543 research outputs found

    Social group membership before treatment for substance dependence predicts early identification and engagement with treatment communities

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    Social relationships play a major role in recovery from substance dependence. To date, greater attention has been paid to the role of important individuals in a person’s life and their contribution to recovery following treatment. This study is the first to examine both individual and wider group-based social connections in the lead up to residential treatment for substance misuse in a therapeutic community (TC), and their influence both on a person’s readiness to engage with the treatment community and with a recovery pathway. Participants were 307 adults interviewed early in treatment about their individual- and group-based social relationships prior to treatment entry, their social identification with the TC, as ‘a user’ and a person ‘in recovery’, their current recovery capital and quality of life. Correlational analysis showed that only pre-treatment group-based, and not individual, relationships, were significantly associated with developing social identification with the TC early in treatment. Moreover, results of hierarchical regression analyses indicated that identification with the TC was best predicted by the extent to which people saw themselves as being in recovery. Finally, mediation analysis indicated that TC identification was the mechanism through which social group memberships prior to treatment commencement protected quality of life in the early phases of treatment. These findings highlight the protective role that group memberships play in building early identification with the TC and supporting well-being in a critical period of transitioning to treatment

    Andy's Algorithms: new automated digital image analysis pipelines for FIJI.

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    Quantification of cellular antigens and their interactions via antibody-based detection methods are widely used in scientific research. Accurate high-throughput quantitation of these assays using general image analysis software can be time consuming and challenging, particularly when attempted by users with limited image processing and analysis knowledge. To overcome this, we have designed Andy's Algorithms, a series of automated image analysis pipelines for FIJI, that permits rapid, accurate and reproducible batch-processing of 3,3'-diaminobenzidine (DAB) immunohistochemistry, proximity ligation assays (PLAs) and other common assays. Andy's Algorithms incorporates a step-by-step tutorial and optimization pipeline to make batch image analysis simple for the untrained user and adaptable across laboratories. Andy's algorithms provide a simpler, faster, standardized work flow compared to existing programs, while offering equivalent performance and additional features, in a free to use open-source application of FIJI. Andy's Algorithms are available at GitHub, publicly accessed at https://github.com/andlaw1841/Andy-s-Algorithm

    Selective regulation of IP3-receptor-mediated Ca2+ signaling and apoptosis by the BH4 domain of Bcl-2 versus Bcl-Xl

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    Antiapoptotic B-cell lymphoma 2 (Bcl-2) targets the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) via its BH4 domain, thereby suppressing IP3R Ca2+-flux properties and protecting against Ca2+-dependent apoptosis. Here, we directly compared IP3R inhibition by BH4-Bcl-2 and BH4-Bcl-Xl. In contrast to BH4-Bcl-2, BH4-Bcl-Xl neither bound the modulatory domain of IP3R nor inhibited IP3-induced Ca2+ release (IICR) in permeabilized and intact cells. We identified a critical residue in BH4-Bcl-2 (Lys17) not conserved in BH4-Bcl-Xl (Asp11). Changing Lys17 into Asp in BH4-Bcl-2 completely abolished its IP3R-binding and -inhibitory properties, whereas changing Asp11 into Lys in BH4-Bcl-Xl induced IP3R binding and inhibition. This difference in IP3R regulation between BH4-Bcl-2 and BH4-Bcl-Xl controls their antiapoptotic action. Although both BH4-Bcl-2 and BH4-Bcl-Xl had antiapoptotic activity, BH4-Bcl-2 was more potent than BH4-Bcl-Xl. The effect of BH4-Bcl-2, but not of BH4-Bcl-Xl, depended on its binding to IP(3)Rs. In agreement with the IP3R-binding properties, the antiapoptotic activity of BH4-Bcl-2 and BH4-Bcl-Xl was modulated by the Lys/Asp substitutions. Changing Lys17 into Asp in full-length Bcl-2 significantly decreased its binding to the IP3R, its ability to inhibit IICR and its protection against apoptotic stimuli. A single amino-acid difference between BH4-Bcl-2 and BH4-Bcl-Xl therefore underlies differential regulation of IP(3)Rs and Ca2+-driven apoptosis by these functional domains. Mutating this residue affects the function of Bcl-2 in Ca2+ signaling and apoptosis

    MCL-1 inhibition provides a new way to suppress breast cancer metastasis and increase sensitivity to dasatinib.

