19 research outputs found

    Les TICE auMaroc Entre instauration technologique et conduite de changement, cas des établissements scolaires

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    Des résultats d’études relatives à l’intégration des technologies d’information et de communication pour l’Enseignement (TICE) au Maroc révèlent un taux d’intégration en deçà des objectifs escomptés malgré un contexte institutionnel favorisant la généralisation des TICE. Partant de ces constats, les travaux de cette recherche ont été axés sur l’analyse des rapports personnels des enseignants marocains aux TICE dans un cadre de conduite de changement. Avant de caractériser lesdits rapports, il a été nécessaire de procéder d’abord à l‘analyse des documents officiels puis ceux des résultats de recherches antérieures, alimentés par ceux de dépouillement du questionnaire que nous avons élaboré et soumis à des enseignants volontaires de différents cycles et régions du Maroc. Les principaux résultats semblent en faveur d’une vision floue en lien avec le programme GENIE ou méconnue de certains répondants et l’incidence des réformes promues sur les pratiques enseignantes demeure timide malgré les efforts louables de généralisation. Previous research findings revealed that integration of information and communication technology (ICT) in schooling is below expectations even though the institutional context promotes the use of ICT. Based on this, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship Moroccan teachers have to the use of ICT by adapting leading change approach. To do this, we first analyzed official documents and speeches and results of previous studies. Also, we studied the results of the questionnaire that we developed and distributed to teachers from different school levels and areas. The results of this study show that some teachers have a blurred vision of the ICT project ‘GENIE’ and some of them ignore what this project is about. This investigation concluded that reforms to integrate ICT in schooling remain very limited despite efforts to spread the use of technology in theMoroccan school

    Exploring Attitudes Toward “Sugar Relationships” Across 87 Countries: A Global Perspective on Exchanges of Resources for Sex and Companionship

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    The current study investigates attitudes toward one form of sex for resources: the so-called sugar relationships, which often involve exchanges of resources for sex and/or companionship. The present study examined associations among attitudes toward sugar relationships and relevant variables (e.g., sex, sociosexuality, gender inequality, parasitic exposure) in 69,924 participants across 87 countries. Two self-report measures of Acceptance of Sugar Relationships (ASR) developed for younger companion providers (ASR-YWMS) and older resource providers (ASR-OMWS) were translated into 37 languages. We tested cross-sex and cross-linguistic construct equivalence, cross-cultural invariance in sex differences, and the importance of the hypothetical predictors of ASR. Both measures showed adequate psychometric properties in all languages (except the Persian version of ASR-YWMS). Results partially supported our hypotheses and were consistent with previous theoretical considerations and empirical evidence on human mating. For example, at the individual level, sociosexual orientation, traditional gender roles, and pathogen prevalence were significant predictors of both ASR-YWMS and ASR-OMWS. At the country level, gender inequality and parasite stress positively predicted the ASR-YWMS. However, being a woman negatively predicted the ASR-OMWS, but positively predicted the ASR-YWMS. At country-level, ingroup favoritism and parasite stress positively predicted the ASR-OMWS. Furthermore, significant cross-subregional differences were found in the openness to sugar relationships (both ASR-YWMS and ASR-OMWS scores) across subregions. Finally, significant differences were found between ASR-YWMS and ASR-OMWS when compared in each subregion. The ASR-YWMS was significantly higher than the ASR-OMWS in all subregions, except for Northern Africa and Western Asia

    Validation of the Short Version (TLS-15) of the Triangular Love Scale (TLS-45) Across 37 Languages

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    Love is a phenomenon that occurs across the world and affects many aspects of human life, including the choice of, and process of bonding with, a romantic partner. Thus, developing a reliable and valid measure of love experiences is crucial. One of the most popular tools to quantify love is Sternberg’s 45-item Triangular Love Scale (TLS-45), which measures three love components: intimacy, passion, and commitment. However, our literature review reveals that most studies (64%) use a broad variety of shortened versions of the TLS-45. Here, aiming to achieve scientific consensus and improve the reliability, comparability, and generalizability of results across studies, we developed a short version of the scale—the TLS-15—comprised of 15 items with 5-point, rather than 9-point, response scales. In Study 1 (N = 7,332), we re-analyzed secondary data from a large-scale multinational study that validated the original TLS-45 to establish whether the scale could be truncated. In Study 2 (N = 307), we provided evidence for the three-factor structure of the TLS-15 and its reliability. Study 3 (N = 413) confirmed convergent validity and test–retest stability of the TLS-15. Study 4 (N = 60,311) presented a large-scale validation across 37 linguistic versions of the TLS-15 on a cross-cultural sample spanning every continent of the globe. The overall results provide support for the reliability, validity, and cross-cultural invariance of the TLS-15, which can be used as a measure of love components—either separately or jointly as a three-factor measure

