564 research outputs found

    Consumo responsable de drogas: reducción de daños y reducción de riesgo

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    Treball final de Grau en Criminologia i Seguretat. Codi: CS1044. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015A lo largo de los años, el consumo de drogas ha provocado un elevado número de muertes por sobredosis, incremento de los casos de VIH y otras enfermedades infecciosas y con ello un deterior de la salud y de la vida social, psicológica y laboral de los usuarios. Esta situación se ha intentado paliar mediante políticas prohibicionistas pero no han dado su fruto. Al observar que se seguía consumiendo se ha optado por implantar programas de reducción de daños y de reducción de riesgos como el programa de intercambio y distribución de jeringuillas, talleres de consumo de menos riesgo o el análisis de sustancias. La implantación de estos programas va creciendo debido a que han demostrado tener una gran eficacia disminuyendo todos aquellos problemas dados durante años atrás. El usuario es quien tiene la responsabilidad de decidir consumir o no con los placeres y los riesgos que conlleva esta práctica así como decidir si incorporarse en uno de los programas y hacer de su consumo un consumo responsable.Over the years, the drug has caused a high number of overdose deaths, increasing cases of HIV and other infectious diseases and thus a deterior of health and social, psychological and professional life of users. It has been tried to compensate this situation by prohibitionist policies but they failed. Observing that consume continues it has been chosen to implement harm reduction programs and risk reduction program as syringe exchange and distribution, less risk consume workshops or analysis of substances. The implementation of these programs is growing because they have proven to be highly effective reducing those given problems for years. The user is who is responsible for deciding whether or not to consume with pleasures and risks associated with this practice and to decide whether to join one of the programs and make responsible consumption

    Teaching experiences in contexts of conflict and cultural diversity during the COVID-19 pandemic: The case of a public school in Bogotá

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    This paper showcases the experience of teachers in an under-served school in Bogotá, Colombia, amidst the difficulties of delivering meaningful education to a diverse population of students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the students were already affected by precariousness and forced displacement. The paper focuses on teachers’ agency and their motivation to work toward social and educational change, while also attending to the educational needs of immigrant and indigenous students using a critical inclusive and inter-cultural education approach. The teachers’ researchaction- reflection process enabled them to examine educational practices through a de-colonial and inter-cultural lens and to implement an innovative pedagogical strategy to address educational inequalities

    Tree-livestock interaction promotes nutrient shift and influences plant species richness in orchards

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    Orchards are traditional agroforestry elements in agricultural landscapes and valuable for nature conservation in Europe. However, their diversity is endangered due to farmland intensification or abandonment. Grazing management promotes plant species diversity but grazers are suspected to harm trees through debarking. We studied 42 orchards within the Rhenish uplands (Germany) and compared horses, cattle and sheep grazing. We analysed how grassland diversity is promoted by the presence of trees and modified by grazing management, as well as how grazers may impact trees. Plant species richness benefited from tree presence, but was not affected by tree-cover and only slightly by grazer species, whereas grazing intensity showed significant negative effects. All grazer species significantly increased recent debarking in the absence of individual tree-protection. Therefore, maintaining species diversity and long-term tree persistence in orchards does not primarily depend upon grazer species, but more especially on grazing intensity and tree-protection

    University students’ views regarding gender in STEM studies: Design and validation of an instrument

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    [EN] Diferences in the representation of diversity in higher education, emphasising the gender gap in some areas, are issues addressed from diferent research domains. Socially, gender roles have been constructed and are also related to professions. In this context, the Social Cognitive Career Theory explores the possible causes of segregation. This segregation is evident in Europe and Spain, as indicated by the European Institute for Gender Equality. This paper describes the design and validation process of an instrument to fnd out what opinions university students have about higher education studies in science, technology,engineering and mathematics (STEM), according to gender. After drafting the questionnaire, it was piloted in a non-experimental quantitative design in Spain. Subsequently, a validity and reli ability study was applied to validate the items and construct their dimensionality. The process was implemented using Reliability Analysis and Exploratory Factor Analysis. Also, the dimensionality consists of fve scales: Gender Ideology, Perception and Self-perception, Expectations about Science, Attitudes and Interests. Based on the results, it is concluded that the opinion about STEM studies is conditioned by personal elements, such as motivations, educational background and family and social infuences, such as people who judged their decision, were their references or studied STEM programs. Finally, it is essential to pay socio-educational attention to the modulating components of decisions about which higher education studies to pursue. Awareness of the factors involved in the decision helps the educational community to establish mechanisms to prevent horizontal gender segregation. The instrument designed, validated and presented in this study provides a glimpse of possible causes for the gender gap in STEM higher education.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCLE

    Experimental analysis of the impact behaviour of sandwich panels with sustainable cores

