1,252 research outputs found

    A summary report on system effectiveness and optimization study

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    Report treats optimization and effectiveness separately. Report illustrates example of dynamic programming solution to system optimization. Computer algorithm has been developed to solve effectiveness problem and is included in report

    Tjernobyl och rennÀringen - LÀgesrapport frÄn Sverige

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    Status report about Chernobyl and reindeer husbandry in Sweden including participants' discussion.Abstract in Swedish / Sammanfattning: Den 1 juli hojdes grånsvårdet for Cs-137 i bl a renkott från 300 till 1 500 Bq/kg. Efter hojningen av grånsvårdet friklassades nåstan alla samebyar i Norrbottens lån under sarvslakten. Samtliga fjållsamebyar i Norrbottens lån utom den sydligaste år tills vidare helt friklassade. Tre samebyar i sodra delen av Jåmtlands lån var friklassade under sarvslakten. I ovrigt omfattas all renslakt i Våsterbottens och Jåmtlands lån av kontroll betråffande Cs-137. Under juli - aug i år var cesiumhalten lågre ån vid motsvarande tidpunkt i f jol (tabell 1 och figur 1). Under juli - aug slaktades drygt 1 000 renar i skogslandet i sodra delen av Våsterbottens lån (tabell 3). Fr.o.m. andra veckan i juli godkåndes de fiesta slaktkropparna. Halveringstiden for Cs-137 i renarna, som betade i skogslandet kring inlandsbanan i sodra delen av Våsterbottenslån, har beråknats till ca en vecka. Genom tidigarelåggning av sarvslakter i Våsterbottens lån (tabell 3) och norra delen av Jåmtlands lån (tabell 5) minskades kassationen med ett par tusen slaktkroppar. Under senare delen av september steg cesiumhalten till ungefår samma nivå som i f jol. En långsiktig prognos har utarbetats betråffande halten Cs-137 i renar på naturbete. Prognosen visar att omfattande åtgårder kommer att behova vidtagas under de nårmaste 15 - 25 åren om ren-kottet från samebyarna i sodra delen av Våsterbottens lån och norra delen av Jåmtlands lån skall kunna god-kånnas som livsmedel vid ett riktvårde på 1 500 Bq Cs-137/kg kott

    Lean-inspired development work in agriculture: Implications for the work environment

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    Farmers operate in a turbulent environment that includes international competition, weather conditions and animal behaviour, for example, and is difficult for them to control. However, economy and productivity always have a high priority. As a consequence, farms have started to implement lean-inspired work systems. At the same time, health and safety are of urgent concern in the sector. This article explores how famers apply lean-inspired work processes. It identifies work environment changes during and after a lean implementation, as well as possible developments in the work environment following implementation of the lean philosophy. Data were collected from three groups: lean, lean-light and development-inclined reference farms (in total 54 farms), using a questionnaire and interviews. The results indicate that a majority of the lean farms were applying several lean principles and tools, and the lean philosophy. The leanlight farms applied parts of the lean concept, while the reference farms applied some of the more general tools, used in lean and elsewhere, such as visualisation in various forms and to various extents. The results showed positive effects of lean on the psychosocial work environment, better work structure and improved information, communication and co-operation. The physical work environment was improved to some extent by lean, where advantages such as a more structured and practical work environment with less physical movements and locomotion could be noticed. The lean concept provided a more structured and systematic approach to dealing with work and production environmental issues, for managers as well as for employees

    The determination of the infrared radiative lifetimes of a vibrationally excited neutral molecule using stimulated-emission-pumping, molecular-beam time-of-flight.

