49 research outputs found

    A conceptual replication of survey research on study strategies in a diverse, non-WEIRD student population.

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    In survey research from western, educated, industrialized, rich, and democratic (WEIRD) populations, students report predominantly studying by rereading, highlighting, and summarizing, which are generally inefficient for long-term learning. It is unknown, however, whether, and to what extent diversity, in the form of cultural context, socioeconomic status (SES) and sex, affect choice of study technique. In this exploratory study, we investigated the frequency of use of 10 common study strategies used by WEIRD students in a sample of respondents (N=795) from a developing country (Brazil). We also examined if SES and sex influenced study choices. A similar pattern of study strategy preferences emerged for Brazilian compared to WEIRD students. The most popular study strategy for Brazilian students was rereading, followed by highlighting, summarizing, and doing practice problems. Study strategy preferences were not modulated by SES, whereas some small but significant sex differences were found. Our data show that interventions designed to improve academic success by teaching effective study strategies should reach all students, irrespective of cultural context and SES, but should consider possible sex-specific differences in strategy choices


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    Popularização de técnicas de estudo eficientes por meio de ações em escolas, mídia e internet Resumo: Pesquisas mostram que alunos e professores muitas vezes desconhecem as técnicas de estudo que melhor promovem a aprendizagem duradoura. Aqui descrevemos a popularização de duas técnicas de aprendizagem: prática de lembrar e prática de distribuir, que foram divulgadas através de palestras, artigos na mídia, redes sociais e conferências. Também mostramos que essas técnicas podem ser usadas no cotidiano por meio do celular (mobile-learning) com um aplicativo gratuito. Em 2015-2016, instituições de 6 cidades brasileiras foram visitadas pelos pesquisadores e as notícias do projeto foram divulgadas nas redes sociais. Mais de 1300 alunos assistiram às palestras pessoalmente. Foram rastreados 30 postagens em revistas impressas e sites de notícias que publicaram notícias sobre este projeto. Concluímos que as técnicas de estudo podem ser disseminadas em grande escala por estudantes e professores pela comunidade científica com a ajuda da mídia. Isso é especialmente relevante em países em desenvolvimento, onde as práticas educacionais ainda estão subfinanciadas. Palavras-chave: Mídia e Ciência, Popularização da Ciência, Comunicação Científic

    What are we measuring with the morningness–eveningness questionnaire? Exploratory factor analysis across four samples from two countries

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    Individual variability in diurnal preference or chronotype is commonly assessed with self-report scales such as the widely used morningness–eveningness questionnaire (MEQ). We sought to investigate the MEQ’s internal consistency by applying exploratory factor analysis (EFA) to determine the number of underlying latent factors in four different adult samples, two each from the United Kingdom and Brazil (total N = 3,457). We focused on factors that were apparent in all samples, irrespective of particular sociocultural diversity and geographical characteristics, so as to show a common core reproducible structure across samples. Results showed a three-factor solution with acceptable to good model fit indexes in all studied populations. Twelve of the 19 MEQ items in the three-correlated factor solution loaded onto the same factors across the four samples. This shows that the scale measures three distinguishable, yet correlated constructs: (1) items related to how people feel in the morning, which we termed efficiency of dissipation of sleep pressure (recovery process) (items 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, and 19); (2) items related to how people feel before sleep, which we called sensitivity to buildup of sleep pressure (items 2, 10, and 12); and (3) peak time of cognitive arousal (item 11). Although the third factor was not regarded as consistent since only one item was common among all samples, it might represent subjective amplitude. These results suggested that the latent constructs of the MEQ reflect dissociable homeostatic processes in addition to a less consistent propensity for cognitive arousal at different times of the day. By analyzing answers to MEQ items that compose these latent factors, it may be possible to extract further knowledge of factors that affect morningness–eveningness

    Psychometric Properties of a Short Version of the Impulsiveness Questionnaire UPPS-P in a Brazilian Adult Sample: Invariance for Effects of Age, Sex and Socioeconomic Status and Subscales Viability

