1,007 research outputs found

    Bundled Crossings Revisited

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    An effective way to reduce clutter in a graph drawing that has (many) crossings is to group edges that travel in parallel into \emph{bundles}. Each edge can participate in many such bundles. Any crossing in this bundled graph occurs between two bundles, i.e., as a \emph{bundled crossing}. We consider the problem of bundled crossing minimization: A graph is given and the goal is to find a bundled drawing with at most kk bundled crossings. We show that the problem is NP-hard when we require a simple drawing. Our main result is an FPT algorithm (in kk) when we require a simple circular layout. These results make use of the connection between bundled crossings and graph genus.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2019

    Satellites and large doping- and temperature-dependence of electronic properties in hole-doped BaFe2As2

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    Over the last years, superconductivity has been discovered in several families of iron-based compounds. Despite intense research, even basic electronic properties of these materials, such as Fermi surfaces, effective electron masses, or orbital characters are still subject to debate. Here, we address an issue that has not been considered before, namely the consequences of dynamical screening of the Coulomb interactions among Fe-d electrons. We demonstrate its importance not only for correlation satellites seen in photoemission spectroscopy, but also for the low-energy electronic structure. From our analysis of the normal phase of BaFe2As2 emerges the picture of a strongly correlated compound with strongly doping- and temperature-dependent properties. In the hole overdoped regime, an incoherent metal is found, while Fermi-liquid behavior is recovered in the undoped compound. At optimal doping, the self-energy exhibits an unusual square-root energy dependence which leads to strong band renormalizations near the Fermi level

    The role of the right temporoparietal junction in perceptual conflict: detection or resolution?

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    The right temporoparietal junction (rTPJ) is a polysensory cortical area that plays a key role in perception and awareness. Neuroimaging evidence shows activation of rTPJ in intersensory and sensorimotor conflict situations, but it remains unclear whether this activity reflects detection or resolution of such conflicts. To address this question, we manipulated the relationship between touch and vision using the so-called mirror-box illusion. Participants' hands lay on either side of a mirror, which occluded their left hand and reflected their right hand, but created the illusion that they were looking directly at their left hand. The experimenter simultaneously touched either the middle (D3) or the ring finger (D4) of each hand. Participants judged, which finger was touched on their occluded left hand. The visual stimulus corresponding to the touch on the right hand was therefore either congruent (same finger as touch) or incongruent (different finger from touch) with the task-relevant touch on the left hand. Single-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was delivered to the rTPJ immediately after touch. Accuracy in localizing the left touch was worse for D4 than for D3, particularly when visual stimulation was incongruent. However, following TMS, accuracy improved selectively for D4 in incongruent trials, suggesting that the effects of the conflicting visual information were reduced. These findings suggest a role of rTPJ in detecting, rather than resolving, intersensory conflict

    Expression profiling of laser-microdissected intrapulmonary arteries in hypoxia-induced pulmonary hypertension

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic hypoxia influences gene expression in the lung resulting in pulmonary hypertension and vascular remodelling. For specific investigation of the vascular compartment, laser-microdissection of intrapulmonary arteries was combined with array profiling. METHODS AND RESULTS: Analysis was performed on mice subjected to 1, 7 and 21 days of hypoxia (FiO(2 )= 0.1) using nylon filters (1176 spots). Changes in the expression of 29, 38, and 42 genes were observed at day 1, 7, and 21, respectively. Genes were grouped into 5 different classes based on their time course of response. Gene regulation obtained by array analysis was confirmed by real-time PCR. Additionally, the expression of the growth mediators PDGF-B, TGF-β, TSP-1, SRF, FGF-2, TIE-2 receptor, and VEGF-R1 were determined by real-time PCR. At day 1, transcription modulators and ion-related proteins were predominantly regulated. However, at day 7 and 21 differential expression of matrix producing and degrading genes was observed, indicating ongoing structural alterations. Among the 21 genes upregulated at day 1, 15 genes were identified carrying potential hypoxia response elements (HREs) for hypoxia-induced transcription factors. Three differentially expressed genes (S100A4, CD36 and FKBP1a) were examined by immunohistochemistry confirming the regulation on protein level. While FKBP1a was restricted to the vessel adventitia, S100A4 and CD36 were localised in the vascular tunica media. CONCLUSION: Laser-microdissection and array profiling has revealed several new genes involved in lung vascular remodelling in response to hypoxia. Immunohistochemistry confirmed regulation of three proteins and specified their localisation in vascular smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts indicating involvement of different cells types in the remodelling process. The approach allows deeper insight into hypoxic regulatory pathways specifically in the vascular compartment of this complex organ

    A criterion for the fragmentation of bubbly magma based on brittle failure theory

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    The fragmentation of bubbly magma is a defining point in a volcanic eruption-before fragmentation the magma flows relatively slowly, during fragmentation the bubbles break up to release compressed gas and, afterwards, the eruption becomes a violent gas flow carrying suspended magma particles. Seemingly benign lava flows or domes can suddenly fragment into deadly pyroclastic flows(1-3). Several criteria have been proposed to define the point of magma fragmentation or foam stability(4-7). The criterion of Papale(7) is based on melt relaxation theory and equates magma strain rate with the rate of increase of flow velocity with distance. It ignores, however, the role of bubble pressure in causing fragmentation. Two empirical approaches(4,5) consider the role of high bubble pressure in causing fragmentation but do not address the underlying physics of magma fragmentation. Here I develop a fragmentation criterion for bubbly magma based on brittle failure theory and apply it to the fragmentation of lava domes and flows. On the basis of this theory, a bubbly magma will fragment when the tensile stress at the inner walls of bubbles exceeds the tensile strength of the magma. The fragmentation conditions depend strongly on initial water content, with calculated vesicularity and final water levels coinciding reasonably well with those in observed pumices. This suggests that the proposed criterion captures the essence of the fragmentation process in bubbly magma.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/62724/1/402648a0.pd

    Factors Associated with Refusal of Rapid HIV Testing in an Emergency Department

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    HIV screening studies in the emergency department (ED) have demonstrated rates of HIV test refusal ranging from 40–67%. This study aimed to determine the factors associated with refusal to undergo routine rapid HIV testing in an academic ED in Boston. HIV counselors offered routine testing to 1,959 patients; almost one-third of patients (29%) refused. Data from a self-administered survey were used to determine independent correlates of HIV testing refusal. In multivariate analysis, women and patients with annual household incomes of $50,000 or more were more likely to refuse testing, as were those who reported not engaging in HIV risk behaviors, those previously HIV tested and those who did not perceive a need for testing. Enrollment during morning hours was also associated with an increased risk of refusal. Increased educational efforts to convey the rationale and benefits of universal screening may improve testing uptake among these groups

    Bifidobacterium bifidum Actively Changes the Gene Expression Profile Induced by Lactobacillus acidophilus in Murine Dendritic Cells

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    Dendritic cells (DC) play a pivotal regulatory role in activation of both the innate as well as the adaptive immune system by responding to environmental microorganisms. We have previously shown that Lactobacillus acidophilus induces a strong production of the pro-inflammatory and Th1 polarizing cytokine IL-12 in DC, whereas bifidobacteria do not induce IL-12 but inhibit the IL-12 production induced by lactobacilli. In the present study, genome-wide microarrays were used to investigate the gene expression pattern of murine DC stimulated with Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM and Bifidobacterium bifidum Z9. L. acidophilus NCFM strongly induced expression of interferon (IFN)-β, other virus defence genes, and cytokine and chemokine genes related to the innate and the adaptive immune response. By contrast, B. bifidum Z9 up-regulated genes encoding cytokines and chemokines related to the innate immune response. Moreover, B. bifidum Z9 inhibited the expression of the Th1-promoting genes induced by L. acidophilus NCFM and had an additive effect on genes of the innate immune response and Th2 skewing genes. The gene encoding Jun dimerization protein 2 (JDP2), a transcription factor regulating the activation of JNK, was one of the few genes only induced by B. bifidum Z9. Neutralization of IFN-β abrogated L. acidophilus NCFM-induced expression of Th1-skewing genes, and blocking of the JNK pathway completely inhibited the expression of IFN-β. Our results indicate that B. bifidum Z9 actively inhibits the expression of genes related to the adaptive immune system in murine dendritic cells and that JPD2 via blocking of IFN-β plays a central role in this regulatory mechanism

    Increased S-nitrosylation and proteasomal degradation of caspase-3 during infection contribute to the persistence of adherent invasive escherichia coli (AIEC) in immune cells

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    Adherent invasive Escherichia coli (AIEC) have been implicated as a causative agent of Crohn's disease (CD) due to their isolation from the intestines of CD sufferers and their ability to persist in macrophages inducing granulomas. The rapid intracellular multiplication of AIEC sets it apart from other enteric pathogens such as Salmonella Typhimurium which after limited replication induce programmed cell death (PCD). Understanding the response of infected cells to the increased AIEC bacterial load and associated metabolic stress may offer insights into AIEC pathogenesis and its association with CD. Here we show that AIEC persistence within macrophages and dendritic cells is facilitated by increased proteasomal degradation of caspase-3. In addition S-nitrosylation of pro- and active forms of caspase-3, which can inhibit the enzymes activity, is increased in AIEC infected macrophages. This S-nitrosylated caspase-3 was seen to accumulate upon inhibition of the proteasome indicating an additional role for S-nitrosylation in inducing caspase-3 degradation in a manner independent of ubiquitination. In addition to the autophagic genetic defects that are linked to CD, this delay in apoptosis mediated in AIEC infected cells through increased degradation of caspase-3, may be an essential factor in its prolonged persistence in CD patients

    The Use-it-Wisely (UIW) Approach

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    Role of biomechanics in the understanding of normal, injured, and healing ligaments and tendons

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    Ligaments and tendons are soft connective tissues which serve essential roles for biomechanical function of the musculoskeletal system by stabilizing and guiding the motion of diarthrodial joints. Nevertheless, these tissues are frequently injured due to repetition and overuse as well as quick cutting motions that involve acceleration and deceleration. These injuries often upset this balance between mobility and stability of the joint which causes damage to other soft tissues manifested as pain and other morbidity, such as osteoarthritis