13 research outputs found

    Gymkana matemática IES Valle de Piélagos

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    Es bien sabido por todos, que uno de los grandes retos de los docentes de hoy en día es la motivación del alumnado. Para ello, necesitamos cada vez más dosis de imaginación e ingenio en las aulas, que nos lleven a ideas que estimulen a nuestros chicos. Entendemos que éste es uno de los pilares fundamentales de la educación, la motivación constante, y por ello desde el departamento de Matemáticas del IES Valle de Piélagos se decidió realizar una gymkana con nuestros alumnos de la ESO. En el siguiente artículo pretendemos dar a conocer la práctica realizada en nuestro instituto y las buenas sensaciones que hemos tenido al realizarla

    Crosstalk between smoking and the genome in older subjects with metabolic syndrome through genomics, epigenomics and transcriptomics

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    Pòster presentat a EMBO - EMBL Symposia Multiomics to Mechanisms - Challenges in Data Integration. September (11th – 13th 2019 European Molecular Biology Laboratory. Heidelberg, Germany)Tobacco smoking (Figure 1) is a major cause of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), and appears to have a multiplicative interaction with the other major CVD risk factors (lipids, hypertension, diabetes and others present in the metabolic syndrome (MetS). Several omics have analyzed the separate effects of tobacco smoking on the genome, epigenome, transcriptome, metabolome, etc. However an integrated omics approach can help to better understand the crosstalk between tobacco smoking and the genome

    Influence of the adherence to the Mediterranean diet on the effect of smoking on genomewide methylation among subjects with metabolic syndrome

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    Pòster presentat al congrés " Epigenetics: Playing with the Gameof Life" celebrat al University Hospital Halle (Saale) entre els dies 13-15 de 2019.Tobacco smoking is an important risk factor for lung cancer, respiratory diseases and cardiovascular diseases, among others. Moreover, smoking can speed up the normal aging process of several tissues increasing the biological age. Changes in methylation due to smoking have been demonstrated at several loci across the genome, particularly in long-term smokers (Figure 1). The most consistent association reported in different populations has been decreased methylation in smokers in comparison with non-smokers at the CpG cg05575921, located in the gene for the aryl hydrocarbon receptor repressor (AHRR) located in chromosome 5

    Education modulates the association of the FTO rs9939609 polymorphism with body mass index and obesity risk in the Mediterranean population

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    Objective To define whether the rs9939609 FTO (fat mass and obesity associated) single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is associated with anthropometric measurements and its modulation by educational level in a Mediterranean population. Methods We studied 3 independent adult samples: a random sample (n = 1580) from the general population (GP), obese hospital patients (OHP) (n = 203) and elderly subjects (n = 1027) with high cardiovascular risk (HCR). Weight and height were directly measured. Education and physical activity (PA) were measured using questionnaires. Results The rs9939609 presented heterogeneous associations with BMI. In the GP, the minor A-allele was significantly associated with greater BMI, following a co-dominant pattern (P = 0.009), whereas in the OHP this association was recessive (P = 0.004). Conversely, we did not find a significant association with BMI in the HCR group (P < 0.596). In the GP we found a significant interaction between the FTO SNP and education (P = 0.048). In the stratified analysis, no association of the FTO SNP with greater BMI in university subjects was detected (P = 0.786), whereas the association was observed in non-university subjects (P = 0.001). The FTO × education interaction (P = 0.020) was also observed in determining obesity risk in the GP. A-allele carriers had a greater risk of being obese only if they had no university education (OR: 1.56; 95%CI: 1.09–2.23 for TA and OR: 2.01; 95%CI: 1.27–3.26 for AA subjects). The interaction of the FTO with education remained significant even after adjustment for PA.This work was supported by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacio´n (CIBER CB06/03/0035, RD07/0067/ 0006, PI06-1326, PI07-0954, PI08-90002 and SAF-09- 12304), the Generalitat Valenciana (GVACOMP2010-181, BEST2010-211, BEST2010-032) and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute grants HL-54776, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Grant Number DK075030 and by contracts 53-K06-5-10 and 58-1950-9-001 from the US Department of Agriculture Research

    Association of the rs4988235 in the lactase gene with obesity and its modulation by dairy products in a Mediterranean population

