508 research outputs found

    A new OMA method to perform structural dynamic identification: numerical and experimental investigation

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    Operational modal analysis (OMA) methods are nowadays common in civil, mechanical and aerospace engineering to identify and monitor structural systems without any knowledge on the structural excitation provided that the latter is due to ambient vibrations. For this reason, OMA methods are embedded with stochastic concepts and then it is difficult for users that have no-knowledge in signal analysis and stochastic dynamics. In this paper an innovative method useful for structural health monitoring (SHM) is proposed. It is based on the signal filtering and on the Hilbert transform of the correlation function matrix. Specifically, the modal shapes are estimated from the correlation functions matrix of the filtered output process and then the frequencies and the damping ratios are estimated from the analytical signals of the mono-component correlation functions: a complex signals in which the real part represents the correlation function and the imaginary part is its Hilbert transform. This method is very simple to use since requires only few interactions with the users and thus it can be used also from users that are not experts in the aforementioned areas. In order to prove the reliability of the proposed method, numerical simulations and experimental tests are reported also considering comparisons with the most popular OMA methods

    Fluid-structure interaction and flow redistribution in membrane-bounded channels

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    The hydrodynamics of electrodialysis and reverse electrodialysis is commonly studied by neglecting membrane deformation caused by transmembrane pressure (TMP). However, large frictional pressure drops and differences in fluid velocity or physical properties in adjacent channels may lead to significant TMP values. In previous works, we conducted one-way coupled structural-CFD simulations at the scale of one periodic unit of a profiled membrane/channel assembly and computed its deformation and frictional characteristics as functions of TMP. In this work, a novel fluid-structure interaction model is presented, which predicts, at the channel pair scale, the changes in flow distribution associated with membrane deformations. The continuity and Darcy equations are solved in two adjacent channels by treating them as porous media and using the previous CFD results to express their hydraulic permeability as a function of the local TMP. Results are presented for square stacks of 0.6-m sides in cross and counter flow at superficial velocities of 1 to 10 cm/s. At low velocities, the corresponding low TMP does not significantly affect the flow distribution. As the velocity increases, the larger membrane deformation causes significant fluid redistribution. In the cross flow, the departure of the local superficial velocity from a mean value of 10 cm/s ranges between -27% and +39%

    Digital simulation of multi-variate stochastic processes

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    Stochastic dynamic analysis of linear or nonlinear multi-degree-of-freedom systems excited by multi-variated processes is usually conducted by using digital Monte Carlo (MC) simulation. Since in structural systems few modal shapes contribute to the response in the nodal space, the computational burden of MC simulation is mainly related to the digital simulation of the input process. Usually, the generation of multi-variated samples of Gaussian input process is performed with the aid of the Shinozuka formula. However, since in this procedure the stochastic process is given as a summation of waves with random amplitude amplified by the square root of the power spectral density, the randomness is due to a random phase angle of each wave, therefore a very large number of waves is required to reach the Gaussianity, i.e. the process is only asymptotically stable. Moreover, the computational burden increases in case of multi-variated processes. The paper aims to drastically reduce the generation time of the input process through the use of a two-step procedure. In the first step, by using the Priestley formula, each wave is normally distributed. This first aspect allows to drastically reduce the computational effort for the mono-variate process since few waves are sufficient to reach the Gaussianity. In the second step, the multi-variate process is reduced as a summation of independent fully coherent vectors if the quadrature spectrum (q-spectrum) can be neglected. An application of digital simulation of the wind velocity field is discussed to prove the efficiency of the proposed approach

    A new dataset and empirical relationships between magnitude/intensity and epicentral distance for liquefaction in central-eastern Sicily

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    Strong earthquakes can trigger several phenomena inducing soil deformation, such as liquefaction, ground fracturing and landslides, which can often cause more damage than the seismic shaking itself. A research performed on numerous historical accounts reporting descriptions of seismogeological effects in central-eastern Sicily, allowed the authors to update the previous liquefaction datasets. 75 liquefaction-induced phenomena observed in 26 sites, triggered by 14 earthquakes, have been used to define relationships between intensity/magnitude values and epicentral distance from the liquefied sites. The proposed upper bound-curves, at regional scale for central- eastern Sicily, are realized by using the updating liquefaction dataset and also the new CPTI04 Italian earthquake parametric catalogue. These relationships can be useful in hazard assessment to evaluate the minimum energy of an earthquake inducing liquefactions

    A novel identification procedure from ambient vibration data

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    Ambient vibration modal identification, also known as Operational Modal Analysis, aims to identify the modal properties of a structure based on vibration data collected when the structure is under its operating conditions, i.e., no initial excitation or known artificial excitation. This procedure for testing and/or monitoring historic buildings, is particularly attractive for civil engineers concerned with the safety of complex historic structures.However, since the external force is not recorded, the identification methods have to be more sophisticated and based on stochastic mechanics. In this context, this contribution will introduce an innovative ambient identification method based on applying the Hilbert Transform, to obtain the analytical representation of the system response in terms of the correlation function. In particular, it is worth stressing that the analytical signal is a complex representation of a time domain signal: the real part is the time domain signal itself, while the imaginary part is its Hilbert transform. A 3DOF numerical example will be presented to show the accuracy of the proposed procedure, and comparisons with data from other methods assess the reliability of the approach. Finally, the identification method will be extended to the real case study of the Chiaramonte Palace, a historic building located in Palermo and known as “Steri”

    COVID-19 vaccinations: An overview of the Italian national health system's online communication from a citizen perspective

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    COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy is still widespread. During the pandemic, the internet has been the preferred channel for health-related information, especially for less-educated citizens who tend to be the most hesitant about vaccination. A well-structured web communication strategy could help both to overcome vaccine hesitancy and to ensure equity in healthcare service access. This study investigated how the various regional and local health authorities in Italy used their institutional websites to inform users about COVID-19 vaccinations between March and April 2021. We browsed 129 institutional websites, checking the availability, quality and quantity, actionability and readability of information using a literature-based common grid. Descriptive statistics and statistical tests were performed. The online public dissemination of COVID-19 vaccination information in Italy was fragmented, both across and within regions. The side effects of vaccinations, were often not reported on the websites, thus missing an opportunity to enhance vaccination uptake. More focus should also be placed on readability, since readability indexes showed that they were difficult to understand. Our research revealed that several actions could be implemented to enhance online communication on COVID-19 vaccination. For instance, simplifying texts can make them more understandable and the information reported actionable

    Identification of tsunami deposits in south-eastern Sicily: evidence for the 365 A.D. Crete earthquake?

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    In the past decade, the methodologies and techniques of paleoseismological studies have evolved towards a multidisciplinary approach for the characterization of past earthquakes. Along with traditional geologic and geomorphologic near-fault investigations, off-fault studies of evidence for past earthquakes, such as soft sediment deformation (e.g. Moretti, 2000; Marco and Agnon, 2005), evidence of liquefaction (e.g. Tuttle et al., 2002; Guarnieri et al., 2009) and tsunami deposits (Dawson and Stewart, 2007; Pantosti et al., 2008; De Martini et al., 2009) are considered useful tools in the assessment of paleoearthquakes ages, magnitudes, and earthquake recurrence rates. We present the preliminary results of off-fault paleoseismological studies carried out in south-eastern Sicily, focused to identify evidence of tsunami inundations