7 research outputs found

    Effect of Organizational Culture on Organizational Health

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    The main objective of the current study is to investigate the effects of organizational culture on organizational health. Modern organizations are in a very intense competitive conditions and in order to survive, they need parameters which guarantee their survival. Therefore, the current study will investigate the significance of culture in this regard. Municipalities as one of the organizations providing urban services are in a position where it is possible to lose their impact due to the activities of other organizations. Accordingly, the statistical population selected for this study includes all the employees in Tehran Municipality. In order to gather the required data, after determining the sample size as 384 participants using Krejcie and Morgan table, standard questionnaire of Denison for culture (2000) and organizational health (2008) were used. The current study is a quantitative one carried out as a descriptive survey. The validity and reliability of the study are confirmed using appropriate methods. Finally, in order to test the hypotheses of the study, various descriptive and inferential statistical tests were used. It was found out that the organizational survival of Municipality was affected by various cultural parameters, among which compatibility had the highest impact

    The Relationship between Job Burnout, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Staff Performance in State Tax Organization

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    Organizational citizenship behaviors refer to optional behaviors which are not clearly defined by the organization\u27s official reward system. Overall, these behaviors improve the organization\u27s performance. Job burnout is on the other hand a psychological response to the mental pressures of a job, which includes three components of emotional burnout, depersonalization, and perceptions regarding self-inefficacy. Organizational citizenship behavior has a positive effect on organizational performance while job burnout has a negative effect on organizational performance. Accordingly, the current study evaluates the roles organizational citizenship behaviors and job burnout play in the occupational performance of the employees. The current study is a descriptive survey. In order to realize the objectives of the study, a sample of 311 participants among the staff members of the country\u27s State Tax Organization has been selected. A questionnaire was used for gathering the required data. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were confirmed using Cronbach\u27s Alpha coefficient and confirmatory factor analysis. In order to analyze the obtained data structural equation modeling (SEM) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were utilized. The findings show that job burnout and organizational citizenship behavior have a significant relationship with occupational performance. Also, the components of job burnout and the components of organizational citizenship behavior have a significant relationship with occupational performance

    The Effect of Social Responsibility and Corporate image on Enhancing the Brand Equity

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    Customers are one of the pillars of success in organizations and have been studied from different aspects. The aim of this study is scrutinizing the factors influencing brand equity in the tobacco industry in Tehran. Therefore, by referring to previous studies, dimensions and components of associated with variables have been identified and a standard questionnaire based on these variables has been used. The validity of the questionnaire has been approved by the elites of management and the reliability of them has been calculated through the software. The statistical population of research consisted of all customers of the tobacco industry in Tehran. In order to determining the sample size the Cochran formula, to the extent of 384 individuals, has been used. In order to test the research hypotheses Structural equation modeling through Lisrel software has been used. The results showed that different variables have significant impact on brand equity and customer loyalty is an important mediating factor in influencing on brand equity

    Identificação de Indicadores de Medição de Conhecimento de Membros do Corpo Docente das Universidades do Irã

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    Identifying and controlling knowledge assets is essential for any organization, and proper utilization of this capital, in the presence of appropriate criteria and indicators, will affect the performance and not merely a qualitative assessment. Therefore, the researchers seek to identify the indicators of knowledge measurement of faculty members in Iran's universities. The present research, based on the objective, is a fundamental research component, based on the nature is the descriptive research component and based on the type of argument, is a component of qualitative research. The data collection method is library resources and questionnaires and the technique used is Fuzzy Delphi method. The Delphi panel was established with 17 faculty members who were selected by a judiciary. The results of the research showed that among 61 indicators extracted from theoretical literature, two index such as: guidance the undergraduate theses and the ratio of postgraduate students to total students, do not affect the knowledge measurement of human resources at universities in Iran, and there are consensus about other indicators.Identificar y controlar los activos de conocimiento es esencial para cualquier organización, y la utilización adecuada de este capital, en presencia de criterios e indicadores apropiados, afectará el rendimiento y no meramente una evaluación cualitativa. Por lo tanto, los investigadores buscan identificar los indicadores de medición del conocimiento de los miembros de la facultad en las universidades de Irán. La presente investigación, basada en el objetivo, es un componente de investigación fundamental, basado en la naturaleza es el componente de investigación descriptiva y en función del tipo de argumento, es un componente de la investigación cualitativa. El método de recolección de datos son los recursos de la biblioteca y los cuestionarios, y la técnica utilizada es el método Fuzzy Delphi. El panel de Delphi se estableció con 17 miembros de la facultad que fueron seleccionados por un poder judicial. Los resultados de la investigación mostraron que entre 61 indicadores extraídos de la literatura teórica, dos índices tales como: orientación de las tesis de pregrado y la proporción de estudiantes de postgrado a estudiantes totales, no afectan la medición del conocimiento de los recursos humanos en las universidades de Irán, y hay consenso sobre otros indicadores.Identificar e gerenciar ativos de conhecimento é essencial para qualquer organização e utilização adequada desta capital, na presença de critérios e indicadores apropriados, irá afetar o desempenho e não apenas uma avaliação qualitativa. Portanto, os pesquisadores buscam identificar indicadores de medição de conhecimento dos membros do corpo docente nas universidades iranianas. Esta pesquisa, com base no objetivo, é um componente da investigação fundamental, com base na natureza do componente é pesquisa descritiva e, dependendo do tipo de argumento, é um componente da pesquisa qualitativa. O método de coleta de dados são os recursos da biblioteca e os questionários, e a técnica utilizada é o método Delphi Difuso. O painel Delphi foi estabelecido com 17 membros do corpo docente que foram selecionados por um judiciário. Os resultados da pesquisa mostraram que entre 61 indicadores extraídos da literatura teórica, dois índices, como a orientação de teses de graduação e a proporção de estudantes de pós- graduação para o total de alunos não afetar a medição de conhecimento de recursos humanos em universidades no Irã, e há consenso sobre outros indicadores

