54 research outputs found

    AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH THESIS WRITING: A Case Study of English Department of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

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    Abstract: This is a report of a study designed to examine the process of thesis—a final (research-based) paper for undergrads prior to academic completion—writing of English Department students who graduated in Academic Year 2007/2008.  Using a descriptive method, this case study aimed to describe the stages, to identify the problems, and to explore the techniques of solving problems used by respondents in the thesis writing by involving six students who had engaged in writing and research project course. The data concerning writing stages, problems, and coping with strategies were collected by using questionnaires, interviews, and documentation (thesis). The results showed that all participants went through the thesis writing stages determined by Faculty of Adab of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung, namely: 1) Starting process; 2) Researching; 3) Reporting; and 4) Doing consultation.  These also showed that all respondents encountered: 1) Procedural problems, which were likely to be the major problems shared by all respondents; 2) Academic problems; and 3) Non-academic problems. However, whatever problems they dealt with, each of them had his/her own strategies to cope with.  The procedural and academic problems were coped with by reading, doing consultation, and peer-collaboration.  Meanwhile, non-academic problems were solved by having a rest and managing time.Keywords: analysis, thesis, stages, problems, and solution

    An Overview of Teaching Listening in Islamic Tertiary Level of Education

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    The ultimate aim of this paper is to depict listening activities in teaching Basic Listening designed by lecturers in an EFL classroom observation of Islamic tertiary level of education in Indonesia. Qualitative methods, used to collect and analyze data gained from observation and interview. The result showed that the lecturer designed various activities in teaching Basic Listening in the EFL class, which they were set up in three stages: pre-listening, while-listening, and post-listening. The activities in the pre-listening were aimed at generating students\u27 interest, activating student\u27s prior knowledge, and trying to anticipate any difficult vocabularies. The while-listening stage is to invite students to be involved at listening through various physical movements, such as story telling, dialogue, listening to songs, and drama. The post-listening stage is to internalize what they have heard with other language skills and to check students\u27 comprehension

    The sketch of teaching speaking in Islamic tertiary level of education

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    This study briefly sketches the speaking activities the lecturer designed to improve students’ speaking ability through classroom observations in one of EFL classes at English Studies Department of Faculty of Humanities of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung. The focus of the class was on Speaking for general communication. The classroom observations were conducted in seven class periods consecutively. The result showed that the lecturer designed various activities in teaching Speaking for general communication in the EFL class. The lecturer applied teaching activities through physical movements of which they were set up in three stages: pre-speaking, while-speaking, and post-speaking. The activities in the pre- speaking were aimed at generating students’ interest, activating student’s prior knowledge, and trying to anticipate any difficult vocabularies. The while- speaking stage is to invite students to be involved at speaking through various physical activities, such as role-playing a dialogue, retelling a story, listening to English songs, and presenting drama. The post-speaking stage is to internalize what they have practiced or presented and to check students’ comprehension

    Model KKN Internasional untuk mahasiswa calon guru di Lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi Agama Islam

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk menggambarkan pelaksnaan KKN Internasional yang selama ini dilakukan di perguruan tinggi Isam di bawah pengeloaan Kementrian Agama Republik Indonesia dan Kementrian Riset dan Teknologi. Secara khusus penelitian berusaha mengungkap : (1) pelaksanaan KKN Internasional yag dilakukan selama ini; (2) keefektifan pelaksanaan KKN Internasional dilihat dari respons stake holder maupun peserta.; dan, (3) rumusan model KKN Internasional untuk calon guru di PTAI. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut studi eksplorasi dilakukan dengan pendekatan descriptive qualitative. Penelitian melibatkan 2 Perguruan Tinggi Islam dan 3 Perguruan Tinggi Umum dimana stakeholder sebagai responden utama. Informasi di lapangan digali dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara, analisa dokumen, dan penyebaran angket. Setelah data terkumpul dan diolah penelitian menghasilkan kesimpulan sebagai berikut: (1) KKN internasional yang diselenggarakan selama ini mempunyai perbedaan dari satu perguruan tinggi ke perguruan tinggi yang lainnya. Perbedaan terletak pada beberapa hal, antara lain: lamanya waktu pelaksanaan, sumber pembiayaan, keterlibatan pihak pimpinan, peserta, materi pelatihan, pengelola kegiatan, dan evaluasi kegiatan; (2) KKN Internasional merupakan program yang penting, oleh karenanya; merasa perlu bahkan sangat perlu untuk dilakukan; dan (3) model KKN Internasional untuk calon guru di PTAI yang berdasarkan analisa kebutuhan dilapangan memiliki karakateritik unik dari aspek: (a) lamanya pelaksanaan;(b) negara tujuan; (c) besaran biaya yang diperlukan; (d) frekuensi monitoring yang diperlukan; (e) peserta yang yang terlibat; (f) pihak-pihak yang terlibat, (f) tim pengelola kegiatan, dan (g) materi kegiatan yang diperlukan. Penelitian merekomendasika hal-hal berikut: (1) melakukan analisa kebutuhan lapangan sebelum KKN dilaksanakan, (2) melakukan persiapan yang matang, (c) melakukan refleksi pada setiap tahap pelaksanaan

