1,279 research outputs found

    Channel characterisation of cooperative relaying power line communication systems

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    © 2016 IEEE. Power line communication (PLC) technology offers a promising platform for numerous communication applications. The power lines however can significantly attenuate communication signals operating in high frequency band. For this reason, multi-hop PLC systems become desirable. In this paper, we investigates the effect of multi-hop relaying on the power line channel transfer function. Measured results are compared with results obtained from sumulations in Matlab. Results show that the presence of relays between a transmitting and a receiving PLC nodes can intensify the attenuation and frequency selectivity. Measurements show that maximum attenuation increases with number of relays

    Shape-Tension Coupling Produces Nematic Order in an Epithelium Vertex Model

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    We study the vertex model for epithelial tissue mechanics extended to include coupling between the cell shapes and tensions in cell-cell junctions. This coupling represents an active force which drives the system out of equilibrium and leads to the formation of nematic order interspersed with prominent, long-lived +1 defects. The defects in the nematic ordering are coupled to the shape of the cell tiling, affecting cell areas and coordinations. This intricate interplay between cell shape, size, and coordination provides a possible mechanism by which tissues could spontaneously develop long-range polarity through local mechanical forces without resorting to long-range chemical patterning

    Shape-tension coupling produces nematic order in an epithelium vertex model

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    We study the vertex model for epithelial tissue mechanics extended to include coupling between the cell shapes and tensions in cell-cell junctions. This coupling represents an active force which drives the system out of equilibrium and leads to the formation of nematic order interspersed with prominent, long-lived +1 defects. The defects in the nematic ordering are coupled to the shape of the cell tiling, affecting cell areas and coordinations. This intricate interplay between cell shape, size, and coordination provides a possible mechanism by which tissues could spontaneously develop long-range polarity through local mechanical forces without resorting to long-range chemical patterning

    Aquatic Toxicity of Polyethylene and Microcrystalline Cellulose Microbeads Used as Abrasives in Cosmetics

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    Microplastics have been part of personal care products for years, but due to microplastic pollution, many companies have replaced microplastics with natural particles, such as microcrystalline cellulose. Although natural particles are considered more environmentally friendly, their ecotoxicological profile is unknown. In this context, the aim of this study was to compare the ecotoxicity of polyethylene and microcrystalline cellulose microbeads, both extracted from a cosmetic product. The effects of the two types of particles on the aquatic macrophyte Lemna minor and the crustacean Daphnia magna, as well as the bioadhesion of the particles to Lemna minor were evaluated. The results showed no significant effects of either particle on the specific growth rate, root length, and chlorophyll content of Lemna minor. The bioadhesion of both types of particles to the plant biomass was comparable. Furthermore, no significant effects were observed on the mobility and body length of Daphnia magna. Thus, the investigated polyethylene and cellulose microbeads showed no significant toxic effects on the tested organisms. However, due to the persistence of polyethylene in the environment, the use of polyethylene microbeads in cosmetics and personal care products should be avoided. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Movement ecology and sex are linked to barn owl microbial community composition.

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    The behavioural ecology of host species is likely to affect their microbial communities, because host sex, diet, physiology, and movement behaviour could all potentially influence their microbiota. We studied a wild population of barn owls (Tyto alba) and collected data on their microbiota, movement, diet, size, coloration, and reproduction. The composition of bacterial species differed by the sex of the host and female owls had more diverse bacterial communities than their male counterparts. The abundance of two families of bacteria, Actinomycetaceae and Lactobacillaceae, also varied between the sexes, potentially as a result of sex differences in hormones and immunological function, as has previously been found with Lactobacillaceae in the microbiota of mice. Male and female owls did not differ in the prey they brought to the nest, which suggests that dietary differences are unlikely to underlie the differences in their microbiota. The movement behaviour of the owls was associated with the host microbiota in both males and females because owls that moved further from their nest each day had more diverse bacterial communities than owls that stayed closer to their nests. This novel result suggests that the movement ecology of hosts can impact their microbiota, potentially on the basis of their differential encounters with new bacterial species as the hosts move and forage across the landscape. Overall, we found that many aspects of the microbial community are correlated with the behavioural ecology of the host and that data on the microbiota can aid in generating new hypotheses about host behaviour

    A simple variational approach to the quantum Frenkel-Kontorova model

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    We present a simple and complete variational approach to the one-dimensional quantum Frenkel-Kontorova model. Dirac's time-dependent variational principle is adopted together with a Hatree-type many-body trial wavefunction for the atoms. The single-particle state is assumed to have the Jackiw-Kerman form. We obtain an effective classical Hamiltonian for the system which is simple enough for a complete numerical solution for the static ground state of the model. Numerical results show that our simple approach captures the essence of the quantum effects first observed in quantum Monte Carlo studies.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Correlation between HIV and HCV in Brazilian prisoners: evidence for parenteral transmission inside prison

