49 research outputs found

    Measurement properties of the high-level mobility assessment tool for mild traumatic brain injury

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    Background. The High-Level Mobility Assessment Tool (HiMAT) was developed to quantify balance and mobility problems after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Measurement properties of the HiMAT have not been tested in the mild TBI (MTBI) population. Objective. The aim of this study was to examine the reliability, validity, and responsiveness of the HiMAT in a sample of the MTBI population. Design. A cohort, pretest-posttest, comparison study was conducted. Methods. Ninety-two patients (69% men, 31% women) with a mean age of 37.1 years (SD 13.8) and a mean Glasgow Coma Scale score of 14.7 (SD 0.7) were recruited from Oslo University Hospital. All patients were tested with the HiMAT (range of scores 0 [worst] to 54 [best]) at 3 months postinjury. Fifty-one patients were retested at 6 months. A subgroup of 25 patients was selected for the reliability testing. Balance function reported on the Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire was chosen as a criterion and anchor. Criterion-related validity was studied with correlation analysis. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were used for assessing interrater and intrarater reliability. Minimal detectable change (MDC) for the HiMAT was estimated. Responsiveness was assessed with receiver operating characteristic curve analyses. Results. The mean HiMAT sum score was 46.2 (95% confidence interval 44.4 to 48.1). The HiMAT had a ceiling effect of 22.8%. The correlation between HiMAT scores and self-reported balance problems was large (r .63, P .001). Interrater and intrarater reliability of the HiMAT sum score was high (interrater ICC .99, intrarater ICC .95). The MDC was 3 to 4 points. Responsiveness was good, and the HiMAT discriminated well between patients with self-perceived improved balance function versus unchanged balance function (area under the curve 0.86). Limitations. The small sample size, a ceiling effect, and lack of a gold standard were limitations of the study. Conclusions. The HiMAT demonstrated satisfactory measurement properties for patients with MTBI. The HiMAT can be used as an outcome measure of balance and mobility problems in patients with MTB

    Measurement Properties of the Patient-Specific Functional Scale in Rehabilitation for Patients With Stroke: A Prospective Observational Study

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    Objective This study investigated the validity, reliability, responsiveness, and interpretability of the Patient-Specific Functional Scale (PSFS) in subacute stroke rehabilitation to determine its suitability to measure patient-identified rehabilitation goals. Methods A prospective observational study was designed according to the checklist from Consensus-Based Standards for Selecting Health Measurement Instruments. Seventy-one patients diagnosed with stroke were recruited in the subacute phase from a rehabilitation unit in Norway. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health was used to assess the content validity. Assessment of construct validity was based on hypotheses for correlation of the PSFS and comparator measurements. We assessed reliability by calculating the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) (3.1) and the standard error of measurement. The assessment of responsiveness was based on hypotheses for the correlation of change scores between the PSFS and the comparator measurements. A receiver operating characteristic analysis was conducted to assess responsiveness. The smallest detectable change and minimal important change were calculated. Results Eighty percent of the PSFS items were classified as activities and participation in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, indicating satisfactory content validity. The reliability was satisfactory with an ICC of 0.81 (95% CI = 0.69–0.89). The standard error of measurement was 0.70 point, and the smallest detectable change was 1.94 points. Five of 7 hypotheses were confirmed for construct validity, and 5 of 6 were confirmed for responsiveness, indicating moderate construct validity and high responsiveness. Assessing responsiveness with a criterion approach resulted in an area under the curve of 0.74. A ceiling effect was identified for 25% of the participants 3 months after discharge. The minimal important change was estimated to be 1.58 points. Conclusion This study demonstrates satisfactory measurement properties for the PSFS in individuals undergoing inpatient stroke rehabilitation. Impact This study supports the use of the PSFS to document and monitor patient-identified rehabilitation goals in patients receiving subacute stroke rehabilitation when applied using a shared decision approach. Goals, Patient-Reported Outcome Measure, Patient-Specific Functional Scale, Rehabilitation, Shared Decision Making, StrokepublishedVersio

    Health-related Quality of Life 12 months after severe traumatic brain injury: A prospective nationwide cohort study

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess health-related quality of life in individuals with severe traumatic brain injury at 12 months post-injury, applying the Quality of Life after Brain Injury (QOLIBRI) instrument, and to study the relationship between injury-related factors, post-injury functioning and health-related quality of life. Design/subjects: The study is part of a prospective, Norwegian multicentre study of adults (≥ 16 years old) with severe traumatic brain injury, as defined by a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 3–8 during the first 24 h post-injury. A total of 126 patients were included. METHODS: Socio-demographic data and injury severity variables were collected. Functioning at 3 and 12 months was assessed with the Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended (GOSE), the Functional Independence Measure (FIM), the Rivermead Post-concussion Questionnaire (RPQ), and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). Hierarchical regression analysis was applied. RESULTS: Mean QOLIBRI score was 68.5 (standard deviation = 18.8). Predictors of the QOLIBRI in the final regression model were: employment status (p = 0.05), GOSE (p = 0.05), RPQ (p < 0.001) and HADS (p < 0.001). The adjusted R2 showed that the model explained 64.0% of the variance in the QOLIBRI score. CONCLUSION: Symptom pressure and global functioning in the sub-acute phase of traumatic brain injury and psychological distress in the post-acute phase are important for health-related quality of life at 12 months post-injury. These domains should be the focus in rehabilitation aiming to improve health-related quality of life in patients with severe traumatic brain injury

