163 research outputs found


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    Purpose. The scientific work is devoted to the development of a new method for forecasting aeroionic mode in working areas at industrial sites, taking into account ionizing sources and surrounding obstacles. Methodology. To find the concentration of positive aeroions, dust and negative aeroions, we use 3D mass transfer equations that take into account the rate of recombination of ions having different polarity and the rate of recombination of ions with dust particles. The numerical solution is based on the integration of the mass transfer equations using the finite-difference method, which turns out to be stable for any step in time. To determine the components of the air velocity vector, a three-dimensional model of the potential flow is used, where the Laplace equations for the velocity potential are the modeling equations. Findings. The mathematical method of numerical calculation of the concentration of positive, negative aeroions and dust has been developed. A feature of the method is the possibility of predicting the aeroionic mode, taking into account all physical factors that significantly affect the formation of concentration zones of aeroions in working areas at industrial sites. The method is not tied to a particular industrial site, it allows us to estimate the value of the concentration of aeroions both locally and in the entire calculated region. Originality. A method for prediction of aeroionic mode in working areas is developed based on 3D modeling of the propagation of negative, positive aeroions and dust under the influence of wind and diffusion, which allows to obtain results at each point of space or in a specific cross-section. Practical value. The proposed method of forecasting was used to solve the problem of estimating aeroionic mode in industrial zones in the open area of the industrial site of the Dnipro oil extraction plant in the presence of emission sources: positive aeroions during the operation of vehicles and respiration of workers; dust during the movement of workers and vehicles; negative aeroions of the ionizer installed in the working zone. The regularities of changes in the concentration of aeroions of various polarity and dust at a height of 1.7 m are determined, which corresponds to the position of the respiratory organs of workers. Quantitative results are needed in assessing the permissible working conditions in the workplaces of industrial sites of enterprises when creating new jobs and reengineering existing ones


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    The transesterification of vegetable oil using various kinds of alcohols is a simple and efficient renewable fuel synthesis technique. Products obtained by modifying natural triglycerides in transesterification reaction substitute fossil fuels and mineral oils. Currently the most significant is the biodiesel, a mixture of fatty acid methyl esters, which is obtained in a reaction with methanol, which in turn is obtained from fossil raw materials. In biodiesel production it would be more appropriate to use alcohols which can be obtained from renewable local raw materials. Ethanol rouses interest as a possible reagent, however, its production locally is based on the use of grain and therefore competes with food production so it would implicitly cause increase in food prices. Another raw material option is alcohols that can be obtained from furfurole. Furfurole is obtained in dehydration process from pentose sugars which can be extracted from crop straw, husk and other residues of agricultural production. From furfurole the tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol (THFA), a raw material for biodiesel, can be produced. By transesterifying rapeseed oil with THFA it would be possible to obtain completely renewable biodiesel with properties very close to diesel [2-4]. With the purpose of developing the synthesis of such fuel, in this work a three-stage synthesis of rapeseed oil tetrahydrofurfurylesters (ROTHFE) in sulphuric acid presence has been performed, achieving product with purity over 98%. The most important qualitative factors of ROTHFE have been determined - cold filter plugging point, cetane number, water content, Iodine value, phosphorus content, density, viscosity and oxidative stability

    Prediction the level of air pollution of the city from active technogenic sources

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    Создание методики базируется на совместном решении уравнений конвективно-диффузионного переноса примеси для каждого загрязнителя, который непосредственно поступает от предприятия и образуется дополнительно за счет химических реакций в атмосфере. Разработанное программное обеспечение позволяет проводить ряд численных экспериментов и получать зоны загрязнения атмосферного воздуха диоксидом азота, определять районы, которые наиболее подвержены загрязнению с учетом влияния метеорологических параметров.Створення методики методика базується на спільному розв’язанні рівнянь конвективно-дифузійного переносу домішки для кожного забруднювача, який безпосередньо надходить від підприємства і утворюється додатково за рахунок хімічних реакцій в атмосфері. Розроблене програмне забезпечення дозволяє проводити ряд чисельних експериментів і отримувати зони забруднення атмосферного повітря діоксидом азоту, визначати райони, які найбільш схильні до забруднення з урахуванням впливу метеорологічних параметрів.Development of methodology and software for determining levels and zones of atmospheric air pollution by emissions from «Interpipe Nizhnedneprovsky Pipe Plant»


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    Purpose. The scientific work aims to develop a new method for assessing the level of chemical air pollution in working zones located in open areas near highways using screens of different heights. Methodology. The analytical method for calculating the airflow velocity field near protective screens is based on the mathematical apparatus of the theory of complex variable functions, which allows obtaining the value of the velocity potential and the flow function, to calculate the velocity value at any point of the plane with a screen of different height. The obtained velocity field is used to calculate the level of carbon monoxide concentration in the numerical solution of the two-dimensional mass transfer equation. Findings. The developed program of numerical calculation allows conducting computational experiments on the effectiveness of the use of protective screens, taking into account changes in their geometry and meteorological conditions. The developed method based on the obtained concentration field makes it possible to carry out an assessment of the risk of chronic intoxication for the employees of the take-out trade, who are within the zone of the emission source (highway) for a long time. Originality. The regularities of changes in the concentration of carbon monoxide are established depending on the distance to the emission source at a height of 2 m from the ground in the presence of a screen of a certain height and in its absence. A risk assessment of chronic carbon monoxide intoxication has been carried out for take-out trade workers near the highway. It is shown that the presence of the screen reduces the risk of chronic CO intoxication by 10% as compared to its absence. Increasing the screen height to 1.8 m reduces the risk of chronic intoxication by 6% relatively to the situation when the screen height is 1.2 m. Practical value. The developed numerical-analytical method for calculating the level of chemical pollution in working zones in open areas and the program «Screen» created on its basis allow us to carry out a prompt forecast of atmospheric air pollution level with carbon monoxide taking into account the effectiveness of the screens. Quantitative results are necessary at the planning stage of trading places near highways, during the architectural-planned reorganization of adjacent developments

