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    7.1 Foreword The genus Arcobacter, previously classified as \u201caerotolerant campylobacter\u201d, from 1991 is classified as a new genus member of the family of Campylobacteriaceae, belonging to the epsilon-proteobacteria. The genus Arcobacter contains eight described species: Arcobacter butzleri, A. cryaerophilus, A. nitrofigilis; A. skirrowii ,A. cibarius, A. thereius, A. halophilus and 46 A. mytili . The bacteria are Gram negative, non-sporeforming, motile, curved, occasionally straight, rods which may appear as spiral. The most important differences between Arcobacter and Campylobacter are the ability of Arcobacter to grow at 15-25\ub0C and its marked aerotolerance. Arcobacter spp. have been considered as potential zoonotic foodborne and waterborne agents (. Arcobacter spp. can be found in meat (veal, beef, pork and poultry), milk and water. Nevertheless the real occurrence of these potential pathogens in food is largely unknown. 7.2 Objectives The aim of this study is to evaluate prevalence and distribution of Arcobacter spp. in food of animal origin (raw meat and milk) in Northern Italy and to test the antimicrobial susceptibility of collected strains. 7.3 Trial 1: Prevalence and Distribution of Arcobacter spp. In Veal Calves in Northern Italy In this study the prevalence and distribution of Arcobacter spp. in samples taken from feces and carcasses of healthy veal calves, raised in Northern Italy, were investigated. A membrane filtration technique with a non-selective blood agar was employed after enrichment in Arcobacter selective broth to isolate a wide range of Arcobacter spp. In addition, the same samples were tested at the species level by using a multiplex-PCR assay. Samples from feces (50 during a summer sampling, 50 during a winter sampling) and carcasses (50 during a summer sampling a 50 during a winter sampling) were collected at the slaughterhouse from 50 veal calves originating from five different farms. Of the fecal samples examined, 36 (72%) were found positive for at least one species of Arcobacter during summer sampling and 38 (76%) were found positive during winter sampling. Of the sampled carcasses examined, 50 (100%) were found positive for at least one species of Arcobacter in summer sampling and 20 (40%) in winter sampling. From feces, 23 (46%), 17 (34%) and 5 (10%) samples were found positive by m-PCR for A. cryaerophilus, A. skirrowii and A. butzleri, respectively in summer. On the other side in winter 15 (30%), 12 (24%) and 2 (8%) samples were found positive by m-PCR for A. cryaerophilus, A. skirrowii and A. butzleri, respectively. From carcasses, 47 (94%), 17 (34%) and 5 (10%) samples were positive for A. cryaerophilus, A. skirrowii and A. butzleri, respectively in summer sampling whereas 5 (10%), 4 (8%) and 8 (16%) samples were positive for A. cryaerophilus, A. skirrowii and A. butzleri, respectively in winter sampling . Some sampled carcasses (34% in summer and 6% in winter) and some fecal samples (18% both in summer and in winter) resulted contaminated with multiple Arcobacter species. The present study indicates that veal calves can harbour a variety of Arcobacter spp. in the intestinal tract and that the presence of Arcobacter spp. may represent a source of contamination and dissemination in slaughterhouse. 7.4 Trial 2: Isolation and Characterization of Arcobacter spp. in Bulk Tank Milk Bulk tank milk (BTM) from 50 dairy herds in Northern Italy was examined for the presence of foodborne pathogen: Arcobacter spp. A membrane filtration technique with a non-selective blood agar was employed after enrichment in Arcobacter selective broth to isolate a wide range of Arcobacter spp. In addition, the same samples were tested at the species level by using a multiplex-PCR assay. Arcobacter butzleri and A. cryaerophilus were detected in 40 and 8% of bulk tank milk samples, respectively. One bulk tank milk sample contained both Arcobacter butzleri and A. cryaerophilus. No BTM sample resulted positive to A. skirrowii. No significant association between the presence of Arcobacter spp. in BTM and herd management was observed. The findings of the study demonstrated the presence Arcobacter spp. as a potential milkborne pathogen and warrant the need for educational programs for dairy producers about the risks associated with consumption of raw milk. 7.5 Trial 3: Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Arcobacter spp. Isolated from Food of Animal Origin Arcobacter spp. is a human pathogen and a potential animal pathogen. Thus is important to study antimicrobial susceptibility of strains collected from food of animal origin testing the most common antimicrobial agents used in human and veterinary medicine. In the present study, we examined the antimicrobial susceptibility of 50 Arcobacter spp. strains collected in previous studies from veal calves carcasses and bulk tank milk (BTM), testing 8 antimicrobial agents by disk diffusion testing. Antibiotics and the concentrations of discs (\u3bcg) were kanamycin (30), streptomycin (10), gentamicin (10), tetracycline (30), cephalothin (30), ciprofloxacin (5), nalidixic acid (50) and sulfamethoxazole\u2013trimethoprim (23.75 and 1.25, respectively). The plates were cultured at 37 \ub0C and after 48 h of incubation, the diameter of the inhibition zones was measured with a slide caliper. All the tested Arcobacter strains showed resistance to cephalotin, sulfamethoxazole+trimethoprim and nalidixic acid. A. cryaerophilus from veal calf carcasses showed a 100% susceptibility to tetracycline. A. butzleri from BTM showed 100% susceptibility to gentamycin. 7.6 Conclusions This study shows that Arcobacter spp. is largely diffused in healthy livestock and in food of animal origin, both raw meat and raw milk. Although their pathogenicity remains to be fully elucidated, arcobacters are potential foodborne pathogens and their prevalence should be carefully investigated to guarantee public human and animal health

