299 research outputs found

    Estudio de los cambios en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de los melanomas primarios cutáneos durante la pandemia COVID-19

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    59 p.La pandemia COVID-19 ha supuesto un cese de la actividad presencial no urgente debido a la saturación del Sistema Nacional de Salud. La interrupción de la práctica clínica habitual, así como el temor de los pacientes a acudir a los centros sanitarios para evitar el contagio, son algunos de los factores que han podido influir en un retraso diagnóstico del melanoma, cuyo pronóstico depende de una detección y tratamiento precoz. En este estudio observacional y longitudinal de cohortes retrospectivo, se estudian los cambios en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de los melanomas primarios cutáneos durante la pandemia y se evalúa su influencia en el pronóstico en términos del índice de Breslow (IB) y biopsia selectiva del ganglio centinela (BSGC). Para ello, y tomando como punto de corte la fecha del inicio del confinamiento en España, se comparan los pacientes que han acudido a la consulta de Dermatología del HUPA con sospecha de melanoma durante dos periodos: el primero durante el año previo al confinamiento, y el segundo durante el año posterior. La pandemia ha supuesto un empeoramiento en los factores pronósticos del melanoma, observándose una disminución del 31% en los melanomas in situ (p=0.002) y un aumento del IB (0.6 mm vs. 0.96 mm; p=>0.2). Se realizaron un mayor número de BSGC frente al primer período, sin hallar diferencias estadísticamente significativas. Destaca el aumento del número de pacientes que acude por la urgencia y el inicio de la teledermatología. No ha habido aumento del tiempo de demora de los procedimientos quirúrgicos.The COVID-19 pandemic has meant a cessation of non-urgent face-to-face activity due to the saturation of the National Health System. The interruption of routine clinical practice, as well as the fear of patients to go to health centers to avoid contagion, are some of the factors that have been able to influence a delayed diagnosis of melanoma, whose prognosis depends on early detection and treatment. This observational and longitudinal retrospective cohort study studies changes in the diagnosis and treatment of primary cutaneous melanomas during the pandemic and assesses their influence on prognosis in terms of Breslow index and sentinel node biopsy. To do this, and taking as a cut-off point the date of the beginning of confinement in Spain, the patients who have come to the HUPA Dermatology consultation with suspected melanoma during two periods are compared: the first during the year prior to the confinement, and the second one during the following year. The pandemic has led to a worsening of the prognostic factors of melanoma, with a 31% decrease in melanomas in situ (p=0.002) and an increase in Breslow index (0.6 mm vs. 0.96 mm; p=>0.2). A higher number of sentinel node biopsies were performed compared to the first period, without finding statistically significant differences. The increase in the number of patients who come due to the urgency and the onset of teledermatology stands out. There has been no increase in the delay time of surgical procedures.Grado en Medicin

    Creando contenidos curriculares digitales de Ciencias Sociales para Educación Primaria. Una experiencia TPACK para futuros docentes

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    The introduction of Information and Communication technologies (ICT) in the classrooms has generated a series of changes in the approaches to the teaching–learning process. This has evolved into the appearance and development of many technologies and emergent pedagogies at the service of the teacher. It is necessary to encourage teacher training on ICT through the interaction of three great dimensions: discipline, pedagogy and technology. The main objective of this paper is to evaluate the perception of a group of 82 students of the subject “New methodologies for the teaching of History”, part of the Degree of Teacher of Primary Education at Albacete, in which, from the TPACK model as an intervention approach, they had to create their own materials and digital contents. The research developed has been described, following a mixed model, including characteristics from qualitative and quantitative models. The methodology of intervention was applied from an active and dynamic approach, based on Learning Based in Problems and on the TPACK model. The results have shown high values on the organization of the subject, the methodology applied, the quality, and the usefulness of the technological tools used. The results also highlight the benefits of fostering teacher training on ICT aimed at creating self-production of digital contents in teacher initial training.La introducción de las Tecnologías de la Información y de la comunicación (TIC) en las aulas ha generado una serie de cambios en los planteamientos del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Esto ha derivado en la aparición y desarrollo de numerosas tecnologías y pedagogías emergentes al servicio del docente en el aula. Se establece, por tanto, la necesidad de fomentar la capacitación de los docentes en TIC a través de la interacción de tres grandes dimensiones: disciplinar, pedagógica y tecnológica. El objetivo principal de este trabajo ha sido valorar las percepciones de un grupo de 82 alumnos de la asignatura “Nuevas metodologías para la enseñanza de la Historia” del Grado de Maestro en Educación Primaria de la Facultad de Educación de Albacete, en la que, partiendo del modelo TPACK como planteamiento en la intervención, han tenido que crear sus propios materiales y contenidos digitales. La investigación desarrollada es descriptiva y ha seguido un modelo mixto, integrando características de los enfoques cuantitativo y cualitativo. La metodología de intervención se realizó desde un enfoque activo y dinámico, basada en el Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas y el modelo TPACK. Los resultados han mostrado valores altos sobre la organización de la asignatura, la metodología empleada, la calidad y la utilidad de las herramientas tecnológicas utilizadas, así como la conveniencia de potenciar la capacitación y perfeccionamiento en TIC para la creación y autoproducción de contenidos digitales en la formación inicial de maestros