    KKN Internasional di Perguruan Tinggi Islam

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    Buku ini disusun berdasarkan hasil penelitian tentang Model Pelaksanaan KKN Internasional yang sudah terlebih dahulu dilakukan oleh beberapa universitas islam di Indonesia, seperti Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, IAIN Tulungagung dan Universitas Islam Negeri Malik Ibrahim. Hasil penelitian terhadap universitas yang terlibat dalam penelitian tersebut dijabarkan dalam buku ini

    Interpreting Dancing as Symbols of Freedom in Remy Sylado’s Namaku Mata Hari from Its Protagonist Personality

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    This study interprets the ‘dancing’ as symbols of freedom expressed by a Dutch dancer, Mata Hari (alias Margaretha Geertruida Zelle) in Remy Sylado’s Namaku Mata Hari, a protagonist novel.  The data in this study are sentences or paragraphs containing dancing as symbols of freedom.  Those sentences or paragraphs were collected by conducting library research through reading carefully the novel Namaku Mata Hari, coding each part of the novel showing the dancing as a symbols of freedom and the role of her id, ego and super ego, classifying data into symbols proposed by Hayek’s (1960) and Hospers’ (1984) theories, and analysing the data simultaneously.  The result shows that the dancing as freedom symbols is interpreted in a lot of expressions: dancing expressing her freedom of being life, of taking back her rights, of avoiding Western aesthetic principles, of being peaceful state of mind, of finding her desire, of gaining a deep hypnotic trance, of gaining humanity instead of being prejudice of her nationality, and of avoiding Western civilization

    Analisis Sistematika Penulisan Bab III dalam Skripsi Bidang Sastra Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

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    This research investigates the structure of Chapter III in English literature skripsi written by students of English Literature Department of UIN SGD Bandung. Data about the structure of Chapter III are collected purposively from three skripsi (documents) as the source of data. Using descriptive qualitative research design, this case study is aimed at analyzing three skripsi supervised by different supervisors graduating from outstanding universities around Java archipelago. The result of study showed that those three skripsi have significant different in the structure of Chapter III. The skripsi #1 explicitly wrote sub-topics: Introductory Remarks, Research Questions and Summary of Chapter III of which they are not included in 2 other skipsi. The skripsi #2 involved Sample of Data and Source of Data as the sub-topics which could not be found in skripsi #1 and #3. Meanwhile, the skripsi #3 used the sub-topics: Types of Data, Sources of Data, Population and Sample of Study, Research Instrument in the Chapter III of which they are not included in 2 other skripsi. In a nutshell, the absence of the rules of Chapter III structure of English literature skripsi in several skripsi guidance books has led the skripsi supervisors to explore the process of consultation based upon the experiences and knowledge of research methodology they possessed before. Kata Kunci: Skripsi, Sastra Inggris, Sistematik

    Buninagara: Sebuah negara "Buni" dari keramaian

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    Buku ini merupakan kumpulan cerita dosen pembimbing lapangan dan peserta KKN SISDAMAS 2018 yang diadakan di Desa Buninagara Kabupaten Soreang. Beragam cerita haru, suka, duka terindeks dalam buku ini. Saran dan harapan bagi lembaga penelitian (LP2M) UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung juga termaktub dalam buku ini


