17 research outputs found

    The influence of vitamin D deficiency on eradication rates of Helicobacter pylori

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    Background. Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy improves the healing of various gastro-duodenal diseases such as chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer, and also reduces gastric cancer incidence. Several studies have reported on risk factors other than antibiotic resistance related to Helicobacter pylori eradication failure. Objectives. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether or not the serum levels of 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D) influence eradication rates of H. pylori. Material and methods. 220 patients diagnosed with H. pylori gastritis using endoscopic biopsy had their 25-OH vitamin D levels measured via the electrochemiluminescence method before beginning eradication therapy of H. pylori. Gastric biopsies obtained at endoscopy were examined for H. pylori strains and histopathologic findings. All patients were treated with bismuth-containing quadruple therapy for 14 days. H. pylori eradication was determined via the 14C-urea breath test performed 4 weeks after the end of therapy. Based on the 25-OH vitamin D levels, the patients were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (deficient) had a vitamin D level of = 10 ng/mL. Results. Eradication was successful in 170 (77.2%) patients and failed in 50 (22.7%) patients. The prevalence of 25(OH)D deficiency was 30.5%. Mean 25(OH)D levels were significantly lower in the eradication failure group compared to the successful treatment group (9.13 +/- 4.7 vs 19.03 +/- 8.13; p = 0.001). There were significantly more patients with deficient 25(OH)D levels in the failed treatment group compared to the successful treatment group (p = 0.001). Conclusions. Our findings suggest that 25-OH vitamin D deficiency may be considered a risk factor related to eradication failure of H. pylori, which may lead to a need for supplementation of vitamin D before eradication of H. pylori

    4-6 yaş arası fenilketonürili çocuklarda beslenme eğitimi programı uygulaması ve sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi

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    ÖZETAraştırmamızda, doğumdan sonraki ilk üç ay içinde tanısı konmuş ve diyet tedavisine başlanmış, 4-6 yaş arası 19 deney, 19 kontrol grubunu oluşturan 38 klasik fenilketonürili çocuk yer almıştır. 12 Hafta boyunca sürdürülen Beslenme Eğitimi Programı'nın çocukların diyet bilgisi, gelişim düzeyi ve kan fenilalanin düzeyi üzerine etkinliği incelenmiştir.Araştırmada, deney ve kontrol grubunu oluşturan çocuklar cinsiyet, yaş, zihinsel seviye ve annenin eğitim düzeyi açısından bire-bir eşleştirilmiştir. Araştırmada, deney ve kontrol grubunu oluşturan çocukların eğitim sonrasında diyet bilgileri anlamlı düzeyde artmıştır. Deney ve kontrol grubu sontest karşılaştırmasında, deney grubunu oluşturan çocukların diyet bilgileri kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı düzeyde artmıştır.Araştırmada, deney grubunu oluşturan çocukların eğitim sonrasında dil gelişimlerinde olan açıklık anlamlı düzeyde kapatılmıştır. Deney ve kontrol gruplarının sontest karşılaştırmasında ve kontrol grubunun öntest-sontest karşılaştırmasında DGTT II'ye göre çocukların gelişim düzeyleri açısından anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır.Araştırmada, deney grubunu oluşturan çocukların eğitim sonrasında, normal kan fenilalanin düzeyi oranında anlamlı bir artış olmuştur. Deney ve kontrol gruplarının sontest karşılaştırmasında deney grubunu oluşturan çocukların normal kan fenilalanin düzeyi oranı kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı düzeyde artmıştır. Kontrol grubunun öntest-sontest karşılaştırmasında normal kan fenilalanin düzeyi açısından anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır.Araştırmada, deney grubunu oluşturan çocukların eğitim sonrasında, yüksek kan fenilalanin düzeyinde anlamlı bir düşüş olmuştur. Deney ve kontrol gruplarının sontest karşılaştırmasında deney grubunu oluşturan çocukların yüksek kan fenilalanin değerleri kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı düzeyde düşmüştür. Kontrol grubunun öntest-sontest karşılaştırmasında yüksek kan fenilalanin değerleri ortalaması açısından anlamlı bir fark bulunamamıştır.Araştırmamızda, annenin eğitim düzeyi değişkenine göre diyet bilgisi ve kan fenilalanin düzeylerine bakıldığında anlamlı bir fark bulunmamış; geli-şimsel açığa bakıldığında ise dil gelişimi boyutunda eğitim seviyesi düşük anneler lehine anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur. Araştırmamızda, ailenin sahip olduğu sosyal güvence değişkenine göre gelişim düzeyi ve kan fenilalanin düzeyine bakıldığında anlamlı bir fark bulunmamış; diyet bilgisine bakıldığında ise Emekli Sandığı'na bağlı ailelerin çocukları lehine anlamlı bir fark bulunmuştur.Cinsiyet, çocuğun yaşı, annenin yaşı, annenin çalışma durumu, ailedeki çocuk sayısı, okul öncesi kuruma gitme, ailenin aylık geliri, çocuğun doğum sırası ve anne tutumu değişkenlerinin diyet bilgisi, gelişim düzeyi ve kan fenilalanin düzeyleri üzerine etkisi olmadığı bulunmuştur. SUMMARYThis research was performed on an experiment group of 19 and a control group of 19 children who had been diagnosed as having Classic Phenylketonuria during the first three months after birth. Their age was ranging between 4 and 6. They were subjected to Nourishment Education Program during 12 weeks. Meantime their knowledge of the diet, their development and their level of phenylalanine in blood were monitored.The children of the experiment group and the control group were chosen from the same sex, age, IQ level and mothher's background The research results showed that, the children of experiment and the control groups learned during the program and made progress towards achievement of the outlined goals and objectives regarding their diet. The post-test results showed that the children of the experiment group made a significant progress compare to the children of control group. The speech progress was also observed for the children in the experiment group. The post-test results for the children of experiment and control groups as well as the pre and post test results for the children of control group did not show a significant progress according DGTT II.A significant rise of normal phenylalanine in blood was determined for the children of the experiment group. This increase was also confirmed with the post-tests performed on the children of experiment and control groups. The pre- and post-test results showed that the normal phenylalanine level for the children of control group did remain the same.After the program, a decrease in high phenylalanine was observed for the children of experiment group. This decrease was also confirmed with the post-test results performed on the children of experiment and control groups.There was not a significant difference in phenylalanine level in blood and knowledge of diet according to mother's background. The speech progress was also observed for the children of mothers with low background.Furthermore, the research results also showed that having the Social Security did not make any difference in development progress and in the level of phenylalanine in blood. But it was observed that the children from the families having Emniyet Sandığı gathered better knowledge about the diet.The findings indicate that the child's sex, the child's age, mother's age, mother's profession, the number of brothers and sisters, his pre-school education, his family's monthly income, from which pregnancies he was born and his mother's attitude do not regulate or affect his knowledge of diet, his developmental progress and his level of phenylalanine in blood

