF-DP after exposure to four different degrees of high shear stress was validated in comparison to the reduction in high-molecular-weight multimers using VWF multimer analysis. In analysis of plasma from 259 healthy individuals, plasma levels of VWF antigen (VWF:Ag) were significantly lower in blood group O than in the other groups and were significantly correlated with plasma VWF-DP levels. The ratio between VWF-DP and VWF:Ag was significantly higher in blood group O than in blood groups A and AB. The ratio in blood group B was also significantly higher than those in A and AB, but did not differ from blood group O. Finally, to examine whether ABO(H) blood group antigens contributed to VWF cleavage, 82 plasma samples were exposed to high shear stress using a cone-plate shear stress inducer. The difference in the VWF-DP/VWF:Ag ratio before and after high shear stress in blood group O was significantly greater than those in groups A and AB. CONCLUSION: These results indicate that blood group antigen A on VWF was more protective against ADAMTS13 cleavage than antigens B and H.博士(医学)・乙第1440号・令和元年9月27日© 2019 International Society on Thrombosis and HaemostasisThis is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/jth.14444], which has been published in final form at [https://doi.org/10.1111/jth.14444]. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Use of Self-Archived Versions

    Evaluation of Testicular Toxicity By Sperm Epigenetic Status

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    Session for Student

    Data Verification in Integrated RFID Systems

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    東シナ海産キアンコウにおけるトゲナシツブムシAcanthochondria spirigeraの寄生状況

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    東シナ海で漁獲されたキアンコウLophius litulonの口腔壁にカイアシ類ツブムシ科のトゲナシツブムシAcanthochondria spirigeraの寄生を認めた。キアンコウは本寄生虫の新宿主である。トゲナシツブムシを含むAcanthochondria属のカイアシ類は魚市場等で食品衛生的な問題を起こすことがあるため,その寄生状況を観察した。全検査魚における寄生率は72%で,キアンコウ1尾当たり普通1~2個体が寄生していた。寄生部位は口腔壁で,鰓への寄生は見られなかった。1尾当たり寄生数は魚体長が増すほど,また季節的には秋(9~11月)に多くなる傾向がみられた。Anglerfish Lophius litulon (Jordan) caught commercially in the East China Sea off western Japan were found to be infected with the chondracanthid copepod Acanthochondria spirigera Shiino, 1955. Lophius litulon is a new host for this copepod. We made an observation on the occurrence of A. spirigera on anglerfish because the copepods of the genus Acanthochondria cause food hygiene problems at fish markets in Japan. Overall prevalence of infection with A. spirigera was high (71% of 31 fish examined), and one or two copepods were usually found on an infected fish. Their attachment site was the roof and floor of the buccal cavity of the fish. The number of copepods per fish showed an increasing tread with fish size and during the fall months (September to November)