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    The authors present a new experimental method for measurement of collision-free infrared radiative lifetimes for single quantum states of a vibrationally excited sample. This method provides a more direct route to the infrared Einstein A coefficients than has been previously possible. Results for NO(X (2) Pi upsilon=21 and upsilon=7) are presented. Comparison to results of ab initio calculations shows excellent agreement. A controversy regarding the relative intensities of first overtone and fundamental emission intensities in NO is laid to rest. The most complete least squares analysis of existing data was carried out to derive the electric dipole moment function (EDMF) to an accuracy of +/-0.02 D between 0.9 and 1.7 Angstrom

    On cloud ice induced absorption and polarisation effects in microwave limb sounding

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    Microwave limb sounding in the presence of ice clouds was studied by detailed simulations, where clouds and other atmospheric variables varied in three dimensions and the full polarisation state was considered. Scattering particles were assumed to be horizontally aligned oblate spheroids with a size distribution parameterized in terms of temperature and ice water content. A general finding was that particle absorption is significant for limb sounding, which is in contrast to the down-looking case, where it is usually insignificant. Another general finding was that single scattering can be assumed for cloud optical paths below about 0.1, which is thus an important threshold with respect to the complexity and accuracy of retrieval algorithms. The representation of particle sizes during the retrieval is also discussed. Concerning polarisation, specific findings were as follows: Firstly, no significant degree of circular polarisation was found for the considered particle type. Secondly, for the ±45° polarisation components, differences of up to 4 K in brightness temperature were found, but differences were much smaller when single scattering conditions applied. Thirdly, the vertically polarised component has the smallest cloud extinction. An important goal of the study was to derive recommendations for future limb sounding instruments, particularly concerning their polarisation setup. If ice water content is among the retrieval targets (and not just trace gas mixing ratios), then the simulations show that it should be best to observe any of the ±45° and circularly polarised components. These pairs of orthogonal components also make it easier to combine information measured from different positions and with different polarisations

    Transferrin variation and genetic structure of reindeer populations in Scandinavia

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    Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used to analyse transferrin variation in herds of semi-domestic reindeer from Scandinavia. The results are compared with previously reported values for other populations of both semi-domestic and wild reindeer using the same techniques as in the present study. In all populations the number of alleles was high, ranging from seven to eleven, and the heterozygosity was correspondingly high, with a mean of 0.749. This high genetic variation in all populations suggests that inbreeding is not widespread among Scandinavian reindeer. The pattern of allele frequency distribution indicates a high degree of genetic heterogeneity in the transferrin locus, both between the different semi-domestic herds and between the different wild populations. The mean value of genetic distance was 0.069 between semi-domestic herds and 0.091 between wild populations. Between semi-domestic and wild populations the genetic distance was particularly high, with a mean of 0.188. This high value was mainly due to a different pattern in the distribution of the two most common transferrin alleles: Tfu was most common among semi-domestic herds, while TfEI was most common among wild populations. These differences in transferrin allele distribution are discussed in relation to possible different origins of semi-domestic and wild reindeer in Scandinavia, or alternatively, to different selection forces acting on transferrin genotypes in semi-domestic and wild populations.Transferrin-variasjon og genetisk struktur hos rein i Skandinavia.Abstact in Norwegian / Sammendrag: Transferrin-variasjon i tamreinflokker ble analysert ved hjelp av polyacrylamid gel elektroforese. Resultatene er sammenlignet med verdier som tidligere er beskrevet for både tamrein og villrein hvor det ble benyttet samme metode som i denne undersøkelsen. I alle populasjonene ble det registrert et høyt antall alleler (7-11) og heterozygositeten var tilsvarende høy med en middelverdi på 0.749. Denne høye graden av genetisk variasjon i alle undersøkte populasjoner indikerer at det ikke foregår mye innavl blant rein i Skandinavia. Utbredelsen av de enkelte allelene viste høy grad av genetisk oppdeling i transferrin-locuset mellom flokker av både tamrein og villrein. Middelverdien for genetisk avstand var 0.069 mellom tamreinflokker og 0.091 mellom villreinflokker. Særlig stor genetisk avstand (middelverdi 0.188) ble funnet mellom tamrein og villrein. Denne store forskjellen skyldes i stor grad forskjellig mønster i utbredelsen av de to vanligste allelene: Tf' var mest vanlig blant tamrein og Tf1' var mest vanlig blant villrein. Denne forskjellen er diskutert i relasjon til forskjellig opprinnelse av tamrein og villrein og alternativt, i relasjon til forskjellig seleksjonskrefter som virker på transferrin genotyper i tamrein og villrein