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    BACKGROUND: Metastatic disease is largely resistant to therapy and accounts for almost all cancer deaths. Myeloid cell leukemia-1 (MCL-1) is an important regulator of cell survival and chemo-resistance in a wide range of malignancies, and thus its inhibition may prove to be therapeutically useful. METHODS: To examine whether targeting MCL-1 may provide an effective treatment for breast cancer, we constructed inducible models of BIMs2A expression (a specific MCL-1 inhibitor) in MDA-MB-468 (MDA-MB-468-2A) and MDA-MB-231 (MDA-MB-231-2A) cells. RESULTS: MCL-1 inhibition caused apoptosis of basal-like MDA-MB-468-2A cells grown as monolayers, and sensitized them to the BCL-2/BCL-XL inhibitor ABT-263, demonstrating that MCL-1 regulated cell survival. In MDA-MB-231-2A cells, grown in an organotypic model, induction of BIMs2A produced an almost complete suppression of invasion. Apoptosis was induced in such a small proportion of these cells that it could not account for the large decrease in invasion, suggesting that MCL-1 was operating via a previously undetected mechanism. MCL-1 antagonism also suppressed local invasion and distant metastasis to the lung in mouse mammary intraductal xenografts. Kinomic profiling revealed that MCL-1 antagonism modulated Src family kinases and their targets, which suggested that MCL-1 might act as an upstream modulator of invasion via this pathway. Inhibition of MCL-1 in combination with dasatinib suppressed invasion in 3D models of invasion and inhibited the establishment of tumors in vivo. CONCLUSION: These data provide the first evidence that MCL-1 drives breast cancer cell invasion and suggests that MCL-1 antagonists could be used alone or in combination with drugs targeting Src kinases such as dasatinib to suppress metastasis

    A Standardised Procedure for Evaluating Creative Systems: Computational Creativity Evaluation Based on What it is to be Creative

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    Computational creativity is a flourishing research area, with a variety of creative systems being produced and developed. Creativity evaluation has not kept pace with system development with an evident lack of systematic evaluation of the creativity of these systems in the literature. This is partially due to difficulties in defining what it means for a computer to be creative; indeed, there is no consensus on this for human creativity, let alone its computational equivalent. This paper proposes a Standardised Procedure for Evaluating Creative Systems (SPECS). SPECS is a three-step process: stating what it means for a particular computational system to be creative, deriving and performing tests based on these statements. To assist this process, the paper offers a collection of key components of creativity, identified empirically from discussions of human and computational creativity. Using this approach, the SPECS methodology is demonstrated through a comparative case study evaluating computational creativity systems that improvise music

    Critical Period of Nonpromoter DNA Methylation Acquisition during Prenatal Male Germ Cell Development

