113 research outputs found

    Markets Susceptible to ex ante Regulation : Methodology and Commission Recommendation

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    The EU regulatory framework for electronic communications services distinguishes between markets that are susceptible to ex ante regulation and those that are subject to competition law alone. The paper lays out the methodology for identifying relevant markets that may be considered for ex ante regulation. It also provides a summary of the relevant markets that should be susceptible to ex ante regulation based on an analysis of conditions likely to prevail in a ‘representative" member state. The paper finally addresses the role of the European Commission, and in particular its Relevant Markets Recommendation, as a means of providing guidance to NRAs.EU regulatory framework; susceptibility to ex ante regulation; 3-criteria test; Relevant Markets Recommendation; market definition and modified Greenfield approach

    Markets Susceptible to ex ante Regulation : Methodology and Commission Recommendation

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    The EU regulatory framework for electronic communications services distinguishes between markets that are susceptible to ex ante regulation and those that are subject to competition law alone. The paper lays out the methodology for identifying relevant markets that may be considered for ex ante regulation. It also provides a summary of the relevant markets that should be susceptible to ex ante regulation based on an analysis of conditions likely to prevail in a ‘representative" member state. The paper finally addresses the role of the European Commission, and in particular its Relevant Markets Recommendation, as a means of providing guidance to NRAs

    Triazole-Functionalized Mesoporous Materials Based on Poly(styrene- block -lactic acid): A Morphology Study of Thin Films

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    We report the synthesis of poly(styrene- block -lactic acid) (PS- b -PLA) copolymers with triazole rings as a junction between blocks. These materials were prepared via a ‘click’ strategy which involved the reaction between azide-terminated poly(styrene) (PS-N 3 ) and acetylene-terminated poly(D,L-lactic acid) (PLA-Ac), accomplished by copper-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition reaction. This synthetic approach has demonstrated to be effective to obtain specific copolymer structures with targeted self-assembly properties. We observed the self-assembly behavior of the PS- b -PLA thin films as induced by solvent vapor annealing (SVA), thermal annealing (TA), and hydrolysis of the as-spun substrates and monitored their morphological changes by means of different microscopic techniques. Self-assembly via SVA and TA proved to be strongly dependent on the pretreatment of the substrates. Microphase segregation of the untreated films yielded a pore size of 125 nm after a 45-min SVA. After selectively removing the PLA microdomains, the as-spun substrates exhibited the formation of pores on the surface, which can be a good alternative to form an ordered pattern of triazole functionalized porous PS at the mesoscale. Finally, as revealed by scanning electron microscopy–energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, the obtained triazole-functionalized PS-porous film exhibited some affinity to copper (Cu) in solution. These materials are suitable candidates to further study its metal-caption properties

    FAST: Förder-Assessment-Center fĂŒr Studierende - Auch an UniversitĂ€ten ist Fachwissen nicht alles

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    UniversitĂ€ten legen in der Ausbildung von Studenten vor allem Wert auf die Vermittlung von Fachwissen, die gezielte Entwicklung von sozialen Kompetenzen oder Selbstmanagementkompetenzen tritt demgegenĂŒber in den Hintergrund. Vor dieser Ausgangslage wurde an der UniversitĂ€t Regensburg ein Förder-Assessment-Center fĂŒr Studierende, abgekĂŒrzt FAST, entwickelt, das darauf abzielt, einen Beitrag zur Förderung dieser an UniversitĂ€ten oftmals vernachlĂ€ssigten FĂ€higkeiten zu leisten. FAST basiert auf einer empirischen Analyse der Anforderungen, die im Studienalltag an Studierende gestellt werden. Auf dieser Grundlage wurden ein Anforderungsprofil definiert, das die fĂŒr die BewĂ€ltigung dieser Anforderungen notwendigen FĂ€higkeiten beschreibt, sowie Übungen entwickelt, die prototypische Anforderungssituationen darstellen. Teilnehmer an FAST absolvieren diese Übungen und werden dabei im Hinblick auf das Anforderungsprofil beobachtet und beurteilt. Am Ende des Verfahrens erhalten die Teilnehmer eine differenzierte und verhaltensnahe individuelle RĂŒckmeldung, wie ihre FĂ€higkeiten in Bezug auf diese Anforderungen ausgeprĂ€gt sind. Die RĂŒckmeldung soll den Teilnehmern dabei helfen, ihre eigenen StĂ€rken und SchwĂ€chen zu erkennen und zu verstehen, um daraus persönliche Entwicklungsstrategien und -schritte abzuleiten. In diesem Beitrag werden die Ziele und die Konstruktion von FAST dargestellt. Erfahrungen und Resultate einer ersten DurchfĂŒhrung von FAST werden berichtet und ein Ausblick auf den weiteren Einsatz dieses Verfahrens erfolgt. 08.12.2004 | Ulrich Graner, Silke Heiss, Peter Joscht, Nicola Stahl, Verena Stengel, Thomas Symanik & Siegfried Stumpf (Regensburg

    Signatures of technetium oxidation states: a new approach

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    A general strategy for the determination of Tc oxidation state by new approach involving X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) at the Tc L-3 edge is shown. A comprehensive series of Tc-99 compounds, ranging from oxidation states I to VII, was measured and subsequently simulated within the framework of crystal-field multiplet theory. The observable trends in the absorption edge energy shift in combination with the spectral shape allow for a deeper understanding of complicated Tc coordination chemistry. This approach can be extended to numerous studies of Tc systems as this method is one of the most sensitive methods for accurate Tc oxidation state and ligand characterization