    Sirozlu hastalarda Child-Pugh evresine göre hepatit B virüs DNA seviyeleri

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    Background and Aims: To compare hepatitis B virus DNA levels according to Child-Pugh stage in patients who developed cirrhosis due to hepatitis B virus. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted as retrospectively. Patients who were newly diagnosed with cirrhosis due to hepatitis B virus infection were included. hepatitis B virus DNA, albumin, bilirubin, and international normalization rate levels were compared according to the Child-Pugh Scores. Results: A total of 90 patients (60 males, 30 females) with a mean age of 52.22±9.42 years were included in this study. Each group consisted of 30 patients. Hepatitis B virus DNA level was significantly lower in the Group A compared with the Group B and C (p=0.031). A significant difference was observed between the groups in terms of Child-Pugh scores, albumin, bilirubin, and international normalization rate levels (all p=0.0001). Albumin levels were lower and international normalization rate levels were higher in the Group B and C (all p<0.05). Ascites and encephalopathy were detected in 42 (%46,7) and 79 (87,8) patients, respectively. Both ascites and encephalopathy were more common in the Group C. Conclusion: Hepatitis B virus DNA level was significantly lower and albumin and bilirubin levels were relatively normal in the early stages of cirrhosis due to hepatitis B virus infection. By contrast, ascites and encephalopathy were more common, bilirubin and international normalization rate levels were elevated, and albumin levels were lower in the later stages (Child-Pugh B and C) of chronic hepatitis B.Giriş ve Amaç: Hepatit B virüsü nedeniyle siroz gelişen hastalarda Child-Pugh evresine göre HBV DNA düzeylerini karşılaştırmak. Gereç ve Yöntem: Retrospektif olarak yapılan bu çalışmaya hepatit B enfeksiyonu nedeniyle yeni siroz tanısı alan hastalar dahil edildi. Hepatit B virus DNA, albümin, bilirübin ve uluslararası normalleştirilmiş oran düzeyleri Child-Pugh Skorlarına göre karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: Çalışmaya ortalama yaşları 52.22±9.42 olan 90 hasta (60 erkek, 30 kadın) dahil edildi. Her grup 30 hastadan oluşuyordu. Hepatit DNA seviyesi, Grup A’da Grup B ve C’ye kıyasla anlamlı derecede düşüktü (p=0.031). Gruplar arasında Child-Pugh skorları, albümin, bilirübin ve uluslararası normalleştirilmiş oran düzeyleri açısından anlamlı fark bulundu (p=0.0001). Grup B ve C’de albümin düzeyleri daha düşüktü ve uluslararası normalleştirilmiş oran düzeyleri daha yüksekti (p <0.05). Asit ve ensefalopati 42 (%46,7) ve 79 (%87,8) hastada tespit edildi. C grubunda hem asit hem de ensefalopati daha sık görüldü. Sonuç: Hepatit B enfeksiyonu nedeniyle HBV DNA seviyesi sirozun erken evrelerinde belirgin olarak daha düşüktü ve albümin ve bilirübin düzeyleri nispeten normaldi. Ancak, kronik hepatit B’nin sonraki evrelerinde (Child-Pugh B ve C) asit ve ensefalopati daha sıktır, bilirübin ve hepatit B düzeyleri artmakta ve albümin seviyeleri azalmaktadır

