1,179 research outputs found

    Adolescent contraceptive use and its effects on fertility

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    [EN]BACKGROUND: Adolescent reproductive health is part of internationally agreed development goals. Unmarried adolescents are not commonly included in global monitoring of contraceptive use despite the more severe consequences of unintended childbearing for them. OBJECTIVE: We document levels and trends of contraceptive prevalence and demand for married and sexually active unmarried adolescent women aged 15–19 in Latin America and sub- Saharan Africa. We estimate the effect of adolescent contraceptive use and marital status on fertility and the impact of meeting current demand. METHODS: We propose a fertility model informed by the proximate determinants framework separating adolescents by marital status. Linear Mixed Model estimates are based on aggregate data from 120 DHS surveys for 34 developing countries. RESULTS: Increasing contraceptive prevalence has already reduced adolescent fertility by 6.8% in Latin America and 4.1% in sub-Saharan Africa. Meeting the total demand for contraceptives of unmarried adolescents would lead to an additional decrease in fertility of 8.9% and 17.4% respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Contraceptive demand and prevalence are generally higher for sexually active unmarried adolescent women than for those married. Increasing prevalence has already had an impact in declining fertility, but there is a potentially larger effect if high levels of unmet need are eliminated, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Such reduction would have a significant impact on adolescent health. CONTRIBUTION : We provide evidence of the importance of contraceptive use of unmarried sexually active adolescent women in explaining trends in adolescent fertility. We estimate the potential effect of meeting the contraceptive needs of married and unmarried adolescents on unintended childbearing

    Reported patterns of pregnancy termination from Demographic and Health Surveys

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    [EN]Demographic and Health Surveys, widely used for estimation of fertility and reproductive health indicators in developing countries, remain underutilized for the study of pregnancy termination. This is partly due to most surveys not reporting the type of pregnancy termination, whether spontaneous or induced. Reproductive calendar data makes it possible to examine termination patterns according to contraceptive use at the time of pregnancy. Contraceptive failure is expected to increase the likelihood of induced abortion helping in the interpretation of reported termination patterns.From our estimates, 10.9% of pregnancies do not end in live-birth and 63.7% of them are spontaneous terminations. Reported pregnancy termination is higher among women using contraceptives, consistent with expectations. Very low levels of reported PT in some countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, suggests possible underreportin

    La pratique contraceptive des adolescents et ses effets sur la fécondité

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    [EN]Adolescent reproductive health is part of internationally agreed development goals but unmarried adolescents are often left out of the picture despite higher contraceptive demand and prevalence in this group. Sánchez-Páez and Ortega (2018) show the importance of increasing prevalence in explaining recent declines in adolescent fertility and the potentially larger effect of meeting current unmet need

    El monocultivo olivarero jiennense: conformación histórica, valores patrimoniales y proyección cultural-turística

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    Se presentan algunas características básicas del monocultivo olivarero existente en la provincia de Jaén, tales como su alcance superficial y las claves que han marcado su expansión reciente. De la misma forma, se describe la diferente realidad paisajística, agronómica y económica que subyace bajo la aparente uniformidad que concede la existencia de un impresionante y continuado tapiz arbustivo. Con posterioridad, se repara en la capacidad que el olivar ha tenido para generar múltiples elementos de carácter patrimonial, al objeto de analizar finalmente las iniciativas que se están llevando a cabo para promover la difusión de sus valores culturales y el aporte que pueden significar para un aprovechamiento multifuncional en los territorios donde su presencia es masiva

    Notational analysis in female Grand Slam tennis competitions

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    Grand Slam tennis tournaments are played on different surfaces. The aims of the present study were to analyse the technical differences in the Grand Slam tournaments (Australian Open or AO, Roland Garros or RG, Wimbledon or W, and the United States Open or US), as well as to establish differences between winning and losing players. A total of 580 sets in 248 matches played in Grand Slams between 2017 and 2018 were analysed. To observe differences between the tournaments, a one-way analysis of variance (Kruskal Wallis) with the Bonferroni post-hoc test was performed. Univariate (Wilcoxon test) analysis of data was carried out to show the differences between the winning and losing performances of sets. Players who had more aces, points won on the 1st serve, winning shots and net points won more matches in the AO, W and US than in the RG (p<.05). However, in RG, players won more receiving points (43.56% of the points played) with chances to break the opponents’ service game. The results also showed that the winning players were superior in both service and receiving, and the most influential variables on the outcome of the match were percentage of receiving points won, break points won, and percentage of points won on the first serve. Such knowledge may have implications in the design of appropriate game strategies and specific training sessions to improve performance in professional women’s tennis

    Análisis de capacidades de innovación en industrias ladrilleras y constructoras

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    130 páginas : ilustracionesNowadays, the dynamic and evolving markets set complex environments for organizations. Innovation capabilities foster innovation management, create competitive advantages and respond to the challenges and opportunities of this new business environment. The construction sector is no stranger to these challenges; For this reason, it is necessary to determine the innovation capacities that improve the creation of competitive advantages and it is crucial to realize different activities to improve the development of these capacities in the day to day of the companies and sub-sectors belonging to this sector.Los mercados dinámicos y en constante evolución, establecen entornos complejos para las organizaciones en la actualidad. Las capacidades de innovación favorecen la gestión de la innovación, permiten crear ventajas competitivas y responder a los retos y oportunidades de este nuevo entorno empresarial. El sector de la construcción no es ajeno a estos desafíos; por este motivo, es necesario determinar las capacidades de innovación que favorecen la creación de ventajas competitivas y es crucial realizar diferentes actividades para favorecer el desarrollo de estas capacidades en el día a día de las compañías y subsectores pertenecientes a este sector.Magíster en Gerencia de la Innovación EmpresarialMaestrí

    Solar pv design in shipyard Navantia Cartagena

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    El objetivo de este proyecto es el diseño y cálculo de una instalación fotovoltaica necesaria para dar suministro eléctrico a los puestos de recarga de la flota inicial de vehículos eléctricos previstos a incorporar en las instalaciones de Navantia Cartagena. Además, se definirá la instalación de los puestos de recarga, un conjunto de baterías que asegure la autonomía del sistema y la iluminación que garantice la seguridad de las maniobras y operaciones precisas al inicio y terminación de las recargas. Los puestos de recarga para los seis V.E inicialmente previstos a incorporar en la flota de producción irán conectados a un punto común entre la red de distribución y la instalación P.V de modo que la energía generada en las horas pico de producción solar, se destina a los puestos de recarga o en su defecto a los acumuladores. Por el contrario, en horas valle de producción solar, y de ser necesario cargar algún vehículo, se apoyaría en el sistema de baterías. Se contempla la posibilidad de poder realizar cargas ultra rápidas acudiendo directamente a la red de distribución en caso necesario por falta de producción solar o alta demanda de productiva de empresa y no disponer de tiempo para realizar una carga estándar. En cuanto al tipo de instalación P.V, se hará una descripción general de los requisitos, para posteriormente estudiar la superficie útil y el método de instalación dependiendo del tipo de panel solar y el número de paneles necesarios. Se describirán los distintos tipos de estructuras de soportado y se comprobará la resistencia de la nave a esta instalación.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería IndustrialUniversidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    The liberal order facing the balance of power and the redefinition of legitimacy

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    El orden internacional desde el final de la Guerra Fría ha estado determinado por dos elementos principales, la hegemonía estadounidense y una fuerte concepción ideológica ligada a los presupuestos del liberalismo. Este orden ha contribuido de una manera destacada a la expansión del liberalismo y a reforzar el poder de Estados Unidos en el sistema internacional. En cambio, desde hace unos años se está produciendo un cambio en la estructura de poder internacional que conlleva el cuestionamiento de los valores del orden. Además, el orden liberal ha demostrado tener una serie de incongruencias e inconvenientes que plantean problemas sobre su aceptación. El resultado de esto redunda en la pérdida de legitimidad del orden liberal como orden global.After the cold war, the international order has been determined by two elements: US hegemony and a strong liberalism ideological conception. This order has contributed to the expansion of liberalism and to strengthen the power of the United States in the international system. For a few years ago, a change has been taking place in the international power structure that is questioning the values of the order. In addition, the liberal order has shown a series of inconsistencies and drawbacks that affect its acceptance. The result is a lack of legitimacy of the liberal order as a global orderMarco de investigación “La acción exterior de la Unión Europea y el estado de derecho”, RTI2018-101041-B-I0

    Eyelid Exfoliation Treatment Efficacy and Safety in Dry Eye Disease, Blepharitis, and Contact Lens Discomfort Patients: A Systematic Review

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    Purpose: To determine the efficacy and safety of eyelid exfoliation treatment in dry eye disease (DED), blepharitis, and contact lens (CL) discomfort patients. Methods: A systematic review that included only full-length randomized controlled studies, reporting the effects of eyelid exfoliation treatment in 2 databases, PubMed and Web of Science, was performed according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses statement. The search period was between October 29, 2022 and December 6, 2022. The Cochrane risk of bias tool was used to analyze the quality of the studies selected. Results: A total of 7 studies were included in this systematic review. Eyelid exfoliation treatment influence on DED, blepharitis, and CL discomfort were analyzed in 6, 4, and 2 studies, respectively. Eyelid exfoliation treatment achieved a better improvement than control group interventions in all reported variables. The mean differences between both groups were as follows: Ocular Surface Disease Index score of-5.0 ± 0.9 points, tear breakup time of 0.43 ± 0.2 seconds, ocular surface staining of-1.4 ± 1.5 points, meibomian glands secretions of 1.2 ± 1.1 points, meibomian glands yielding liquid secretion of 0.6 ± 0.3 points, microorganism load of-3.2 ± 4.7 points, and Contact Lens Dry Eye Questionnaire-8 of-2.15 ± 0.1 points. Minimal discomfort (n = 13) and eyelid irritation (n = 2) were the main complications after an eyelid exfoliation treatment. Conclusions: Eyelid exfoliation is a safe and effective treatment that should be indicated for DED, blepharitis, and CL discomfort

    LOS/NLOS estimators for mmWave cellular systems with blockages

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    Designers of millimeter wave (mmWave) cellular systems need to evaluate line-of-sight (LOS) maps to provide good service to users in urban scenarios. In this letter, we derive estimators to obtain LOS maps in scenarios with potential blocking elements. Applying previous stochastic geometry results, we formulate the optimal Bayesian estimator of the LOS map using a limited number of actual measurements at different locations. The computational cost of the optimal estimator is derived and is proven to be exponential in the number of available data points. An approximation is discussed, which brings the computational complexity from exponential to quasi-linear and allows the implementation of a practical estimator. Finally, we compare numerically the optimal estimator and the approximation with other estimators from the literature and also with an original heuristic estimator with good performance and low computational cost. For the comparison, both synthetic layouts and a real layout of Chicago have been used.The work presented in this paper has been funded through the project ROUTE56 - PID2019-104945GB-I00 (funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigacion, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, MCIN / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft