1,013 research outputs found

    Wolbachia and Spiroplasma endosymbionts in the Anurida maritima (Collembola) species group

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    A large proportion of arthropods carry maternally-inherited endosymbiotic bacteria with which they have developed close relationships. Some of these endosymbionts are selfish genetic elements and manipulate their hosts’ reproduction to their own advantage, for example via cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) or male killing. Here we report that the sexually reproducing collembolan Anurida maritima carries two endosymbionts (Wolbachia and Spiroplasma) and provide genome sequences for both bacteria. Phylogenomic analyses indicate that the Wolbachia belong to the A supergroup and that the Spiroplasma are sister to the Citri-Chrysopicola-Mirum lineage. A. maritima is considered a species group and consists of at least two distinct genetic lineages. We show that both lineages carry both endosymbionts. No homologs of the Spiroplasma male-killing gene SpAID were observed within our datasets. Homologs of the male-killing associated wmk and the CI inducing cifA and cifB prophage genes were detected in the Wolbachia genome. Phylogenetic analyses placed the cif genes in the poorly characterised Type V clade. The cifA and cifB gene sequences of the two Anurida lineages are identical. It therefore seems unlikely that the genetic divergence within the species group stems from cifA and cifB induced CI. Laboratory controlled genetic crosses and sex ratio studies will be needed to reveal any potential effect of the two endosymbionts on A. maritima’s reproduction


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    To increase data rate of wireless medium with higher performance, OFDM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing) is used. Here DWT (Discrete wavelet transforms) is adopted in place of FFT (Fast Fourier transform) for frequency translation. Modulation schemes such as 16-QAM (Quadrature amplitude modulation) have been used in the development of OFDM system using DWT. In this paper, I propose a DWT-IDWT based OFDM transmitter and receiver .It has been proven that all the wavelet families better over the IFFT-FFT implementation.. The wavelet filter used in the project is Bi-orthoganal (9,7) with N=2. The Project also include implementation of Digital Up Converter and Digital Down Converter at the transmitter and receiver part respectively. The project is implemented on FPGA by designing using Verilog HDL and System Generator

    An Explorative Study on Learnable Happiness to Amplify Playing Skills through Sangam Game Oraiyaduthal

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    To live in harmony with nature, ancient men faced many challenges and increased their energy. There are many types of ancient games. Ancient games depend on traditional social networking sites. Sports have been important since the time when mankind started climbing the development ladder. The purpose of the study is to explorate the learnable happiness to amplify playing skills through sangam game oraiyaduthal. 100 female athletes from Avinashilingam University who participated at least in district level competitions in different sports were subjected to sampling. These Samples were used to find out the improvement in learning happiness and playing skills. The data obtained were analyzed using synthesis in social science. One-way analysis of variants and T- tests were used to detect significant mean difference value. Using this the relationship of the classified samples were known. Overall, the present study has two important conclusions. First it is known that the oraiyaduthal game has produced high levels of subjective happiness and secondly, by using the Game Image Skill Questionnaire test, it was found that strategy, targeting, perception, emotion, sportsmanship and handling tough situations among team and individual athletes have been enhanced. In this, team athletes showed more improvement than individual athletes

    Antitumor and Immunopotentiating Activity of Polysaccharide PST001 Isolated from the Seed Kernel of Tamarindus indica: An InVivo Study inMice

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    Antitumor activity of polysaccharide PST001 isolated from the seed kernel of Tamarindus indica was evaluated using different cancer cell lines. Human cancer cell lines A549, KB, and MCF-7 and murine cancer cell lines DLA and EAC were treated with PST001 and cell growth inhibition was assessed by MTT assay. In vivo studies were carried out for toxicity, tumor reduction and immunomodulation. The respective IC50 of PST001 in A549, KB, and DLA was at 80.72, 190.99, and 91.14 μg/mL. Significant tumor reduction was obtained in both DLA and EAC tumors on treatment with PST001 which was more prominent when PST001 was administered with CTX/5-fluorouracil. Increase in total WBC, CD4+ T-cell population, and bonemarrow cellularity suggested strong immunomodulatory activity for this compound. No significant abnormality was observed in toxicity studies. Thus the results of the present study suggest that PST001 has immunomodulatory and tumor inhibitory activities and has the potential to be developed as an anticancer agent and immunomodulator either as a sole agent or as an adjuvant to other chemotherapeutic drugs

    A Study on Customers Attitude Towards Advertising Media with Special Reference to Coimbatore City

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    Advertising is a measure of the growth of civilization and an indication of the striving of the human race for betterment and perfection. An assessment of the role of advertising in the economic system includes its role as a guide to prospective buyers for innovative products and services, for creating autonomous and derived demand among consumers, for facilitating them to make product differentiation and in the creation of higher propensity to consume such items besides providing financial support to the media. Media effects of advertising are visible from its influence on the efficiency of production and distribution, lowering of prices, economic well-being, improvements in the product quality and finally in its contribution to the national income. It also helps people and organizations to find each other and create or sustain thousands of jobs, both in advertising agencies and in various promotion 1 and exhibition industries