378 research outputs found

    An Exact Solution For Modeling Photoacclimation of the Carbon-to-Chlorophyll Ratio in Phytoplankton

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    A widely-used theory of the photoacclimatory response in phytoplankton has, until now, been solved using a mathematical approximation that puts strong limitations on its applicability in natural conditions. We report an exact, analytic solution for the chlorophyll-to-carbon ratio as a function of the dimensionless irradiance (mixed layer irradiance normalized to the photoadaptation parameter for phytoplankton) that is applicable over the full range of irradiance occurring in natural conditions. Application of the exact solution for remote-sensing of phytoplankton carbon at large scales is illustrated using satellite-derived chlorophyll, surface irradiance data and mean photosynthesis-irradiance parameters for the season assigned to every pixel on the basis of ecological provinces. When the exact solution was compared with the approximate one at the global scale, for a particular month (May 2010), the results differed by at least 15% for about 70% of Northern Hemisphere pixels (analysis was performed during the northern hemisphere Spring bloom period) and by more than 50% for 24% of Northern Hemisphere pixels (approximate solution overestimates the carbon-to-chlorophyll ratio compared with the exact solution). Generally, the divergence between the two solutions increases with increasing available light, raising the question of the appropriate timescale for specifying the forcing irradiance in ecosystem models

    Classification and Segmentation of Blooms and Plumes from High Resolution Satellite Imagery Using Deep Learning

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    Recent launches of high-resolution satellite sensors mean Earth Observation data are available at an unprecedented spatial and temporal scale. As data collection intensifies, our ability to inspect and investigate individual scenes for harmful algal or cyanobacterial blooms becomes limited, particularly for global monitoring. Algal Blooms and River Plumes are visible to trained experts in high resolution satellite imagery from Red-Green-Blue composites. Therefore, computer-assisted detection and classification of these events would provide invaluable information to experts and the general public on everyday water use. Advances in image recognition through Deep Learning techniques offer solutions that can accurately detect, classify and segment objects across thousands of images in a fraction of the time a human operator would require, while inspecting these images with much greater detail. Deep Learning techniques that jointly leverage spectral-spatial data are well characterised as a solution to land classification problems and have been shown to be accurate when using multi- or hyper-spectral data such as collected by the Sentinel-2 MultiSpectral Instrument. This work develops on state-of-the-art natural image segmentation algorithms to evaluate the capability of Deep Learning to detect and outline the presence of Algal Blooms or River Plumes in Sentinel 2 MSI data. The challenges in the application of these approaches are highlighted in the availability of suitable training and benchmark data, the use of atmospheric correction and neural network architecture design for utilisation of spectral data. Current Deep Learning network architectures are evaluated to establish best approaches to leverage spectral and spatial data in the context of water classification. Several spectral data configurations are used to evaluate competency and suitability for generalisation to other Optical Satellite Sensor configurations. The impact of the atmospheric correction technique applied to data is explored to establish the most reliable data for use during training and requirements for pre-processing data pipelines. Finally a training dataset and associated Deep Learning method is presented for use in future work relating to water contents classification

    Marine picoplankton size distribution and optical property contrasts throughout the Atlantic Ocean revealed using flow cytometry

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    Depth-resolved flow cytometric observations have been used to determine the size distribution and refractive index (RI) of picoplankton throughout the Atlantic Ocean. Prochlorococcus frequently showed double size distribution peaks centered on 0.75±0.25 and 1.75±0.25µm; the smallest peak diameters were ≤0.65µm in the equatorial upwelling with larger cells (∼0.95µm) in the surface layers of the tropical gyres. Synechococcus was strongly monodispersed: the smallest (∼1.5µm) and largest cells (∼2.25−2.50µm) were encountered in the lowest and highest abundance regions, respectively. Typical RI for Prochlorococcus was found to be ∼1.06, whereas for Synechococcus surface RI varied between 1.04–1.08 at high and low abundances, respectively

    Teaching computers to see from space: deep learning and Sentinel 2

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    An outline of progress in the first year of research activities under my PhD. This is an outline of how and why Deep Learning can be used with remote sensing data for water contents analysis and classification, results from proof of concept experiments are described and future research activities are explained. A recording of the presentation and associated questions is available at https://1drv.ms/v/s!AsHRpsQE0ig4jPcrly23In5Tbqd10

    Optical classification

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    Optical oceanography or Marine optics is the study of light propagation in the ocean surface through absorption or scattering processes. Marine bio-optics is the term used when the absorption and scattering by particles and dissolved substances are of biological origin. Ocean color is defined as the spectral variation of the water leaving radiance that can be related to the optical constituents present in the medium (Jerlov, 1976; Morel, 1974). Visible Spectral radiometry or Ocean colour remote sensing is the study on spectral signals of optically active materials using satellite observations. When sunlight reaches the upper water column or the photic zone of the ocean surface, the light propagation is determined by the optical properties of seawater

    Size Class Dependent Relationships between Temperature and Phytoplankton Photosynthesis-Irradiance Parameters in the Atlantic Ocean

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    Over the past decade, a number of methods have been developed to estimate size-class primary production from either in situ phytoplankton pigment data or remotely-sensed data. In this context, the first objective of this study was to compare two methods of estimating size class specific (micro-, nano-, and pico-phytoplankton) photosynthesis-irradiance (PE) parameters from pigment data. The second objective was to analyse the relationship between environmental variables (temperature, nitrate and PAR) and PE parameters in the different size-classes. A large dataset was used of simultaneous measurements of the PE parameters (n = 1,260) and phytoplankton pigment markers (n = 2,326), from 3 different institutes. There were no significant differences in mean PE parameters of the different size classes between the chemotaxonomic method of Uitz et al. (2008) and the pigment markers and carbon-to-Chl a ratios method of Sathyendranath et al. (2009). For both methods, mean maximum photosynthetic rates (PBm ) for micro-phytoplankton were significantly lower than those for pico-phytoplankton and nano-phytoplankton. The mean light limited slope (�B) for nano-phytoplankton were significantly higher than for the other size taxa. For micro-phytoplankton dominated samples identified using the Sathyendranath et al. (2009) method, both PBm and �B exhibited a significant, positive linear relationship with temperature, whereas for pico-phytoplankton the correlation with temperature was negative. Nano-phytoplankton dominated samples showed a positive correlation between PBm and temperature, whereas for �B and the light saturation parameter (Ek) the correlations were not significant. For the Uitz et al. (2008) method, only micro-phytoplankton PBm , pico-phytoplankton �B, nano- and pico-phytoplankton Ek exhibited significant relationships with temperature. The temperature ranges occupied by the size classes derived using these methods differed. The Uitz et al. (2008) method exhibited a wider temperature range compared to those derived from the Sathyendranath et al. (2009) method. The differences arise from the classification of mixed populations. Based on these patterns, we therefore recommend using the Sathyendranath et al. (2009) method to derive micro-phytoplankton PE parameters at sea water temperatures up to 8◦C during monospecific blooms and the Uitz et al. (2008) method to derive PE parameters of mixed populations over the temperature range from 8 to 18◦C. Both methods exhibited similar relationships between pico-phytoplankton PE parameters and temperatures >18◦C

    Deep Learning For Feature Tracking In Optically Complex Waters

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    PosterEnvironmental monitoring and early warning of water quality from space is now feasible at unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution following the latest generation of satellite sensors. The transformation of this data through classification into labelled, tracked event information is of critical importance to offer a searchable dataset. Advances in image recognition techniques through Deep Learning research have been successfully applied to satellite remote sensing data. Deep Learning approaches that leverage optical satellite data are now being developed for remotely sensed multi- and hyperspectral reflectance. The combination of spectral with spatial feature extracting Deep Learning networks promises a significant improvement in the accuracy of classifiers using remotely sensed data. This project aims to re-tool and optimise spectral-spatial Convolutional Neural Networks originally developed for land classification as a novel approach to identifying and labelling dynamic features in waterbodies, such as algal blooms and sediment plumes in high-resolution satellite sensors

    Ocean-colour products for climate-change studies: What are their ideal characteristics?