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    This paper studies the behaviour of sandwiches subjected to impact loads that result in penetration but not complete perforation. The perforation velocity in panels with two different core materials was determined, and the panel response under complete perforation was assessed using 3D-DIC analysis. The out-of-plane displacements were greater in the sandwich with agglomerated cork due to its lower stiffness. The damage and failure mechanisms that appear in both sandwich configurations were also studied using visual inspection and X-ray computed tomography. An explanation of the physics involved in the impact event is proposed based on the qualitative and quantitative analyses of the damage. It was found that the type of core material affected the failure modes that appeared in the sandwich. Skin delamination and skin/core debonding were important failure mechanisms in sandwich panels with a PET foam core, while in sandwiches with an agglomerated cork core, these mechanisms were not observed.This work was carried out thanks to the funding of the DPI2017-86324-R project granted by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

    Reconocimiento del gasto por impuesto a la renta de tercera categoría y su incidencia en la situación económica y financiera de la empresa Multiservicios Solmarave S.R.L., Distrito Huanchaco, año 2018

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    Este trabajo de investigación, tuvo como objetivo general, determinar como el reconocimiento del gasto por impuesto a la renta de tercera categoría incide en la situación económica y financiera de la empresa Multiservicios Solmarave S.R.L., Distrito de Huanchaco – Año 2018. El estudio consistió en diagnosticar la situación tributaria y contable relacionada con el gasto; reconocer los gastos establecidos en el artículo 37° y 44° LIR – 21° y 25° RLIR., para su respectiva deducibilidad. Así mismo, se analizo la incidencia en la situación económica y financiera de la empresa antes y después del reconocimiento del gasto por impuesto a la renta de tercera categoría. Metodológicamente, la investigación fue de tipo aplicada, con diseño explicativo, cuasi experimental de causa efecto. Para obtener información, se consideró como técnica el análisis documental y la entrevista; como instrumento de investigación se utilizaron hojas de registro de datos y guías de entrevista, se revisó información bibliográfica y documental, como: textos, estados financieros, declaración de impuestos, tesis, páginas de internet, entre otros. Los resultados confirmaron la hipótesis de que el reconocimiento del gasto incide en la mejora de la situación económica - financiera de la empresa Multiservicios Solmarave S.R.L., al aplicar los indicadores económicos y financieros se determinó: en liquidez corriente una varianza de mejora de 0.3%, con el indicador prueba acida se obtuvo una variación de mejora 0.35%, con el indicador prueba defensiva una variación en mejora de 22.12%, con el indicador capital de trabajo obtuvo una variación de mejora de 114,705.81, en cuanto al ROA reflejo un resultado real con una variación de 23.44%, así mismo, con el ratio de rentabilidad financiera se obtuvo una variación de 49.76%. Llegando a la conclusión de que, al reconocer todos los gastos incurridos en la generación de renta gravada, existe una diferencia en el pago del impuesto a la renta, lo que resulta en beneficio y se refleja favor ablente en los resultados de la situación económica – financiera de la empresa Objeto de estudio.The general objective of this research work was to determine how the recognition of the third category income tax expense affects the economic and financial situation of the company Multiservicios Solmarave S.R.L., District of Huanchaco - Year 2018. The study consisted of diagnosing the fiscal and accounting situation related to spending; Recognize the expenses established in article 37 and 44 LIR - 21 and 25 RLIR., For their respective deductibility. Likewise, the impact on the economic financial situation of the company before and after the recognition of the third category income tax expense was analyzed. Methodologically, the research was applied, with an explanatory, quasi-experimental, cause-effect design. To obtain information, the documentary analysis and the interview were considered technical; As a research instrument, data record sheets and interview guides were used, bibliographic and documentary information was reviewed, such as: texts, financial statements, tax returns, theses, internet pages, among others. The results confirmed the hypothesis that the recognition of the expense affects the improvement of the economic-financial situation of the company Multiservicios Solmarave SRL, when applying the economic-financial indicators it was determined: in current liquidity an improvement variance of 0.3%, with The acid test indicator obtained an improvement variation of 0.35%, with the defensive test indicator an improvement variation of 22.12%, with the working capital indicator an improvement variation of 114,705.81 was obtained, since for the ROA It reflected a real result with a variation of 23.44%, likewise, with the financial profitability ratio a variation of 49.76% was obtained. Reaching the conclusion that by recognizing all the expenses incurred in the generation of taxed income, there is a difference in the payment of income tax, which translates into benefit and is reflected favorably in the results of the economic-financial situation of the company Object of study.Tesi

    The DNA damage response acts as a safeguardagainst harmful DNA–RNA hybrids ofdifferent origins

