9 research outputs found

    Steppingstones to More Sustainable Public Libraries in Finland: From Individual Initiatives toward National Guidelines and Standards

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    Public libraries in Finland have a strong history of cooperating and networking. Implementing SDGs and steering the action toward sustainability, however, has been so far carried out mainly out by individual libraries. A larger consensus or common guidelines are still missing, be it designing a new building, customer design thinking or rearranging internal workflows.           This is to be changed, hopefully serving as an example to readersŽ communities. The report presented current cases and current best practices on initiatives and concentrated on finding a broader common ground on sustainability work. Helsinki City Library will act as a nationwide accelerator and common voice promoting the step marks toward greener libraries. A nationwide expert network and community of practice is to be established as well. As one example of the development, the tight cooperation between public libraries and basic education in Finnish society will be discussed. For historical reasons public libraries operate to a large extent as school libraries, so the task of supporting curriculum on sustainability topics is a major task for public libraries as well. What does the future of this collaboration and its possibilities look like

    Kuvahaun perusongelmat : Polku Panofskysta digitaaliseen kuva-arkistoon

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    Kuvahaun perusongelmat : Polku Panofskysta digitaaliseen kuva-arkistoon

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    "... proud that my own library is sucha responsible operator!"

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    Die Diskussion ĂŒber "grĂŒne" Bibliotheken war bisher weithin beschrĂ€nkt auf die GebĂ€ude, bspw. auf Themen wie die Energieeffizienz bei Neubauten und bei Renovierungen. Allerdings können nicht alle Bibliotheken neu gebaut werden, denn auch in bereits existierenden GebĂ€uden muss umweltfreundlich und ohne neue Ressourcen gearbeitet werden können. Bibliotheken können ihr Engagement fĂŒr grĂŒne Werte deutlich machen und einen freien und leichten Zugang zu umweltbezogenem Wissen anbieten. Doch darĂŒber hinaus sind gemeinschaftliche RĂ€ume und neuartige Ausleihobjekte gute Beispiele fĂŒr innovative Umwelt- und NachhaltigkeitsaktivitĂ€ten. Deutlich Stellung zu beziehen und ein sichtbar grĂŒnes Image zu entwickeln, ist ein wichtiger Teil der Umweltarbeit einer Bibliothek. Nachhaltigkeit und neue umweltfreundliche Angebote sind ein Weg, ein positives Image zu gestalten und so Bibliotheken gegenĂŒber EntscheidungstrĂ€gern und Kunden als ‚Marke‘ zu prĂ€sentieren.The discussion around green libraries has been largely limited to the buildings, i.e., to subjects like the energy efficiency of new constructions and basic renovations. However, we cannot rebuild all libraries and we have to operate environmentally in existing buildings and without new resources. Libraries can express their commitment to green values and offer an open and easy access to environmental knowledge. Moreover, offering shared space and new kinds of items to be borrowed are examples of new environmentally sustainable activities. To take a clear stand and to create a visible green image for the library is an important part of environmental work. Sustainability and new, environmentally friendly services are ways to create a good image and thus to market libraries to decision makers and customers

    Yleisten kirjastojen ympÀristöhankkeet

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    Esitys KirjastoverkkopĂ€ivĂ€t 2023 – KestĂ€vyys ja vastuullisuus kirjastoissa -työpajass

    KestÀvÀ kehitys ja kirjastot, arkistot, museot

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    Panelistin tietoisku Kansalliskirjaston, OKM:n ja CSC:n jĂ€rjestĂ€mĂ€ssĂ€ Digitaalinen kulttuuriperintömme – KestĂ€vĂ€sti digitaaliseen tulevaisuuteen -seminaarissa 21.10.2020

