2,484 research outputs found

    Evaluación de higiene y seguridad en el área de bodega de repuestos en Casa Pellas sucursal Estelí en el segundo semestre 2021

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    El presente trabajo de graduación evalúa las normas de higiene y seguridad en el área de bodega de repuestos Casa Pellas Sucursal Estelí, con el propósito de ayudar al mejoramiento de las condiciones de las mismas. Se recolectaron datos mediante entrevistas, encuesta y check list para el desarrollo de esta investigación, finalmente se incluyeron los resultados con matriz de riegos basados en los objetivos planteados. El primer resultado está basado en análisis de la situación actual con respecto a higiene y seguridad, el segundo resultado está centrado en los tipos de riesgos problemas lumbares ,estrés térmico, deshidratación ,fatiga visual, cortes y fracturas a los que se encuentran expuestos los colaboradores del área de bodega de repuestos, para concluir, están reflejadas las acciones de mejora tomando como base en este resultado el diagrama de Ishikawa, aplicando esta técnica se logró tener un análisis más detallado ayudando a optimizar las condiciones de trabajo por medio de mantenimiento e inspecciones al área de trabajo. Al desarrollar directrices de mejora se está ayudando al área de bodega y la sucursal en general, tomando en cuenta específicamente al área de bodega de repuestos y sus colaboradores, con el objetivo de optimizar las condiciones de trabajo y reducir la mayor cantidad de riesgos a los que están expuestos, de esta manera brindar mayor protección y seguridad a los colaboradores

    Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Version of theWork Group Emotional Intelligence Profile Short Version (WEIP-S) in a Sample of Spanish Federated Coaches.

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    Emotional intelligence has been a topic of great interest to researchers in many different areas as it is associated with mental, psychosomatic, and physical health. In the sports context, it is a significant variable that can play an important role in improving the team’s performance. Although there are numerous tools to assess emotional intelligence, few of them have been validated explicitly in a sports sample, and even fewer have had coaches as a target population. Therefore, this study aimed to validate the Spanish version of the work group emotional intelligence profile short version (WEIP-S) in a sample of Spanish federated coaches. The results confirm that this instrument presents good psychometric properties to measure the emotional intelligence of sports coaches. The original four-factor model (awareness of one’s own emotions, management of one’s own emotions, awareness of others’ emotions, and management of others’ emotions) shows good reliability and convergent validity for all four factors except for the management of one’s own emotions. These findings suggest that it is possible to measure the emotional intelligence of coaches and offer the opportunity to continue investigating the relevance of constructing specific scales to measure this construct in the sports context.post-print363 K

    Actitudes y prácticas sexuales relacionadas con VIH/SIDA

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    Introduction: The increase in the number of HIV cases in the population of young people and adolescents, and the low effectiveness shown by the health interventions for the prevention of this infection in Chile, has led that institutions like Universities, perform the assessment of risky sexual practices and attitudes regarding HIV in order to identify possible self-care deficits that may be subject to intervention. Objective: The objective of the study was to analyze the attitudes towards HIV / AIDS and sexual practices in nursing students of a public University in Chile. Methods: The research is quantitative, observational, cross-sectional and with correlational analysis, which included 126 students between the first and the fifth year of studies. As a data collection technique, the Attitudes towards AIDS Scale for Adolescents (VIH-as) was used, whose alpha of Cronbach is 0.77. The analysis was carried out using the SPSS program, version 20. Results: It was evidenced that the majority of students (97.6%) reported a favorable attitude toward HIV both in prevention and inclusion of people living with the virus, nevertheless, a predominance of risky sexual practices could be observed, due to the 80.2% refers to not having used a condom in the total of their relationships. Conclusions: The attitudes reported by the students were the expected considering their future role as a nursing agency, however, risky se    Introducción: El aumento del número de casos de VIH en población joven y la baja efectividad de las intervenciones sanitarias para la prevención de esta infección en Chile, ha conllevado a instituciones como universidades, realicen valoración de prácticas sexuales de riesgo y actitudes respecto al VIH, con el fin de identificar posible déficit de autocuidado que puedan ser intervenidos. Objetivo: Analizar las actitudes frente al VIH/SIDA y prácticas sexuales en estudiantes de Enfermería de una Universidad pública en Chile. Metodología: Estudio de tipo cuantitativa, observacional, de corte transversal y con análisis correlacional; población 126 estudiantes entre primer y quinto año de estudio. Se empleó la escala de actitudes hacia el SIDA para Adolescentes (VIH-as) como técnica de recolección de datos, su alfa de Cronbrach es de 0,77. El análisis se realizó mediante el programa SPSS versión 20. Resultados: La mayoría de los estudiantes (97,6%) refieren una actitud favorable hacia el VIH tanto en prevención como inclusión de personas que viven con el virus, no obstante, se pudo apreciar predominio de prácticas sexuales de riesgo, pues el 80,2% refiere no haber empleado preservativo en el total de sus relaciones. Conclusiones: Las actitudes reportadas por los estudiantes son las esperadas en consideración de su futuro rol de agencia de enfermería, no obstante, las conductas sexuales de riesgo los ubica en déficit de autocuidado, que requiere la aplicación del sistema de apoyo-educación.&nbsp