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    Despite playing physiological roles in specific situations, DNA–RNA hybrids threat genome integrity. To investigate how cells do counteract spontaneous DNA–RNA hybrids, here we screen an siRNA library covering 240 human DNA damage response (DDR) genes and select siRNAs causing DNA–RNA hybrid accumulation and a significant increase in hybrid‐dependent DNA breakage. We identify post‐replicative repair and DNA damage checkpoint factors, including those of the ATM/CHK2 and ATR/CHK1 pathways. Thus, spontaneous DNA–RNA hybrids are likely a major source of replication stress, but they can also accumulate and menace genome integrity as a consequence of unrepaired DSBs and post‐replicative ssDNA gaps in normal cells. We show that DNA–RNA hybrid accumulation correlates with increased DNA damage and chromatin compaction marks. Our results suggest that different mechanisms can lead to DNA–RNA hybrids with distinct consequences for replication and DNA dynamics at each cell cycle stage and support the conclusion that DNA–RNA hybrids are a common source of spontaneous DNA damage that remains unsolved under a deficient DDR.European Research Council (ERC2014AdG669898TARLOOP)Worldwide Cancer Research (WCR15-00098

    New Tools to Study DNA Double-Strand Break Repair Pathway Choice

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    A broken DNA molecule is difficult to repair, highly mutagenic, and extremely cytotoxic. Such breaks can be repaired by homology-independent or homology-directed mechanisms. Little is known about the network that controls the repair pathway choice except that a licensing step for homology-mediated repair exists, called DNA-end resection. The choice between these two repair pathways is a key event for genomic stability maintenance, and an imbalance of the ratio is directly linked with human diseases, including cancer. Here we present novel reporters to study the balance between both repair options in human cells. In these systems, a double-strand break can be alternatively repaired by homology-independent or -dependent mechanisms, leading to the accumulation of distinct fluorescent proteins. These reporters thus allow the balance between both repair pathways to be analyzed in different experimental setups. We validated the reporters by analyzing the effect of protein downregulation of the DNA end resection and non-homologous end-joining pathways. Finally, we analyzed the role of the DNA damage response on double-strand break (DSB) repair mechanism selection. Our reporters could be used in the future to understand the roles of specific factors, whole pathways, or drugs in DSB repair pathway choice, or for genome-wide screening. Moreover, our findings can be applied to increase gene-targeting efficiency, making it a beneficial tool for a broad audience in the biological sciences. © 2013 Gomez-Cabello et al.This work has been funded by a R+D+I grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (SAF2010-14877) and an European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant (DSBRECA).Peer Reviewe

    New tools to study DNA double-strand break repair pathway choice

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    A broken DNA molecule is difficult to repair, highly mutagenic, and extremely cytotoxic. Such breaks can be repaired by homology-independent or homology-directed mechanisms. Little is known about the network that controls the repair pathway choice except that a licensing step for homology-mediated repair exists, called DNA-end resection. The choice between these two repair pathways is a key event for genomic stability maintenance, and an imbalance of the ratio is directly linked with human diseases, including cancer. Here we present novel reporters to study the balance between both repair options in human cells. In these systems, a double-strand break can be alternatively repaired by homology-independent or -dependent mechanisms, leading to the accumulation of distinct fluorescent proteins. These reporters thus allow the balance between both repair pathways to be analyzed in different experimental setups. We validated the reporters by analyzing the effect of protein downregulation of the DNA end resection and non-homologous end-joining pathways. Finally, we analyzed the role of the DNA damage response on double-strand break (DSB) repair mechanism selection. Our reporters could be used in the future to understand the roles of specific factors, whole pathways, or drugs in DSB repair pathway choice, or for genome-wide screening. Moreover, our findings can be applied to increase gene-targeting efficiency, making it a beneficial tool for a broad audience in the biological sciences

    Multimedia Analysis of Spanish Female Role Models in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

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    Horizontal segregation in the higher education framework is a problem that goes up in the work environment. Women are assuming traditional gender roles due to phenomena such as the threat of stereotyping, which prevents them from opting for higher studies in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). This research work arises within the project W-STEM, “Building the Future of Latin America: Involving Women in STEM”. The research aims to investigate women’s academic and professional development in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) through their personal experience in making career-related decisions. The research was developed by applying a qualitative method. During the year 2020, video semi-structured interviews were conducted with twenty-one women professionals in the STEM field. Of the twenty-one participants, six are linked to science, eight to technology, fifteen to engineering and one to mathematics. Due to their research lines, some of them are located in more than one STEM area, for example, in technology and engineering. These women were interviewed about their choice of studies and training, their jobs, professional achievements, family and social environment and their perspective on the gender gap in STEM. They all agree on horizontal segregation and consider it necessary to motivate girls and young women to study what they like. Furthermore, they all show passion for their work