    Cross-lingual searching and visualization for greek and latin and old norse texts

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    We explore approaches to multi--lingual information retrieval for Greek, Latin, and Old Norse texts and an innovative visualization facility for the results

    HarvsÄdd i konventionella och plöjningsfria bearbetningssystem

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    I en serie med lÄngliggande försök jÀmfördes tvÄ storruteled (plöjning till 25 cm djup respektive stubbearbetning till 13 cm djup) och tvÄ smÄruteled (konventionell sÄbÀddsberedning och sÄdd respektive harv sÄdd) för att testa om en reducering av antalet överfarter minskar de negativa effekter av packning av centrala matjorden som förknippas med plöjningsfri odling. Skörden bestÀmdes varje Är pÄ alla platserna. En undersökning av jordens fysikaliska och kemiska egenskaper samt rotfördelning genomfördes 1991 pÄ en av de fyra försöksplatserna. - Bearbetningsdjup, aggregatstorleksfördelning och vattenhalt i sÄbÀdden och i sÄbÀddens botten var liknande i de olika leden medan sÄbÀddens botten var jÀmnare i det oplöjda ledet. Det pÄverkade ej grödans uppkomst, som var liknande mellan leden. - Andelen porer > 100 ”m, porkontinuitet, mÀttad vattengenomslÀpplighet och luftgenomslÀpplighet pÄverkades positivt av plöjningsfri odling jÀmfört med konventionell bearbetning. - Skrymdensitet, packningsgrad och penetrometermotstÄnd var liknande i bearbetningssystemen i nivÄn 0-13 cm, men signifikant högre i oplöjda led i nivÄn 13-25 cm, dÀr rotdensiteten var signifikant lÀgre. - Kalium och kol var koncentrerade till de övre 13 cm i oplöjda rutor, medan fosfor och pH ej pÄverkades av bearbetningssystemen. - HarvsÄdd gav 2 % högre skörd Àn konventionell sÄbÀddsberedning och verkar vara ett gott alternativ till konventionell sÄbÀddsberedning, men andra metoder för att reducera packningen av jorden, som till exempel dÀck med extremt lÄga tryck, bör testas

    Numerical Studies of a Confocal Resonator Pick-Up with FEMLAB

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    Diagnostic devices aimed at measuring beam profiles in high intensity accelerators are often perturbed by microwave fields generated by the beam itself upstream of the detection device, which propagate inside the vacuum pipe. These parasitic waveguide modes can significantly reduce the signal-to-noise ratio and thus the sensitivity of the beam monitor. This warrants investigation of detection devices that are sensitive to the direct electromagnetic fields of the beam, but largely ignore the parasitic waveguide modes. A new pick-up based on a confocal resonator configuration situated transversely to the direction of propagation of the beam is currently under development at Uppsala University, Sweden. Since a confocal resonator can have a high quality factor for the diffraction losses, then reciprocity suggests that it only couples weakly to external fields while keeping anyway a significant coupling to the direct fields of the beam. Numerical simulations were performed with FEMLAB to better characterize the electromagnetic properties of a confocal resonator pick-up to be operated in the multi-GHz range, especially in terms of eigen-frequencies and coupling to external electromagnetic fields. Our results were then compared to analytical predictions and a good agreement was found, despite a few limitations in the computation of the resonant modes. Having recently built a first confocal resonator prototype, we also performed experimental cross-checks of our numerical studies with a microwave network analyzer. Our results are presented in detail in this report and we discuss further applications of the confocal resonator microwave pick-up
