3,635 research outputs found

    Response formats in questionnaires: Itemized rating scales versus continuous rating scales

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    This paper presents the results of an experimental study comparing itemized rating scales and continuous rating scales. Three dimensions, and one particular construct (brand attitude) served as the basis of the comparisons of multi-item applications of the two response formats: reliability levels in terms of Cronbach's alpha, variable means, and correlations with an external variable (intentions). The findings indicate that the two repsonse formats did not have any substantial effects; it does not seem to matter if the researcher selcets an itemized response format or a continuous response format.itemized rating scale; continuous rating scale; Likert scale; semantic differential scale; response format; item leaf; response format effects; brand attitude

    International Law: Waiver of Sovereign Immunity

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    Background: Different recovery patterns are reported for those befallen a whip-lash injury, but little is known about the variability within subgroups. The aims were (1) to compare a self-selected mildly affected sample (MILD) with a self-selected moderately to severely affected sample (MOD/SEV) with regard to background characteristics and pain-related disability, pain intensity, functional self-efficacy, fear of movement/(re) injury, pain catastrophising, post-traumatic stress symptoms in the acute stage (at baseline), (2) to study the development over the first year after the accident for the above listed clinical variables in the MILD sample, and (3) to study the validity of a prediction model including baseline levels of clinical variables on pain-related disability one year after baseline assessments. Methods: The study had a prospective and correlative design. Ninety-eight participants were consecutively selected. Inclusion criteria; age 18 to 65 years, WAD grade I-II, Swedish language skills, and subjective report of not being in need of treatment due to mild symptoms. A multivariate linear regression model was applied for the prediction analysis. Results: The MILD sample was less affected in all study variables compared to the MOD/SEV sample. Pain-related disability, pain catastrophising, and post-traumatic stress symptoms decreased over the first year after the accident, whereas functional self-efficacy and fear of movement/(re) injury increased. Pain intensity was stable. Pain-related disability at baseline emerged as the only statistically significant predictor of pain-related disability one year after the accident (Adj r(2) = 0.67). Conclusion: A good prognosis over the first year is expected for the majority of individuals with WAD grade I or II who decline treatment due to mild symptoms. The prediction model was not valid in the MILD sample except for the contribution of pain-related disability. An implication is that early observations of individuals with elevated levels of pain-related disability are warranted, although they may decline treatment

    Visual persuasion with physically attractive models in ads: An examination of how the ad model influences product evaluations

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    This paper examines the prevalent advertising practice of visually juxtaposing an anonymous, physically attractive ad model and a product in terms of its effects on the attitude toward the product. In this appeal, in which there are no explicit verbal claims about how the two objects are connected, we argue that the physically attractive model sets in motion a process in which emotions and the attitude toward the ad model serve as mediating variables, and that this process ultimately results in an impact on the attitude toward the product. Three empirical studies were made, with stimulus images from the fashion industry, and the findings indicate that emotions and the attitude toward the ad model indeed contributed to the product attitudes. The findings also indicate that images comprising physically attractive ad models produced higher product attitudes compared to a visual display of only the product.Attitude toward the ad model; attitude toward the product; physical attractiveness; emotions; appraisals

    Effects of Switching Barriers on Satisfaction, Repurchase Intentions and Attitudinal Loyalty

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    The positive effect of customer satisfaction on repurchase intentions and attitudinal loyalty has been shown in numerous studies. The effect of switching barriers on these variables, however, has been subject to much less attention from researchers. In this study we propose that switching barriers can be seen as either positive or negative, and we examine their effects on customer satisfaction, repurchase intentions and attitudinal loyalty. A LISREL analysis of the empirical data shows that negative switching barriers have negative effects on customer satisfaction and attitudinal loyalty, but a positive effect on repurchase intentions. Positive switching barriers impinge positively on customer satisfaction, repurchase intentions and attitudinal loyalty.switching barriers; loyalty; satisfaction; repurchase intentions

    Molecular epidemiology of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli O157:H7

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    Verotoxigenic E. coli (VTEC) O157:H7 is a zoonotic disease agent with asymptomatic ruminants such as cattle and sheep as reservoir hosts. Infection in humans can cause bloody diarrhoea with occasionally fatal complications such as haemolytic-uraemic syndrome (HUS), particularly in children. In this thesis, the genetic variation among representative sets of O157:H7 isolates from Swedish cattle, sheep and human clinical cases is studied to find markers to predict the relative pathogenicity of different genotypes, and to improve methods for tracing spread of the bacteria. The results show that the same types occur in cattle, sheep and human patients infected within the country. However, certain types are common among ruminants while extremely rare among patient isolates, while others are overrepresented among patients. Better molecular tracing tools together with interventions targeted against highly pathogenic types of O157:H7 will allow more efficient and cost-effective efforts to reduce the burden of disease caused by VTEC O157:H7

    Förhållningssätt och kommunikation i mötet med personer med demenssjukdom : utvärdering av ett träningsprogram med validationsmetoden

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    Communication difficulties among residents with dementia disease living in nursing homes may complicate care situations. These residents can have difficulties describing how they experience their everyday lives, which can lead to withdrawal, social isolation, or feelings of homelessness. Research indicates that nurses involved in dementia care experience communication as difficult and challenging. The validation method developed by Feil is held to facilitate communication through emphatic and confirmatory approaches. Scientific reviews show insufficient evidence for recommending the use of the method, in spite of this the method is used in dementia care. Evaluations of the validation method have primarily focused on the residents’ perspective, and reports on nurses’ experiences of the validation method are sparse. The overall aim for this thesis was to evaluate Feils’ validation method by describing nurses’ experiences and skills in communication observed during implementation of a training programme. Twelve nurses participated in the validation method training programme that included 10 days of theoretical training with supervision about once a month, and practical training integrated in everyday work. During practical training nurses had conversation with 3 residents each 2-3 times a week, and videotaped one conversation per month. Methods: The design is based on naturalistic scientific approach. Data were collected with interviews (I, II) and a questionnaire (II) before and after the programme, and videotaped conversations during the programme (III, IV). An interview was conducted as a comparison with nurses from another nursing home, who had long experiences of using the validation method (I). The result showed that nurses improved their communication and had closer relationships with residents with dementia disease after validation method training, in accordance with nurses with long experiences (I). The training strengthened the nurses, but also posed an extra strain on them. Even though the nurses described an extra strain on the entire nursing staff, this was not reflected in the results from the questionnaire about the work climate (II). Videotaped one-to-one conversations between nurses and residents showed that the nurses developed their approaches and communication skills, although to different degrees. An overall pattern revealed nurses’ movements within and between various paths when improving their communication skills (III). The findings were in congruence with the nurses described experiences (I). In videotaped conversations from the end of the programme, the residents had the possibilities to use their remaining communication abilities and to communicate what was currently on their mind (IV). This may be related to the development of the nurses’ communication skills during the programme. Conclusions of this thesis were that the nurses developed their skills in caring approach and communication when communicating with residents with dementia disease, which gave these residents possibilities to communicate according to their abilities. In order to integrate new knowledge about communication the results showed that it was necessary to combine theoretical and practical training with supervision and reflection. To provide nursing staff with this type of training could be seen as an investment for nursing homes, an opportunity to increase job satisfaction for nurses and to increase social community for residents

    Brandkårsungdomars upplevelser av första hjälpen-utbildningen inom den frivilliga brandkåren

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    Detta examensarbete är ett beställningsarbete av Finlands Svenska Brand- och Räddningsförbund. I studien undersöks brandkårsungdomars upplevelser av första hjälpen-utbildningen inom den frivilliga brandkåren. Studien baserar sig på kvalitativa temaintervjuer med fem brandkårsungdomar i åldern 12-15 år. Innehållsanalysen av det utskrivna intervjumaterialet skedde med hjälp av tematisering, kategorisering och abstrahering. Den teoretiska referensramen som användes var rädslor hos barn. Eftersom ett ensamt barn kan vara den som är på plats i en nödsituation där första hjälpen möjligtvis kan rädda liv, är det bra att även barn lär sig agera i sådana situationer. Tidigare forskning visar att barn är kapabla att ge första hjälpen. Finlands Svenska Brand- och Räddningsförbund är ett förbund som bland annat arrangerar utbildning för frivilliga brandkårer, vilken inkluderar även första hjälpen-utbildning för brandkårsungdomar. De frivilliga brandkårerna själva ordnar även veckoövningar för sina medlemmar där första hjälpen är en del av det som man lär ut. Studiens syfte var att lyfta fram brandkårsungdomars upplevelser av första hjälpen-utbildningen inom den frivilliga brandkåren. Forskningsfrågorna var följande: 1. Hur uppfattar brandkårsungdomar begreppet ”första hjälpen”? 2. Vad väcker första hjälpen för känslor hos brandkårsungdomarna? 3. Upplever brandkårsungdomar att de har nytta av att lära sig första hjälpen? Resultatet studien gav är att brandkårsungdomar förknippar ordet ”första hjälpen” med saker de minns från situationer de övat eller varit med om. Känslorna första hjälpen väckte var både positiva och negativa. Hit hörde även rädsla som den teoretiska referensramen behandlade. Brandkårsungdomarna upplevde att de har nytta och intresse av att lära sig första hjälpen samt att de efter första hjälpen-utbildning har en lägre tröskel att hjälpa någon som behöver det. Utöver detta visade studien att rädslor hos barn bör tas i beaktande vid planerande och utförande av första hjälpen-utbildning för brandkårsungdomar inom den frivilliga brandkåren.This thesis is ordered by Finlands Svenska Brand- och Räddningsförbund. It will study how junior firefighters are experiencing the first aid education in the voluntary fire brigade. The study is based on five qualitative theme interviews, in which 12-15-year old junior firefighters participated. The content analysis was made by thematization, categorizing and abstracting the answers. The theoretical framework that were used was fairs among children. A lonely child can be the one who shows up first in an emergency-situation, where first aid probably could save lives. Because of that, it would be good that even the child could manage to give first aid. Earlier studies show that children can manage to give lifesaving first aid. Finlands Svenska Brand- och Räddningsförbund is an association who among other things arranges education for voluntary fire departments, which includes first aid education for junior firefighters. The voluntary fire departments themselves are also arranging their own weekly training where first aid also is involved. The aim of this study was to bring up junior firefighter´s experiences of the first aid training in the voluntary fire department. The questions in the study are: 1. How does the junior firefighters perceive the term "first aid"? 2. What feelings does first aid bring up to the junior firefighters? 3. Do the junior firefighters think that they have benefits of learning first aid? The result of the study was that junior firefighters associate the word "first aid" with things they remember from situations they have been training or been in in real life. The feelings first aid brought up were both positive and negative. Fear were even included here, which the theoretical framework was treating. The junior firefighters thought that they have benefits of learning first aid and they also have the interest to learn it. They do even think that the barrier to help somebody is lower when you have been learning first aid. The study also showed that fears among children should be kept in mind when planning and giving first aid education to junior firefighters in the voluntary fire department.Tämä opinnäytetyö on tehty tilaustyönä Finlands Svenska Brand- och Räddninngsför-bund:ille. Tutkimuksessa tutkitaan palokuntanuorten kokemukset vapaaehtoisen palo-kunnan ensiapukoulutuksesta. Tutkimus koostuu viidestä laadullisesta teemahaastatte-lusta. Niihin osallistui palokuntanuoria iässä 12-15 vuotta. Sisällön analyysi kirjoite-tusta haastattelumateriaalista tehtiin etsimällä teemojen yhtäläisyyksiä, luokittelemalla vastaukset ja tiivistelmällä koko teksti sujuvaksi tulokseksi. Teoreettinen viitekehys on lasten pelkoja. Yksinäinen lapsi voi olla se joka on ensimmäisenä paikalla hätätilanteessa, jossa en-siapu mahdollisesti voisi pelastaa ihmishenkiä. Siksi olisi hyvä, että lapsikin kykenisi toimimaan sellaisessa tilanteessa. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat, että lapset kykene-vät toimimaan ensiaputilanteissa. Finlands Svenska Brand- och Räddningsförbund on liitto joka järjestää koulutusta vapaaehtoiselle palokunnalle, mukaan lukien ensiapu-koulutusta palokuntanuorille. Vapaaehtoiset palokunnat järjestävät myös omia viikko-harjoituksia jäsenilleen, missä myös käydään läpi ensiapua. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus on tuoda esiin palokuntanuorten kokemukset vapaaehtoi-sen palokunnan ensiapukoulutuksesta. Tutkimuskysymykset kuuluu: 1. Miten palokuntanuoret havaitsevat sanan "ensiapu"? 2. Mitkä tunteen ensiapu herättää palokuntanuorille? 3. Kokeeko palokuntanuoret, että heillä on hyötyä ensiapukoulutuksesta? Tämän työn tulokset osoittivat, että palokuntanuoret yhdistävät sanan "ensiapu" asioilla mitä he ovat käyttäneet tai muistavat ensiapuharjoituksista tai oikeasta tilanteesta. Tun-teet, mitkä ensiapu herätti, olivat sekä positiivisia, että negatiivisia. Tänne kuului myös pelko, joka teoreettinen viitekehys käsitteli. Palokuntanuoret kokivat, että heillä oli hyötyä ensiapukoulutuksesta ja myös kiinnostusta oppia ensiapua. He kokivat myös, että kynnys auttaa muita oli alhaisempi ensiapukoulutuksen jälkeen. Tutkimus osoitti myös, että lasten pelot on otettava huomioon suunnitellessa ja toteuttaessa ensiapu-koulutusta palokuntanuorille

    How to converge a scattered IT system for improved Innovation Management

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    Abstract This task has been commissioned by Wärtsilä Finland Oy, Service, Innovation Management. The main weaknesses of the ways in which the idea coordinators work with an idea after it has been submitted in MyDea (Wärtsilä’s Idea portal) have been pinpointed in this thesis. The thesis also includes studies of and suggestions for how the process can be faster and more convenient for the coordinators. A prototype of a control panel has been developed that tries to solve some of the time-consuming issues and the human errors that the coordinators encounter daily in their work. The control panel is developed with VBA and VB.NET to achieve a great integration with the Microsoft Office Package that is frequently used in the office. This thesis work has resulted in an application that can be used to speed up the work of the coordinator and can be used as a showcase for consultants or suppliers when future development or investments take place regarding the coordinator’s way of working.Abstrakt Denna uppgift är given av Wärtsilä Finland Oy, Service, Innovation Management. Uppgiften går ut på att markera de huvudsakliga nackdelarna med det nuvarande sättet idékoordinatorn arbetar med en idé efter att den har publicerats i MyDea (Wärtsiläs idéportal). Examensarbetet innehåller också förslag och idéer hur processen kunde vara snabbare och mera passande för koordinatorn. En prototyp av en kontrollpanel har också utvecklats som försöker lösa några av de tidskrävande problem och de mänskliga felen som koordinatorn träffar på under det dagliga arbetet. Kontrollpanelen har utvecklats med VBA och VB.NET för att uppnå en bra integration med Microsoft Office paketet som ofta används på kontoret. Resultatet är en applikation som kan användas för att snabba upp koordinatorns arbete samt som ett uppvisningsexemplar för konsulter eller leverantörer när framtida utveckling eller investeringar görs gällande koordinatorns sätt att arbeta.Tiivistelmä Tämän tehtävän on antanut Wärtsilä Finland Oy, Service, Innovation Management. Päämääränä on paikantaa olennaiset haitat ideakoordinaattorin nykyisessä työskentelytavassa, sen jälkeen kun idea on julkaistu MyDeassa (Wärtsilän ideaportaalissa). Tämä tehtävä sisältää myös ehdotuksia ja ideoita siitä, miten prosessi voisi olla nopeampi ja sopivampi koordinaattorille. Kontrollipaneelin prototyyppiä kehitetään myös ja yritetään ratkaista osa niistä aikaavievistä ja inhimillisistä virheistä, jotka koordinaattori kohtaa jokapäiväisessä työssään. Kontrollipaneeliä kehitetään VBA:n ja VB.NET:in avulla, jotta saavuttaisiin hyvä integroituminen Microsoft Office paketin kanssa, jota usein käytetään konttorissa. Tuloksena tulee olemaan sovellus, jota voidaan käyttää koordinaattorin työn nopeuttamisessa. Sitä voitaisiin myös käyttää näytekappaleena konsulteille ja tavaroiden toimittajille tulevaisuuden kehityksessä tai investoinneissa koskien koordinaattorin työskentelytapaa

    Nd-doped Upconverting Nanoparticles for Deep Tissue Imaging

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    During the last decade, upconverting nanoparticles (UCNPs) doped with rare-earth (RE) ions have been extensively studied in the field of biophotonics. Due to their unique properties of anti- Stokes shifted luminescence and with excitation and emission wavelengths optimal for biomedical imaging, they have become an interesting class of fluorescent contrast agents. An issue with downconverting fluorescent contrast agents for imaging in tissue is the inevitable autofluorescence that overlaps the signal from the added fluorophore, limiting the signal-to-background ratio. With UCNPs it is possible to achieve a near autofluorescence free signal due to their upconverting nature. Up to date, one of the most efficient UCNPs is the Yb/Tm NaYF4 UCNPs. With an excitation wavelength of 975 nm and emission at 800 nm they operate in the diagnostics window (600 - 1200 nm), allowing for substantial tissue penetration. Unfortunately, water has an absorption peak at 975 nm, leading to a loss in penetration depth as well as heat produced in the tissue. Very recently, Nd/Yb co-sensitized UCNPs have been synthesized, tuning the excitation wavelength to 808 nm. With a lower water absorption at 808 nm the new co-sensitized UCNPs are proposed to gain in penetration depth as well as reduce heat production in tissue. This thesis explores the advantages of using the newly proposed UCNPs as compared to Yb/Tm UCNPs. By using tissue phantoms with realistic optical properties, the penetration depth as well as the signal loss was evaluated experimentally. Additionally, simulations were performed in order to further explore the benefits of the new particles. Based on the results presented in this work, the new UCNPs may very well replace the traditional particles for certain applications, and may lead us one step closer to finding the optimal tools for biomedical applications

    Evaluating a Carbon Tax : France as a Case Study - CO2 Emissions from Cars

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    This quasi-experimental study is the first to evaluate the French experience of adding a carbon tax directly onto existing taxes on fossil fuel consumption by performing an econometric case study. Furthermore, the introduction of the French carbon tax resulted in the so called “yellow vests protests”, the protests acted as a catalyst, and further stressed the need to evaluate environmental taxes, not only in relation to combating global warming but also regarding the procedures of providing information to the public. Correctly estimating the effects of the French tax can then provide the crucial information needed. This thesis finds a significant effect of carbon taxes on emissions, analysing the implementation of a carbon component on transport fuel in France. After the policy intervention, carbon dioxide emissions from cars declined 6.3 per cent every year between 2016-2019, relative to a synthetic control unit constructed from a grouping of similar EU countries