1,083 research outputs found

    Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Phyllite Samples Based on Chemical (XRF) and Mineralogical Data by XRD

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    It is presented the results obtained of a multivariate statistical analysis concerning the chemical and phase composition, as a characterization purpose, carried out with 52 rock phyllite samples selected from the provinces of Almería and Granada (SE Spain). Chemical analysis was performed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF). Crystalline phase analysis was performed by X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) and the mineralogical composition was then deduced. Quantification of weight loss (100° and 1000°C) was carried out by thermal analysis. The aims of this investigation were to analyze and compare the chemical and mineralogical composition of all these samples and to find similarities and differences between them to allow a classification. Several correlations between results of the characterization techniques have been also investigated. All the data have been processed using the multivariate statistical analysis method. The XRF macroelements (10) and microelements (39) data generate one macrogroup with two new subgroups (1 and 2), and an isolated sample. In subgroup 1 of macroelements, a positive correlation was found between XRF results and geographic location characterized by lower MgO content, which is associated to its geological origins. When multivariate statistical analysis is applied to results obtained by XRD, two groups appear: the first one with a sample with zero percentage of iron oxide and the second one with the rest of the samples, which is classified in two groups. A correlation is observed between the alkaline content (XRF) and illite (XRD), CaO and MgO with dolomite and indirectly between the weight loss after heating at 1000°C and the contents of phase minerals that lose structural water (illite + chlorite) or carbon dioxide (dolomite). The present investigation has interest and implications for geochemistry and analytical chemistry concerning earth rocks and silicate raw material

    Correlation between chemical and mineralogical characteristics and permeability of phyllite clays using multivariate statistical analysis

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    Phyllite clays are applied as a layer on a surface to be waterproofed and subsequently compacted. For this purpose, phyllite clays deposits can be grouped by their chemical and mineralogical characteristics, and these characteristics can be connected with their properties, mainly permeability, in order to select those deposits with the lowest permeability values. Several deposits of phyllite clays in the provinces of Almería and Granada (SE Spain) have been studied. The results of applying a multivariate statistical analysis (MVA) to the chemical data analysed from 52 samples determined by XRF, mineralogical analysis by XRD and permeability are reported. Permeability, a characteristic physical property of phyllite clays, was calculated using the results for experimental nitrogen gas adsorption and nitrogen adsorption-desorption permeability dependence. According to the results, permeability values differentiated two groups, i.e. group 1 and group 2, with two subgroups in the latter. The influence of chemical as well as mineralogical characteristics on the permeability values of this set of phyllite clays was demonstrated using a multiple linear regression model. Two regression equations were deduced to describe the relationship between adsorption and desorption permeability values, which support this correlation. This was an indication of the statistical significance of each chemical and mineralogical variable, as it was added to the model. The statistical tests of the residuals suggested that there was no serious autocorrelation in the residuals.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Las patentes de invención como medio para la promoción y registro de los resultados científico-tecnológicos de investigación

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    Las nuevas condiciones globalizadas de producción y comercialización exigen de las empresas, y en general de la sociedad, un esfuerzo en la aplicación de recursos a la creatividad, a la investigación científica y tecnológica, y a la innovación. Las inversiones de cada empresa han de recibir garantías del ordenamiento jurídico nacional o supranacional para que el retorno del capital revierta primariamente en la empresa inversora. Por otra parte, las asignaciones presupuestarias de las administraciones en materia de investigación deben ejecutarse en condiciones de transparencia y de eficacia en el logro de los objetivos marcados. En este artículo se describen las características de las patentes y de otras formas de propiedad industrial, que pueden resultar una protección suficiente para muchos científicos y tecnólogos que consiguen unos resultados susceptibles de invención, además de aquéllos que desarrollan su labor en empresas. En España se detecta, en general, una escasa información sobre las posibilidades de protección de los resultados de investigaciones científicas y tecnológicas mediante registro de la propiedad industrial. Esto supone un freno a la innovación por falta de confianza en estas inversiones. Se revisan las entidades nacionales y supranacionales de registro de las diversas formas de propiedad industrial. Además, se muestra la evolución histórica del registro de patentes en diversos países y, por último, se indica el ranking de países que en la actualidad presentan mayor dinamismo en esta actividad.New globalised conditions of production and marketing require business, and society as a whole, to apply their resources to creativity, scientific and technological research and innovation. A company’s investments must be provided with guarantees by national or international legal systems that return on capital will primarily revert to the investing company. In addition, public administrations’ budgetary allocations for research should be used with transparency and efficacy in order to achieve the chosen goals. In this article, we describe the characteristics of patents and other forms of industrial property that can provide sufficient protection for many scientists and technologists with results of interest to be protected as inventions, besides those working at the enterprises. In Spain, in general, little information is generally available on the possibilities of protecting technology by means of the industrial property registry, which represents an obstacle for innovation, due to lack of confidence in such investments. It is reviewed the National and International registry entities for the various types of industrial property. Likewise, it is described the historical evolution of patents registration in different countries, giving a ranking of the most dynamic countries at the present involved in this activity.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MAT2011-2298

    Application of Geographic Infomration Systems (GIS) in the search for and characterization of raw materials of interest in ceramics and glass

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    En este trabajo se muestra la aplicación de un sistema de información geográfica (SIG) como herramienta eficaz a la hora de abordar varias fases de investigación sobre materias primas de interés para el sector de la Cerámica y el Vidrio, con dos ejemplos: prospección y caracterización de materias primas, utilizadas como material impermeabilizante además de potencial interés cerámico y estudio de canteras de extracción de caliza y mármol. Para ello, se han diferenciado tres fases en el trabajo: construcción de la base de datos cartográfica, fusión de las bases de datos y depuración; finalmente, se realiza el desarrollo de la aplicación. De este estudio se concluye que el SIG se convierte en una herramienta viva, a la que se le pueden ir incorporando nuevos datos, como son puntos de muestreo, resultados de ensayos y determinaciones realizadas con las muestras, nuevas vías y caminos, empresas que poseen la concesión, etc., como ha quedado expuesto con los ejemplos descritos. Todo ello permite una explotación mucho más racional y eficiente desde los puntos de vista técnico, medioambiental y económico. Se deduce un claro interés del método de trabajo propuesto con utilidad para investigadores, tecnólogos y empresarios del ámbito que se ocupan de la valorización de materias primas de aplicación en el procesamiento de materiales de este sector.This work shows the application of a geographic information system (GIS) as an effective tool to undertake several phases of research on raw materials of interest in ceramics and glass, with two examples: search for and characterization of raw materials to be used as impermeable materials in addition to their potential ceramic interest in terms of quarries and the quarrying of limestone and marble. For this, three phases of work have been differentiated: the construction of a cartographic database, the combining and distilling of the databases; and finally the development of the application. From this study, it was concluded that GIS becomes a living tool in which new data can be incorporated, such as sampling points, test results, determinations made with the samples, new approaches and directions, companies that have the concession, etc., as explained with the examples described. All of this enables more rational and efficient use of the materials from the technical, environmental, and economic standpoint. The working method proposed could be clearly useful for researchers, technicians, and businessmen of this sphere that are involved in evaluating raw materials to be applied in processing materials of this sector

    Caracterización arqueométrica de pigmentos y soportes procedentes de pinturas murales góticas (s. XIII-XV)