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    The prenatal period of germ cell development is a key time of epigenetic programming in the male, a window of development that has been shown to be influenced by maternal factors such as dietary methyl donor supply. DNA methylation occurring outside of promoter regions differs significantly between sperm and somatic tissues and has recently been linked with the regulation of gene expression during development as well as successful germline development. We examined DNA methylation at nonpromoter, intergenic sequences in purified prenatal and postnatal germ cells isolated from wildtype mice and mice deficient in the DNA methyltransferase cofactor DNMT3L. Erasure of the parental DNA methylation pattern occurred by 13.5 days post coitum (dpc) with the exception of approximately 8% of loci demonstrating incomplete erasure. For most loci, DNA methylation acquisition occurred between embryonic day 13.5 to 16.5 indicating that the key phase of epigenetic pattern establishment for intergenic sequences in male germ cells occurs prior to birth. In DNMT3L-deficient germ cells at 16.5 dpc, average DNA methylation levels were low, about 30% of wildtype levels; however, by postnatal day 6, about half of the DNMT3L deficiency-specific hypomethylated loci had acquired normal methylation levels. Those loci normally methylated earliest in the prenatal period were the least affected in the DNMT3L-deficient mice, suggesting that some loci may be more susceptible than others to perturbations occurring prenatally. These results indicate that the critical period of DNA methylation programming of nonpromoter, intergenic sequences occurs in male germline progenitor cells in the prenatal period, a time when external perturbations of epigenetic patterns could result in diminished fertility

    Graded structure in sexual definitions: categorizations of having “had sex” and virginity loss among homosexual and heterosexual men and women

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    Definitions of sexual behavior display a robust hierarchy of agreement regarding whether or not acts should be classed as, for example, sex or virginity loss. The current research offers a theoretical explanation for this hierarchy, proposing that sexual definitions display graded categorical structure, arising from goodness of membership judgments. Moderation of this graded structure is also predicted, with the focus here on how sexual orientation identity affects sexual definitions. A total of 300 18- to 30-year-old participants completed an online survey, rating 18 behaviors for how far each constitutes having “had sex” and virginity loss. Participants fell into one of four groups: heterosexual male or female, gay male or lesbian. The predicted ratings hierarchy emerged, in which bidirectional genital acts were rated significantly higher than unidirectional or nonpenetrative contact, which was in turn rated significantly higher than acts involving no genital contact. Moderation of graded structure was also in line with predictions. Compared to the other groups, the lesbian group significantly upgraded ratings of genital contact that was either unidirectional or nonpenetrative. There was also evidence of upgrading by the gay male sample of anal intercourse ratings. These effects are theorized to reflect group-level variation in experience, contextual perspective, and identity-management. The implications of the findings in relation to previous research are discussed. It is suggested that a graded structure approach can greatly benefit future research into sexual definitions, by permitting variable definitions to be predicted and explained, rather than merely identified

    Area deprivation and its association with health in a cross-sectional study: are the results biased by recent migration?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The association between area deprivation and health has mostly been examined in cross-sectional studies or prospective studies with short follow-up. These studies have rarely taken migration into account. This is a possible source of misclassification of exposure, i.e. an unknown number of study participants are attributed an exposure of area deprivation that they may have experienced too short for it to have any influence. The aim of this article was to examine to what extent associations between area deprivation and health outcomes were biased by recent migration.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Based on data from the Oslo Health Study, a cross-sectional study conducted in 2000 in Oslo, Norway, we used six health outcomes (self rated health, mental health, coronary heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, smoking and exercise) and considered migration nine years prior to the study conduct. Migration into Oslo, between the areas of Oslo, and the changes in area deprivation during the period were taken into account. Associations were investigated by multilevel logistic regression analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After adjustment for individual socio-demographic variables we found significant associations between area deprivation and all health outcomes. Accounting for migration into Oslo and between areas of Oslo did not change these associations much. However, the people who migrated into Oslo were younger and had lower prevalences of unfavourable health outcomes than those who were already living in Oslo. But since they were evenly distributed across the area deprivation quintiles, they had little influence on the associations between area deprivation and health. Evidence of selective migration within Oslo was weak, as both moving up and down in the deprivation hierarchy was associated with significantly worse health than not moving.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have documented significant associations between area deprivation and health outcomes in Oslo after adjustment for socio-demographic variables in a cross-sectional study. These associations were weakly biased by recent migration. From our results it still appears that migration prior to study conduct may be relevant to investigate even within a relatively short period of time, whereas changes in area deprivation during such a period is of limited interest.</p