344 research outputs found

    The radial metallicity gradients in the Milky Way thick disk as fossil signatures of a primordial chemical distribution

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    In this letter we examine the evolution of the radial metallicity gradient induced by secular processes, in the disk of an NN-body Milky Way-like galaxy. We assign a [Fe/H] value to each particle of the simulation according to an initial, cosmologically motivated, radial chemical distribution and let the disk dynamically evolve for 6 Gyr. This direct approach allows us to take into account only the effects of dynamical evolution and to gauge how and to what extent they affect the initial chemical conditions. The initial [Fe/H] distribution increases with R in the inner disk up to R ~ 10 kpc and decreases for larger R. We find that the initial chemical profile does not undergo major transformations after 6 Gyr of dynamical evolution. The final radial chemical gradients predicted by the model in the solar neighborhood are positive and of the same order of those recently observed in the Milky Way thick disk. We conclude that: 1) the spatial chemical imprint at the time of disk formation is not washed out by secular dynamical processes, and 2) the observed radial gradient may be the dynamical relic of a thick disk originated from a stellar population showing a positive chemical radial gradient in the inner regions.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for publication on Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The thick disk rotation-metallicity correlation as a fossil of an "inverse chemical gradient" in the early Galaxy

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    The thick disk rotation--metallicity correlation, \partial V_\phi/\partial[Fe/H] =40\div 50 km s^{-1}dex^{-1} represents an important signature of the formation processes of the galactic disk. We use nondissipative numerical simulations to follow the evolution of a Milky Way (MW)-like disk to verify if secular dynamical processes can account for this correlation in the old thick disk stellar population. We followed the evolution of an ancient disk population represented by 10 million particles whose chemical abundances were assigned by assuming a cosmologically plausible radial metallicity gradient with lower metallicity in the inner regions, as expected for the 10-Gyr-old MW. Essentially, inner disk stars move towards the outer regions and populate layers located at higher |z|. A rotation--metallicity correlation appears, which well resembles the behaviour observed in our Galaxy at a galactocentric distance between 8 kpc and 10 kpc. In particular,we measure a correlation of \partial V_\phi/\partial[Fe/H]\simeq 60 km s^{-1}dex^{-1} for particles at 1.5 kpc < |z| < 2.0 kpc that persists up to 6 Gyr. Our pure N-body models can account for the V_\phi vs. [Fe/H] correlation observed in the thick disk of our Galaxy, suggesting that processes internal to the disk such as heating and radial migration play a role in the formation of this old stellar component. In this scenario, the positive rotation-metallicity correlation of the old thick disk population would represent the relic signature of an ancient "inverse" chemical (radial) gradient in the inner Galaxy, which resulted from accretion of primordial gas.Comment: Accepted for publication on Astronomy and Astrophysic

    The chemical signature of the Galactic spiral arms revealed by Gaia DR3

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    Taking advantage of the recent Gaia Data Release 3 (DR3), we map chemical inhomogeneities in the Milky Way's disc out to a distance of \sim 4 kpc from the Sun, using different samples of bright giant stars. The samples are selected using effective temperatures and surface gravities from the GSP-Spec module, and are expected to trace stellar populations of different typical age. The cool (old) giants exhibit a relatively smooth radial metallicity gradient with an azimuthal dependence. Binning in Galactic azimuth ϕ\phi, the slope gradually varies from dd[M/H]/dR0.054/dR \sim -0.054 dex kpc1^{-1} at ϕ20\phi \sim -20^{\circ} to 0.035\sim -0.035 dex kpc1^{-1} at ϕ20\phi \sim 20^{\circ}. On the other hand, the relatively hotter (and younger) stars present remarkable inhomogeneities, apparent as three (possibly four) metal-rich elongated features in correspondence of the spiral arms' locations in the Galactic disc. When projected onto Galactic radius, those features manifest themselves as statistically significant bumps on top of the observed radial metallicity gradients with amplitudes up to 0.050.1 \sim 0.05-0.1 dex, making the assumption of a linear radial decrease not applicable to this sample. The strong correlation between the spiral structure of the Galaxy and the observed chemical pattern in the young sample indicates that the spiral arms might be at the origin for the detected chemical inhomogeneities. In this scenario, the spiral arms would leave in the younger stars a strong signature, which progressively disappears when cooler (and older) giants are considered.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Kinematic Survey of Halo Stars from SDSS-DR2 with GSC2

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    A spectroscopic survey of thick disc stars outside the solar neighbourhood

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    We performed a spectroscopic survey of nearly 700 stars probing the galactic thick disc far from the solar neighbourhood towards the galactic coordinates (l~277, b~47). The derived effective temperatures, surface gravities and overall metallicities were then combined with stellar evolution isochrones, radial velocities and proper motions to derive the distances, kinematics and orbital parameters of the sample stars. The targets belonging to each galactic component (thin disc, thick disc, halo) were selected either on their kinematics or according to their position above the galactic plane, and the vertical gradients were also estimated. We present here atmospheric parameters, distances and kinematics for this sample, and a comparison of our kinematic and metallicity distributions with the Besancon model of the Milky Way. The thick disc far from the solar neighbourhood is found to differ only slightly from the thick disc properties as derived in the solar vicinity. For regions where the thick disc dominates, we measured vertical velocity and metallicity trends of d(V_phi)/dZ = 19 +/- 8 km/s/kpc and d[M/H]/dZ = -0.14 +/- 0.05 dex/kpc, respectively. These trends can be explained as a smooth transition between the different galactic components, although intrinsic gradients could not be excluded. In addition, a correlation d(V_phi)/d[M/H] = -45 +/- 12 km/s/dex between the orbital velocity and the metallicity of the thick disc is detected. This gradient is inconsistent with the SDSS photometric survey analysis, which did not detect any such trend, and challenges radial migration models of thick disc formation. Estimations of the scale heights and scale lengths for different metallicity bins of the thick disc result in consistent values, with hR~3.4 \pm 0.7 kpc, and hZ~694 \pm 45 pc, showing no evidence of relics of destroyed massive satellites.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in A&