57 research outputs found

    Robust simultaneous myoelectric control of multiple degrees of freedom in wrist-hand prostheses by real-time neuromusculoskeletal modeling

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    Objectives: Robotic prosthetic limbs promise to replace mechanical function of lost biological extremities and restore amputees' capacity of moving and interacting with the environment. Despite recent advances in biocompatible electrodes, surgical procedures, and mechatronics, the impact of current solutions is hampered by the lack of intuitive and robust man-machine interfaces. Approach: Based on authors' developments, this work presents a biomimetic interface that synthetizes the musculoskeletal function of an individual's phantom limb as controlled by neural surrogates, i.e. electromyography-derived neural activations. With respect to current approaches based on machine learning, our method employs explicit representations of the musculoskeletal system to reduce the space of feasible solutions in the translation of electromyograms into prosthesis control commands. Electromyograms are mapped onto mechanical forces that belong to a subspace contained within the broader operational space of an individual's musculoskeletal system. Results: Our results show that this constraint makes the approach applicable to real-world scenarios and robust to movement artefacts. This stems from the fact that any control command must always exist within the musculoskeletal model operational space and be therefore physiologically plausible. The approach was effective both on intact-limbed individuals and a transradial amputee displaying robust online control of multi-functional prostheses across a large repertoire of challenging tasks. Significance: The development and translation of man-machine interfaces that account for an individual's neuromusculoskeletal system creates unprecedented opportunities to understand how disrupted neuro-mechanical processes can be restored or replaced via biomimetic wearable assistive technologies

    Catalyse dans l'eau appliquée à la synthèse de nucléosides ciblés

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    De nombreux nucléosides modifiés sont rapportés dans la littérature comme ayant une activité antibactérienne, antitumorale ou antivirale. Parmi ces derniers, la BVDU, est utilisée pour lutter contre le virus de l'herpès. Dans l'optique de réaliser des analogues de ce composé nous avons mis au point des méthodes de synthèse de composés de type 5-aryl-2-désoxyuridine. La synthèse de tels composés est souvent décrite via des réactions organo-palladées mais dans des conditions mettant en jeu des solvants organiques. La mise au point d'une méthodologie de synthèse de ces composés via la réaction de Suzuki-Miyaura dans l'eau pure a été réalisée. Des analogues de type 5-aryluridine et 6-aryluridine ont été synthétisés en utilisant des conditions similaires. L'importance du ligand, très souvent utilisé dans ce type de réaction, a été remise en cause, car nous avons montré que les composés peuvent être obtenus avec de très bon rendements en son absence. L'activation par irradiation micro-ondes a aussi été utilisée. Elle a permis d'obtenir les produits de couplage avec de bons rendements dans des temps de réactions très courts. En parallèle de ces travaux, dans l'optique d'une collaboration avec un laboratoire indien, la synthèse de composés de type5-allyluridine et 5-alllyl-2'-désoxyuridine a été étudiée.Many nucleosides analogues are reported in literature as antitumor, antibacterial or antiviral. Among them, the BVDU, is used as a drug against the herpes virus. In order to synthesize derivates of this compounds, we decided to develop new synthetic routes of 5-aryl-2'-deoxyrudine analogues. The synthesis of such compounds is widely described in literature using cross-coupling reaction with palladium but they often use organic solvents. A methodology to synthesize these analogues using the Suzuki-Miyaura reaction, in water, has been developed. 5-aryluridine and 6-aryluridine derivates were also synthetized using a similar methodology. The relevance of the ligand, commonly used in organo-palladated reactions, was studied. In our hands, the target compounds were obtained in good yiels using a free ligand methodology. Micro-wave activation was also studied. It allowed the synthesis of the nucleosides in good yields within very short reaction times. In collaboration with an Indian laboratory, the synthesis of 5-allyluridine and 5-allyl-2'-deoxyuridine was studied.COMPIEGNE-BU (601592101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    MyoSim:Fast and physiologically realistic MuJoCo models for musculoskeletal and exoskeletal studies

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    Owing to the restrictions of live experimentation, musculoskeletal simulation models play a key role in biological motor control studies and investigations. Successful results of which are then tried on live subjects to develop treatments as well as robot aided rehabilitation procedures for addressing neuromusculoskeletal anomalies ranging from limb loss, to tendinitis, from sarcopenia to brain and spinal injuries. Despite its significance, current musculoskeletal models are computationally expensive, and provide limited support for contact-rich interactions which are essential for studying motor behaviors in activities of daily living, during rehabilitation treatments, or in assistive robotic devices. To bridge this gap, this work proposes an automatic pipeline to generate physiologically accurate musculoskeletal, as well as hybrid musculoskeletal-exoskeletal models. Leveraging this pipeline we present MyoSim - a set of computationally efficient (over 2 orders of magnitude faster than state of the art) musculoskeletal models that support fully interactive contact rich simulation. We further extend MyoSim to support additional features that help simulate various real-life changes/diseases, such as muscle fatigue, and sarcopenia. To demonstrate the potential applications, several use cases, including interactive rehabilitation movements, tendon-reaffirmation, and the cosimulation with an exoskeleton, were developed and investigated for physiological correctness. Web-page: https://sites.google.com/view/myosuit

    Neuromechanical Model-Based Adaptive Control of Bilateral Ankle Exoskeletons:Biological Joint Torque and Electromyogram Reduction Across Walking Conditions