    The study of knowledge employee voice among the knowledge-based companies: the case of an emerging economy

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    Purpose – A review of previous studies on the voices of employees and knowledge workers clarifies that paying attention to employees’ voice is critical in human resource management. However, limited studies have been conducted on it, and much less emphasis has been placed compared to other human resource management activities such as human resource planning. Therefore, the voice of knowledge employees has been one of the critical issues that have attracted a great deal of attention recently. Nonetheless, there is no evidence of various comprehensive and integrated voice mechanisms. As a result, this study aims to design knowledge workers’ voice patterns in knowledge-based companies specialising in information and communication technology (ICT) in Iran in May and June 2020. Design/methodology/approach – This study is a qualitative grounded theory research. We collected the data from a target sample of 15 experts in knowledge-based ICT companies using in-depth semi-structured interviews. Since all the participants had practised the employee voice process, they were regarded as useful data sources. Data analysis was also performed using three-step coding (open, axial and selective) by Atlas T8, which eventually led to identifying 14 components and 38 selected codes. We placed identified components in a paradigm model, including Personality Characteristics, Job Factors, Economic Factors, Cultural Factors, Organisational Policies, Organisational Structure, Climate Of Voice in the Organisation, Management Factors, Emotional Events, Communications and Networking, Contrast and Conflict and, etc. Then, the voice pattern of the knowledge staff was drawn. Findings – The results showed that constructive knowledge voice influences the recognition of environmental opportunities and, additionally, it helps the competitive advantages among the employees. By forming the concept of knowledge staff voice, it can be concluded that paying attention to knowledge staff voice leads to presenting creative solutions to do affairs in critical situations. The presentation of these solutions by knowledge workers results in the acceptance of environmental changes, recognition and exploitation of new chances and ideas, and sharing experiences in Iranian knowledge-based companies. Practical implications – Strengthening and expanding the voice of employees in knowledge-oriented companies can pave the way to growth and development towards a higher future that prevents the waste of tangible and intangible assets. Originality/value – Companies’ ability to engage in knowledge workers is a vital factor in human resource management and strategic management. However, the employee voice has not been involved integrally in the context of corporate

    Designing a Competency Model for Senior Tax experts

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    In the past decades, the tendency to use competency-based systems has increased. Correct introduction of the competency framework can help organizations improve the performance of HR systems. This research is designed as a model for designing the competencies of senior tax experts in the tax administration of Iran.This research is based on an interpretative paradigm, uses a basic strategy, is considered as an exploratory research goal and in terms of the results, is a developmental research, and from the data viewpoint, is a qualitative research. Archival studies, Interviews and questionnaires are used for gathering the required information. Content analysis and qualitative methods of content analysis were used to extract information from the interview data.The statistical population of the research consisted of managers of the department of the organization, thematic experts, experts and operational managers of the provinces. Purposive sampling was performed and using the snowball method, 10 people were selected from the statistical population. In designing the model, the process of preliminary planning, conducting interviews and compiling an initial list of competencies, comparing the list with the existing lists and competency models, providing a definition of competency concepts and compiling a compilation list, evaluating and refining the list of competencies by the expert group and, finally, designing the competency model was performed. Finally three areas of functional, behavioural, and contextual competencies with 50 competency concepts in eleven categories were identified and a model of these competencies was presente

    Achieving Human Resource Management Sustainability in Universities

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    The sustainability of human resource management (HRM) is the basis for an organization’s future growth and success. This study aims to investigate achieving HRM sustainability in universities. We use a quantitative research method design to investigate the factors that affect HRM sustainability at universities. The study was conducted during the spring and summer of 2020 at Iranian state universities. As the study’s statistical population included 2543 employees, a sample size of 334 employees was calculated using the Cochran formula. A questionnaire with 32 statements based on a 5-point Likert scale was used to collect the data, which were analyzed using PLS3 software. The findings show that human resource practices, social factors, psychological factors, employer branding, and economic factors have positive and significant effects on HRM sustainability at universities. Findings indicate that it is essential to consider the implementation of adequate HRM practices and related socio-economic and psychological supports for HRM sustainability in universities that can lead to the competitiveness of the higher education institutions such as universities