128 research outputs found

    Onko psykologisen sopimuksen muuttuminen työntekijä- vai työnantajalähtöistä?

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    Kriittistä psykologisen sopimuksen teorian ja tutkimuksen kehittämistä

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    Työaika osana tietotyön psykologisia sopimuksia

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    Resilienssi työntekijän voimavarana asiantuntijatyön aikapaineiden hallinnassa

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    Resilience as employees’ resourcein the time pressures of expert workThe article focuses on resilience as employees’resource to cope with the time pressure in expert work. Resilience has been characterized bythe flexible adaptation to the chancing demandsof stressful experiences and ability to learn fromthem. The data includes 20 interviews of expertworkers from Finland. The findings of the article reveal that the resilient expert workers try tosee time pressure as a normal part of their workand even find something positive out of it. Theyare counting on their work skills and ability ofcoping with the time pressure. They have alsoformed several practical methods of managingwith the workload in a hurry. These include doing work way before deadlines to leave space forurgent tasks and planning all tasks carefully, andalso training their ability to concentrate

    Psykologiset sopimukset ja organisaatioon sitoutuminen tietotyössä

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    Letter to Lyon

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    I’ve found it difficult to transition back to life in America after being in Lyon for so long

    The Motivations for and Well-Being Implications of Social Media Use at Work among Millennials and Members of Former Generations

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    Working life has digitalized considerably in recent decades and organizations have taken into use new forms of collaborative technologies such as social media platforms. This study examined the relationship between social media use at work and well-being at work for millennials and members of former generations in Finland. The research data contained focus group interviews (N = 52), an expert organization survey (N = 563), and a nationally representative survey (N = 1817). Well-being measures included technostress, burnout, psychological distress, and a set of background variables. Content analysis and linear regression models were used as analysis methods. The results showed that millennials have various intrinsic and extrinsic motivations for social media use at work. Intrinsic motivations included employees’ personal choice and their pure interest to follow the market and discussions in their own field. Extrinsic motivations were related mainly to organizations’ work culture and personal branding. The survey findings revealed, however, that millennials were not only more active social media users for work, but they also experienced higher technostress and burnout than members of former generations. Social media use motivations were associated with both higher and lower technostress and burnout depending on motivation, indicating that social media use can have both positive and negative effects. Overall, our findings suggest that employees tend to utilize social media more if their needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness are fulfilled

    The Motivations for and Well-Being Implications of Social Media Use at Work among Millennials and Members of Former Generations

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    Working life has digitalized considerably in recent decades and organizations have taken into use new forms of collaborative technologies such as social media platforms. This study examined the relationship between social media use at work and well-being at work for millennials and members of former generations in Finland. The research data contained focus group interviews (N = 52), an expert organization survey (N = 563), and a nationally representative survey (N = 1817). Well-being measures included technostress, burnout, psychological distress, and a set of background variables. Content analysis and linear regression models were used as analysis methods. The results showed that millennials have various intrinsic and extrinsic motivations for social media use at work. Intrinsic motivations included employees’ personal choice and their pure interest to follow the market and discussions in their own field. Extrinsic motivations were related mainly to organizations’ work culture and personal branding. The survey findings revealed, however, that millennials were not only more active social media users for work, but they also experienced higher technostress and burnout than members of former generations. Social media use motivations were associated with both higher and lower technostress and burnout depending on motivation, indicating that social media use can have both positive and negative effects. Overall, our findings suggest that employees tend to utilize social media more if their needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness are fulfilled

    Digitalisoituva käännöstyö ja toimijuuden rajat

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    Artikkeli käsittelee kääntäjien työn muutosta ja kääntäjien toimijuuden mahdollisuuksia digitalisoituneessa ja alustoituvassa työssä. Kiinnostuksemme kohteena on kääntäjien oma ymmärrys käännöstyön muutoksen prosesseista. Miten ne vaikuttavat kääntämisen työprosessiin, asemaan työmarkkinoilla ja keinoihin, joilla kääntäjät pystyvät toimimaan oman autonomiansa säilyttämiseksi? Kytkemme tulokset laajempiin keskusteluihin alustataloudesta, työprosesseista ja toimijuudesta työelämässä. Tutkimusaineistona käytämme yhteistyössä Suomen kääntäjien ja tulkkien liiton kanssa kerättyä pääosin avovastauksia sisältävää verkkokyselyaineistoa. Tulostemme mukaan kääntäjien toimijuus suhteessa omaan työprosessiinsa, työn ehtoihin ja vaikutusmahdollisuuksiin on kaventunut. Kääntäjät kokevat työhön liittyvän toimijuutensa olevan alisteista digitalisaatiolle ja sitä ohjaavalle liiketoimintalogiikalle. Tässä mielessä toimialana kääntäminen näyttäytyy hyvin samantyyppisenä kuin moni muu digitalisoituva ja alustoituva toimiala.publishedVersionPeer reviewe