7,195 research outputs found

    Estudio cristalográfico de cálculos biliares antiguos de la provincia de Granada

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    It has been studied of biliar calculi which were at the Museum of the Faculty of Medicine and belonged to people of the past century. We have used 8 methods and we have concluded that the best is the differencial optical analysis with the help in sorne cases of the X ray or IR. On the other hand we have seen the composition which is always the same: Colesterol.Se han estudiado once cálculos biliares procedentes del Museo de la Facultad de Medicina de Granada, pertenecientes a enfermos del siglo pasado. Para su estudio se han empleado ocho técnicas diferentes llegándose a la conclusión de que la mejor es el análisis óptico diferencial, acompañado, en ocasiones por técnicas de I.R. o R.X. Tambien se ha visto que todos los cálculos estaban constituídos por la misma sustancia: Colesterol

    On interrelations between Sibgatullin's and Alekseev's approaches to the construction of exact solutions of the Einstein-Maxwell equations

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    The integral equations involved in Alekseev's "monodromy transform" technique are shown to be simple combinations of Sibgatullin's integral equations and normalizing conditions. An additional complex conjugation introduced by Alekseev in the integrands makes his scheme mathematically inconsistent; besides, in the electrovac case all Alekseev's principal value integrals contain an intrinsic error which has never been identified before. We also explain how operates a non-trivial double-step algorithm devised by Alekseev for rewriting, by purely algebraic manipulations and in a different (more complicated) parameter set, any particular specialization of the known analytically extended N-soliton electrovac solution obtained in 1995 with the aid of Sibgatullin's method.Comment: 7 pages, no figures, section II extende

    Predictors of vulnerability and aggression in severe intimate partner violence

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    Understanding the characteristics of victim vulnerability as well as the violence perpetrated by abusers against women in relationships is essential for professionals in the field who are adopting intervention measures. The current study aimed to examine the differences between severe (n = 805) and less severe (n = 805) intimate partner violence (IPV) as well as to identify the variables that predict severe IPV. Chi-square test and logistic regression analysis were used to examine the information from police reports on IPV in Catalonia (Spain) between 2016 and 2017, obtained through the Police Risk Assessment Questionnaire (PRAQ). In relation to the victims, isolation, minimization of abuse, fear of being seriously assaulted, substance abuse and pregnancy increased the risk of suffering severe IPV, while being in a new relationship and the existence of prior police reports diminished it. As for the aggressor, previous sexual aggression and abuse, degrading treatment, threats, harassment, control, and jealousy increased the probability of committing severe IPV. Some implications for intervening between aggressors and victims of IPV are discussed.2020-2

    Predictores de vulnerabilidad en víctimas que sufren violencia severa contra la pareja en función de la tipología de su agresor

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    Este estudio analiza la información recogida mediante el Cuestionario Policial de Valoración del Riesgo (CPVR) respecto de 722 denuncias presentadas en Cataluña (España) en el 2017. Se comparó dos grupos de víctimas, aquellas maltratadas por agresores antisociales (n=318) frente a aquellas cuyos maltratadores solo agreden en el ámbito familiar (n=404). Los resultados de la prueba de árboles de regresión indican que el miedo a ser agredida y la minimización del maltrato son los principales predictores de VCP-S en las víctimas de agresores solo en familia, mientras que en las víctimas de maltratadores antisociales el miedo a ser agredida es el mejor predictor de esta clase de violencia. Es necesario incorporar en las herramientas de evaluación del riesgo de VCP-S la percepción de la mujer sobre el riesgo de ser asesinada, e informar a las víctimas de agresores solo en la familia del peligro de minimizar y justificar el maltrato.2019-2

    Singular sources in the Demianski-Newman spacetimes

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    The analysis of singular regions in the NUT solutions carried out in the recent paper (Manko and Ruiz, 2005 Class. Quantum Grav. 22, p.3555) is now extended to the Demianski-Newman vacuum and electrovacuum spacetimes. We show that the effect which produces the NUT parameter in a more general situation remains essentially the same as in the purely NUT solutions: it introduces the semi-infinite singularities of infinite angular momenta and positive or negative masses depending on the interrelations between the parameters; the presence of the electromagnetic field additionally endows the singularities with electric and magnetic charges. The exact formulae describing the mass, charges and angular momentum distributions in the Demianski-Newman solutions are obtained and concise general expressions P_n=(m+i\nu)(ia)^n, Q_n=(q+ib)(ia)^n for the entire set of the respective Beig-Simon multipole moments are derived. These moments correspond to a unique choice of the integration constant in the expression of the metric function \omega which is different from the original choice made by Demianski and Newman.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures; submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Physical interpretation of NUT solution

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    We show that the well-known NUT solution can be correctly interpreted as describing the exterior field of two counter-rotating semi-infinite sources possessing negative masses and infinite angular momenta which are attached to the poles of a static finite rod of positive mass.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Approach to the Lower Pliocene marine-continental correlation from southern Spain. The micrommamal site of Alhaurín el Grande-1 (Málaga Basin, Betic Cordillera, Spain)

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    A new micromammal site at Alhaurín el Grande (Málaga, southern Spain) located above early Pliocene marine deposits allows an approach to the marine-continental correlation for this age. The early Pliocene marine filling throughout the Málaga Basin is developed in three transgressive-regressive sequences (Pl-1, Pl-2, and Pl-3 units) bounded by discontinuities. At the top of the intermediate sequence Pl-2, peaty sediments have yielded fossils of Rodentia, Lagomorpha, Insectivora, and Crocodylia. The presence of Cricetus barrieri Mein & Michaux, 1970 in combination with murids, both of primitive morphology, such as Apodemus gudrunae Van de Weerd, 1976, and more advanced forms (i.e. Occitanomys brailloni Michaux, 1969 and Stephanomys donnezani cordii Ruiz Bustos, 1986), points to an early Ruscinian age (MN 14 biozone). Based on the planktonic foraminifers, the biostratigraphic data indicate that marine sediments just below the micromammal beds belong to the MPl-2 biozone of the early Zanclean. Available paleomagnetic data from the marine sediments show that the micromammal bed must be located between the normal geomagnetic subchron C3n3n (4.89-4.80 Ma) and the subchron C3n2n (4.63-4.49 Ma), limiting the age of this site to the late part of the early Zanclean

    Predator arrival elicits differential dispersal, change in age structure and reproductive performance in a prey population

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    Acknowledgements We thank everyone monitoring colonies over the years, in particular Carles Domingo from the Ebro Delta NP Staff, Ràpita, Castelló and the Tarragona Port Authorities and José Manuel Igual from the Group of Ecology and Animal Demography. We also thank the editorial board and the reviewers for their constructive comments. RESET (ref.CGL2017-85210-P), FPU (ref. FPU2012-000869), IBISES (ref. CGL2013-42203-R) and MINOW (ref. H2020- 634495). ASA and MG are supported by a postdoctoral contract co-funded by the Regional Government of the Balearic Islands and the European Social Fund (ref. PD/003/2016 and PD/023/2015).Peer reviewedPublisher PD