28 research outputs found

    EDUAGORA. Una visión colaborativa de las TIC en la educación

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    El presente artículo pretende dar a conocer Eduagora (www.eduagora.com) y su concreción en CERM (Comunidad Educativa de la Región de Murcia). Una nueva propuesta de plataforma educativa creada por profesores de informática a partir de un análisis profundo de la tecnología disponible y de la realidad educativa. La plataforma se diseña para albergar una red extensa de centros educativos de primaria y secundaria. Se fundamenta en los principios de la Web 2.0, implementa una visión propia de red social educativa que permite la gestión de comunidades de aprendizaje e investigación, el trabajo colaborativo, el uso de herramientas de comunicación y publicación, la creación de contenidos multimedia para el aula, y la gestión de cursos y cuadernos virtuales. Con esta solución pretendemos hacer una gestión del conocimiento más eficiente, contribuir al desarrollo de contenidos abiertos, y mejorar los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje

    Education, ciberculture and collective intelligence

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    El ciberespacio está abriendo nuevos horizontes para la educación. Sin embargo, las posibilidades de interconexión, organización y creación colectiva que el nuevo espacio permite no siempre son entendidas y aprovechadas. Las administraciones educativas continúan promoviendo sistemas basados en principios predigitales para apoyar a las formas educativas tradicionales. Frente a ellos, se extienden otros que aprovechan los principios del ciberespacio desde nuevas creencias y valores, permitiendo formas de autogestión del saber y el conocimiento que están suponiendo una extraordinaria expansión de nuestra inteligencia colectiva. Consideramos fundamental replantear el encuentro TIC-educación bajo nuevas categorías que nos hagan tomar consciencia de la relevancia de esta visión y reorienten las acciones para la construcción de la escuela de la sociedad de la información.Cyberspace is opening up new horizons for education. However, the new possibilities of interconnection, organization and collective creation are not always understood and exploited. The educational administrations continue to promote systems based on pre-digital principles as a support to traditional educational models. As opposed to these, other systems are extending the principles of cyberspace from new beliefs and values, allowing new forms of self-management of knowledge, which are resulting in an extraordinary expansion of our collective intelligence. We consider it essential rethink the ICT-education meeting under new categories that make us aware of the relevance of this vision and refocus actions for developing the school of the information society.- Grupo de investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granada. - Área de Antropología Social. Universidad de Jaén. - Laborarorio de Antropología Social y Cultural (HUM-472). Universidad de Almería. - Departamento de Filosofía II. Universidad de Granada

    La integración de las tecnologías digitales en la enseñanza obligatoria. La cultura escolar frente al cambio

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    The ICT integration in teaching-learning process is far from the expectations and do not reflect the efforts made. It is an unresolved problem that we have addressed through an ethnographic methodology. We realized that a finite set of causes that explain the phenomenon globally do not exist. Each school and class has a particular reality; nevertheless, there are some regularities. Globally, there has been a considerable effort made in expanding material resources and improving teacher training, but it is not enough, it is necessary to go in depth into the meaning of the change and review the structural conditions to assume it. ICT integration depends on a coherent development of a complex set of conditions that belong to the following four categories: Means, Competence, Assumption and SenseLa integración de las TIC en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje está lejos de las expectativas planteadas y no responde a los esfuerzos realizados. Se trata de un problema abierto que hemos abordado desde una metodología etnográfica. Comprobamos que no existe un conjunto finito de causas que expliquen el fenómeno de manera global. Cada escuela y clase tiene una realidad particular; aun así, existen ciertas regularidades. Globalmente, se ha realizado un importante esfuerzo en la ampliación de los medios materiales y en la mejora de la formación del profesorado; pero, no es suficiente, se requiere ahondar en el sentido del cambio y revisar las condiciones estructurales necesarias para asumirlo. La integración depende del desarrollo coherente y contextualizado de un complejo sistema de condiciones que estarían recogidas bajo cuatro categorías fundamentales: Medios, Competencia, Asunción y Sentido

    Conflicts and Sustainability of Coexistence in Secondary Education: An Ethnographic Study in Spain

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    first_pagesettingsOrder Article Reprints Open AccessArticle Conflicts and Sustainability of Coexistence in Secondary Education: An Ethnographic Study in Spain by Fulgencio Sánchez Vera 1,*ORCID,Javier Eloy Martínez Guirao 2,*ORCID,Anastasia Tellez Infantes 3ORCID andFina Antón Hurtado 2ORCID 1 Departamento de Sociología y Antropología, University of La Laguna, 38200 San Cristobal de la Laguna, Spain 2 Departamento de Ciencia Política, Antropología Social y Hacienda Pública, Universidad de Murcia, 30100 Murcia, Spain 3 Departamento de Ciencia Sociales y Humanas, Miguel Hernandez University, 03202 Elche, Spain * Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed. Sustainability 2021, 13(21), 11888; https://doi.org/10.3390/su132111888 Submission received: 30 September 2021 / Revised: 15 October 2021 / Accepted: 22 October 2021 / Published: 27 October 2021 (This article belongs to the Special Issue School Violence, Diversity and Psychosocial Environment: Bullying, Cyberbullying, Discrimination and Social Exclusion) Downloadkeyboard_arrow_down Versions Notes Abstract In the last two decades, school coexistence in Spain has suffered an important deterioration with consequences in the quality of working life and the health of teachers, as well as in the academic performance of students. Educational administrations have promoted actions to improve it; however, the results have not been positive. To give a more adequate answer we must know in depth the scope of the problem. The objective of this study was to analyze the most common types of conflicts, the degree of incidence of each one and how they are distributed among students, as well as to determine the most important underlying cause according to the teachers. The field work was carried out during the 2018/2019 academic year, in a Secondary School located in the south of the Valencian Community (Spain). The student population was 1040, 532 women and 508 men. The research followed a mixed, qualitative, and quantitative methodology, making use of in-depth interviews with the teaching staff, participant observation and a quantitative analysis of 1501 incidents that were reported throughout the academic year. The results show us differences by sex: 84% of the incidents are produced by male students and 16% by female students. Incident distribution is very uneven among the different courses. Of the center’s problems, 88.14% are concentrated in the first two years of Compulsory Secondary Education. It is remarkable that 51% of the problems are generated by only 3% of the students, mostly men and with a significant academic disinterest; therefore, it is a very small number of students, but with a great impact on coexistenc

    Conflicts and Sustainability of Coexistence in Secondary Education: An Ethnographic Study in Spain

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    ©2021. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Sustainability. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.3390/su132111888In the last two decades, school coexistence in Spain has suffered an important deterioration with consequences in the quality of working life and the health of teachers, as well as in the academic performance of students. Educational administrations have promoted actions to improve it; however, the results have not been positive. To give a more adequate answer we must know in depth the scope of the problem. The objective of this study was to analyze the most common types of conflicts, the degree of incidence of each one and how they are distributed among students, as well as to determine the most important underlying cause according to the teachers. The field work was carried out during the 2018/2019 academic year, in a Secondary School located in the south of the Valencian Community (Spain). The student population was 1040, 532 women and 508 men. The research followed a mixed, qualitative, and quantitative methodology, making use of in-depth interviews with the teaching staff, participant observation and a quantitative analysis of 1501 incidents that were reported throughout the academic year. The results show us differences by sex: 84% of the incidents are produced by male students and 16% by female students. Incident distribution is very uneven among the different courses. Of the center’s problems, 88.14% are concentrated in the first two years of Compulsory Secondary Education. It is remarkable that 51% of the problems are generated by only 3% of the students, mostly men and with a significant academic disinterest; therefore, it is a very small number of students, but with a great impact on coexistence

    Health and Mindfulness during the Syndemic of SARS-CoV-2: An Ethnographic Study

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    ©2022. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Healthcare. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.3390/healthcare10040686SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) has caused physical and mental health problems for a large part of the population. In this context, the practice of mindfulness has become relevant due to its usefulness in channeling and mitigating these problems. The objective of this article is to know the implications of the practice of mindfulness in physical and mental health in this syndemic period throh the perception of its practitioners. To achieve this purpose, we conducted an ethnographic study with fieldwork in three mindfulness training and practice groups. The techniques used were participant observation, open interview and survey. Participant observation was carried out from October 2019 to November 2021. A total of 22 open interviews were conducted. In addition, 44 surveys were carried out on a total population of 54. From the first sessions, 45.5% stated that they had felt beneficial effects on their health, and 100% perceived benefits in different aspects of their mental and physical health. The techniques perceived as most effective were those that focused on the body and emotions. The usefulness of mindfulness in managing the problems derived from the syndemic was unquestionable for 95.4%. In addition, a strong correlation is observed between the time spent practicing mindfulness and the reduction in the impact of the syndemic on the health of the practitioners

    Social Sustainability and School Segregation in the Region of Murcia (Spain)

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    ©2022. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Sustainability. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.3390/su14031580In this article we show an anthropological analysis of the processes of distribution and segregation of students in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia (Spain). This region has experienced an intense migratory flow in the last three decades from Africa, America and Europe. In a short time, the region has become a heterogeneous society, affecting social cohesion. The objective of the research was to analyze the degree and causes of school segregation by sex, socioeconomic reasons and origin of the students. In order to know the degree of segregation, we have carried out a quantitative analysis of the enrollment data from last five years through the databases of the Regional Center for Statistics of the Region of Murcia, and of the Ministry of Education and Professional Training, EDUCAbase. To understand the causes underlying this distribution, an ethnographic fieldwork was carried out visiting nine educational centers (four public, three subsidized and two private) that present a high segregation of students. Members of the management team of the centers, teachers and parents were interviewed, compiling their interpretations about the social reality of the center and the environment, as well as their point of view on education and the inclusion of diversity in the classroom. The information obtained sufficiently clarifies the reality and the causes of the distribution between the public and private network of immigrant students, and even makes visible important differences between the different groups according to their origin

    La seguridad en el ciberespacio desde una perspectiva sociocultural Security in cyberspace from a sociocultural perspective

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    En este artículo presentamos una aproximación al problema de la seguridad en el ciberespacio desde una perspectiva sociocultural. Comenzamos caracterizando el nuevo espacio a través de un modelo estratificado que da relevancia a las personas como agentes que utilizan y dan sentido a la infraestructura tecnológica. Mostramos cómo la expansión del ciberespacio ha generado de manera paralela un aumento de la cibercriminalidad, en sus distintas formas ‒ciberdelito, ciberterrorismo, ciberguerra, entre otros. Sin obviar la importancia de la tecnología subyacente, nos centramos en el papel del factor humano analizando las principales ciberamenazas a las que estamos expuestos y los actores que intervienen. Finalmente, apuntamos cómo el rápido avance del ciberespacio en extensión y profundidad dará soluciones asombrosas a ciertas necesidades humanas, pero a la vez aumentará la vulnerabilidad abriendo un escenario de alto riesgo que la sociedad tendrá que enfrentar para establecer la confianza necesaria que garantice la seguridad y la libertad en el nuevo entorno. Concluimos defendiendo que las ciencias sociales tienen un papel esencial pues los problemas que atañen a la seguridad y los derechos no pueden abordarse como una cuestión meramente técnicaIn this article we present an approach to the problem of security in cyberspace from a sociocultural perspective. We begin by characterizing the new space through a stratified model that gives relevance to people as agents who use and give meaning to the technological infrastructure. We show how the expansion of cyberspace has generated in parallel an increase in cybercrime, in its different forms ‒cybercrime, cyber terrorism, cyber war, among others. Without ignoring the importance of the underlying technology, we focus on the role of the human factor by analysing the main cyber threats to which we are exposed and the actors involved. Finally, we point out how the rapid advance of cyberspace in scope and depth will provide astonishing solutions to certain human needs, but at the same time will increase our vulnerability by opening up a high-risk scenario that society will have to face in order to establish the necessary trust to guarantee security and the freedom of people in the new environment. In this scenario, the social sciences have an essential role to play since the problems that concern our security and our rights cannot be addressed as a merely technical questio