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    A novel investigation on samples of gothic wall paintings (13-15th Centuries) has been carried out. They were found in some Churchs of Slovenia, being not yet studied using technics of materials analysis. One of them is selected: the Church of “Anunciación de María”, city of Crngrob, Slovenia. The scientific investigation of the Gothic wall painting samples was mainly based in the preparation of the so-called stratigraphic sections (cross-sections) from the original small samples. This procedure allows to study the different layers of mortar as support and the painting itself. Next, these preparations were examined using several instrumental techniques commonly applied in materials characterization at the ICMSE, for instance, digital photography, optical and electronic microscopies, IR spectroscopy and EDX for chemical analysis. Aditional information concerning pigments and mortars was obtained by IR transmision spectroscopy using KBr pellets, as well as using XRD. Samples studied at the ICMSE can be classified in two groups, which allows to appreciate two procedures or techniques of wall paintings performed at the Church of Crngrob. The first is typical of Gothic Italian paintings: technic of so-called fresco buono over several layers of mortars, using marble powder to get a white and smooth surface. The results of the present study have also allowed to characterize and identify the inorganic pigments and mortars used in these wall paintings. They were found to be the appropiate for this kind of technical work. For instance, they have been applied iron oxides to get the yellow, orange and even green colours, but surprisingly it has not been found neither malachite (copper pigment of green colour) nor copper compounds to get a green colour. In older layers of wall paintings, the pigment cinnabar was used to get the red colour. It is a mineral used typically in Italy. As revealed in this research, no aglutinant except the lime coming from the mortar as support were used in these Gothic wall paintings. Moreover, this feature, besides of cinnabar application, allows to establish the 1400-1410 wall paintings in the artistic Italian current named Trecento. The second procedure to paint is a typical of North Europe: one or two layer of mortar with a fine layer of lime. This is used to improve the strenght of lime as an aglutinant in the mortar. With this study, it is concluded that the Italian and North-European artistic currents met in Slovenian territory, which is appraisable as much stilistic (Art History) as scientific (Chemical and Physical analysis) point of views. This kind of investigation allows to know better the Central European Art and the Slovenian Art in the Adriatic zone, as well as the general map of European Art in the Middle Age.<br><br>El presente trabajo forma parte de una investigación más amplia sobre pinturas murales góticas (S. XIII-XV). En concreto, se han estudiado las que se encuentran en el interior de varias iglesias de Eslovenia y que no habían sido estudiadas, hasta la fecha, por medio de técnicas instrumentales de análisis de materiales. Una de ellas está situada en la ciudad de Crngrob (Eslovenia) y se ha seleccionado como objeto de este estudio (Iglesia de la Anunciación de María). El estudio científico de las muestras en el ICMSE se basó, principalmente, en la preparación de una serie de secciones estratigráficas a partir de los fragmentos pequeños de las mismas para analizar las diferentes capas de mortero soporte y de la propia pintura. Se examinaron dichas preparaciones por varias técnicas, como son fotografía digital, microscopías óptica y electrónica (MEB), espectroscopía IR (reflexión) y EDX. Una información adicional sobre pigmentos y morteros se obtuvo mediante IR (transmisión), preparando pastillas con KBr, además de DRX. Las muestras estudiadas pueden clasificarse en dos grupos que, a su vez, permiten apreciar dos formas de pintura mural. La primera es típica para pintura italiana gótica: fresco buono sobre varias capas de mortero, con empleo de polvo de mármol para hacerlo más liso y blanco. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido caracterizar e identificar los morteros y pigmentos inorgánicos empleados y que son apropiados para pinturas murales. A título de ejemplo, se han empleado óxidos de hierro para amarillo, naranja, rojo y verde, pero no se ha encontrado malaquita ni existen indicios de compuestos de cobre para el color verde. En capas más antiguas se ha encontrado cinabrio para el color rojo, típico de Italia. Las pinturas fueron realizadas sin emplear otro aglutinante que la propia cal procedente del mortero. Estas características y el empleo de cinabrio, sitúan las pinturas del 1400-1410 en la corriente artística italiana del Trecento. La segunda manera es típica del norte de Europa: técnica de una o dos capas de mortero, con una capa fina de cal superpuesta para dar mayor fuerza a la cal del mortero como aglutinante. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos en este estudio sobre los dos tipos de muestras estudiadas, se concluye que las corrientes italiana y norteeuropea se encontraron en territorio esloveno, lo que se aprecia tanto desde el punto de vista estilístico como científicamente. Investigaciones en esta temática ayudan a conocer mejor tanto el Arte de Europa Central y el de Eslovenia con la zona adriática, como el mapa general del Arte Europeo en el tiempo de la Edad Media