    Educational and methodological enrichment of the learning process of foreign medical students

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    The process of internationalization and globalization is being actively implemented in domestic higher education, determining the degree of competitiveness of Russian universities. One of the indicators of Russian university participation in this process is the education of foreign students. Today, within the framework of the strategic program in the sphere of higher education policy «Education in Russia» («Обучение в России») more than 30 universities of our country train students from foreign countries. Teaching foreign students actualizes the search for new ways, methods, approaches to their educational process. In this regard, the question of normative-legal and educational-methodological support of the process of teaching foreign students, as well as its regular enrichment is particularly relevant. On the basis of the studied material, the article presents a theoretical substantiation of educational and methodological enrichment of the learning process in higher education by creating and approbation a textbook of a foreign language (English) for foreign students of medical specialty. The features of the composition of the content of the textbook in a foreign language (English) for foreign students of medical specialty are revealed. The significance of the system of exercises, including text-based tasks and lexical task-based tasks, is revealed. The authors’ examples are provided

    Special features of the 9^9Be\to2He fragmentation in emulsion at an energy of 1.2~A~GeV

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    The results of investigations of the relativistic 9^9Be nucleus fragmentation in emulsion which entails the production of two He fragments of an energy of 1.2~A~GeV are presented. The results of the angular measurements of the 9^9Be\to2He events are analyzed. The 9^9Be8\to^8Be+n fragmentation channel involving the 8^8Be decay from the ground (0+^+) and the first excited (2+^+) states to two α\alpha particles is observed to be predominant.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, conference: Conference on Physics of Fundamental Interactions, Moscow, Russia, 5-9 Dec 2005 (Author's translation

    Prevention of HIV and Associated Infections among Adolescents and Young People at High Risk of Infection : Methodology Guide

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    Methodology Guide on Prevention of HIV and Associated Infections among Adolescents and Young People at High Risk of Infection was prepared as part of project “Building capacity in prevention of HIV and associated infections among youth at high risk in the Northern Dimension area” (cf. www.ndphs.org/?database,view,project,1467) co-funded by the European Union. The project was implemented from September 1, 2013 to August 31, 2015 by the project consortium led by Secretariat of the Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Well-being (NDPHS) and including also Regional NGO “Stellit”, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Kaliningrad Regional Non-governmental Youth Organisation “Young Leaders Army” (YLA), Social AIDS Committee and Baltic HIV Association. The Methodology Guide contains overview of theories applicable for addressing the priorities of HIV and associated infections prevention among adolescents and young people at high risk of infection, theories which might be used to evaluate the effectiveness of prevention programs. It provides the results of assessment of needs of children and young people at high risk of infection in prevention programs, overview of prevention programs implemented in Russia, Latvia, Poland, Finland and Germany which might be recommended to be spread to other countries of the NDPHS and examples of tool which might be used in prevention work. The Methodology Guide might be useful for authorities, representatives of governmental organizations, NGOs, international organizations, public health specialists and other experts involved into HIV and associated infections prevention among children and young people. The Methodology Guide is available for downloading at: http://urn.fi/URN:NBN:fi-fe2015102715069. Other methodological materials produced within the project can be downloaded at: https://www.thl.fi/en/web/thlfi-en/about-us/organisation/departments-and-units/administration-and-development/planning/international-affairs-unit/projects

    Enzymatic synthesis of magnetic nanoparticles

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    We report the first in vitro enzymatic synthesis of paramagnetic and antiferromagnetic nanoparticles toward magnetic ELISA reporting. With our procedure, alkaline phosphatase catalyzes the dephosphorylation of L-ascorbic-2-phosphate, which then serves as a reducing agent for salts of iron, gadolinium, and holmium, forming magnetic precipitates of Fe45±14Gd5±2O50±15 and Fe42±4Ho6±4O52±5. The nanoparticles were found to be paramagnetic at 300 K and antiferromagnetic under 25 K. Although weakly magnetic at 300 K, the room-temperature magnetization of the nanoparticles found here is considerably greater than that of analogous chemically-synthesized LnxFeyOz (Ln = Gd, Ho) samples reported previously. At 5 K, the nanoparticles showed a significantly higher saturation magnetization of 45 and 30 emu/g for Fe45±14Gd5±2O50±15 and Fe42±4Ho6±4O52±5, respectively. Our approach of enzymatically synthesizing magnetic labels reduces the cost and avoids diffusional mass-transfer limitations associated with pre-synthesized magnetic reporter particles, while retaining the advantages of magnetic sensing

    Electromagnetic dissociation of relativistic 8^8B nuclei in nuclear track emulsion

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    Experimental data on fragmentation channels in peripheral interactions of 8^8B nuclei in nuclear track emulsions are presented. A detailed analysis made it possible to justify selections of events of the electromagnetic-dissociation process 8^8B 7\to^7Be + \emph{p} and to estimate its cross section. Events of 10^{10}C peripheral dissociation that were observed in the same exposure are described.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, 4 tables, Published in Phys.Atom.Nucl.72:690-701,200