    Bio-monitoring of metal(loid)s pollution in dry riverbeds affected by mining activity

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the most abundant native plants that could be used as a bio-monitor of metal(loid) concentration in dry riverbeds affected by mining activities. Three plants species and their respective rhizospheric soils were sampled from the El Beal (Piptatherum miliaceum, 15 samples), La Carrasquilla (Foeniculum vulgare, 10 samples), and Ponce (Dittrichia viscosa, 12 samples) dry riverbeds from the mining district of Cartegena-La Unión (SE Spain). There is scanty bibliography of the capacity of these species to be used as bio-monitors in the dry riverbeds. Plants categorized as a bio-monitor were established according to the bioaccumulation factor (BF), mobility ratio (MR), and linear correlations between metal(loid) concentrations in plants tissues (root or stem)-rhizospheric soils. The rhizospheric soils were highly contaminated for As, Cd, Pb, and Zn (Cf ≥ 6), and moderately contaminated for Mn (1 ≤ Cf < 3). Piptatherum miliaceum presented on Cd similar mean concentrations on rhizospheric soil and root, BF = 1.07, with a strong correlation soil–root (r = 0.61, p = 0.02). Therefore, of the three species with the capacity to grow in the area, Piptatherum miliaceum showed characteristics to be considered as a bio-monitor for Cd, with a BF > 1, and a positive–significant correlation between the rhizospheric soil and roots.This research (Proyecto PID2019-110311RB-C22) received funding from MCIN/AEI/10.13039/ 501100011033

    Spatial distribution and pollution evaluation in dry riverbeds afected by mine tailings

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the level of pollution, sources and potential risk of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Mn, Cd, Cr, Ni, Fe and Pb) and arsenic (As) in four dry riverbeds afected by mine tailing, which drain into one of the biggest coastal lagoon of Europe (Mar Menor). El Beal, La Carrasquilla, Las Matildes and Ponce dry riverbeds sediments were sampled along its course (20, 18, 13, 19 samples were collected, respectively), and total/ soluble metal(loid)s, water soluble ions, nitrogen, and organic/inorganic carbon contents were analyzed. Spatial distribution, principal component analysis (PCA), hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA), contamination factor (Cf), pollution load index (PLI) and potential ecological risk index (RI) were used to identify the possible sources of metal(loid)s and to assess the sediment pollution status. The results showed that the mean total concentrations of As, Cu, Cd, Mn, Zn and Pb exceeded the natural background levels of the study area, with the highest values located close to the mining areas. Correlation and cluster analysis identifed that Cd and Zn were associated mainly with anthropogenic activities for all riverbeds, while Cr and Ni come from parent. PLI graded the four riverbeds as contaminated by heavy metals, while RI manifested that 100% of samples located in El Beal, La Carrasquilla and Las Matildes had a signifcantly high ecological risk. Therefore, this study suggests that mine wastes are the main source of metal(loids) contamination in the dry riverbeds, which results can be used to design actions and measures to reduce the environmental impact of metal(loid)s in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon

    A pilot study on the design considerations and user impressions of an assistive affordable device