    Binge eating attitudes in community adolescent sample and relationships with interview-assessed attachment representations in girls: a multi-center study from North Italy

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    Purpose: To compare community girls at risk and not at risk for binge eating (BE) in attachment representations through a narrative interview and to test the predictive role of attachment pattern(s) on the risk of binge eating among community girls. Methods: From 772 community adolescents of both sexes (33% boys) screened through the Binge Eating Scale (BES), 112 girls between 14 and 18 years, 56 placed in a group at risk for binge eating (BEG), and 56 matched peers, not at risk (NBEG), were assessed in attachment representations through the Friends and Family Interview (FFI). Results: (1) Compared to NBEG, girls in the BEG showed more insecure-preoccupied classifications and scores, together with lower narrative coherence, mother\u2019s representation as a secure base/safe haven, reflective functioning, adaptive response, and more anger toward mother. (2) Both insecure-dismissing and preoccupied patterns predicted 15% more binge-eating symptoms in the whole sample of community girls. Conclusions: Insecure attachment representations are confirmed risk factors for more binge eating, affecting emotional regulation and leading to \u201cemotional eating\u201d, thus a dimensional assessment of attachment could be helpful for prevention and intervention. Implications and limits are discussed. Level of evidence: III. Evidence obtained from cohort or case\u2013control analytic studie

    Decadal variations in NDVI and food production in India

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    In this study we use long-term satellite, climate, and crop observations to document the spatial distribution of the recent stagnation in food grain production affecting the water-limited tropics (WLT), a region where 1.5 billion people live and depend on local agriculture that is constrained by chronic water shortages. Overall, our analysis shows that the recent stagnation in food production is corroborated by satellite data. The growth rate in annually integrated vegetation greenness, a measure of crop growth, has declined significantly (p < 0.10) in 23 of the WLT cropland area during the last decade, while statistically significant increases in the growth rates account for less than 2. Inmost countries, the decade-long declines appear to be primarily due to unsustainable crop management practices rather than climate alone. One quarter of the statistically significant declines are observed in India, which with the world's largest population of food-insecure people and largest WLT croplands, is a leading example of the observed declines. Here we show geographically matching patterns of enhanced crop production and irrigation expansion with groundwater that have leveled off in the past decade. We estimate that, in the absence of irrigation, the enhancement in dry-season food grain production in India, during 1982-2002, would have required an increase in annual rainfall of at least 30 over almost half of the cropland area. This suggests that the past expansion of use of irrigation has not been sustainable. We expect that improved surface and groundwater management practices will be required to reverse the recent food grain production declines. © 2010 by the authors; licensee Molecular Diversity Preservation International, Basel, Switzerland

    Formative Assessment and Professional Training: Reflections from a Mathematics course in Bioengineering

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    Bioengineering is currently considered an interdisciplinary professional field which provides solutions to different problems arising in the area of health care. Its strategic importance is widely acknowledged since its developments and proposals could help diminish the level of technological dependence in the sector. The fast pace of innovation in the area of biomedical technology gives rise to permanent reflection on the learning goals and teaching strategies proposed by educators in the different training stages of a bioengineer. In this context, learning assessment appears as a controversial issue which needs to be debated and rethought. This paper describes the reflections of teachers of a Mathematics course within a Bioengineering program around the question, What approach to assessment favors the student's participation, autonomy and training as a future bioengineer? The investigation was carried out in the framework of a Participatory Research Action project and helped us to redesign assessment activities from a different perspective.Fil: Carrere, C.. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Milesi, S.. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Lapyckyj, I.. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Ravera, Emiliano Pablo. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Escher, L.. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Miyara, A.. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Pita, G.. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; ArgentinaFil: Añino, M.. Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. Facultad de Ingeniería; Argentin

    Arginine-rich peptides destabilize the plasma membrane, consistent with a pore formation translocation mechanism of cell-penetrating peptides

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    Recent molecular-dynamics simulations have suggested that the arginine-rich HIV Tat peptides translocate by destabilizing and inducing transient pores in phospholipid bilayers. In this pathway for peptide translocation, Arg residues play a fundamental role not only in the binding of the peptide to the surface of the membrane, but also in the destabilization and nucleation of transient pores across the bilayer. Here we present a molecular-dynamics simulation of a peptide composed of nine Args (Arg-9) that shows that this peptide follows the same translocation pathway previously found for the Tat peptide. We test experimentally the hypothesis that transient pores open by measuring ionic currents across phospholipid bilayers and cell membranes through the pores induced by Arg-9 peptides. We find that Arg-9 peptides, in the presence of an electrostatic potential gradient, induce ionic currents across planar phospholipid bilayers, as well as in cultured osteosarcoma cells and human smooth muscle cells. Our results suggest that the mechanism of action of Arg-9 peptides involves the creation of transient pores in lipid bilayers and cell membranes.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Comparison of Protein- or Amino Acid-Based Supplements in the Rehabilitation of Men with Severe Obesity: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Study

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    Background: Weight loss is associated with a reduction in all body compartments, including muscle mass (MM), and this effect produces a decrease in function and muscle strength. Our objective was to assess the impact of protein or amino acid supplements on MM loss in middle-aged men (age 35 kg/m2) during weight loss. Materials and Methods: We conducted a single-site randomized controlled trial (Clinicaltrials.gov NCT05143398) with 40 in-patient male subjects with severe obesity. Participants underwent an intervention program consisting of a low-calorie balanced diet and structured physical activity. They were randomly assigned to 4-week treatment groups: (1) control (CTR, N = 10), (2) protein (P, N = 10), (3) branched-chain amino acid (BCAA, N = 10), and (4) essential amino acid mixture with tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates (PD-E07, N = 10) supplementation. Results: Following 4 weeks of intervention, all groups showed similar reductions in body weight compared to baseline. When examining the delta values, a notable increase in muscle mass (MM) was observed in the PD-E07 intervention group [MM (kg): 2.84 ± 3.57; MM (%): 3.63 ± 3.14], in contrast to the CTR group [MM (kg): −2.46 ± 3.04; MM (%): −0.47 ± 2.28], with a statistical significance of p = 0.045 and p = 0.023, respectively. However, the MM values for the P group [MM (kg): −2.75 ± 5.98, p = 0.734; MM (%): −0.44 ± 4.02, p = 0.990] and the BCAA group [MM (kg): −1 ± 3.3, p = 0.734; MM (%): 0.34 ± 2.85, p = 0.956] did not exhibit a statistically significant difference when compared to the CTR group. Conclusions: Amino acid-based supplements may effectively mitigate the loss of MM typically observed during weight reduction. Further validation through large-scale studies is necessary

    Decadal variations in NDVI and food production in India

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    In this study we use long-term satellite, climate, and crop observations to document the spatial distribution of the recent stagnation in food grain production affecting the water-limited tropics (WLT), a region where 1.5 billion people live and depend on local agriculture that is constrained by chronic water shortages. Overall, our analysis shows that the recent stagnation in food production is corroborated by satellite data. The growth rate annually integrated vegetation greenness, a measure of crop growth, has declined significantly (p &lt; 0.10) in 23% of the WLT cropland area during the last decade, while statistically significant increases in the growth rates account for less than 2%. In most countries, the decade-long declines appear to be primarily due to unsustainable crop management practices rather than climate alone. One quarter of the statistically significant declines are observed in India, which with the world’s largest population of food-insecure people and largest WLT croplands, is a leading example of the observed declines. Here we show geographically matching patterns of enhanced crop production and irrigation expansion with groundwater that have leveled off in the past decade. We estimate that, in the absence of irrigation, the enhancement in dry-season food grain production in India, during 1982–2002, would have required an increase in annual rainfall of at least 30% over almost half of the cropland area. This suggests that the past expansion of use of irrigation has not been sustainable. We expect that improved surface and groundwater management practices will be required to reverse the recent food grain production declines


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    Blown pack spoilage of vacuum packed chilled beef was characterised by chemical (GCMS) analysis, microscope evaluation and microbiological analysis. Large amounts of butyric acid were found; the alteration was probably caused by psychrotrophic clostridia
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