47 research outputs found

    Cultural landscape of ancient Viminacium and modern Kostolac – creation of a new approach to the preservation and presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage

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    Viminacium, once an important Roman city and a legionary fortress near the Danube, situated in the villages of Stari Kostolac and Drmno, in Serbia, near a strip coal mine and a power plant, today is the most developed archaeological park in Serbia and is visited by many tourists. However, the future sustainable development of the wider area requires the creation of a more comprehensive approach to the presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage, connecting Viminacium and other historical traces into a cultural landscape where industrial progress, heritage preservation and modern tourism are linked

    The modernization and urban transformation of Belgrade in the 19th and early 20th century

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    The main goal of the paper is to highlight some important issues connected with the process of urban and architectural modernization of Belgrade in the late 19th and early 20th century and its impact on further development of the city and the contemporary state. Its focus is on the important political, social and cultural changes and urban and architectural transformation of the city from Levantine to a European one. After the Serbian Principality was established in the early 19th century influences of European culture and classical architecture started to come in, but an Ottoman way of living was still quite obvious. In spite of all the significant changes taking place by 1867 after the Turks and their army left the Serbian towns, still, there were no political, social or economic conditions necessary for the radical urban and architectural transformation of Belgrade and other settlements. But the process of social and cultural changes already started, focusing on emancipation from the influences of the East and on further development by adopting western social and cultural values. The changes were supported by the Austrian Empire and many Serbs, who were born and educated there, come to Serbia. An extensive transformation of the Belgrade old town surrounded by a trench started according to a plan made by Emilijan Josimović in 1867, which proposed replacement of the Levantine morphology with a regular orthogonal city matrix. The intention was to follow what Vienna and Budapest had done in their reconstructions at that time. After the proclamation of Kingdom in 1882, an extensive transformation of Belgrade started and its growth into a modern western town as a result of foreign investments, coming mostly from the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. Particularly important was the construction of the railway tracks, connecting Serbia with its northern and eastern neighbouring countries. The turn of the century was marked by intensive constructions. In the early 20th century, the European influences in architecture and urbanism were quite strong and the first Master Plan of Belgrade was made by a French architect Alban Chambond in 1912. He covered the town with a new orthogonal street network, with numerous diagonal directions, in the spirit of the 19th-century French academic town planning. He also proposed the formation of eleven monumental ensembles with imposing public buildings. He planned a circular boulevard, in the Haussmann style scale, thus clearly dividing an urbanized area from its periphery. However, the Master Plan did not consider problems of the inherited urban structure and those of the poor infrastructure. And for that reason, the Belgrade engineers and architects criticized the city authorities for their inadequate approach to resolving the infrastructural problems of the city. Some of these problems were solved after the WWI, but many are still present in our days

    Nastanak prvih zdravstvenih kompleksa i zgrada u Beogradu u XIX i početkom XX veka

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    The aim of the paper is to give an overview of how the fi rst health care buildings were erected in Belgrade, highlighting their signifi cance in the modernization of the country, while reaching the European standards in that specifi c area of public life. Apart from the most important state buildings in Savamala – the Council, the Court and the Great Barracks, in 1837, Prince Miloš Obrenović starts with the construction of the Palilula Barracks near the Palilula Square. At the same time, he brings up an issue of the soldiers’ hospital within the complex, with a capacity of one hundred patients. Th us begins a history of constructing the fi rst hospital buildings. Th ey are located in the peripheral areas of the Town, suitable for the health care buildings because of their position on the slopes towards the Danube and the vicinity of good quality water. Th e Palilula Military Hospital design was probably the workof Valentine Moor, a master builder from Pančevo. Not long aft er that, in the late 1840s, at the time of Prince Aleksandar I Karađorđević, preparations for building a new Military Hospital in Belgrade are underway. The design was probably the work of the main engineer,an architect, Jan Nevole. The hospital was built in the 1846-49 period, consisting of a groundand the fi rst fl oor. Th e period of Prince Mihailo, like those of his predecessors, is marked by the construction of a hospital, the fi rst civilian healthcare institution in the capital. On his land plot in Vidin Street, near Palilula Square and the erstwhile Barracks, in 1868, the Town Hospital was built according to the design of the state engineer Joseph Francl. The new Military hospital, designed by architect Danilo Vladisavljević, educated in Aachen, was constructed in 1905-09. At the West Vračar area, according the modern spatial organization with pavilions surrounded by greenery. The construction of first hospital buildings tells us about the endeavors of the Serbian Principality to reach standards of the developed European countries in the fi eld of healthcare culture. The paper analyses building conditions, urban and architectural characteristics of the said buildings, as well as their impact on defi ning the character of the surrounding space, providing the foundations of a modern European image of the capital

    Promotion of the cultural heritage of Mediterranean city in the scope of upgrading cultural tourism