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    OBJETIVO: É um fato correntemente aceito que as condições de confinamento aumentam o risco de algumas infecções relacionadas às práticas sexuais e/ou ao uso de drogas injetáveis. Realizou-se estudo para estimar a densidade de incidência da infecção pelo HIV na população prisional com aplicação de técnicas matemáticas. MÉTODOS: Foram entrevistados em São Paulo, SP, 631 prisioneiros da maior prisão da América do Sul, que abrigava aproximadamente 4.900 presos na ocasião do estudo. Foi colhido sangue da população entrevistada, analisado o risco para a infecção pelo HIV e realizados testes sorológicos para HIV, HCV e sífilis. Técnicas matemáticas foram usadas para se estimar a densidade de incidência do HIV relacionada ao tempo de encarceramento. RESULTADOS: As prevalências gerais encontradas foram: HIV -- 16%; HCV -- 34%; sífilis -- 18%. Os principais fatores associados à infecção pelo HIV foram a soropositividade ao HCV (OR=10,49) e a confissão do uso de drogas injetáveis (OR=3,36). A análise matemática mostrou que o risco de adquirir a infecção pelo HIV aumenta com o tempo de detenção, atingindo o máximo por volta de 3 anos de aprisionamento. CONCLUSÕES: A correlação entre a soroprevalência do HIV e do HCV e os resultados da análise matemática sugerem que a transmissão do HIV nestsa população se dá preferencialmente pela via parenteral e que seu risco aumenta com o tempo de encarceramento.OBJECTIVE: It is an accepted fact that confinement conditions increase the risk of some infections related to sexual and/or injecting drugs practices. Mathematical techniques were applied to estimate time-dependent incidence densities of HIV infection among inmates. METHODS: A total of 631 prisoners from a Brazilian prison with 4,900 inmates at that time were interviewed and their blood drawn. Risky behavior for HIV infection was analyzed, and serological tests for HIV, hepatitis C and syphilis were performed, intended as surrogates for parenteral and sexual HIV transmission, respectively. Mathematical techniques were used to estimate the incidence density ratio, as related to the time of imprisonment. RESULTS: Prevalence were: HIV -- 16%; HCV -- 34%; and syphilis -- 18%. The main risk behaviors related to HIV infection were HCV prevalence (OR=10.49) and the acknowledged use of injecting drugs (OR=3.36). Incidence density ratio derivation showed that the risk of acquiring HIV infection increases with the time of imprisonment, peaking around three years after incarceration. CONCLUSIONS: The correlation between HIV and HCV seroprevalence and the results of the mathematical analysis suggest that HIV transmission in this population is predominantly due to parenteral exposure by injecting drug, and that it increases with time of imprisonment


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    The most important photosynthesis acceptor – leaf area vary among cultivation measures and it is limited factor for creating exact growth models in common winter wheat. The objective of this study was to investigate changes of leaf area index (LAI) affected by agricultural treatments – 4 sowing rates and 9 nitrogen treatments based on fertilising rates, target values based on soil mineral nitrogen and plant sap tests target values including different varieties. Increasing sowing rates from 350 to 800 viable seeds m-2 increased LAI at EC 75 stage from 2.9 to 5.5, where LAI 4.1 at 500 seeds m-2 did not vary between lower and higher rates; also at EC 85 stage LAIs did not differ significantly. At EC 75 stage LAI differed among control and nitrogen treatments from 1.0 to 6.5 and at EC 85 stage from 0.1 to 2.4, with differences in interaction among varieties. Higher nitrogen rates for first and second top dressing increased LAI in both stages compared without dressing treatments. Due to significant differences among LAI as consequence of production system, we suggest to take this into account in every prediction and modelling of growth in winter wheat.Listna površina, kot najpomembnejši fotosintetski akceptor je odvisna od pridelovalnih ukrepov in je omejitveni dejavnik za izdelavo natančnih rastnih modelov navadne ozimne pšenice. Cilj te študije je preveriti spremembe indeksa listne površine (LAI) pod vplivom agrotehničnih ukrepov – 4 gostot setve, 9 odmerkov dušika temelječih na odmerkih gnojil in temelječih na ciljnih vrednostih Nmin-a ter hitrih nitratnih rastlinskih testov vključujoč različne sorte. Povečevanje setvene norme od 350 do 800 kalivih semen m-2 povečuje LAI v fazi EC 75 od 2.9 do 5.5, medtem ko med njima in 500 kalivimi zrni m-2 značilnih razlik med LAI ni bilo; tudi v fazi EC 85 med LAI nismo ugotovili značilnih razlik. V fazi EC 75 je LAI variral od 1.0 v kontrolnem obravnavanju do 6.5 v gnojilnih obravnavanjih, v fazi EC 85 pa od 0.1 do 2.4, s tem da so bile značilne razlike tudi v interakciji s sortami. Višji odmerki dušika za prvo in drugo dognojevanje povečujejo LAI v obeh fazah v primerjavi z obravnavanji brez dognojevanja. Zaradi značilnih razlik med LAI kot posledica agrotehnike, priporočamo upoštevati razlike med LAI pri vsakem načrtovanju ali modeliranju rasti ozimne pšenice

