215 research outputs found

    Effect of surgical and immunological castration on haematological variables, reproductive hormones and ejaculate characteristics in mongrel dogs

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    Welfare concerns are growing regarding surgical castration (SC) in pets, necessitating the need for non-surgical alternatives. Administration of vaccines against gonadotropins releasing hormone (GnRH) have been reported as alternative to SC. This study determined the effect of surgical and immunological castrations (IC) on complete blood counts, plasma testosterone (T), luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations and ejaculate characteristics in mongrel dogs. Ten intact male dogs were randomly divided into two groups (A & B). Dogs in group A were surgically castrated, while dogs in group B were immunologically castrated with single subcutaneous injection of GnRH vaccine (Improvac®). Blood and semen were collected before SC or IC and fortnightly until sixteen weeks. Blood was analyzed for packed cell volume (PCV), white blood cell count (WBC), haemoglobin concentration (Hb), absolute neutrophil (NEUT) and lymphocyte counts (LYMP), T and LH. Sperm volume (SV), concentration (C), motility (SM), live-dead ratio (LDR) and percentage of abnormal spermatozoa were determined for the semen. Data were presented as mean ± standard deviation and compared using analysis of variance. The PCV and HB of dogs surgically castrated increased progressively up to16th week after castration but only up to10 weeks in dogs immunologically castrated. Both PCV and HB decreased progressively after 10 weeks in dogs immunologically castrated. Similarly, the WBC of dogs surgically castrated steadily increased from 2 weeks up to week 16, while it increased from 6 weeks up to 16 weeks in dogs immunologically castrated. However, PCV, Hb, WBC, NEUT and LYMP did not differ significantly (p > 0.05) between SC and IC. In both groups, the SV, SC, SM, LDR and percentage of abnormal spermatozoa did not differ significantly. It was therefore concluded that there is no significant haematological or endocrinological changes between surgical and immunological castration and that immunological castration may provide safer alternative.Keywords: Surgical castration, immunosterilization, dogs, GnRH vaccine, Testosterone, Luteinising hormon

    Linkage disequilibrium dependent architecture of human complex traits reveals action of negative selection

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    Recent work has hinted at the linkage disequilibrium (LD)-dependent architecture of human complex traits, where SNPs with low levels of LD (LLD) have larger per-SNP heritability. Here we analyzed summary statistics from 56 complex traits (average N = 101,401) by extending stratified LD score regression to continuous annotations. We determined that SNPs with low LLD have significantly larger per-SNP heritability and that roughly half of this effect can be explained by functional annotations negatively correlated with LLD, such as DNase I hypersensitivity sites (DHSs). The remaining signal is largely driven by our finding that more recent common variants tend to have lower LLD and to explain more heritability (P = 2.38 × 10−104); the youngest 20% of common SNPs explain 3.9 times more heritability than the oldest 20%, consistent with the action of negative selection. We also inferred jointly significant effects of other LD-related annotations and confirmed via forward simulations that they jointly predict deleterious effects

    PRpnp, a novel dual activity PNP family protein improves plant vigor and confers multiple stress tolerance in Citrus aurantifolia

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    Summary Under field conditions, plants are often simultaneously exposed to several abiotic and biotic stresses resulting in significant reductions in growth and yield; thus, developing a multi-stress tolerant variety is imperative. Previously, we reported the neofunctionalization of a novel PNP family protein, Putranjiva roxburghii purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PRpnp) to trypsin inhibitor to cater to the needs of plant defense. However, to date, no study has revealed the potential role and mechanism of either member of this protein group in plant defense. Here, we overexpressed PRpnp in Citrus aurantifolia which showed nuclear-cytoplasmic localization, where it functions in maintaining the intracellular purine reservoir. Overexpression of PRpnp significantly enhanced tolerance to salt, oxidative stress, alkaline pH, drought, and two pests, Papilio demoleus and Scirtothrips citri in transgenic plants. Global gene expression studies revealed that PRpnp overexpression up-regulated differentially expressed genes (DEGs) related to ABA- and JA- biosynthesis and signaling, plant defense, growth, and development. LC-MS/MS analysis validated higher endogenous ABA and JA accumulation in transgenic plants. Taken together, our results suggest that PRpnp functions by enhancing the endogenous ABA and JA, which interact synergistically and it also inhibits trypsin proteases in the insect gut. Also, like other purine salvage genes, PRpnp also regulates CK metabolism and increases the levels of CK-free bases in transgenic Mexican lime. We also suggest that PRpnp can be used as a potential candidate to develop new varieties with improved plant vigor and enhanced multiple stress resistance