    MVPAlab: A machine learning decoding toolbox for multidimensional electroencephalography data

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    This research was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Sci- ence and Innovation under the PID2019–111187GB-I00 grant, by the MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110 0 011033/ and FEDER “Una manera de hacer Europa’’ under the RTI2018-098913-B100 project, by the Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo (Junta de Andalucía) and FEDER under CV20-45250, A-TIC-080-UGR18, B- TIC-586-UGR20 and P20-00525 projects. The first author of this work is supported by a scholarship from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (BES-2017–079769). Funding for open ac- cess charge: Universidad de Granada / CBUA. The sample EEG dataset was extracted from an original experiment previously ap- proved by the Ethics Committee of the University of Granada.Background and Objective: The study of brain function has recently expanded from classical univariate to multivariate analyses. These multivariate, machine learning-based algorithms afford neuroscientists extracting more detailed and richer information from the data. However, the implementation of these procedures is usually challenging, especially for researchers with no coding experience. To address this problem, we have developed MVPAlab, a MATLAB-based, flexible decoding toolbox for multidimensional electroencephalography and magnetoencephalography data. Methods: The MVPAlab Toolbox implements several machine learning algorithms to compute multivariate pattern analyses, cross-classification, temporal generalization matrices and feature and frequency contri- bution analyses. It also provides access to an extensive set of preprocessing routines for, among others, data normalization, data smoothing, dimensionality reduction and supertrial generation. To draw statisti- cal inferences at the group level, MVPAlab includes a non-parametric cluster-based permutation approach. Results: A sample electroencephalography dataset was compiled to test all the MVPAlab main function- alities. Significant clusters (p < 0.01) were found for the proposed decoding analyses and different config- urations, proving the software capability for discriminating between different experimental conditions. Conclusions: This toolbox has been designed to include an easy-to-use and intuitive graphic user interface and data representation software, which makes MVPAlab a very convenient tool for users with few or no previous coding experience. In addition, MVPAlab is not for beginners only, as it implements several high and low-level routines allowing more experienced users to design their own projects in a highly flexible manner.Spanish Government PID2019-111187GB-I00 BES-2017-079769MCIN/AEIFEDER "Una manera de hacer Europa'' RTI2018-098913-B100Junta de AndalucíaEuropean Commission CV20-45250 A-TIC-080-UGR18 BTIC-586-UGR20 P20-00525Universidad de Granada/CBU

    La Criptogamia: ciencia complemento de la Arqueología

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    The importance that Cryptogamy might have as an auxiliar y source of Archaeology can be glimpsed from the large amount of data of criptogamic plants in ecological and palinological studies. The relation between these kind of plants and man has been observed in different cultures. Therefore, its use for paleoenvironmental investigations, as complementary indicators of human presence, could be really interesting in order to establish with more precision the habitat in which man has developed.La importancia que la Criptogamia debe tener como fuente auxiliar de la Arqueología, queda de manifiesto por el numeroso número de datos que desde la Ecología y la Palinología nos facilitan las criptógamas. La relación entre éstas y el hombre ha sido puesta de manifiesto en distintas culturas, por lo que su utilización en estudios paleoambientales puede jugar un papel sumamente interesante para delimitar con mayor precisión el hábitat en que se desenvolvió el hombre