    Combined cognitive and vocational interventions after mild to moderate traumatic brain injury: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background A considerable proportion of patients with mild to moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI) experience long-lasting somatic, cognitive, and emotional symptoms that may hamper their capacity to return to work (RTW). Although several studies have described medical, psychological, and work-related factors that predict RTW after TBI, well-controlled intervention studies regarding RTW are scarce. Furthermore, there has traditionally been weak collaboration among health-related rehabilitation services, the labor and welfare sector, and workplaces. Methods/design This study protocol describes an innovative randomized controlled trial in which we will explore the effect of combining manualized cognitive rehabilitation (Compensatory Cognitive Training [CCT]) and supported employment (SE) on RTW and related outcomes for patients with mild to moderate TBI in real-life competitive work settings. The study will be carried out in the southeastern region of Norway and thereby be performed within the Norwegian welfare system. Patients aged 18–60 years with mild to moderate TBI who are employed in a minimum 50% position at the time of injury and sick-listed 50% or more for postconcussive symptoms 2 months postinjury will be included in the study. A comprehensive assessment of neurocognitive function, self-reported symptoms, emotional distress, coping style, and quality of life will be performed at baseline, immediately after CCT (3 months after inclusion), following the end of SE (6 months after inclusion), and 12 months following study inclusion. The primary outcome measures are the proportion of participants who have returned to work at 12-month follow-up and length of time until RTW, in addition to work stability as well as work productivity over the first year following the intervention. Secondary outcomes include changes in self-reported symptoms, emotional and cognitive function, and quality of life. Additionally, a qualitative RTW process evaluation focused on organizational challenges at the workplace will be performed. Discussion The proposed study will combine cognitive and vocational rehabilitation and explore the efficacy of increased cross-sectoral collaboration between specialized health care services and the labor and welfare system. If the intervention proves effective, the project will describe the cost-effectiveness and utility of the program and thereby provide important information for policy makers. In addition, knowledge about the RTW process for persons with TBI and their workplaces will be provided. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT03092713. Registered on 10 March 2017

    Factors associated with discharge destination from acute care after moderate-to-severe traumatic injuries in Norway: a prospective population-based study

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    Background - Previous studies have demonstrated that the trauma population has needs for rehabilitation services that are best provided in a continuous and coordinated way. The discharge destination after acute care is the second step to ensuring quality of care. There is a lack of knowledge regarding the factors associated with the discharge destination for the overall trauma population. This paper aims to identify sociodemographic, geographical, and injury-related factors associated with discharge destination following acute care at trauma centers for patients with moderate-to-severe traumatic injuries. Methods - A multicenter, population-based, prospective study was conducted with patients of all ages with traumatic injury [New Injury Severity Score (NISS) > 9] admitted within 72 h after the injury to regional trauma centers in southeastern and northern Norway over a 1-year period (2020). Results - In total, 601 patients were included; a majority (76%) sustained severe injuries, and 22% were discharged directly to specialized rehabilitation. Children were primarily discharged home, and most of the patients ≥ 65 years to their local hospital. Depending on the centrality of their residence [Norwegian Centrality Index (NCI) 1–6, where 1 is most central], we found that patients residing in NCI 3–4 and 5–6 areas sustained more severe injuries than patients residing in NCI 1–2 areas. An increase in the NISS, number of injuries, or a spinal injury with an Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) ≥ 3 was associated with discharge to local hospitals and specialized rehabilitation than to home. Patients with an AIS ≥ 3 head injury (RRR 6.1, 95% Confidence interval 2.80–13.38) were significantly more likely to be discharged to specialized rehabilitation than patients with a less severe head injury. Age  Conclusions - Two-thirds of the patients sustained severe traumatic injury, and 22% were discharged directly to specialized rehabilitation. Age, centrality of the residence, preinjury comorbidity, injury severity, length of hospital stay, and the number and specific types of injuries were factors that had the greatest influence on discharge destination

    Functional Outcomes at 6 and 12 Months Post-Injury in a Trauma Centre Population with Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Injuries

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    This study aims to evaluate the global functional outcomes after moderate-to-severe traumatic injury at 6 and 12 months and to examine the sociodemographic and injury-related factors that predict these outcomes. A prospective cohort study was conducted in which trauma patients of all ages with a New Injury Severity Score > 9 who were discharged alive from two regional trauma centres in Norway over a one-year period (2020) were included. The Glasgow Outcome Scale Extended (GOSE) score was used to analyse the functional outcomes. Regression analyses were performed to investigate the predictors of the GOSE score. Follow-up assessments were obtained from approximately 85% of the 601 included patients at both time points. The mean (SD) GOSE score was 6.1 (1.6) at 6 months and 6.4 (1.6) at 12 months, which corresponds to an upper-moderate disability. One-half of the patients had a persistent disability at 12 months post-injury. The statistically significant predictors of a low GOSE score at both time points were more pre-injury comorbidity, a higher number of injuries, and higher estimated rehabilitation needs, whereas a thorax injury with an Abbreviated Injury Scale ≥ 3 predicted higher GOSE scores. A high Glasgow Coma Scale score at admission predicted a higher GOSE score at 6 months. This study strengthens the evidence base for the functional outcomes and predictors in this population

    Adherence to Guidelines for Acute Rehabilitation in the Norwegian Trauma Plan.