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    The -13910C>T polymorphism (rs4988235) upstream from the lactase (LCT) gene, strongly associated with lactase persistence (LP) in Europeans, is emerging as a new candidate for obesity. We aimed to analyze the association of this polymorphism with obesity-related variables and its modulation by dairy product intake in an elderly population. We studied 940 high-cardiovascular risk Spanish subjects (aged 67 ± 7 years). Dairy product consumption was assessed by a validated questionnaire. Anthropometric variables were directly measured, and metabolic syndrome-related variables were obtained. Prevalence of genotypes was: 38.0% CC (lactase nonpersistent (LNP)), 45.7% CT, and 16.3% TT. The CC genotype was not associated with lower milk or dairy product consumption in the whole population. Only in women was dairy intake significantly lower in CC subjects. The most important association was obtained with anthropometric measurements. CC individuals had lower weight (P = 0.032), lower BMI (29.7 ± 4.2 vs. 30.6 ± 4.2 kg/m(2); P = 0.003) and lower waist circumference (101.1 ± 11.8 vs. 103.5 ± 11.5 cm; P = 0.005) than T-allele carriers. Obesity risk was also significantly higher in T-allele carriers than in CC individuals (odds ratio (OR): 1.38; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.05-1.81; P = 0.01), and remained significant even after adjustment for sex, age, diabetes, physical activity, and energy intake. However, in subgroup analysis, these associations were found to be significant only among those consuming moderate or high lactose intakes (>8 g/day). No significant associations with lipids, glucose, or blood pressure were obtained after adjustment for BMI. In conclusion, despite not finding marked differences in dairy product consumption, this polymorphism was strongly associated with BMI and obesity and modulated by lactose intake in this MediterraneanLactase, Obesity, Gene, Dairy products, Lactose, Metabolic syndrome, Mediterranean This work was supported by grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain (CIBER CB06/03/0035, RD07/0067/0006, PI6-1326, PI07-0954, PI08-90002 and SAF-09-12304), the Generalitat Valenciana, Spain (GVACOMP2010-181, BEST2010-211, BEST2010-032) and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute grants HL-54776, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Grant Number DK075030 and by contracts 53-K06-5-10 and 58-1950-9-001 from the US Department of Agriculture Researc

    Procesos de precipitación mineral bioinducidos en sistemas kársticos subterráneos: breve revisión y nuevas tendencias

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    Los microorganismos, en particular las bacterias, habitan en todos los ambientes posibles de la biosfera incluidos los ambientes subterráneos. Desempeñan un papel importante en procesos geológicos tales como la precipitación y disolución mineral, e influyen notablemente sobre los ciclos biogeoquímicos de diferentes elementos. Hasta este momento, son relativamente pocos los estudios orientados a conocer el papel activo de los microorganismos, especialmente las bacterias, en la formación de espeleotemas, de manera que la implicación de la actividad microbiana en la precipitación y disolución mineral en ambientes kársticos es un tema aún sin resolver en geomicrobiología. Actualmente, no está del todo aclarada cuál es la interrelación entre los microorganismos y las fábricas minerales, ni el papel que juegan los microorganismos en la precipitación de carbonatos. Las cuevas son ambientes protegidos donde las fábricas microbianas pueden preservarse sin sufrir modificaciones diagenéticas importantes o destrucción, ofreciendo, por ello, un excelente entorno para estudiar los procesos de biomineralización (desde los propios microorganismos activos a sus depósitos minerales). Las nuevas tendencias en geomicrobiología se basan en la conjunción de diferentes metodologías (microclima, petrología, geoquímica, hidroquímica, microbiología, biología molecular) con un objetivo común: 1) determinar el papel de las diferentes comunidades microbianas que habitan los ambientes subterráneos en los procesos de transformación mineral; 2) identificar las propiedades físicas y químicas de las fases cristalinas bioinducidas, y 3) determinar las condiciones ambientales y las propiedades composicionales y texturales de los soportes rocosos naturales (biorreceptividad) que favorecen o inhiben el desarrollo de las comunidades microbianas.Microorganisms, particularly bacteria, inhabit all possible environments in the biosphere including subterranean ones. They play an important role in geological processes such as mineral precipitation and dissolution, and significantly influence biogeochemical cycles. At present, relatively few studies have focused on the active role of microorganisms, especially bacteria, in the formation of speleothems. Thus, the involvement of microbial activity in the formation of speleothems in caves is a geomicrobiological issue still to be solved. Today, the relationship between microorganisms and mineral fabrics and the role played by microorganisms in carbonate precipitation is unclear. The processes of carbonate deposit formation in caves offers an excellent scenario for research on biomineralization processes (from active microorganisms to their mineral deposits), because caves are protected environments where microbial fabrics can be preserved without extensive diagenetic modification or destruction. The new tendencies on geomicrobiological studies consist on applying different and multidisciplinary methodological approaches (petrology, geochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology) to (1) determine the role of the different microbial communities inhabiting the hypogean environments in the processes of mineral transformation, (2) identifying the physical and chemical properties of bioinduced crystalline phases, and (3) determine the environmental conditions, composition and texture of natural substrates (bioreceptivity) favouring or inhibiting the development of microbial communities.Este trabajo es parte de los proyectos CGL2006-11561/BTE y CGL2006-07424/BOS

    Amino acid change in the carbohydrate response element binding protein is associated with lower triglycerides and myocardial infarction incidence depending on level of adherence to the Mediterranean diet in the PREDIMED trial