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    Proceeding of: RoboCity16: Robots for citizens: Open Conference on Future Trends in Robotics, Madrid 26-27 Mayo 2016, pp.: 19-28. https://www.car.upm-csic.es/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Proceedings_RoboCity16_web_version_02.pdfPRESSMATIC is a portable electromechanical device which was designed to assist people whose manual dexterity has been impaired for any reason (ageing, illness, paralysis, etc.). Its goal is restoring the loss of functionali ty of the thumb and forefinger in certain tasks that require pinching movements (e.g. grabbing scissors, tweezers, etc.). In this paper, a study on design considerations and user experience of PRESSMATIC is present ed. For that purpose, pilot trials were conducted at healthcare facilities. Target users evaluated several prototypes of PRESSMATIC and their opinions were registered. Based on this, the original design specifications were reviewed. First, the methodology used in the study is presented. Par ticipants, devices and tasks are described too. Then, trial results are shown and the system requirements will be discussed taking into account user ex perience. Finally, the study conclusions are shown.To Fundación Caser by I+D award, to Fundación Universia by funding this project, and to Robotics Lab Team. The research leading to these results has received funding from the RoboCity2030-III-CM project (Robótica aplicada a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los ciudadanos. Fase III; S2013/MIT-2748), funded by Programas de Actividades I+D en la Communidad de Madrid and cofunded by Structural Funds of the EU.Publicad

    Transcultural adaptation and validation of the Spanish language version of the questionnaire OQLQ for the assessment of quality of life in orthognathic patients

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    Orthognathic surgery is the cornerstone of the treatment of dentofacial deformities, which have a great psychological and social impact on the life of the patient. Patient satisfaction and the impact on quality of life have recently become clinical parameters of growing importance. The aim of this study was to undertake a transcultural adaptation, translation to Spanish and validation of this version of the questionnaire OQLQ, used to measure quality of life in the context of Spanish culture. Validation of the OQLQ questionnaire to the Spanish language was carried out through the methodology of translation and back translation, conceptual equivalence and piloting. The Spanish version was applied through a cross-sectional study to a total of 50 patients undergoing orthognathic surgery. The adapted and validated version showed adequate metric properties of reliability, change sensitivity and validity. In this study, a positive impact of orthognathic surgery on the specific quality of life was evident in 96% of patients, with an average improvement of 58% with respect to the initial score. Dentofacial deformities have a marked negative impact on the lives of patients, with orthognathic surgery being a therapeutic tool of great value in improving the quality of life in social, functional and aesthetic terms. The pilot test of this Spanish language version of the OQLQ proved valid for the assessment of quality of life in Spanish-speaking orthognathic patients or those with a Spanish culture

    Evaluación de higiene y seguridad en el área de bodega de repuestos en Casa Pellas sucursal Estelí en el segundo semestre 2021

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    El presente trabajo de graduación evalúa las normas de higiene y seguridad en el área de bodega de repuestos Casa Pellas Suc. Estelí, con el propósito de ayudar al mejoramiento de las condiciones de las mismas. Se recolectaron datos mediante entrevistas, encuesta y check list para el desarrollo de esta investigación, finalmente se incluyeron los resultados con matriz de riegos basados en los objetivos planteados. El primer resultado está basado en análisis de la situación actual con respecto a higiene y seguridad, el segundo resultado está centrado en los tipos de riesgos problemas lumbares ,estrés térmico, deshidratación ,fatiga visual, cortes y Egresado (a) de la carrera de Ingeniería Industrial Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua UNAN –Managua/ FAREM – Estelí. 1 [email protected] 2 [email protected] 3 [email protected] fracturas a los que se encuentran expuestos los colaboradores del área de bodega de repuestos, para concluir, están reflejadas las acciones de mejora tomando como base en este resultado el diagrama de Ishikawa, aplicando esta técnica se logró tener un análisis más detallado ayudando a optimizar las condiciones de trabajo por medio de mantenimiento e inspecciones al área de trabajo