    A Functional Proteomic Method for Biomarker Discovery

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    The sequencing of the human genome holds out the hope for personalized medicine, but it is clear that analysis of DNA or RNA content alone is not sufficient to understand most disease processes. Proteomic strategies that allow unbiased identification of proteins and their post-transcriptional and -translation modifications are an essential complement to genomic strategies. However, the enormity of the proteome and limitations in proteomic methods make it difficult to determine the targets that are particularly relevant to human disease. Methods are therefore needed that allow rational identification of targets based on function and relevance to disease. Screening methodologies such as phage display, SELEX, and small-molecule combinatorial chemistry have been widely used to discover specific ligands for cells or tissues of interest, such as tumors. Those ligands can be used in turn as affinity probes to identify their cognate molecular targets when they are not known in advance. Here we report an easy, robust and generally applicable approach in which phage particles bearing cell- or tissue-specific peptides serve directly as the affinity probes for their molecular targets. For proof of principle, the method successfully identified molecular binding partners, three of them novel, for 15 peptides specific for pancreatic cancer

    Manipulating the Hype: contemporary art's response to media cliches

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    Manipulating the Hype addresses art’s reaction to the barrage of signs produced by the media. The paper researches contemporary art’s response to clichéd media stereotypes and elucidates artists’ multifaceted perspective on overtly obvious yet widely embraced paradigms marketed by the media. Contemporary art’s strategic reconfiguration of media stereotypes is a valuable introspection upon the superficiality and impracticability of advertising and entertainment industry constructs. By reconsidering the mediated image, art has the ability to inspire reevaluation of cultural values. The thesis additionally attempts to ascertain the reinterpretation of media stereotypes as a common thread linking principal art movements and historically significant artworks from around the world since 1960. How does contemporary art respond to the extensive cultural influence of the media? Is a reaction to mass media a thematic commonality linking contemporary artists in the age of globalization? Manipulating the Hype is a dual outcome investigation comprised of written thesis and studio practice. The written thesis combines experience from a lengthy professional practice with historical and theoretical research. The visual thesis consists of twelve photographic works taken at on the Big Island of Hawaii. The images juxtapose artificial icons of power from popular culture with the natural force of the active lava flow. The process of research discloses how the advertising and entertainment industries capitalize upon innate human desires through the manipulative proliferation of archetypal imagery. Furthermore, the thesis establishes the widespread retort to media clichés as a palpable commonality in studio practices worldwide. The findings in the research make evident that although contemporary art does not have sufficient influence to reform the media, it can heighten public awareness of media tactics

    Professional profile and practice of psychiatrists in brazil

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    Com o objetivo de identificar o perfil profissional de psiquiatras do Brasil, foram escolhidos para estudo cinco Estados representativos de cada região do País (Bahia, Pará, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul, além do Distrito Federal). A amostra consistiu de 430 membros da ABP, que responderam a questionário enviado pelo correio. Os dados foram analisados pelo sistema EPIINFO. Veri ficou-se que 76,5% dos psiqui atras estudados fazem ou fizeram supervisão de seu trabalho, 65, I % participam de grupos de estudo, 51,9% submeteram-se a psicoterapia pessoal, 71,2% foram ou são pacientes de psicanálise. Quanto à atividade profissional, 30,2% do tempo são dedicados a instituições públicas, 11 ,6% a instituições privadas e 48,3% ao consultório particular. Neste, predominam as técnicas psicotenápicas
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