996 research outputs found

    Jean-Paul Sartre's conception of art based on the phenomenological ontology

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    Bu tezin ortaya koyup çözümlemeye çalıştığı sorun fenomenolojik ontolojiye dayanan bir sanat düşüncesinin nasıl mümkün olabileceğidir. Tezin amacı fenomenolojik ontoloji üzerine kurulabilecek sanat düşüncesinin felsefi dayanaklarını keşfetmektir. Dört bölümden oluşmuş olan bu tezin ilk bölümünde “fenomenolojik ontoloji”nin ne demek olduğu ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Fenomenolojik ontolojinin kurucusunun Jean-Paul Sartre olması nedeniyle bu tez zorunlu olarak Sartre’ın düşünceleri üzerine yoğunlaşmıştır. Sartre’ın felsefe ve sanat arasında fenomenolojik ontolojiden yola çıkarak kurmaya çalıştığı geçit, fenomenolojiye özgü olan betimleyici bir yöntemle yürütüldü ve tanıtıldı. Fenomenolojinin yanında varoluşçuluk da Sartre’ın felsefesinin tanımlayıcı bir dayanağıdır. Bu nedenle tezin ikinci bölümünde Sartre’ın fenomenolojik ontoloji üzerine kurduğu hümanist ateist varoluşçuluk hakkında detaylı bir açıklama yapılmıştır. Tezin üçüncü bölümünde fenomenolojik ontoloji ve hümanist ateist varoluşçuluğa dayanan, Sartre tarafından öne sürülen yeni bir sanat anlayışı, başka bir deyişle bağlı ya da sorumlu sanat açıklanmıştır. Tezin son bölümünü oluşturan dördüncü bölümde bu yeni sanat anlayışının ürünü olan sanat yapıtlarından Sartre’ın Bulantı romanı ve Özgürlük Yolları roman dizisinin ilk üç cildi incelenmiştir.The main question that was tried to be presented and analyzed throughout this thesis is “how can a conception of art grounded on phenomenological ontology and humanist atheistic existentialism be possible?” The objective of the thesis was to explore philosophical basis for the idea of art that could be based on phenomenological ontology. The thesis consisted of four chapters. In chapter one the meaning of phenomenological ontology was tried to be revealed. This work concentrated necessarily on the philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre, because the founder of phenomenological ontology is Sartre. The passage attempted to be established between philosophy and art by Sartre starting from the point of phenomenological ontology was conducted and introduced by descriptive method. One of the defining characteristics of Sartre’s philosophy, beside phenomenology, is humanist atheistic existentialism. For this, in the second chapter a detailed account for humanist atheistic existentialism developed by Sartre based on phenomenological ontology was given. In the third chapter a new conception of art put forward by Sartre and grounded in phenomenological ontology and humanist atheistic existentialism, namely committed or responsible art was explained. In the fourth chapter that composed the last part of the thesis, some examples of the works of art considered as the product of this new conception of art, namely Sartre’s Nausea and the first three volumes of The Roads to Freedom were analyzed

    Normal coronary diameters in Turkish population

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    Background: This study aims to define normal coronary artery diameters of males and females in a sample of Turkish population, compared to Asian-Indian and Western Caucasian populations. Methods: Angiographic and demographic data of a total of 324 patients (147 males, 177 females; mean age 55.3 +/- 10.1 years; range, 32 to 82 years) who underwent elective coronary angiography with angiographically normal coronary arteries between July 2017 and March 2019 were analyzed retrospectively. Proximal diameters of major epicardial coronary arteries were measured using the Axiom Artis software according to edge detection method. All the measurements were adjusted to the body surface area. Unadjusted and adjusted values were compared between genders and with the Asian-Indian and Caucasian population samples. Results: The mean diameters of unadjusted/adjusted left main coronary artery, proximal left anterior descending artery, proximal left circumflex artery, and proximal right coronary artery were 4.5 +/- 0.6 mm/2.4 +/- 0.4 mm/m(2), 3.7 +/- 0.5 mm/1.9 +/- 0.3 mm/m(2), 3.3 +/- 0.6 mm/1.7 +/- 0.3 mm/m(2), and 3.4 +/- 0.6 mm/1.8 +/- 0.4 mm/m(2), respectively. Adjusted left main coronary artery and proximal left circumflex artery were narrower, and unadjusted proximal left anterior descending artery and unadjusted/adjusted proximal right coronary artery were larger in men, compared to women in the Turkish population. Turkish population had similar body surface area and unadjusted/adjusted coronary diameters with Caucasians, whereas adjusted proximal left anterior descending artery was larger in the Turkish population than in Asian-Indians. Conclusion: Our study findings on the Turkish population contradict the traditional belief that women have narrower coronary arteries then men. Furthermore, the Turkish population have comparable adjusted/unadjusted coronary diameters with the Western Caucasians, but larger adjusted/unadjusted proximal left anterior descending artery, compared to Asian-Indians. We believe that our findings may contribute to the global data pool of normal coronary diameters and can be utilized in future studies as a database

