
Identification of tsunami deposits in south-eastern Sicily: evidence for the 365 A.D. Crete earthquake?


In the past decade, the methodologies and techniques of paleoseismological studies have evolved towards a multidisciplinary approach for the characterization of past earthquakes. Along with traditional geologic and geomorphologic near-fault investigations, off-fault studies of evidence for past earthquakes, such as soft sediment deformation (e.g. Moretti, 2000; Marco and Agnon, 2005), evidence of liquefaction (e.g. Tuttle et al., 2002; Guarnieri et al., 2009) and tsunami deposits (Dawson and Stewart, 2007; Pantosti et al., 2008; De Martini et al., 2009) are considered useful tools in the assessment of paleoearthquakes ages, magnitudes, and earthquake recurrence rates. We present the preliminary results of off-fault paleoseismological studies carried out in south-eastern Sicily, focused to identify evidence of tsunami inundations

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