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    AbstrakEfek globalisasi dan disrupsi pada masalah sosial menimbulkan demoralisasi dan deviasi. Wilayah yang mengalami masalah tersebut biasanya mengalami ketidakmampuan menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan sehingga terjadi perubahan karakter. Tercatat data di beberapa intansi seperti kejahatan, pelanggaran, perceraian, dan sebagainya meningkat pada setiap tahunnya. Upaya meminimalisir bertambahnya demoral diperlukan rehabilisasi sosial salah satunya dalam bentuk pembudayaan pendidikan karakter baik secara personal maupun lingkungan masyarakat. Pembudayaan pendidikan karakter menjadi penting karena karakter suatu bangsa sangat berperan terhadap pertahanan dan ketahanan eksistensi suatu bangsa. Pengabdian ini diarahkan pada pendampingan Penggunaan Bahasa dan Moderasi Beragama melalui pendekatan panel. Pengabdian ini dimaksudkan agar peserta dapat mengembalikan kognitif sosial pembudayaan pendidikan karakter melalui melalui bahasa dan moderasi beragama dilingkungannya sehingga diharapkan terbangunan mental dan kognitif yang sehat dalam menghadapi persoalan hidup. Subjek adalah para perwakilan dari beberapa organisasi keagamaan dan pemasyarakatan yang ada di Kecamatan Ciparay sebagai sampel. Metode pengabdian menggunakan PAR yang didesain melalui research and development diawali dari studi eksplorasi data, verifikasi model, implementasi model, evaluasi dan pengembangan, selanjutnya dianalisis. Hasil pengabdian menunjukan bahwa warga kecamatan Ciparay memahami pentingnya relevansi pendidikan karakter melalui bahasa dan moderasi beragama di masa globalisasi ini dan mereka optimis untuk mewujudkan dalam lingkungannya melalui perubahan pola sikap, pola pikir, pola komunikasi. Pengabdian ini mensarankan sosialisasi di wilayah yang dominan terdapat demoralisasi dan tidak ada faktor pendukung ketahanan karakter. AbstractThe effects of globalization and disruption on social problems lead to demoralization and deviation. Areas that experience these problems usually experience an inability to adapt to the environment so that character changes occur. It is recorded that data on several agencies, such as crime, violations, divorce, and so on, are increasing every year. Efforts to minimize the increase in demorality require social rehabilitation, one of which is in the form of cultivating character education both personally and in the community. Cultivating character education is important because the character of a nation plays a very important role in the defense and resilience of a nation's existence. This service is directed at assisting the Use of Language and Moderation of Religion through a panel approach. This dedication is intended so that the participants can restore the cognitive social culture of character education through language and religious moderation in their environment so that they are expected to develop a healthy mental and cognitive in dealing with life's problems. The subjects were representatives of several religious and correctional organizations in Ciparay District as samples. The service method uses PAR which is designed through research and development starting from data exploration studies, model verification, model implementation, evaluation and development, then analyzed. The results of the service show that residents of Ciparay sub-district understand the importance of the relevance of character education through language and moderation of religion in this globalization era and they are optimistic about realizing it in their environment through changes in attitudes, mindsets, and communication patterns. This service suggests socialization in areas where demoralization is dominant and there are no supporting factors for character resilience.

    Pengajaran Grammar in Context untuk mengurangi kesalahan tatabahasa mahasiswa dalam penerjemahan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti apakah pengajaran Grammar in Context dapat mengurangi berbagai kesalahan tatabahasa (grammar) ketika menerjemahkan sebuah teks keagamaan atau tidak. Desain penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) dengan menerapkan strategi pengajaran Grammar in Context sebanyak dua siklus yang setiap siklusnya terdiri dari empat tahap, yaitu perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, dan refleksi. Sasaran penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester II STBA 11 April, Sumedang. Dalam proses pengumpulan data, wawancara dan dua tes penerjemahan dilakukan sebagai instrumen penelitian, yaitu pretest dan postest dimana para mahasiswa diharuskan menerjemahkan teks keagamaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa hasil penerjemahan teks keagamaan saat pretest masih ditemukan 80% mahasiswa melakukan kesalahan-kesalahan tatabahasa saat menerjemahkan. Akan tetapi, setelah diterapkannya strategi pengajaran Grammar in Context, kemampuan mereka mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan. Hal ini terbukti dari hasil postest, 80% mahasiswa menunjukan sangat berkurangnya kesalahan-kesalahan tatabahasa. Bahkan, hasil wawancara mendukung temuan penelitian ini bahwa dari segi atmosfir akademik, mereka sangat senang, enjoy, dan termotivasi dengan strategi pengajaran Grammar in Context. Hasil wawancara juga menunjukan bahwa dari segi kemampuan dalam penerjemahan, strategi pengajaran Grammar in Context telah membantu meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam menerjemahkan teks keagamaan