1,476 research outputs found

    Four-loop contributions to long-distance quantities in the two-dimensional nonlinear sigma-model on a square lattice: revised numerical estimates

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    We give the correct analytic expression of a finite integral appearing in the four-loop computation of the renormalization-group functions for the two-dimensional nonlinear sigma-model on the square lattice with standard action, explaining the origin of a numerical discrepancy. We revise the numerical expressions of Caracciolo and Pelissetto for the perturbative corrections of the susceptibility and of the correlation length. For the values used in Monte Carlo simulations, N=3, 4, 8, the second perturbative correction coefficient of the correlation length varies by 3%, 4%, 3% respectively. Other quantities vary similarly.Comment: 2 pages, Revtex, no figure

    Lattice energy-momentum tensor with Symanzik improved actions

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    We define the energy-momentum tensor on lattice for the λϕ4\lambda \phi^4 and for the nonlinear σ\sigma-model Symanzik tree-improved actions, using Ward identities or an explicit matching procedure. The resulting operators give the correct one loop scale anomaly, and in the case of the sigma model they can have applications in Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: Self extracting archive fil

    The critical region of strong-coupling lattice QCD in different large-N limits

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    We study the critical behavior at nonzero temperature phase transitions of an effective Hamiltonian derived from lattice QCD in the strong-coupling expansion. Following studies of related quantum spin systems that have a similar Hamiltonian, we show that for large NcN_c and fixed g2Ncg^2N_c, mean field scaling is not expected, and that the critical region has a finite width at Nc=∞N_c=\infty. A different behavior rises for Nf→∞N_f\to \infty and fixed NcN_c and g2/Nfg^2/N_f, which we study in two spatial dimensions and for Nc=1N_c=1. We find that the width of the critical region is suppressed by 1/Nfp1/N_f^p with p=1/2p=1/2, and argue that a generalization to Nc>1N_c>1 and to three dimensions will change this only in detail (e.g. the value of p>0p>0), but not in principle. We conclude by stating under what conditions this suppression is expected, and remark on possible realizations of this phenomenon in lattice gauge theories in the continuum.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures. New version includes: a more extensive discussion of strong-coupling expansions and their region of validity. Accordingly I have reworded the descriptions of the investigated limits. Removed typos and misprint

    de Sitter gravity from lattice gauge theory

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    We investigate a lattice model for Euclidean quantum gravity based on discretization of the Palatini formulation of General Relativity. Using Monte Carlo simulation we show that while a naive approach fails to lead to a vacuum state consistent with the emergence of classical spacetime, this problem may be evaded if the lattice action is supplemented by an appropriate counter term. In this new model we find regions of the parameter space which admit a ground state which can be interpreted as (Euclidean) de Sitter space.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures. email address update

    Critical Behavior of the Two-Dimensional Randomly Driven Lattice Gas

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    We investigate the critical behavior of the two-dimensional randomly driven lattice gas, in which particles are driven along one of the lattice axes by an infinite external field with randomly changing sign. A finite-size scaling (FSS) analysis provides novel evidences that this model is not in the same universality class as the driven lattice gas with a constant drive (DLG), contrarily to what has been recently reported in the literature. Indeed, the FSS functions of transverse observables (i.e., related to order-parameter fluctuations with wave vector perpendicular to the direction of the field) differ from the mean-field behavior predicted and observed within the DLG universality class. At variance with the DLG case, FSS is attained on lattices with fixed aspect ratio and anisotropy exponent equal to 1 and the transverse Binder cumulant does not vanish at the critical point.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Gauged O(n) spin models in one dimension

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    We consider a gauged O(n) spin model, n >= 2, in one dimension which contains both the pure O(n) and RP(n-1) models and which interpolates between them. We show that this model is equivalent to the non-interacting sum of the O(n) and Ising models. We derive the mass spectrum that scales in the continuum limit, and demonstrate that there are two universality classes, one of which contains the O(n) and RP(n-1) models and the other which has a tuneable parameter but which is degenerate in the sense that it arises from the direct sum of the O(n) and Ising models.Comment: 9 pages, no figures, LaTeX sourc

    Universality Class of O(N)O(N) Models

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    We point out that existing numerical data on the correlation length and magnetic susceptibility suggest that the two dimensional O(3)O(3) model with standard action has critical exponent η=1/4\eta=1/4, which is inconsistent with asymptotic freedom. This value of η\eta is also different from the one of the Wess-Zumino-Novikov-Witten model that is supposed to correspond to the O(3)O(3) model at Ξ=π\theta=\pi.Comment: 8 pages, with 3 figures included, postscript. An error concerning the errors has been correcte

    On the question of universality in \RPn and \On Lattice Sigma Models

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    We argue that there is no essential violation of universality in the continuum limit of mixed \RPn and \On lattice sigma models in 2 dimensions, contrary to opposite claims in the literature.Comment: 16 pages (latex) + 3 figures (Postscript), uuencode

    General duality for abelian-group-valued statistical-mechanics models

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    We introduce a general class of statistical-mechanics models, taking values in an abelian group, which includes examples of both spin and gauge models, both ordered and disordered. The model is described by a set of ``variables'' and a set of ``interactions''. A Gibbs factor is associated to each variable and to each interaction. We introduce a duality transformation for systems in this class. The duality exchanges the abelian group with its dual, the Gibbs factors with their Fourier transforms, and the interactions with the variables. High (low) couplings in the interaction terms are mapped into low (high) couplings in the one-body terms. The idea is that our class of systems extends the one for which the classical procedure 'a la Kramers and Wannier holds, up to include randomness into the pattern of interaction. We introduce and study some physical examples: a random Gaussian Model, a random Potts-like model, and a random variant of discrete scalar QED. We shortly describe the consequence of duality for each example.Comment: 26 pages, 2 Postscript figure