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    Objective: To evaluate adherence to 3 central operational recommendations for acute rehabilitation in the Norwegian trauma plan. Methods: A prospective multi-centre study of 538 adults with moderate and severe trauma with New Injury Severity Score >9. Results: Adherence to the first recommendation, assessment by a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician within 72 h following admission to the intensive care unit (ICU) at the trauma centre, was documented for 18% of patients. Adherence to the second recommendation, early rehabilitation in the intensive care unit, was documented for 72% of those with severe trauma and ≥2 days ICU stay. Predictors for early rehabilitation were ICU length of stay and spinal cord injury. Adherence to the third recommendation, direct transfer of patients from acute ward to a specialized rehabilitation unit, was documented in 22% of patients, and occurred more often in those with severe trauma (26%), spinal cord injury (54%) and traumatic brain injury (39%). Being employed, having head or spinal chord injury and longer ICU stay were predictors for direct transfer to a specialized rehabilitation unit. Conclusion: Adherence to acute rehabilitation guidelines after trauma is poor. This applies to documented early assessment by a physical medicine and rehabilitation physician, and direct transfer from acute care to rehabilitation after head and extremity injuries. These findings indicate a need for more systematic integration of rehabilitation in the acute treatment phase after trauma

    Rehabilitation and outcomes after complicated vs uncomplicated mild TBI:results from the CENTER-TBI study

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    Background: Despite existing guidelines for managing mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), evidence-based treatments are still scarce and large-scale studies on the provision and impact of specific rehabilitation services are needed. This study aimed to describe the provision of rehabilitation to patients after complicated and uncomplicated mTBI and investigate factors associated with functional outcome, symptom burden, and TBI-specific health-related quality of life (HRQOL) up to six months after injury. Methods: Patients (n = 1379) with mTBI from the Collaborative European NeuroTrauma Effectiveness Research in TBI (CENTER-TBI) study who reported whether they received rehabilitation services during the first six months post-injury and who participated in outcome assessments were included. Functional outcome was measured with the Glasgow Outcome Scale – Extended (GOSE), symptom burden with the Rivermead Post Concussion Symptoms Questionnaire (RPQ), and HRQOL with the Quality of Life after Brain Injury – Overall Scale (QOLIBRI-OS). We examined whether transition of care (TOC) pathways, receiving rehabilitation services, sociodemographic (incl. geographic), premorbid, and injury-related factors were associated with outcomes using regression models. For easy comparison, we estimated ordinal regression models for all outcomes where the scores were classified based on quantiles. Results: Overall, 43% of patients with complicated and 20% with uncomplicated mTBI reported receiving rehabilitation services, primarily in physical and cognitive domains. Patients with complicated mTBI had lower functional level, higher symptom burden, and lower HRQOL compared to uncomplicated mTBI. Rehabilitation services at three or six months and a higher number of TOC were associated with unfavorable outcomes in all models, in addition to pre-morbid psychiatric problems. Being male and having more than 13 years of education was associated with more favorable outcomes. Sustaining major trauma was associated with unfavorable GOSE outcome, whereas living in Southern and Eastern European regions was associated with lower HRQOL. Conclusions: Patients with complicated mTBI reported more unfavorable outcomes and received rehabilitation services more frequently. Receiving rehabilitation services and higher number of care transitions were indicators of injury severity and associated with unfavorable outcomes. The findings should be interpreted carefully and validated in future studies as we applied a novel analytic approach. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02210221.</p

    Early rehabilitation after severe traumatic brain injury: a case report

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    Introduction: Studies indicate that early rehabilitation is associated with better outcomes in severely traumatic brain injured patients (TBI). Main part: The case report describes early rehabilitation at The Early Rehabilitation Unit, Oslo University Hospital Ullevaal, of a 35 year old man with severe TBI after a fall accident in autumn 2008. The early rehabilitation started 9 days post-injury while the patient still was ventilator dependent and emerging from coma. The case report focuses on the interventions positioning, range of movement exercises and mobilization. The patient made a good neurological and functional recovery during the 11 days of the early rehabilitation phase, before transferral to a specialist rehabilitation hospital. It is difficult to separate the meaning of spontaneous recovery, intensive- and neurosurgical treatment from specific rehabilitation interventions. Conclusion: The results indicate that positioning, range of movement exercises and mobilization are feasible and safe interventions, and contribute to fewer complications and improved functional recovery. Further research is needed to study the effects of different therapeutic interventions in early rehabilitation of patients with severe TBI