    Security in Cyberspace from a Sociocultural Perspective

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    ©2022. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ This document is the Published, version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in Methaodos. Revista de ciencias sociales. To access the final edited and published work see https://doi.org/10.17502/mrcs.v10i2.577En este artículo presentamos una aproximación al problema de la seguridad en el ciberespacio desde una perspectiva sociocultural. Comenzamos caracterizando el nuevo espacio a través de un modelo estratificado que da relevancia a las personas como agentes que utilizan y dan sentido a la infraestructura tecnológica. Mostramos cómo la expansión del ciberespacio ha generado de manera paralela un aumento de la cibercriminalidad, en sus distintas formas ‒ciberdelito, ciberterrorismo, ciberguerra, entre otros. Sin obviar la importancia de la tecnología subyacente, nos centramos en el papel del factor humano analizando las principales ciberamenazas a las que estamos expuestos y los actores que intervienen. Finalmente, apuntamos cómo el rápido avance del ciberespacio en extensión y profundidad dará soluciones asombrosas a ciertas necesidades humanas, pero a la vez aumentará la vulnerabilidad abriendo un escenario de alto riesgo que la sociedad tendrá que enfrentar para establecer la confianza necesaria que garantice la seguridad y la libertad en el nuevo entorno. Concluimos defendiendo que las ciencias sociales tienen un papel esencial pues los problemas que atañen a la seguridad y los derechos no pueden abordarse como una cuestión meramente técnica.In this article we present an approach to the problem of security in cyberspace from a sociocultural perspective. We begin by characterizing the new space through a stratified model that gives relevance to people as agents who use and give meaning to the technological infrastructure. We show how the expansion of cyberspace has generated in parallel an increase in cybercrime, in its different forms ‒cybercrime, cyber terrorism, cyber war, among others. Without ignoring the importance of the underlying technology, we focus on the role of the human factor by analysing the main cyber threats to which we are exposed and the actors involved. Finally, we point out how the rapid advance of cyberspace in scope and depth will provide astonishing solutions to certain human needs, but at the same time will increase our vulnerability by opening up a high-risk scenario that society will have to face in order to establish the necessary trust to guarantee security and the freedom of people in the new environment. In this scenario, the social sciences have an essential role to play since the problems that concern our security and our rights cannot be addressed as a merely technical question

    De la enseñanza presencial a online en tiempos de pandemia: Un análisis retrospectivo de las necesidades, desigualdades y actuaciones realizadas en las Islas Canarias (España)

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    One of the impacts caused by the Covid19 pandemic was the change from face-to-face education to online education. During the time that the state of alarm lasted, the autonomous community of the Canary Islands (Spain) launched a series of actions with the idea of mitigating the needs for resources and technological skills of students, teachers and families. In this paper we analyze a questionnaire designed by the regional authority responsible for the educational area and addressed to 814 non-university public educational centers, in order to identify the technological needs for online education. Focusing on some relevant indicators, we found evidence that the Canarian educational community, within the undoubted difficulties caused by the pandemic, showed high resilience in this migration from face-to-face education to the online environment; On the other hand, when reviewing the indicators used in the scientific literature to define the digital divide and confronting them with the analyzed data, the imprecision of the term "digital divide" is revealed, proposing to use the term "digital inequality".Uno de los impactos provocados por la pandemia Covid19 fue el cambio de la educación presencial a la educación online. Durante el tiempo que duró el estado de alarma, la comunidad autónoma de las Islas Canarias (España) puso en marcha una serie de acciones con la idea de mitigar las necesidades de recursos y habilidades tecnológicas del alumnado, del profesorado y de las familias. En este trabajo analizamos un cuestionario diseñado por un grupo de trabajo de la autoridad educativa autonómica y dirigido a 814 centros educativos públicos no universitarios, con la finalidad de identificar las necesidades tecnológicas para la educación online. Centrándonos en algunos indicadores relevantes encontramos evidencias de que la comunidad educativa canaria, dentro de las indudables dificultades que supuso la pandemia, mostró una alta resiliencia en esta migración de la educación presencial al entorno online; por otro lado, al revisar los indicadores utilizados en la literatura científica para definir la brecha digital y enfrentarlos a los datos analizados se revela la imprecisión del término “brecha digital”, proponiendo utilizar el de “desigualdad digital”.