    Un modelo de formación económico-social periférico en la banda atlántica de Cádiz

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    Exponemos un balance sobre la Edad del Bronce en San Fernando. Analizamos las bases arqueológicas para el estudio de las sociedades de mediados del II° milenio a.C. Se trata de comunidades periféricas, que habitan un medio insular, donde aprovechan recursos naturales, fundamentalmente malacológicos, pero que generan una importante agricultura, existiendo una clara relación de dependencia respecto a un centro nuclear ubicado en las campiñas interiores.We show a summary about Bronze Age in the island of San Fernando. Archaeological basis are analyzed to study the societies of the midle of the second millennium B.C. They are peripheric communities who live in the island, where they use natural resources, fundamentally molluscs, which generate an important agriculture, so there is a clear relation of dependence with regard to a nuclear center in the interior contryside

    Trastorno por estrés postraumático en niños españoles maltratados

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    Objective: To estimate the prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) according to DSM-IV-TR criteria in Spanish children exposed to chronic abuse, and to establish the differences in PTSD between children in care and those exposed to intimate partner violence. Method: A total of 211 children (8-17 years old) (Abuse Group; EG=102, Control Group; CG=109). Results: The prevalence of PTSD was 1.8% in the control group and 16.7% in abuse children. The PTSD prevalence is significantly higher in EG than in CG. Among boys there was no significant difference between EG and CG, and in girls was significantly higher in EG than CG. Conclusion: Children exposed to intimate partner violence have the same prevalence of PTSD as direct victims of abuse and it is far higher than that found in the general population. A greater coordination among judicial, social and health services is necessary with the aim of protecting children.Objetivo: Estimar la prevalencia de Trastorno por Estrés Postraumático (TEPT) acorde a los criterios DSM-IV-TR en niños españoles expuestos a abuso crónico, y establecer las diferencias en TEPT entre niños tutelados y expuestos a violencia de pareja contra la mujer. Método: 211 menores (8-17 años) (Grupo abusado; EG=102, Grupo control; CG=109). Resultados: La prevalencia de TEPT fue 1.8% en grupo control y 16.7% en niños abusados. La prevalencia de TEPT es significativamente más alta en EG que en CG. Entre los niños no hubo diferencias significativas entre EG y CG, y en las niñas fue significativamente más alta en EG que en CG. Conclusión: los niños expuestos a violencia de pareja tienen la misma prevalencia de TEPT que los niños víctimas directas de abuso y es mucho mayor que la encontrada en población general. Es necesaria una mayor coordinación entre los servicios judicial, social y sanitario para proteger la infancia

    Influence of short implants geometry on primary stability

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    A correct design is needed in short implants to improve primary stability (PS) in low quality bone. This study aimed to compare PS of double thread and single thread short implants. Thirty implants with single thread design (PHI/SHORT-I) and 30 implants with double thread design (PHIA/SHORT-I) (Radhex®, Inmet-Garnick S.A., Guadalajara, Spain) were placed in 30 randomly selected bovine ribs. PS was assessed in implant stability quotients (ISQ) and periotest values (PV) with Osstell? and Periotest® devices, respectively. Computed tomographies of the ribs were taken and bone quality was evaluated in Hounsfield Units (HU) using Ez3D Plus software (Vatech Co., Korea). Only implants placed in low quality bone according to Misch and Kircos classification were selected (D3 bone: 350-850 HU; and D4 bone: 150-350 HU). Ten implants were not included in the study for being placed in D1 and D2 bone. Finally, 50 implants were selected: 17 and 9 PHI/SHORT-I in D3 and D4 bone respectively, and 15 and 9 PHIA/SHORT-I in D3 and D4 bone respectively. The one-way ANOVA showed statistically significant differences in ISQ (61.35 ± 4.77 in PHI/SHORT-I and 66.43 ± 4.49 in PHIA/SHORT-I, P<0.005) and PV (-2.76 ± 0.8 and -4.11 ± 1.24 respectively, P<0.005) between two implant designs in D3 bone, and statistically significant differences in ISQ (53.44 ± 3.34 in PHI/SHORT-I and 60.56 ± 1.53 in PHIA/SHORT-I, P<0.0001) and PV (1.13 ± 0.95 and -2.5 ± 0.61 respectively, P<0.0001) between two groups in D4 bone. Double thread design short implants resulted to have higher PS in comparison with single thread design short implants in D3 and D4 bone