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    Background: A variant (rs3812316, C771G, Gln241His) in the MLXIPL (Max-like protein X interacting protein-like) gene encoding the carbohydrate response element binding protein has been associated with lower triglycerides. However, its association with cardiovascular diseases and gene-diet interactions modulating these traits are unknown. Methods and Results: We studied 7,166 participants in the PREDIMED trial testing a Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) intervention versus a control diet for cardiovascular prevention, with a median follow-up of 4.8 years. Diet, lipids, MLXIPL polymorphisms and cardiovascular events were assessed. Data were analyzed at baseline and longitudinally. We used multivariable-adjusted Cox regression to estimate hazard ratios (HR) for cardiovascular outcomes. The MLXIPL-rs3812316 was associated with lower baseline triglycerides (P=5.5x10-5) and lower hypertriglyceridemia (odds ratio [OR]: 0.73; 95%CI, 0.63-0.85; P=1.4x10-6 in G- carriers versus CC). This association was modulated by baseline adherence to MedDiet (AdMedDiet). When AdMedDiet was high, the protection was stronger (OR: 0.63, 95%CI: 0.51-0.77; P=8.6x10-6) than when AdMedDiet was low (OR: 0.88, 95%CI: 0.70-1.09;P=0.219). Throughout the follow-up, both the MLXIPL-rs3812316 (P=3.8x10-6) and the MedDiet intervention (P=0.030) were significantly associated with decreased triglycerides. Likewise in G-carriers MedDiet intervention was associated with greater total cardiovascular risk reduction and specifically for myocardial infarction. In the MedDiet, but not in the control group, we observed lower myocardial infarction incidence in G-carriers versus CC (HR: 0.34; 95%CI:0.12- 0.93;P=0.036 and 0.90; 95%CI: 0.35-2.33;P=0.830, respectively). Conclusion: Our novel results suggest that MedDiet enhances the triglyceride- 3 lowering effect of the MLXIPL-rs3812316 variant and strengthens its protective effect on myocardial infarction incidence

    Violation of the Self-Regulation Code on Television Contents and Childhood by the television channels Clan and Neox

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    La televisión es el medio de comunicación que más usuarios congrega frente a sus pantallas. La comunión de imagen y sonido, sus emisiones continúas, su fácil accesibilidad y su gratuidad la han convertido en la estrella del entretenimiento en los hogares. Una progresión que genera una oferta de canales cada vez más prolífera, y que permite el nacimiento de cadenas temáticas dirigidas a audiencias particulares. Los niños han sido uno de los principales targets en los que se ha enfocado la diversificación de televisiones. Todas con un denominador común: una imagen aparentemente inocua que parece ser el pasatiempos perfecto para los menores, que pasan a diario horas distraídos ante el incesante alud de imágenes y sonidos, en actitud de esparcimiento y absorbiendo todo cuanto acontece ante su mirada, sea bueno o malo. Todo. Pero, ¿es oro todo lo que reluce? Sabemos que a pesar de que las cadenas están adscritas a diversos códigos de autorregulación, muchas reciben denuncias que cristalizan en multas, la mayoría dirigidas a los canales generalistas, pero, ¿qué ocurre con los recientes medios dirigidos específicamente a niños? ¿Están tan comprometidos con la deontología como muestran las estadísticas? ¿O quizá es debido a que sus audiencias potenciales son menores sin la capacidad o la iniciativa de denunciar las posibles negligencias? Para desterrar todos estos interrogantes nace este Trabajo Fin de Grado.Television is the medium of communication that gathers most users in front of its screens. The fusion of image and sound, continuous broadcasts, easy accessibility and gratuity have made it the home entertainment star. A progression that offers an increasingly prolific spectrum of channels, including the creation of thematic channels directed at particular audiences. Children have been one of the main targets in which the diversification of TV channels has been focused. All with a common denominator: an apparently innocuous image that portrays a perfect pastime for kids, who spend hours distracted before a constant avalanche of images and sounds, in a recreational context, absorbing all that happens before their eyes, be it good or bad. Everything. But is everything that happens before the eyes of a child, sat square in front of a television, screen really harmless? We know that although the channels are attached to various self-regulation codes, many receive complaints that become fines; most of them directed at generalist channels, but what about new media aimed specifically at children? Are they as committed to deontology as the statistics show? Or maybe is it because their potential audiences are children without the ability or the initiative to report potential negligence? The current thought process and its consequential development constructed into this TFG were formed to answer such questions.Departamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea y de América, Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual y PublicidadGrado en Periodism

    Estrategias de mercadeo en la empresa Faber-Castell Colombia :un caso de estudio

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    Actualmete la gestión organizacional, a nivel mundial, tiene una fuerte tendencia a desarrollar "Planes Estratégicos". Estos planes comprende estrategias tanto para la empresa como para cada función; de esta manera se consideran como elementos fundamentales las estrategias de mercadeo, que en el caso de la empresa Feber_Castell Colombia representan una actividad definitiva para su éxito. Fue nesesario profundizar en la definición e historia de estrategia, adaptado así, su valor en la empresa, considerando un especial interés por la expansión, innovación, protección del medio ambiente y politicas de calidad. Es así como Faber-Castell Colombia cuenta con un departamento de mercadeo, que trabaja por la comunicación de sus principales intereses, a través de estrategias de crecimiento, internacionalización, al cliente, entre otras