255 research outputs found

    "Hazardous zones" within "security perimeter": comparative study on the material of folkloric discourse

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    The article considers the concept of "house" as a core element of "security perimeter" (the term by A. Leroy-Gourhan) on the material of English, Russian and Scottish ballad

    Способность смектитовой компоненты бентонитовой глины к интеркаляции глицина

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    The availability, environmental friendliness and unique properties of bentonite clays determine their wide application in various industries. The mechanisms of interaction of clay minerals with organic matter arise more interest of scientists. This article presents the results of study of the possibility of glycine penetration into the interlayer space of the smectite component of bentonite clay based on x-ray diffraction and thermal analyzes.Доступность, экологичность и уникальные свойства бентонитовых глин определяют их применение в различных отраслях промышленности, а  механизмы взаимодействия органического вещества с глинистыми минералами вызывают всё больший интерес учёных. В данной статье приведены результаты изучения возможности проникновения глицина в межслоевое пространство смектитовой компоненты бентонитовой глины на основании рентгендифракционного и термического анализов


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    The authors substantiate the features of investment projects in research and development; Explore methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of investment projects that have evolved in modern domestic and foreign economic science. Additionally identify the advantages and disadvantages of existing methods and substantiate the need for their improvement


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    The authors substantiate the features of investment projects in research and development; Explore methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of investment projects that have evolved in modern domestic and foreign economic science. Additionally identify the advantages and disadvantages of existing methods and substantiate the need for their improvement

    Social education of youth with mass media

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    This article reveals the influence of mass media; the concepts of education, the distinctive influence and different types, methods and mechanisms of mass media. The object of the study is the social education of young people. The subject is the synthesis of social educator’s work with the youth using the mass media. The aim of the work is to analyze the social educator’s work. Methods: theoretical analysis of literature, work’s synthesis of the specialist

    Tsar and his people: power and society in Moscow state during the second half of the 16th century

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    The article raises the issue about the nature of the relationship between the supreme power and society of the early Russian state. The authors of the article show that this unwritten contract, which was well understood by both parties, who participated in it, functioned well in Russia during the 16th - 17th centuries, and its existence refutes convincingly the Herberstein's passage, who failed to understand the Russian political realities of the early Modern Ag

    The stochastic sensitivity function method in analysis of the piecewise-smooth model of population dynamics

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    This work is devoted to the application of the stochastic sensitivity function method to attractors of a piecewise-smooth one-dimensional map describing the dynamics of the population size. The first stage of the study is a parametric analysis of possible modes of the deterministic model: the definition of zones of existence of stable equilibria and chaotic attractors. The theory of critical points is used to determine the parametric boundaries of a chaotic attractor. In the case where the system is influenced by a random effect, based on the technique of the stochastic sensitivity function, a description of the spread of random states around the equilibrium and chaotic attractor is carried out. A comparative analysis of the influence of parametric and additive noise on the attractors of the system is conducted. Using the technique of confidence intervals, probabilistic mechanisms of extinction of a population under the influence of random disturbances are studied. Changes in the parametric boundaries of the existence of a population under the impact of a random perturbation are analyzed. © 2019 Udmurt State University. All right reserved.Russian Science Foundation, RSF: 16–11–10098Funding. The research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation (project no. 16–11–10098)

    Czar e seu povo: poder e sociedade no estado de Moscou durante a segunda metade do século XVI

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    The article raises the issue about the nature of the relationship between the supreme power and society of the early Russian state. The article proceeded from the well-known phrase of the imperial diplomat S. Herberstein, who wrote about the “slave essence” of Russians in the middle of the XVIth century. The authors of the article argue that this erroneous opinion was based on incorrect and wrongly interpreted official relations, which constituted one of the cornerstones of the Moscow political system and which was quite clear. Meanwhile, according to the authors, there was also a different, “internal” level of interrelations, based on unwritten “contract” between the supreme power and society, involving mutual obligations between the “contract” parties. The authors of the article show that this unwritten contract, which was well understood by both parties, who participated in it, functioned well in Russia during the 16th — 17th centuries, and its existence refutes convincingly the Herberstein's passage, who failed to understand the Russian political realities of the early Modern Age.El artículo plantea el problema sobre la naturaleza de la relación entre el poder supremo y la sociedad del estado ruso primitivo. El artículo procede de la conocida frase del diplomático imperial S. Herberstein, quien escribió sobre la "esencia de esclavo" de los rusos a mediados del siglo XVI. Los autores del artículo argumentan que esta opinión errónea se basaba en relaciones oficiales incorrectas e interpretadas erróneamente, que constituían una de las piedras angulares del sistema político de Moscú y que era bastante clara. Mientras tanto, según los autores, también hubo un nivel diferente, "interno" de interrelaciones, basado en el "contrato" no escrito entre el poder supremo y la sociedad, que involucra obligaciones mutuas entre las partes del "contrato". Los autores del artículo muestran que este contrato no escrito, que fue bien comprendido por ambas partes, que participaron en él, funcionó bien en Rusia durante los siglos XVI a XVII, y su existencia refuta convincentemente el pasaje de Herberstein, que no entendió el ruso. Realidades políticas de la temprana Edad Moderna.O artigo levanta a questão sobre a natureza da relação entre o poder supremo e a sociedade do estado russo primitivo. O artigo procede da conhecida frase do diplomata imperial S. Herberstein, que escreveu sobre a “essência escrava” dos russos em meados do século XVI. Os autores do artigo argumentam que essa opinião errônea foi baseada em relações oficiais incorretas e mal interpretadas, o que constituiu uma das pedras angulares do sistema político de Moscou e que ficou bastante claro. Enquanto isso, segundo os autores, havia também um nível de inter-relações “interno” diferente, baseado em “contrato” não escrito entre o poder supremo e a sociedade, envolvendo obrigações mútuas entre as partes “contratuais”. Os autores do artigo mostram que este contrato não escrito, que foi bem compreendido pelos dois partidos, que nele participaram, funcionou bem na Rússia durante os séculos XVI e XVII, e sua existência refuta convincentemente a passagem de Herberstein, que não conseguiu entender o russo. realidades políticas do início da Idade Moderna

    Relevant Issues of Standardisation of Herbal Drugs and Herbal Drug Preparations Containing Essential Oils Samara State Medical University

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    Essential oils are a common group of bioactive compounds, yet their standardisation remains relevant.The aim of the study was to compare pharmacopoeial approaches to the standardisation of herbal drugs and herbal drug preparations containing essential oils using the examples of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation (14th edition) and the European Pharmacopoeia (10th edition).The advantages of Russian pharmacopoeial approaches include testing for additional groups of bioactive compounds that contribute significantly to the pharmacotherapeutic effect of extractive preparations. The main compendial method for the component analysis of essential oils is gas chromatography with a flame ionisation detector; its limitations include the need for a considerable number of reference standards. The essential oil content limits established by the two pharmacopoeias for the same types of herbal drugs are not the same. The differences may be associated with differences in sample preparation conditions and analytical procedures for the determination of essential oil content, as well as with growth conditions of plants used to obtain data sets for the standardisation of this quality attribute. As a particular medicinal plant may have several chemotypes differing in the essential oil composition, it seems relevant to consider this composition in the studies of pharmacological activity of herbal drugs associated with essential oils