    Predictors of Enhancing Human Physical Attractiveness: Data from 93 Countries

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    People across the world and throughout history have gone to great lengths to enhance their physical appearance. Evolutionary psychologists and ethologists have largely attempted to explain this phenomenon via mating preferences and strategies. Here, we test one of the most popular evolutionary hypotheses for beauty-enhancing behaviors, drawn from mating market and parasite stress perspectives, in a large cross-cultural sample. We also test hypotheses drawn from other influential and non-mutually exclusive theoretical frameworks, from biosocial role theory to a cultural media perspective. Survey data from 93,158 human participants across 93 countries provide evidence that behaviors such as applying makeup or using other cosmetics, hair grooming, clothing style, caring for body hygiene, and exercising or following a specific diet for the specific purpose of improving ones physical attractiveness, are universal. Indeed, 99% of participants reported spending \u3e10 min a day performing beauty-enhancing behaviors. The results largely support evolutionary hypotheses: more time was spent enhancing beauty by women (almost 4 h a day, on average) than by men (3.6 h a day), by the youngest participants (and contrary to predictions, also the oldest), by those with a relatively more severe history of infectious diseases, and by participants currently dating compared to those in established relationships. The strongest predictor of attractiveness-enhancing behaviors was social media usage. Other predictors, in order of effect size, included adhering to traditional gender roles, residing in countries with less gender equality, considering oneself as highly attractive or, conversely, highly unattractive, TV watching time, higher socioeconomic status, right-wing political beliefs, a lower level of education, and personal individualistic attitudes. This study provides novel insight into universal beauty-enhancing behaviors by unifying evolutionary theory with several other complementary perspectives

    Les graffiti au service de la sécurité routière au Maroc : Esquisse d’une approche psychosociale

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    Au Maroc, le graffiti est de plus en plus mobilisé dans des campagnes de sensibilisation. La présente ‎contribution se propose d’interroger les rapports entre les graffiti et la sécurité routière en ciblant les graffiti ‎apposés sur les citernes des camions poids lourd. L’objectif de cette étude consiste à interroger les représentations ‎sociales concernant le choix de ce procédé langagier, ses contenus discursifs et les supports mobiles qui les ‎portent. Pour ce faire, je me suis appuyée sur l’approche structurale en mettant l’accent sur la technique de réseau ‎d’associations qui consiste à présenter une planche inductrice (image d’un graffiti) à 25 conducteurs et vérifier ‎leurs représentations par rapport au graffiti présenté. Il ressort de ce travail de terrain que l’art de graffiti est un ‎élément contrasté servant à relayer des messages de sensibilisation à la sécurité routière.In Morocco, graffiti is increasingly used in awareness-raising campaigns. ‎This paper aims to examine the relationship between graffiti and road safety by ‎targeting the graffiti on the tanks of trucks. The objective of this study is to treat ‎social representations concerning the choice of this language process, its ‎discursive contents and the mobile surfaces that carry them. To do so, I have ‎adopted the structural approach, focusing on the association network ‎technique which consists in presenting an inductive board (graffiti image) to 25 ‎drivers and checking their representations in relation to the graffiti presented. ‎This fieldwork reveals that the art of graffiti is a contrasting element used to ‎convey awareness messages about road safety. ‎تقترح هذه الدراسة مساءلة استعمال الغرافيتيا في التحسيس بالسلامة الطرقية بالمغرب. تم انجاز هذه الغرافيتيا في مجموعة ‏من الأعمال التي تحتوي على إشارات للسلامة الطرقية، و التي اتخذت من الشاحنات الثقيلة جدارا لها. والهدف من هذه الدراسة ‏هو فهم التمثلات الاجتماعية لهذه الحملة التحسيسية عبر هذه الأعمال الفنية لدى السائقين من جهة، ومن جهة أخرى، تحديد بنية ‏محتوى هذا التمثل في ظل مأسسة الغرافيتيا. وقد اعتمدنا المقاربة البنيوية لهذه الغاية، وذلك باستعمال تقنية شبكة العلاقات لجمع ‏المحتوى، عبر تقديم‎)‎صورة غرافيتية‎( ‎‏ لـ 25 سائق ودراسة تمثلاتهم لها . من خلال هذا العمل توصلنا إلى نتائج مفادها أن فن ‏الغرافيتيا يعد عنصرًا متداخلا يساعد على نقل رسالة السلامة الطرقية.

    Validation of the Short Version (TLS-15) of the Triangular Love Scale (TLS-45) across 37 Languages

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    Love is a worldwide known phenomenon that affects many aspects of human life, including considering a romantic partner with whom to bond. Thus, developing a reliable and valid measure of love experiences is crucial. One of the most popular tools to test love levels is Sternberg's 45-item Triangular Love Scale (TLS-45), which measures three love components: Intimacy, Passion, and Commitment. However, our literature review reveals that the majority of studies (64%) use a broad variety of shortened versions of the TLS-45. To achieve scientific consensus and improve the reliability, comparability, and generalizability of results across studies, here, we develop a short version of the scale–the TLS-15–which contains 15 items with a 5-point rather than 9-point response scale. In Study 1 (N = 7,332), we re-analyzed secondary data from a large-scale multinational study that validated the original TLS-45 to establish whether the scale could be truncated. In Study 2 (N = 307), we provided evidence for the three-factor structure of the TLS-15 and its reliability. Study 3 (N = 413) confirmed convergent validity and test-retest stability of the TLS-15. Study 4 (N = 60,311) presented a large-scale validation across 37 linguistic versions of the TLS-15 on a cross-cultural sample spanning every continent of the globe. The overall results provided support for the reliability, validity, and cross-cultural invariance of the TLS-15, which could be used as a measure of love components–separately or jointly as a three-factor measure

    A Cross-Cultural Study of Everyday Moral Experiences

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    Do people in different societies experience morality differently in everyday life? Using experience sampling methods, we investigate everyday moral experiences in a sample from 20 countries across 6 continents, thereby replicating and extending a large-scale study originally conducted in the United States and Canada. We aim to replicate key findings about the kinds of moral experiences people have, the relationship between such experiences and religious or political affiliation, how such experiences affect momentary feelings, and how such experiences influence moral behavior. An international sample enables us to assess the generalizability of these findings across different socio-cultural contexts