    Tumor estromal gastrointestinal: relato de um caso e revisão da literatura

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    Introduction: the Gastrointestinal Stroma Tumors (GIST), the neoplasia from which those stem are those of highest mesenquimatic frequency of the digestive tract, However, it represents less than 1 % of all these tumors. At present, mesenquimales name the tumors GIST CD117 positive, fusiform or epithelioid, primary of the tract gastrointestinal, epiplón, mesentery and retro-peritoneum. Case presentation: we introduced a 60-year-old patient that went through admittance in the Internal Medicine service due to chronic anemia and dyspepsia. To the physical examination through palpationof the abdomen, a tumor in straight hypochondrium and epigastrium is verified, notmeasurable, It is fixed, painful. Complementary tests are also performed, like abdominal echography, esophagus gastroduedenoscopy abdominal CAT and laparoscopy, showing the presence of a tumor of the bigger gastric curvature of approximately 20 cm with exofitic growth.  Surgery is performed, coming true total gastrectomy, splenectomy and esofagoyeyunostomy, which have proven to be definite of morbid anatomy, as the inform discloses: Tumor of gastricwall, gastrointestinal fusocellular stroma, of potential bass. Size of the tumor 25cm. Meiotic index of 1 mitosis for 50 HPF with positive Inmunohistochemical for CD117, CD34, treatment fulfilled chemotherapy and it presents a favorable evolution.Discussion: the GIST symptoms are depended of the tumor size and localization. They had some types of clinical presentation such as gastric perforation or haemorrage.Conclusion: in the OR we found a gastrointestinal fusocelullar tumor, at the gastric wall. With very aggressive behavior.Introducción: los tumores del estroma gastrointestinal (GIST), son las neoplasias de origen mesenquimático más frecuentes del tracto digestivo, sin embargo, representan menos del 1% de todos estos tumores. Actualmente se denominan GIST a los tumores mesenquimales CD117 positivos, fusiformes o epitelioides, primarios del tracto gastrointestinal, epiplón, mesenterio y retroperitoneo.Presentación de caso: presentamos un paciente de 60 años de edad que fue ingresado en el servicio de Medicina Interna por anemia crónica y dispepsia. Al examen físico se constata en la palpación de abdomen un tumor en hipocondrio derecho y epigastrio, no mesurable, fijo, doloroso. Se realizan complementarios como ecografía abdominal, esófago gastroduedenoscopia, TAC abdominal y laparoscopia demostrándose la presencia de un tumor de la curvatura mayor gástrica de aproximadamente 20 cm con crecimiento exofitico. Se interviene quirúrgicamente, realizándose gastrectomía total, espelenctomia y esofagoyeyunostomia. Los resultados definitivos de anatomía patológica informan: tumor de pared gástrica, fusocelular del estroma gastrointestinal, de bajo potencial. Tamaño del tumor 25cm. Índice Mitótico de 1 mitosis por 50 HPF con Inmunohistoquímica positiva para CD117, CD34, cumplió tratamiento quimioterapia y presenta una evolución favorable.Discusión: los GIST son tumores cuya presencia de síntomas dependerá del tamaño y localización del tumor y puede variar desde formas asintomáticas a casos que se presenten como una emergencia quirúrgica por perforación gástrica o sangramiento digestivo.Conclusiones: el paciente fue intervenido quirúrgicamente encontrándose un tumor fusocelular del estroma gastrointestinal (GIST) de pared gástrica, de bajo potencial de malignidad, comportamiento agresivo.Introdução: os tumores estromais gastrointestinais (GIST) são as neoplasias mais frequentes de origem mesenquimal do trato digestivo, porém representam menos de 1% de todos esses tumores. Atualmente, os GISTs são positivos para CD117, fusiformes ou epitelióides, tumores mesenquimais primários do trato gastrointestinal, omento, mesentério e retroperitônio.Apresentação do caso: apresentamos um paciente de 60 anos que deu entrada no serviço de Clínica Médica por anemia crônica e dispepsia. O exame físico revelou tumor doloroso, fixo e não mensurável em quadrante superior direito e epigástrio à palpação de abdome. Exames complementares como ultrassonografia abdominal, gastroduedenoscopia de esôfago, tomografia computadorizada de abdome e laparoscopia são realizados, demonstrando a presença de tumor da grande curvatura gástrica de aproximadamente 20 cm com crescimento exofítico. Foi realizada intervenção cirúrgica, realizando gastrectomia total, espelenctomia e esofagojejunostomia. Os resultados definitivo do laudo anatomopatológico: tumor da parede gástrica, fusocelular do estroma gastrointestinal, de baixo potencial. Tamanho do tumor: 25cm. Índice mitótico de 1 mitose por 50 HPF com imunoistoquímica positiva para CD117, CD34, foi submetido a tratamento quimioterápico e apresenta evolução favorável.Discussão: GISTs são tumores cuja presença de sintomas dependerá do tamanho e localização do tumor e podem variar desde formas assintomáticas até casos que se apresentam como emergência cirúrgica por perfuração gástrica ou sangramento digestivo.Conclusões: a paciente foi operada e encontrou tumor de células fusiformes do estroma gastrointestinal (GIST) da parede gástrica, com baixo potencial de malignidade e comportamento agressivo