    Maternal Body Mass Index and the Course of the Labor

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    OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of body mass index(BMI) on the progress of the labor and maternal, fetal outcome with preceding a normal pregnancy. STUDY DESIGN: A total of 96 women admitted to delivery ward with an uncomplicated pregnancy were included in this prospective study. After calculation of body mass index (BMI), patients were divided to groups as normal weight (20.0≤BMI<24.9), overweight (25.0≤BMI<29.9) and obese (30.0≤BMI). The incidence of labor complications, requirement of oxytocin augmentation, cesarean delivery and neonatal outcomes were assessed. RESULTS: There was no differences between groups in the frequency of occurence of dysfunctional labor patterns, induced labor and primary cesarean section. The increase in average weight gain during pregnancy (p=0.053) and fetal birth weight (p=0.013) was observed in the obese group. Perinatal outcome was not different amoung groups. CONCLUSION: Obese women with an uncomplicated pregnancy is not at significant risk for labor complications and adverse perinatal outcome

    Narmanlı Han’ın tarihçesi ve İstanbul kültür hayatındaki yeri

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    Ankara : İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent Üniversitesi İktisadi, İdari ve Sosyal Bilimler Fakültesi, Tarih Bölümü, 2015.This work is a student project of the The Department of History, Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences, İhsan Doğramacı Bilkent University.by Aksoy, R. Aslıhan

    The influence of vitamin D deficiency on eradication rates of Helicobacter pylori

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    Background. Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy improves the healing of various gastro-duodenal diseases such as chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer, and also reduces gastric cancer incidence. Several studies have reported on risk factors other than antibiotic resistance related to Helicobacter pylori eradication failure. Objectives. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether or not the serum levels of 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D) influence eradication rates of H. pylori. Material and methods. 220 patients diagnosed with H. pylori gastritis using endoscopic biopsy had their 25-OH vitamin D levels measured via the electrochemiluminescence method before beginning eradication therapy of H. pylori. Gastric biopsies obtained at endoscopy were examined for H. pylori strains and histopathologic findings. All patients were treated with bismuth-containing quadruple therapy for 14 days. H. pylori eradication was determined via the 14C-urea breath test performed 4 weeks after the end of therapy. Based on the 25-OH vitamin D levels, the patients were divided into 2 groups: group 1 (deficient) had a vitamin D level of = 10 ng/mL. Results. Eradication was successful in 170 (77.2%) patients and failed in 50 (22.7%) patients. The prevalence of 25(OH)D deficiency was 30.5%. Mean 25(OH)D levels were significantly lower in the eradication failure group compared to the successful treatment group (9.13 +/- 4.7 vs 19.03 +/- 8.13; p = 0.001). There were significantly more patients with deficient 25(OH)D levels in the failed treatment group compared to the successful treatment group (p = 0.001). Conclusions. Our findings suggest that 25-OH vitamin D deficiency may be considered a risk factor related to eradication failure of H. pylori, which may lead to a need for supplementation of vitamin D before eradication of H. pylori