    Karl Popper's Philosophy of Science - And the Evolution of the Popperian Worlds

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    This doctoral thesis in theoretical philosophy is a systematic analysis of Karl Popper's philosophy of science and its relation to his theory of three worlds. The general aim is to study Popper's philosophy of science and to show that Popper's theory of three worlds was a restatement of his earlier positions. As a result, a new reading of Popper's philosophy and development is offered and the theory of three worlds is analysed in a new manner. It is suggested that the theory of three worlds is not purely an ontological theory, but has a profound epistemological motivation. In Part One, Popper's epistemology and philosophy of science is analysed. It is claimed that Popper's thinking was bifurcated: he held two profound positions without noticing the tension between them. Popper adopted the position called the theorist around 1930 and focused on the logical structure of scientific theories. In Logik der Forschung (1935), he attempted to build a logic of science on the grounds that scientific theories may be regarded as universal statements which are not verifiable but can be falsified. Later, Popper emphasized another position, called here the processionalist. Popper focused on the study of science as a process and held that a) philosophy of science should study the growth of knowledge and that b) all cognitive processes are constitutive. Moreover, the constitutive idea that we see the world in the searchlight of our theories was combined with the biological insight that knowledge grows by trial and error. In Part Two, the theory of three worlds is analysed systematically. The theory is discussed as a cluster of theories which originate from Popper's attempt to solve some internal problems in his thinking. Popper adhered to realism and wished to reconcile the theorist and the processionalist. He also stressed the real and active nature of the human mind, and the possibility of objective knowledge. Finally, he wished to create a scientific world view.Teoreettisen filosofian alaan kuuluva vÀitöskirja analysoi Karl Popperin tieteenfilosofiaa ja sen suhdetta kolmen maailman teoriaan. Tavoitteena on ollut tarkastella Popperin tieteenfilosofiaa ja osoittaa, ettÀ Popper puolusti aikaisempia nÀkemyksiÀÀn kolmen maailman teoriassa. VÀitöskirjassa esitetÀÀn uusi tulkinta Popperin filosofiasta ja kolmen maailman teoriaa tarkastellaan uudesta nÀkökulmasta. Kolmen maailman teorian ontologisen tulkinnan rinnalle tuodaan epistemologinen tulkinta. Popperin epistemologiaa ja tieteenfilosofiaa analysoidaan osassa 1. Popperin ajattelun osoitetaan olevan kahtiajakautunutta: hÀn sitoutui kahteen eri lÀhestymistapaan huomaamatta niiden vÀlistÀ jÀnnitettÀ. 1930-luvulla Popper omaksui loogisen ja teoriakeskeisen lÀhestymistavan (the theorist). Logik der Forschung teoksessa hÀn pyrki luomaan tieteen logiikan, joka perustui ajatukselle ettÀ teoriat muodostuvat universaalivÀitteistÀ, joita ei voida verifioida, mutta jotka voidaan falsifioida. Myöhemmin Popper omaksui erilaisen lÀhestymistavan (the prosessionalist). Popper painotti nyt tieteen olevan luonteeltaan prosessi ja esitti, ettÀ tieteenfilosofian tulisi keskittyÀ tiedon kasvun analysointiin ja ettÀ kaikki kognitiiviset prosessit ovat konstruktiivisia. HÀn korosti, ettÀ hahmotamme maailman teorioidemme valossa ja yhdisti tÀmÀn ajatuksen biologiseen nÀkemykseen, ettÀ tieto kasvaa yrityksen ja erehdyksen kautta. Popperin kolmen maailman teoriaa analysoidaan osassa 2. Kolmen maailman teoriaa tarkastellaan Popperin yrityksenÀ ratkaista joitakin aiempien nÀkemystensÀ aiheuttamia ongelmia. Popper puolusti myös realismia ja pyrki yhdistÀmÀÀn aiemmat lÀhestymistapansa (the theorist ja the prosessionalist). HÀn painotti ihmismielen aktiivista luonnetta ja objektiivisen tiedon mahdollisuutta hahmotellen uutta tieteellistÀ maailmankuvaa

    Going Green: Implementing Sustainable Strategies in Libraries Around the World

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    This publication is the outcome from a book project seminar, held during the Wintersemester 2017/2018 at the Institut fĂŒr Bibliotheks- und Informationswissenschaft (Berlin School for Library and Information Science) at Humboldt-UniversitĂ€t zu Berlin, Germany, led by Petra Hauke. Participants in the seminar were Sasha Agins, Valentina Dimitriadu, Gesa Funke, Yannick Kavka, Jochen NĂŒske, Maximilian Paus, Huilin Ren, Sami Rustom, Vanessa Schrödter, Lisa TĂ€nzer, Sophie Tertel, Katharina Toeppe, Antonia Trojok, Martine Weil, Erika Werner and Marvin Wieland. For further information please visit the book project’s website at http://www. ibi.hu-berlin.de/studium/studprojekte/buchidee