    Exploring the interplay between climate, population immunity and SARS-CoV-2 transmission dynamics in Mediterranean countries

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    The relationship between SARS-CoV-2 transmission and environmental factors has been analyzed in numerous studies since the outbreak of the pandemic, resulting in heterogeneous results and conclusions. This may be due to differences in methodology, considered variables, confounding factors, studied periods and/or lack of adequate data. Furthermore, previous works have reported that the lack of population immunity is the fundamental driver in transmission dynamics and can mask the potential impact of environmental variables. In this study, we aimed to investigate the association between climate variables and COVID-19 transmission considering the influence of population immunity. We analyzed two different periods characterized by the absence of vaccination (low population immunity) and a high degree of vaccination (high level of population immunity), respectively. Although this study has some limitations, such us the restriction to a specific climatic zone and the omission of other environmental factors, our results indicate that transmission of SARSCoV-2 may increase independently of temperature and specific humidity in periods with low levels of population immunity while a negative association is found under conditions with higher levels of population immunity in the analyzed regions

    Representación integrada de accionamientos mecánicos y control de ejes orientada a la comunicación y docencia en mecatrónica

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    [Resumen] La aproximación “mecatrónica” al diseño y realización de máquinas hace un uso extensivo de tecnologías electrónicas para el control y coordinación de ejes mecánicos permitiendo que el control realice funcionalidades que antes eran hechas únicamente por los elementos mecánicos. Sin embargo, los métodos existentes para representar estas dos vistas tecnológicas (mecánica y electrónica/lógica) se han ignorado mutuamente, paralelamente a lo que sucedía con los perfiles docentes y profesionales correspondientes: mecánico y automático. Esto, desde el punto de vista docente, complica por ejemplo la descripción pedagógica de sistemas mecánicos servoaccionados con todos los requerimientos propios de una solución mecatrónica conjunta. Este artículo desarrolla un nuevo modelo de representación de diseños mecatrónicos que integre efectivamente ambas vistas tecnológicas. El uso de esta metodología facilitará la comunicación entre diseñadores mecánicos y diseñadores de control, así como la introducción de restricciones mecánicas en docencia de control y viceversa

    Efficacy of a topical gel containing chitosan, chlorhexidine, allantoin and dexpanthenol for pain and inflammation control after third molar surgery : a randomized and placebo-controlled clinical trial

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the postoperative effect of a topic gel containing chlorhexidine, chitosan, allantoine and dexpanthenol versus a placebo for pain and inflammation control after third molar surgery. A gel combining 0.2% chlorhexdine, 0.5% chitosan, 5% dexpanthenol, 0.15% allantoin and 0.01% sodium saccharin was selected for this split mouth randomized controlled and double-blind trial including 36 patients with bilaterally and symmetrically impacted lower third molars. The teeth (n=72) were randomly divided into two groups before surgical removal: control group (CG; in which a placebo was given) and experimental group (EG). Swelling, trismus, postoperative pain, wound healing and complications were measured and recorded in order to evaluate differences between the placebo and experimental product. Five patients suffered from an alveolitis in the CG (13.9%), and none in the study group (0%), but no statistically significant difference was found (p=0.063). From day 0 to day 7, trismus and swelling were significantly less pronounced in the EG, and wound healing was considered ?good? in 22.2% for the CG and 97.2% for the EG (p<0.001). Mean VAS scores during the seven postoperative days were statistically lower in the study (2.56±1,19) compared to the placebo group (3.25±1.6) (p=0.002). The mean consumption of analgesic pills during the first 92 hours was also statistically lower in the EG (0.26±0.51) in comparison to the CG (0.56±0.67) (p=0.003). The use of an experimental gel containing chlorhexidine, chitosan, allantoine and dexpanthenol seems to significantly reduce postoperative pain, trismus and signs of inflammation. Future studies should further evaluate, if the gel is effective in dry socket preventing after third molar removal