92 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Perbedaan Komposisi Substrat terhadap Kandungan Nutrisi dan Kualitas Fisik Limbah Nanas Hasil Fermentasi

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    Limbah pertanian (kulit dan mahkota nanas) berpotensi sebagai pakan, tetapi terhambat dengan kandungan fraksi serat yang tinggi. Penurunan fraksi serat dilakukan melalui proses fermentasi. Perbedaan komposisi substrat akan memengaruhi kualitas fisik dan kandungan nutrisi produk fermentasi. Untuk mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan komposisi substrat terhadap kandungan nutrisi dan kualitas fisik limbah nanas hasil permentasi merupakan bertujuan penelitian. Rancangan Acak Lengkap 5 perlakuan dengan 4 ulangan digunakan dalam penelitian, yaitu HR 0 (0% Mahkota Nanas + 100%  Kulit Nanas); HR1 (25% Mahkota Nanas + 75% Kulit Nanas);  HR 2 (50% Mahkota Nanas + 50% Kulit Nanas);  HR 3 (75% Mahkota Nanas + 25% Kulit Nanas) dan HR 4 (100% Mahkota Nanas + 0% Kulit Nanas). Fermentasi dilakukan secara anaerob selama 21 hari dengan penambahan 0,20 b/v Filtrat Abu Sekam Padi (FASP). Peubah yang diukur adalah kualitas fisik (jamur, aroma, tekstur dan warna)  serta kandungan nutrisi (abu, protein kasar, bahan kering, lemak kasar, BETN dan serat kasar. Hasil penelitian menunjukan perbedaan komposisi kulit dan mahkota nanas tidak memengaruhi (P˃0,05) aroma dan memengaruhi (P˂0,05) jamur, tekstur dan warna, serta kandungan LK,  BK, SK, PK, abu dan BETN. Penggunaan 100% mahkota nanas merupakan hasil terbaik karena menghasilkan kandungan BETN tertinggi 71,7%; protein kasar 8,32% dan serat kasar 14,3%.Kata kunci: filtrat abu sekam padi (FASP), kandungan nutrisi, kualitas fisik, limbah nanasThe Effect of Differences in Substrate Composition on Nutritional Content and Physical Quality of Fermented Pineapple WasteABSTRACT Agricultural waste (pineapple peel and crown) has the potential to be used as feed but is inhibited by its high fiber fraction content.  The reduction of the fiber fraction is carried out through the fermentation process. The difference in substrate composition will affect the physical quality and nutritional content of the fermentation product.  To determine the effect of differences in substrate composition on nutritional content and physical quality of fermented pineapple waste is the aim of the research. Completely randomized design of 5 treatments with 4 replications was used in the study, namely HR 0 (0% Pineapple Crown + 100% Pineapple Peel); HR1 (25% Pineapple Crown + 75% Pineapple Peel); HR 2 (50% Pineapple Crown + 50% Pineapple Peel); HR 3 (75% Pineapple Crown + 25% Pineapple Peel) and HR 4 (100% Pineapple Crown + 0% Pineapple Peel).  Fermentation was carried out anaerobically for 21 days by adding 0.20 w/v of rice husk ash filtrate. The variables measured were physical quality (fungi, aroma, texture, and color) and nutritional content (ash, crude protein, dry matter, extract ether, nitrogen-free extract (BETN), and crude fiber. The results showed that differences in the composition of pineapple peel and crown did not affect (P˃0.05) aroma and affect (P˂0.05) fungi, texture, and color, as well as the content of extract ether, dry matter, crude fiber, crude protein, ash, and BETN. The use of 100% pineapple crown is the best result because it produces the highest BETN content of 71.7%; crude protein 8.32% and crude fiber 14.3%.Keywords: nutritional content, pineapple waste, physical quality, rice husk ash filtrat

    Infestasi Fasciola SP Pada Sapi Bali Dengan Sistem Pemeliharaan Yang Berbeda Di Desa Tanjung Rambutan Kecamatan Kampar

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    The purpose of the research was to identify the infestation of Fasciola sp on Bali cows in the different management systems. The research was done on June up to July 2007 at Tanjung Rambutan village, Kampar and BPPV Regional 0, Buldt Tinggi.Feces of 60 Bali cows from Tanjung Rambutan village were collected. The qualification of the cows are(1) the age should be more than 1.5 years old, (2) female and (3) free from wonn drugs. The 60 cows used in the research consist of 50 cows which were cared extensively and 10 cows intensively. The samples of feces were collected from the rectum, and examined for Fasciola sp eggs using the sedimentation test (Uji End4p). The data was analyzed using Chi Square method.The results of the research indicated that infestation of Fasciola sp on Bali cows were lower in the intensively farming than extensively. The laboratory test showed that 92% (46 samples) of Ball Cows which were cared extensively, infested by Fasciola sp eggs and 8% (4 samples) of them were negative. From 10 samples of Bali cows which were, 1 sample (10%) positively infected by theJasciola sp and 9 samples (90%) were negative

    Komposisi Botanis dan Produksi Biomasa Hijauan di Kecamatan Kuantan Mudik Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi Riau

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis hijauan yang tumbuh di Kecamatan Kuantan Mudik, Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi. Penelitian diawali dengan survey (observasi lapang dan penentuan lokasi) kemudian pengambilan sampel hijauan pada 5 Desa yaitu desa Koto Lubuk Jambi, Kasang, Air Buluh, Lubuk Ramo, Koto Cengar. Masing-masing Desa diambil 5 lokasi, setiap lokasi diambil 5 titik. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan identifikasi jenis hijauan dan perhitungan produksi hijauan. Alat yang digunakan untuk pengambilan sampel hijauan terdiri dari kuadran 0.5 x 0.5 m2, gunting rumput, sabit, kantong plastik ukuran 10 dan ukuran 2 kg, karung, tali plastik, dan alat tulis. Perhitungan hijauan dengan persentase hijauan. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa terdapat 10 jenis hijauan, yang terdiri atas rumput, legum dan gulma. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah hijauan yang paling dominan tumbuh di Kecamatan Kuantan Mudik adalah dari jenis rumput/gramineae 42.53% yaitu, Rumput Bede (Brachiaria decumbens) 13.94%, leguminosae 21.45% dan 36.03% gulma
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