    Thermal hydraulic aspects of an unconventional liquid metal reactor

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    The Trench Reactor (TR) is a liquid sodium cooled fast power reactor. The reactor core is fueled with U-Pu-Zr metal fuel and generates 800 MW of thermal power. The core is located in a sodium pool which is contained in a thin and deep rectangular vessel. Also located in the pool are the two intermediate heat exchangers (IHX) and the two primary pumps. The liquid sodium exists the core at 485°C and is pumped through the IHXs where it is cooled to 343°C and enters the core through an inlet plenum. The reactor building atmosphere is nitrogen which circulates through the guard tank and reactor vessel. The secondary sodium enters the IHXs at 294°C and exits at 465°C. It then is used to generate steam at 425°C and 15 MPa. The electric power output of the plant is 300 MWe.;TR has the advantages of a small power plant. The current technology can be applied to build the main components of the reactor system. The initial margins to failure are large and the failure mechanisms are slow. The use of metal fuel and the large sodium pool enhance the safety of the reactor. The major design changes introduced are the elimination of heat capacity effects associated with the core inlet temperature and the rectangular shape of the reactor vessel and the core. The former helped to improve the response of the TR to a wide range of accidents by enabling the effects of core inlet temperature changes to be felt early in the transients. The latter resulted in a simpler core design and control. The TR response to unprotected loss of heat sink, loss of flow, positive reactivity insertion and overcooling accidents is favorable

    Organik ve Konvansiyonel Pamuk Yetiştiriciliğinde Toprak Özelliklerinin Karşılaştırılması

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    Araştırma, organik ve konvansiyonel sistemlerde topraktaki kimyasalların pamuk verimine olan etkisini karşılaştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Deneme, pamuk-pamuk-buğday rotasyon sistemi ile 2002-2008 yılları arasında Menemen Ovasında 7 yıl süre ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Toprak analiz sonuçlarına göre, organik parsellerde sertifikalı gübre ve yeşil gübre uygulanmıştır. Konvansiyonel parsellerde ise sentetik gübre kullanılmıştır. 7 yıllık toprak analizi sonuçlarına göre, kireç, tuzluluk, pH ve K (potasyum) değerleri iki sistemde de değişmemiştir. P (fosfor)değerleri konvansiyonel parsellerde yükselmiştir. İki sistemde de mikro elementler bakımından Fe (demir) ve Cu (bakır)değerleri değişmemiştir. Mn(mangan) her iki sistemde de yükselirken Zn (çinko) değerleri yeterlilik seviyesinin altında bulunmuştur. İstatistik analizlere göre pamuk verimlerinde konvansiyonel ve organik sistemler arasında önemli bir farklılık görülmemiştir

    Energy Calculations of The Realistic Quantum Slab

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    We calculated the total energy of a semiconductor quantum dot which is defined by the trench gate method. In our calculation we used a recently developed energy functional called ``orbital-free energy functional". We compared the total energies obtained by Thomas-Fermi approximation, orbital-free energy functional and standard local-density approximation for the square quantum slab geometry. We have seen that this newly developed energy functional is numerically very efficient, superior to the Thomas-Fermi approximation and is in good agreement with the local-density approximation for two different sizes of quantum dot systems.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    A Research on Employee Ethnocentrism

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    This study aims to identify ethnocentric behavior tendencies of 129 boundary spanning role employees, who works in 5 star hotels of Ankara, using Employee Ethnocentrism Survey. Also in this study, independent t-test and analysis of variance tests were used to investigate differences, among respondents’ demographic variables. The results demonstrated that, boundary spanning role employees of 5 star hotels in Ankara have moderately ethnocentric tendency, and several significant differences in terms of respondents’ age and gender. Male employees, 39 age and elders, and high school graduates show a higher ethnocentric tendency among the hotel employees

    A bibliometric analysis of the articles about values education

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    This study aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the articles about values education in the Web of Science database. To this end, analyzes were provided of 254 articles deemed suitable for the analysis from the articles collected from the database. Bibliometric analysis was performed for the most used keywords, the most used words in the abstract, the most cited authors, the most cited countries, the most cited journals about values education via the VOSviewer program. Furthermore, the articles' publication years and languages were identified. Values education, values, education, moral education are the most used keywords. Data, level, and program are the most commonly used words in the abstract. The most cited writers (co-citation) in values education are Lovat, Thornberg and Kohlberg. According to both co-citation and citation analysis of the most cited journal, it is the Journal of Moral Education. The countries that are most cited are the United States, Australia, and England. Even though the first study in this field was conducted in 1970, the majority of researches were performed in 2019. The publication language of the articles has been discovered to be predominantly English. It is assumed that the findings obtained would provide the researchers with a general framework in this field. Suggestions for further studies are brought in as a result of the study


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    The research aims to determine the opinions of teacher candidates regarding the media's influence on values education. The research was carried out within the structure of a case study which is one of the qualitative research methods. The research study group is composed of 64 teacher candidates studying at the Faculty of Education at Atatürk University, Primary Education Department, Classroom Education Branch. A descriptive analysis technique was used to analyze the data. As a result of interviews with the teacher candidates, it was concluded that the media has a negative and positive impact on values and it is essential to have value-oriented programs, media surveillance, representing a model, and introducing our regions when providing values education through the media. Television and the internet are the most effective media tools to express values and it is crucial to raise awareness and being selective for media to have a positive effect on value achievement. The recommendations for media strategies in value transfer may be realized by raising awareness, paying attention to the social structure, being impartial, applying surveillance, having shows for children, and adapting to the change

    Evaluation of the knowledge, attitudes, vaccine hesitancy, and behaviors of anesthesia technicians on adult vaccination

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    Background: Anesthesia technicians work in places with a high risk of infectious diseases. Vaccination is one of the most essential methods that protect society and healthcare workers against infectious diseases. This study aims to determine anesthesia technicians' knowledge, behavior, attitude, and vaccine hesitancy.  Methods: A cross-sectional web-based study was conducted between October 2021 and February 2022 at the Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University, Turkiye. A semi-structured and self-reported online survey was recruited to collect data from the Turkish anesthesia technicians’ community. Data of 1600 participants have undergone descriptive and univariate analyses to evaluate the differences in mean scores on knowledge, attitudes, and vaccine hesitancy. Results: The mean age of respondents was 24 years (±6.15). More than two-thirds (79.2%) were females, single (84.9%), aged less than 30 years (88.4%), and unemployed (61.1%); however, 12.4% had chronic diseases. The mean knowledge, attitude, and vaccine hesitancy score were 13.24± 3.22 (range: 0-21), 11.19 ± 3.19 (range: 0-15), and 28.67± 6.64, range: 12–60), respectively. Most respondents had information (1458, 91.1%) about COVID-19 vaccines, and 1247(77.9%) had been vaccinated. However, 240 (16.3%) did not receive vaccines at all compared to 59 (3.7%) who completed the thirteen recommended vaccines in Turkiye. The mean of vaccine hesitancy was significantly higher among females (P=0.001), unemployed (P=0.007), residents in Southeast Anatolia (P=0.001), and those who did not use medication continuously (P=0.016). However, participants aged 40 years and above (P=0.013) showed the lowest mean of vaccine hesitancy than the other age groups. Conclusion: Appropriate training and guidance might increase the vaccination information and enhance the vaccination rates among anesthesia technicians

    Synthesis of oxadiazole substituted new carbazole derivatives as antioxidant and antiurease agent

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    Heterocyclic compounds containing nitrogen together with an oxygen atom in their structures are an important class of medicinal chemistry compounds due to their interesting diverse biological applications. Some compounds including carbazole ring, which are aromatic organic compounds in tricyclic structure, show biological activity in a wide spectrum. Oxadiazole compounds attract the attention of many chemists thanks to their antibacterial, antitumor, anticancer, anti-viral, antimicrobial, anti-HIV, antituberculosis and antioxidant properties. In this study, new oxadiazole substituted carbazole derivatives were synthesized and their antioxidant, antiurease activities were investigated. 9H-carbazole is a good starting material for the synthesis of carbazole derivatives. The antioxidant and antiurease activities of synthesized oxadiazole substituted new carbazole derivatives were investigated. Antioxidant activity methods such as DPPH (1,1’-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl), ABTS (2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) diammonium salt) radical scavenging activities and iron reducing power capacities were used to determine antioxidant activity of the compounds. All synthesized carbazole compounds showed antioxidant and antiurease activity. While compound 4 shows the strongest enzyme inhibition activity, the least active compound was found 5. All tested compounds showed higher enzyme inhibition activity than thiourea. The highest and the lowest antioxidant activities were observed as compounds 3 and 6, respectively. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.661244