1,038 research outputs found

    Prototype MEMS Capacitive Pressure Sensor Design and Manufacturing.

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    This paper is intended to describe the design and manufacturing aspects of a simple micromachined capacitive pressure sensor working in the pressure range of 0-1000 mbar. 500 µm thick Borofloat® 33 glass and silicon wafers were used as substrates. The basic transducer structure consists of a rectangular silicon membrane as deformable electrode and a fix aluminum electrode formed on the glass surface. In order to determine the exact geometry of the silicon electrode structure numerical models and simulations were applied. The thin silicon membrane was fabricated by Si bulk micromachining, i.e. anisotropic alkaline etching with electrochemical etch-stop. The two wafers were bonded together at low temperature by anodic bonding. After bonding and dicing the wafers the pressure sensors were characterized mechanically and functionally also. Our results demonstrate the functional behavior of the manufactured sensor structures and provide excellent verification of the preliminary expectations based on theoretical calculations and electro-mechanical simulations

    The development of the urban heat island studied on temperature profiles in Debrecen

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    The development of the urban heat island (UHI) was studied in Debrecen, Hungary using temperature profiles. Mobile temperature measurements were carried along a cross section of the city. The route crossed the typical built up units of the city. The seasonal characteristics of the profile were determined. It was found that in the non-heating season stronger and more regular profiles formed. The measurements provided information on the temporal changes of the mean heat island intensities. A special feature is the occurrence of a secondary minimum and a maximum on the profile. In the inner parts of the city the profiles are similar only the amplitudes of the intensities are different, while in the peripheral sectors quite flat profiles were found

    On Public Issues and Public Spaces – a Design Course Focusing on the Danube Bank in Budapest

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    This article discusses three theses that explore the public realm in the modern city. Firstly, constructing buildings and places is always a public issue because the level of change within the sociophysical environment always exceeds the simple physical act of building. Public space is a controversial concept in architecture, environmental psychology and also in geography. Although its area in reality is determined by its use and size, our thought system defines public space as a social space rather than a three-dimensional physical space. Second, according to studies, spaces created through a cooperation of architecture and environmental psychology are more gratifying from both a human and an environmental perspective. Lastly, from the shared viewpoint of environmental psychology and architecture, the water and waterside are outstanding environment-shaping factors and focal points for public issues

    Floodplain aggradation caused by the high magnitude flood of 2006 in the lower Tisza region, Hungary

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    The area of floodplains in the Carpathian Basin was dramatically reduced as a result of river regulation works in the 19th century. Therefore, the accumulation processes were limited to the narrower floodplains. The aims of the presented study are to determine the rate of accumulation caused by a single flood event on the active, narrow floodplain of the Lower Tisza and to evaluate the relations between the aggradation, flow velocity during the peak of the flood and the canopy. The uncultivated lands in the study area cause increased roughness which decreased the velocity of the flood, influencing the rate of aggradation. The highest flow velocity was measured on points where the flood entered to the floodplain and at the foot of the levee. These points were characterised by thick (over 50 mm) and coarse sandy sediment. In the inner parts of the floodplain flood conductivity zones were formed, where the vegetational roughness was small. In the inner parts of the floodplain the rate of aggradation was influenced by the geomorphology and the vegetation density of the area

    Effects of the synoptic conditions in the development of the urban heat island in Debrecen, Hungary

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    In this paper the results of the examinations on the effects of various weather conditions on the development and spatial pattern of the urban heat island (UHI) in Debrecen, Hungary are presented. Measurements were carried out using mobile technique with instruments that were mounted on cars. Examinations proved the existence of the UHI in Debrecen. Under favorable weather conditions (anticyclone activity, calm weather) the heat island showed some unique spatial characteristics. Most regular heat islands developed in cases when Hungary was situated between weak high and low pressure systems. Under antycyclonic conditions strong heat islands formed, but their shape was usually deformed by the prevailing winds. Strong cyclone activity eliminated the formation of the UHI, while under weak cyclone activity regular, but weak heat islands of only about 1°C developed

    Császárkori latin feliratok számítógépes nyelvtörténeti adatbázisa = Computerized Historical Linguistic Data Base of Latin Inscriptions of Imperial Age

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    A 'Császárkori latin feliratok számítógépes nyelvtörténeti adatbázisa' c. (K 62032 ny. sz., 2006-2009) OTKA Projekt munkálatainak eredményeképpen kifejlesztettünk egy a Római birodalom meghatározott provinciacsoportjának feliratairól gyűjtött (alapvetően vulgáris latin nyelvi) adatok rögzítésére és kezelésére szolgáló Adatbázis-szoftvert, amelyet a http://lldb.elte.hu/ oldalra telepítettünk. E szoftver segítségével az adatgyűjtést végző résztvevő kutatók (3) és adatgyűjtő munkatársak (7) a projekt záró dátumáig összesen 6113 digitális adatlapot rögzítettek az Adatbázisban, amely így egyre gazdagodva, fokozatosan alkalmassá válik arra, hogy az eddiginél alaposabban megismerjük és feltérképezzük a császárkori latin nyelv területi változásait és nyelvföldrajzi tagolódását. A Projekt időtartama alatt lépéseket tettünk a projekt nemzetközi megismertetésére is, egyrészt a Projekt munkatársainak külföldi konferencia-részvételeivel, kutatóútjaival, másrészt egy a Projekt munkálatait bemutató (egyben Herman József emléke előtt tisztelgő) budapesti szimpózium megszervezésével, és az ott elhangzó előadásoknak a (nemzetközileg referált Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 49. 2009-es évfolyamának 1. számában megtörtént) publikációjával. Így az immár angol és magyar felülettel is rendelkező (és vendégfelhasználói internetes hozzáférése révén bárki számára hozzáférhető) Adatbázis-szoftver a jövőbeni nemzetközi együttműködés potenciális eszközévé vált. | As a result of the works within the framework of the project entitled 'Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age' we developed a new Database-software (installed on the site http://lldb.elte.hu/) to record and manage the vulgar Latin data collected from inscriptions of a specific group of the European provinces of the Roman Empire. With the help of this software, the team of ten collaborators (3 participant researchers and 7 data collectors) recorded 6113 digital data forms in the Database till the closing date of the project. Thus the Database is gradually becoming more and more appropriate for a more thorough study of the regional changes and differentiation of the Latin language of the Imperial Age. In the meantime, we advertised the Project on the international level as well by attending international conferences, by research journeys of the project's collaborators, by organizing an international symposium (dedicated to the memory of József Herman) in Budapest to present the Project, and by having the papers of the symposium published in a separate fascicle of the 49th volume (2009) of the periodical Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae. The Database-software has also English and Hungarian interface as well as a free guest access, this way it has become a potential tool for subsequent international co-operation


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    The foaming properties of 10 different protein isolates and protein preparations (wheat germ-, barley germ-, maize germ protein, lentil-, pea-, soy protein, ovalbumin, bovine serum albumin = BSA, casein and lysozyme) were investigated using volumetric and conductometric methods. According to the volumetric method casein and BSA had the best foaming power. Good foaming power was observed with maize germ-, soy-, pea-, barley germ proteins and ovalbumin. The foam forming ability of wheat germ protein and lysozyme was the lowest. On the basis of conductometric results the proteins investigated may be divided in to the same three groups: However, within the group some changes in the order of proteins may occur. In calculating the linear correlation between the two methods an improvement of correlation (r = 0.93) was achieved by modifying the evaluation of conductometric curves. Maize germ-, soy and lentil protein showed the best foam stability and barley germ protein the lowest one according to conductometric results. The correlation between the foam stability data obtained by the two methods is very poor