    Parallel updating cellular automaton models of driven diffusive Frenkel-Kontorova-type systems

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    Three cellular automaton (CA) models of increasing complexity are introduced to model driven diffusive systems related to the generalized Frenkel-Kontorova (FK) models recently proposed by Braun [Phys.Rev.E58, 1311 (1998)]. The models are defined in terms of parallel updating rules. Simulation results are presented for these models. The features are qualitatively similar to those models defined previously in terms of sequentially updating rules. Essential features of the FK model such as phase transitions, jamming due to atoms in the immobile state, and hysteresis in the relationship between the fraction of atoms in the running state and the bias field are captured. Formulating in terms of parallel updating rules has the advantage that the models can be treated analytically by following the time evolution of the occupation on every site of the lattice. Results of this analytical approach are given for the two simpler models. The steady state properties are found by studying the stable fixed points of a closed set of dynamical equations obtained within the approximation of retaining spatial correlations only upto two nearest neighboring sites. Results are found to be in good agreement with numerical data.Comment: 26 pages, 4 eps figure

    Correlation between HIV and HCV in Brazilian prisoners: evidence for parenteral transmission inside prison

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    OBJETIVO: É um fato correntemente aceito que as condições de confinamento aumentam o risco de algumas infecções relacionadas às práticas sexuais e/ou ao uso de drogas injetáveis. Realizou-se estudo para estimar a densidade de incidência da infecção pelo HIV na população prisional com aplicação de técnicas matemáticas. MÉTODOS: Foram entrevistados em São Paulo, SP, 631 prisioneiros da maior prisão da América do Sul, que abrigava aproximadamente 4.900 presos na ocasião do estudo. Foi colhido sangue da população entrevistada, analisado o risco para a infecção pelo HIV e realizados testes sorológicos para HIV, HCV e sífilis. Técnicas matemáticas foram usadas para se estimar a densidade de incidência do HIV relacionada ao tempo de encarceramento. RESULTADOS: As prevalências gerais encontradas foram: HIV -- 16%; HCV -- 34%; sífilis -- 18%. Os principais fatores associados à infecção pelo HIV foram a soropositividade ao HCV (OR=10,49) e a confissão do uso de drogas injetáveis (OR=3,36). A análise matemática mostrou que o risco de adquirir a infecção pelo HIV aumenta com o tempo de detenção, atingindo o máximo por volta de 3 anos de aprisionamento. CONCLUSÕES: A correlação entre a soroprevalência do HIV e do HCV e os resultados da análise matemática sugerem que a transmissão do HIV nestsa população se dá preferencialmente pela via parenteral e que seu risco aumenta com o tempo de encarceramento.OBJECTIVE: It is an accepted fact that confinement conditions increase the risk of some infections related to sexual and/or injecting drugs practices. Mathematical techniques were applied to estimate time-dependent incidence densities of HIV infection among inmates. METHODS: A total of 631 prisoners from a Brazilian prison with 4,900 inmates at that time were interviewed and their blood drawn. Risky behavior for HIV infection was analyzed, and serological tests for HIV, hepatitis C and syphilis were performed, intended as surrogates for parenteral and sexual HIV transmission, respectively. Mathematical techniques were used to estimate the incidence density ratio, as related to the time of imprisonment. RESULTS: Prevalence were: HIV -- 16%; HCV -- 34%; and syphilis -- 18%. The main risk behaviors related to HIV infection were HCV prevalence (OR=10.49) and the acknowledged use of injecting drugs (OR=3.36). Incidence density ratio derivation showed that the risk of acquiring HIV infection increases with the time of imprisonment, peaking around three years after incarceration. CONCLUSIONS: The correlation between HIV and HCV seroprevalence and the results of the mathematical analysis suggest that HIV transmission in this population is predominantly due to parenteral exposure by injecting drug, and that it increases with time of imprisonment