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    Five different facets or domains of impulsivity (lack of Perseverance, lack of Premeditation, Sensation Seeking, Positive and Negative Urgency) have been detected in undergraduate students by means of a short, 20-item version of the Impulsive Behavior Scale UPPS-P. The present cross-sectional study examined the psychometric properties of a Brazilian version of this short scale (SUPPS-P) in a non-clinical sample of 510 individuals with a larger age range (10–72 years) and from varying socioeconomic strata (SES). We also investigated: (a) differential item functioning according to age, sex and socioeconomic status; (b) whether these demographic factors affected participants’ responses (population heterogeneity); and (c) if using scores directly derived from respondents’ answers (raw scores) reflected the 5 distinguishable impulsiveness domains out of the structural equation modeling environment (bifactor model). We showed that the short UPPS-P version replicated factor structures, internal consistency across domains and inter-scale correlations found in prior studies, and confirmed the psychometric separability of the 5 impulsiveness domains. Only three out of the 20 items showed differential item functioning. Higher Positive and Negative Urgency and lack of Premeditation were reported by men and impulsiveness decreases with age in all domains except lack of Premeditation. SES did not influence results. The viability of using raw scores to assess the five domains was not confirmed via bifactor modeling. The use of a general composite score was psychometrically acceptable. We conclude that, in the structural equation modeling environment, the SUPPS-P is a reliable instrument to assess multiple impulsivity domains in non-clinical community samples in different cultural settings. However, out of this statistical environment, viability was only found for a general factor of impulsivity

    Adolescer em quadrinhos

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    Este e-book gratuito para adolescentes (e/ou adultos interessados) explica porque adolescentes enfrentam certos desafios por meio de histórias em quadrinhos (HQs) que são acompanhadas de breves explicações científicas sobre mudanças comportamentais na adolescência. Além disso, o e-book ilustra como são realizadas pesquisas sobre a "ciência da adolescência" com o objetivo de explicar de onde provêm os conhecimentos descritos. Esta obra, elaborada por especialistas da UNIFESP, visa aumentar a consciência de jovens sobre os porquês de muitas dificuldades enfrentadas na adolescência, reduzir conflitos entre eles(as) e outra pessoas, bem como popularizar a importância da ciência. Sendo assim, o e-book pode ser empregado em contextos educacionais para discutir o desenvolvimento de habilidades de autorregulação comportamental nessa fase da vida e/ou como uma introdução à metodologia científica.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Adolesendo Story Retelling Task Database

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    Full & Modified transcriptions of the retelling tasks, plus database

    Improving retention by placing retrieval practice at the end of class: a naturalistic study

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    Abstract Attempting to recall previously encountered information by being tested or quizzed (retrieval practice: RP) enhances memory. In real classrooms, however, it is unclear when testing should take place (placement) in order to elicit better learning. We tested students using authentic undergraduate-course materials with two placements, followed by collective feedback: (a) at the end of the class in which content was taught; or (b) at the beginning of the next class. Re-teaching (RT) the same content through lecturer led-reviews at the same placements was used as a control condition. RP and RT plus feedback took 15 min of 100 min-long classes and were applied during 12 classes after which retention was assessed by exams. Participants were 114 students enrolled in a biweekly taught course. Testing (RP) once at the end of the same class in which content was taught boosted academic scores by around 10% compared to the other manipulations.Resumen El intento de recordar la información presentada previamente mediante pruebas o cuestionarios (práctica de recuperación, RP) mejora la memoria. Sin embargo, en las clases reales no está claro en qué momento debe realizarse las pruebas para obtener un mejor aprendizaje. Probamos a los estudiantes utilizando materiales auténticos de cursos de licenciatura en dos momentos, seguidos de una retroalimentación colectiva: (a) al final de la clase en la que se enseñó el contenido; o (b) al principio de la siguiente clase. La reenseñanza (RT) del mismo contenido a través de revisiones dirigidas por el profesor en el mismo momento se utilizó como condición de control. La RP y la RT más la retroalimentación tomaron 15 minutos de clases de 100 minutos de duración y se aplicaron durante 12 clases después de las cuales la retención fue evaluada por exámenes. Los participantes fueron 114 estudiantes inscritos en un curso impartido cada dos semanas. Las pruebas (RP) realizadas una vez al final de la misma clase en la que el contenido se enseñó, aumentó los resultados académicos en alrededor de un 10% en comparación con las otras manipulaciones

    Imagens na escola: porque e como podem melhorar a aprendizagem

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    Este e-book gratuito para professores discute por que e de que formas imagens podem ser usadas em sala de aula para auxiliar na compreensão e retenção de informações, bem como na ampliação de conhecimentos gerais. São apresentados exemplos de como usar esse tipo de recurso para esses fins em todas as disciplinas e com alunos de qualquer idade, mas com foco em obras de arte que retratam adolescentes. A obra inclui também dicas de como buscar imagens online sem restrição de uso. Seu objetivo é instrumentalizar professores a usar mais imagens para enriquecer suas práticas pedagógicas. O e-book foi escrito por especialistas em cognição humana e história da arte.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP