18 research outputs found

    Perceptions of the Uses of Cell Phones and Their Impact on the Health of Early Adolescents in Barcelona : a Qualitative Study

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    The use of cell phones and video games has transformed rapidly in adolescents, posing a challenge for the scientific community. Using qualitative methodology and a socioconstructivist perspective, we identified perceptions and beliefs about the different uses of cell phones and video games and their relationship with the health and wellbeing of the adolescent population of Barcelona. From an analysis of discussion groups among early adolescents (n = 66 students aged 13-14 years, segmented by gender and socioeconomic level of the school neighborhood), information was obtained on (i) digital devices and their uses, (ii) the determinants of the uses of cell phones and video games, and (iii) the relationship between possible problematic uses and health and wellbeing. Responsible and problematic uses were identified. Problematic use was associated with compensation for social deficits and sometimes with dependency on the device. Differences were identified by gender (boys preferred video games and girls' social networks). The adolescents were aware of the possible negative impacts on their health associated with problematic use of cell phones and video games and highlighted a lack of critical education in digital skills

    ODS: un prototip virtual per a la socialització de les desigualtats en la salut i els seus determinants

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    Observatori; Desigualtats; Salut; Portal webObservatory; Inequalities; Health; Web portalObservatorio; Desigualdades; Salud; Portal webL’Observatori de Desigualtats en Salut (ODS) és un portal web especialitzat que mostra la recerca científica en desigualtats en la salut i els seus determinants. L’ODS fou creat en el 2008 como a resultat d’un objectiu estratègic del Centre d’Investigació Biomèdica en Xarxa d’Epidemiologia i Salut Pública (CIBERSP). Des del seu naixement ODS fou concebut com un espai virtual per potenciar la interacció entre investigadors de la salut, i entre aquests i la societat civil. La primera avaluació duta a terme el 2015 va revelar una gran repercussió social y científica, però també la necessitat de millores i la sostenibilitat econòmica del projecte. En el 2017 es va iniciar un nou prototip per tal d’introduir accions de millora en termes de gestió, contingut, usabilitat, divulgació i sostenibilitat. En aquesta comunicació presentem aquestes accions i els resultats obtinguts. En primer lloc, mitjançant software Wordpress es va dissenyar un nou espai. Es va definir una nova estructura per ordenar el contingut tenint en compte el marc conceptual de determinants de les desigualtats en salut de Borrell y col. El contingut fou extret de recerques bibliogràfiques definides en base al tema, autoria y dates de publicació del motor de recerca PubMed. Es va crear un espai dinàmic i intuïtiu en termes d’usabilitat i accés a la informació, amb continguts de lectura fàcil adaptades per al públic en general. Així mateix, mitjançant administrador de mailling es va generar un formulari de subscriptors per l’enviament de newsletters, amb noticies científiques d’impacte i actualitzades. Per últim, es varen implementar eines SEO entre els principals motors de recerca. La nova plataforma resulta mes dinàmica, flexible i intuïtiva en la recerca de contingut. La preparació de textos divulgatius facilita la transferència del coneixement científic. No obstant, es necessiten mes recursos per al seu manteniment i actualització

    Association between -T786C NOS3 polymorphism and resistant hypertension: a prospective cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>It is estimated that 5% of the hypertensive patients are resistant to conventional antihypertensive therapy. Polymorphisms in the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS3) gene have been associated with high blood pressure levels, but not with resistant hypertension. The aim of the present study was to investigate if the -786T>C and G894T (Glu298Asp) polymorphisms of the NOS3 gene were associated with resistant hypertension.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A prospective case-control observational study was performed. From a series of 950 consecutive patients followed up during 42 months, 48 patients with resistant hypertension were detected. 232 patients with controlled high blood pressure were also included.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No differences were observed in the distribution of G894T (Glu298Asp) NOS3 genotypes between the resistant hypertension group and the controlled hypertension patients. However, genotype -786CC was more frequent in the group of patients with resistant hypertension (33.3%) than in the group of patients with controlled high blood pressure (17.7%) (p 0.03). Furthermore carriers of allele T (-786TC and -786TT) were more frequent in patients with controlled hypertension (82.3%) than those with resistant hypertension (66.7%) (Multivariate analysis; RR 2.09; 95% CI 1.03–4.24; p 0.004).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results indicate that genotype -786CC of the NOS3 gene increase the susceptibility to suffer resistant hypertension, which suggest that resistance to conventional therapy could be determined at the endothelial level.</p

    Natural History of MYH7-Related Dilated Cardiomyopathy

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    BACKGROUND Variants in myosin heavy chain 7 (MYH7) are responsible for disease in 1% to 5% of patients with dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM); however, the clinical characteristics and natural history of MYH7-related DCM are poorly described. OBJECTIVES We sought to determine the phenotype and prognosis of MYH7-related DCM. We also evaluated the influence of variant location on phenotypic expression. METHODS We studied clinical data from 147 individuals with DCM-causing MYH7 variants (47.6% female; 35.6 +/- 19.2 years) recruited from 29 international centers. RESULTS At initial evaluation, 106 (72.1%) patients had DCM (left ventricular ejection fraction: 34.5% +/- 11.7%). Median follow-up was 4.5 years (IQR: 1.7-8.0 years), and 23.7% of carriers who were initially phenotype-negative developed DCM. Phenotypic expression by 40 and 60 years was 46% and 88%, respectively, with 18 patients (16%) first diagnosed at <18 years of age. Thirty-six percent of patients with DCM met imaging criteria for LV noncompaction. During follow-up, 28% showed left ventricular reverse remodeling. Incidence of adverse cardiac events among patients with DCM at 5 years was 11.6%, with 5 (4.6%) deaths caused by end-stage heart failure (ESHF) and 5 patients (4.6%) requiring heart transplantation. The major ventricular arrhythmia rate was low (1.0% and 2.1% at 5 years in patients with DCM and in those with LVEF of <= 35%, respectively). ESHF and major ventricular arrhythmia were significantly lower compared with LMNA-related DCM and similar to DCM caused by TTN truncating variants. CONCLUSIONS MYH7-related DCM is characterized by early age of onset, high phenotypic expression, low left ventricular reverse remodeling, and frequent progression to ESHF. Heart failure complications predominate over ventricular arrhythmias, which are rare. (C) 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier on behalf of the American College of Cardiology Foundation

    Perceptions of the uses of cell phones and their impact on the health of early adolescents in Barcelona: a qualitative study

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    Data de publicació electrònica: 17-11-2021The use of cell phones and video games has transformed rapidly in adolescents, posing a challenge for the scientific community. Using qualitative methodology and a socioconstructivist perspective, we identified perceptions and beliefs about the different uses of cell phones and video games and their relationship with the health and wellbeing of the adolescent population of Barcelona. From an analysis of discussion groups among early adolescents (n = 66 students aged 13–14 years, segmented by gender and socioeconomic level of the school neighborhood), information was obtained on (i) digital devices and their uses, (ii) the determinants of the uses of cell phones and video games, and (iii) the relationship between possible problematic uses and health and wellbeing. Responsible and problematic uses were identified. Problematic use was associated with compensation for social deficits and sometimes with dependency on the device. Differences were identified by gender (boys preferred video games and girls’ social networks). The adolescents were aware of the possible negative impacts on their health associated with problematic use of cell phones and video games and highlighted a lack of critical education in digital skills

    Inequalities in life expectancy by educational level and its decomposition in Barcelona, 2004-2018 Desigualdades en la esperanza de vida por nivel educativo y su descomposición en Barcelona, 2004-2018

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    Objective: To analyse the gap in life expectancy by educational level in the city of Barcelona from 2004 to 2018 and to decompose this gap by age and causes of death. Method: We computed abridged life tables at the age of 25 years by sex from 2004 to 2018 using standard methods. Educational level was categorised in two groups (lower secondary or less vs. upper secondary or higher education). The life expectancy gap was further decomposed by age and by causes of death based in Arriaga's method in 5-year age blocks up to the age of ≥ 90 years and broad causes of death using ICD-10 codes. Results: The life expectancy gap at 25 years by educational level oscillated without trend at around 3.08 years for men and 1.93 years for women. Decomposition by age showed a favourable significant shift in the contribution to this gap from young to older ages for men, with few changes for women. Decomposition by causes of death showed that the diseases concentrating the largest share of the contribution were neoplasms and respiratory and circulatory disease. There was a significant downward trend in external causes for men and in infectious diseases for both men and women but a significant upward trend for respiratory disease for both sexes. Conclusions: The stability of the life expectancy gap by educational level during the period analysed resulted from a combination of divergent trends by age and causes of death among high and low educational levels

    Inequalities in life expectancy by educational level and its decomposition in Barcelona, 2004-2018

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    Objective: To analyse the gap in life expectancy by educational level in the city of Barcelona from 2004 to 2018 and to decompose this gap by age and causes of death. Method: We computed abridged life tables at the age of 25 years by sex from 2004 to 2018 using standard methods. Educational level was categorised in two groups (lower secondary or less vs. upper secondary or higher education). The life expectancy gap was further decomposed by age and by causes of death based in Arriaga's method in 5-year age blocks up to the age of ≥ 90 years and broad causes of death using ICD-10 codes. Results: The life expectancy gap at 25 years by educational level oscillated without trend at around 3.08 years for men and 1.93 years for women. Decomposition by age showed a favourable significant shift in the contribution to this gap from young to older ages for men, with few changes for women. Decomposition by causes of death showed that the diseases concentrating the largest share of the contribution were neoplasms and respiratory and circulatory disease. There was a significant downward trend in external causes for men and in infectious diseases for both men and women but a significant upward trend for respiratory disease for both sexes. Conclusions: The stability of the life expectancy gap by educational level during the period analysed resulted from a combination of divergent trends by age and causes of death among high and low educational levels

    La priorización comunitaria en el programa Barcelona Salut als Barris

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    Priorizar es el proceso de selección y ordenación de las necesidades en salud identificadas tras el diagnóstico de necesidades y activos en salud de una comunidad. La valoración de las necesidades en salud se ha reforzado con la perspectiva comunitaria, lo que aporta múltiples beneficios: sensibiliza y empodera a la comunidad sobre su salud, fomenta el apoyo mutuo entre sus integrantes y promueve su protagonismo haciéndola corresponsable del proceso de mejora de su propia realidad. El objetivo de esta nota es describir el modelo de priorización de Barcelona Salut als Barris, estrategia de salud comunitaria liderada por la Agencia de Salud Pública de Barcelona para promover la equidad en salud en los barrios más desfavorecidos de la ciudad