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordOcean-colour radiometry is recognised as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) according to the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), because of its capability to observe significant properties of the marine ecosystem at synoptic to global scales. Yet the value of ocean colour for climate-change studies depends to a large extent not only on the decidedly important quality of the data per se, but also on the qualities of the algorithms used to convert the multi-spectral radiance values detected by the ocean-colour satellite into relevant ecological, bio-optical and biogeochemical variables or properties of the ocean. The algorithms selected from the pool of available algorithms have to be fit for purpose: detection of marine ecosystem responses to climate change. Marine ecosystems might respond in a variety of ways to changing climate, including perturbations to regional distributions in the quantity and in the type of phytoplankton present, their locations and in their seasonal dynamics. The ideal algorithms would be capable of distinguishing between abundance and type, and would not mistake one for the other. They would be robust to changes in climate, and would not rely on assumptions that might be valid only under current climatic conditions. Based on such considerations, we identify a series of ideal qualitative traits that algorithms for climate-change studies would possess. Necessarily, such traits would have to complement the quantitative requirements for precision, accuracy and stability in the data over long time scales. We examine the extent to which available algorithms meet the criteria, according to the work carried out in the Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative, and where improvements are still needed.National Centre for Earth Observation of the Natural Environment Research Council of the U

    A compilation of global bio-optical in situ data for ocean-colour satellite applications – version three

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    A global in-situ data set for validation of ocean-colour products from the ESA Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative (OC-CCI) is presented. This version of the compilation, starting in 1997, now extends to 2021, which is important for the validation of the most recent satellite optical sensors such as Sentinel 3B OLCI and NOAA-20 VIIRS. The data set comprises in-situ observations of the following variables: spectral remote-sensing reflectance, concentration of chlorophyll-a, spectral inherent optical properties, spectral diffuse attenuation coefficient and total suspended matter. Data were obtained from multi-project archives acquired via open internet services, or from individual projects, acquired directly from data providers. Methodologies were implemented for homogenisation, quality control and merging of all data. Minimal changes were made on the original data, other than conversion to a standard format, elimination of some points after quality control and averaging of observations that were close in time and space. The result is a merged table available in text format. Overall, the size of the data set grew with 151,673 rows, with each row representing a unique station in space and time (cf 136,250 rows in previous version; Valente et al., 2019). Observations of remote-sensing reflectance increased to 68,641 (cf 59,781 in previous version; Valente et al., 2019). There was also a near tenfold increase in chlorophyll data since 2016. Metadata of each in situ measurement (original source, cruise or experiment, principal investigator) are included in the final table. By making the metadata available, provenance is better documented, and it is also possible to analyse each set of data separately. The compiled data are available at https://doi.pangaea.de/10.1594/PANGAEA.941318 (Valente et al., 2022)

    Ocean-colour products for climate-change studies: What are their ideal characteristics?

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    Ocean-colour radiometry is recognised as an Essential Climate Variable (ECV) according to the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), because of its capability to observe significant properties of the marine ecosystem at synoptic to global scales. Yet the value of ocean colour for climate-change studies depends to a large extent not only on the decidedly important quality of the data per se, but also on the qualities of the algorithms used to convert the multi-spectral radiance values detected by the ocean-colour satellite into relevant ecological, bio-optical and biogeochemical variables or properties of the ocean. The algorithms selected from the pool of available algorithms have to be fit for purpose: detection of marine ecosystem responses to climate change. Marine ecosystems might respond in a variety of ways to changing climate, including perturbations to regional distributions in the quantity and in the type of phytoplankton present, their locations and in their seasonal dynamics. The ideal algorithms would be capable of distinguishing between abundance and type, and would not mistake one for the other. They would be robust to changes in climate, and would not rely on assumptions that might be valid only under current climatic conditions. Based on such considerations, we identify a series of ideal qualitative traits that algorithms for climate-change studies would possess. Necessarily, such traits would have to complement the quantitative requirements for precision, accuracy and stability in the data over long time scales. We examine the extent to which available algorithms meet the criteria, according to the work carried out in the Ocean Colour Climate Change Initiative, and where improvements are still needed