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    To enable the broad adoption of wearable robotic exoskeletons in medical and industrial settings, it is crucial they can adaptively support large repertoires of movements. We propose a new human-machine interface to simultaneously drive bilateral ankle exoskeletons during a range of 'unseen' walking conditions and transitions that were not used for establishing the control interface. The proposed approach used person-specific neuromechanical models to estimate biological ankle joint torques in real-time from measured electromyograms (EMGS) and joint angles. We call this 'neuromechanical model-based control' (NMBC). NMBC enabled six individuals to voluntarily control a bilateral ankle exoskeleton across six walking conditions, including all intermediate transitions, i.e., two walking speeds, each performed at three ground elevations. A single subject case-study was carried out on a dexterous locomotion tasks involving moonwalking. NMBC always enabled reducing biological ankle torques, as well as eight ankle muscle EMGs both within (22% torque;12% EMG) and between walking conditions (24% torque; 14% EMG) when compared to non-assisted conditions. Torque and EMG reductions in novel walking conditions indicated that the exoskeleton operated symbiotically, as an exomuscle controlled by the operator.s neuromuscular system. This opens new avenues for the systematic adoption of wearable robots as part of out-of-the-lab medical and occupational settings

    Myoelectric model-based control of a bi-lateral robotic ankle exoskeleton during even ground locomotion <sup>∗</sup>

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    Individuals with neuromuscular injuries may fully benefit from wearable robots if a new class of wearable technologies is devised to assist complex movements seamlessly in everyday tasks. Among the most important tasks are locomotion activities. Current human-machine interfaces (HMI) are challenged in enabling assistance across wide ranges of locomoting tasks. Electromyography (EMG) and computational modelling can be used to establish an interface with the neuromuscular system. We propose an HMI based on EMG-driven musculoskeletal modelling that estimates biological joint torques in real-time and uses a percentage of these to dynamically control exoskeleton-generated torques in a task-independent manner, i.e. no need to classify locomotion modes. Proof of principle results on one subject showed that this approach could reduce EMGs during exoskeleton-assisted even ground locomotion compared to transparent mode (i.e. zero impedance). Importantly, results showed that a substantial portion of the biological ankle joint torque needed to walk was transferred from the human to the exoskeleton. That is, while the total human-exoskeleton ankle joint was always similar between assisted and zero-impedance modes, the ratio between exoskeleton-generated and human-generated torque varied substantially, with human-generated torques being dynamically compensated by the exoskeleton during assisted mode. This is a first step towards natural, continuous assistance in a large variety of movements

    Adaptive model-based myoelectric control for a soft wearable arm exosuit:A new generation of wearable robot control

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    Despite advances in mechatronic design, the widespread adoption of wearable robots for supporting human mobility has been hampered by 1) ergonomic limitations in rigid exoskeletal structures and 2) the lack of human-machine interfaces (HMIs) capable of sensing musculoskeletal states and translating them into robot-control commands. We have developed a framework that combines, for the first time, a model-based HMI with a soft wearable arm exosuit that has the potential to address key limitations in current HMIs and wearable robots. The proposed framework was tested on six healthy subjects who performed elbow rotations across different joint velocities and lifting weights. The results showed that the model-controlled exosuit operated synchronously with biological muscle contraction. Remarkably, the exosuit dynamically modulated mechanical assistance across all investigated loads, thereby displaying adaptive behavior

    The Calabrian Arc subduction complex in the Ionian Sea: Regional architecture, active deformation, and seismic hazard

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    We analyzed the structure and evolution of the external Calabrian Arc (CA) subduction complex through an integrated geophysical approach involving multichannel and single‐channel seismic data at different scales. Pre‐stack depth migrated crustal‐scale seismic profiles have been used to reconstruct the overall geometry of the subduction complex, i.e., depth of the basal detachment, geometry and structural style of different tectonic domains, and location and geometry of major faults. High‐resolution multichannel seismic (MCS) and sub‐bottom CHIRP profiles acquired in key areas during a recent cruise, as well as multibeam data, integrate deep data and constrain the fine structure of the accretionary wedge as well as the activity of individual fault strands. We identified four main morpho‐structural domains in the subduction complex: 1) the post‐Messinian accretionary wedge; 2) a slope terrace; 3) the pre‐Messinian accretionary wedge and 4) the inner plateau. Variation of structural style and seafloor morphology in these domains are related to different tectonic processes, such as frontal accretion, out‐of-sequence thrusting, underplating and complex faulting. The CA subduction complex is segmented longitudinally into two different lobes characterized by different structural style, deformation rates and basal detachment depths. They are delimited by a NW/SE deformation zone that accommodates differential movements of the Calabrian and the Peloritan portions of CA and represent a recent phase of plate re‐organization in the central Mediterranean. Although shallow thrust‐type seismicity along the CA is lacking, we identified active deformation of the shallowest sedimentary units at the wedge front and in the inner portions of the subduction complex. This implies that subduction could be active but aseismic or with a locked fault plane. On the other hand, if underthrusting of the African plate has stopped recently, active shortening may be accommodated through more distributed deformation. Our findings have consequences on seismic hazard, since we identified tectonic structures likely to have caused large earthquakes in the past and to be the source regions for future events

    DMTs and Covid-19 severity in MS: a pooled analysis from Italy and France

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    We evaluated the effect of DMTs on Covid-19 severity in patients with MS, with a pooled-analysis of two large cohorts from Italy and France. The association of baseline characteristics and DMTs with Covid-19 severity was assessed by multivariate ordinal-logistic models and pooled by a fixed-effect meta-analysis. 1066 patients with MS from Italy and 721 from France were included. In the multivariate model, anti-CD20 therapies were significantly associated (OR&nbsp;=&nbsp;2.05, 95%CI&nbsp;=&nbsp;1.39–3.02, p&nbsp;&lt;&nbsp;0.001) with Covid-19 severity, whereas interferon indicated a decreased risk (OR&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.42, 95%CI&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.18–0.99, p&nbsp;=&nbsp;0.047). This pooled-analysis confirms an increased risk of severe Covid-19 in patients on anti-CD20 therapies and supports the protective role of interferon