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    World and especially European trends of tourist economy are mainly focused on development of diversity in cultural tourism. Cultural tourism is a complex of numerous activities that enables not only the affirmation of cultural-historic motives, but also provides important resources for renewal of cultural-historic monuments, tangible and intangible heritage and resources. Today, there is no serious and ambitious country that does not prefer development of tourism in its development strategies as a planetary phenomenon and development sector. This specially refers to cultural tourism, as a competitive segment, based on local authenticity, unique areas, urban entities and ambiance, different historic layers and monuments, local tradition, myths and customs, affirmative mentality of population, geographic and ecological resources, in brief - complex and original identity of its area and its population. Cultural tourism in Montenegro has a modest tradition and only recently through valuable but sporadic initiatives and encouragements from Europe, attempts to valorize its own potentials, making them competitive through creative projects and programs. It is most certainly that the Montenegrin coast is a deeply settled part of complex Mediterranean cultural sphere that possesses certain characteristics which marks it as a unique cultural space in which different historical, geographic, confessional and other influences from surroundings intersect, predefining it for development of cultural tourism. This paper represents an effort to create a professional study report, although limited to single destination - city of Budva that treats cultural tourism in correlation with evaluation of renewal and use of cultural-historic and built heritage. From the mentioned reasons and within described context, this paper tends to be a small, but precisely created contribution to the future actions of creating complex tourist offer at Montenegrin coast, especially in Budva as its 'capital', as it is often emphasized with reasonable expectations in public.

    Les espaces publics et la vie publique à Belgrade au XVIIIe et au XIXe siècle et leur transformation au XXe siècle

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    Panorama historique sur l’urbanisme de Belgrade depuis le XVIe siècle.Historical panorama on the urbanism of Belgrade from the 16th c

    Cultural Landscape of Ancient Viminacium and Modern Kostolac – Creation of a New Approach to the Preservation and Presentation of its Archaeological and Industrial Heritage

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    Viminacium, once an important Roman city and a legionary fortress near the Danube, situated in the villages of Stari Kostolac and Drmno, in Serbia, near a strip coal mine and a power plant, today is the most developed archaeological park in Serbia and is visited by many tourists. However, the future sustainable development of the wider area requires the creation of a more comprehensive approach to the presentation of its archaeological and industrial heritage, connecting Viminacium and other historical traces into a cultural landscape where industrial progress, heritage preservation and modern tourism are linked

    A New Dialogue Between Past and Future - the Archaeological Site Viminacium within the New National and International Frameworks

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    The main subject of this paper is the archaeological site of Viminacium in Serbia, being on the UNESCO Tentative List as a part of the international monuments "Frontiers of the Roman Empire - WHS FRE". Archaeological excavations of Viminacium started in 1882 and it was listed as a cultural property in 1949

    Disappearance of the traditional architecture – the key study of Stara Planina villages

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    This paper is focused on the disappearance of the traditional architecture in the Stara Planina villages, in the Pirot area, at the eastern border of Serbia. The paper gives authentic examples of traditional rural architecture with emblematic traditional elements and methods of construction, which have been gradually disappearing over time due to abandonment of the villages. Reasons leading to the villages withering away and the decay of architecture in that mountain area are predominantly enormous migrations of the village population to the cities as a result of socio-economic changes and poverty of the region. The abandonment of the villages leaves in its wake a sparse ageing population, housing units and other structures in the state of decay and ruin. In the past, the area was well-known as a source of native, self- taught, builders called dunđeri, organized in the groups of 10-15 people, tajva, famous and respected on the territories of Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia. Nowadays their descendants work and live in urban areas, and as a consequence, the villages have not preserved their traditional building skills

    150 година од Јосимовићевог предлога за регулисање београдске вароши у шанцу

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    The next year it will be 150 years of the first proposal for the regulation of the „Belgrade’s Town in a Moat“ - the oldest urban entity in Belgrade recognized by the same name in the current Master Plan of Belgrade. It was developed by Emilijan Josimovic, who is considered as the first Serbian urbanist and who gave detailed description of the plan in his book ’Explanation of the Proposal for the Regulation of the Belgrade’s Town Part Lying in a Moat’. The book was published in 1867. with its main aim to give recommendations for urban development of Belgrade’s town. Josimovic’s plan emerged at the same time when for a number of cities in Western Europe – Barcelona, Vienna, Budapest, Amsterdam the extensions of their territories beyond the original boundaries were planned. It was a general trend of modernization and urbanization which in the case of Belgrade could be considered as a specific type of transformation from oriental to modern European town. Josimovic’s proposal envisages the regulation and transformation of a street system by its conversion from irregular matrice into a regular, orthogonal block structure which would enable consistent development, implementation of infrastructure and traffc facilities. The urban matrice created according to the Josimovic’s plan has maintained up to date and served as the basis for the development of elements of physical structure that makes the main substance of the today’s protected Historical Core of Belgrade. Considering the far-reaching contributions of Josimovic’s work, we remind the scientific and professional community on this important anniversary, hoping that series of activities during 2017. will contribute to revealing of Josimovic’s work, especially by giving it a contemporary perspective.Наредне, 2017. године, напуниће се тачно 150 година од доношења предлога за први регулациони план за Београд, односно његов део који се данас приближно поклапа са границама најстарије урбанистичке целине у Београду - Вароши у шанцу. Аутор овог предлога и плана је Емилијан Јосимовић, који даје детаљно образложење плана у књизи под називом „Објашњење предлога за регулисање оног дела вароши Београда што лежи у шанцу, са једним литографским планом”. Јосимовићева књига изашла је 1867. године, са основним циљем да се за оријенталну варош Београд дају смернице за урбани развој у складу са тада модерним европским тенденцијама. Јосимовићев план појавио се у исто време када се за велики број западноевропских градова - Барселону, Беч, Будимпешту, Амстердам, доносе планови проширења првобитних граница града, у складу са општим трендом урбанизације, која је у случају Београда имала специфичан облик трансформације из оријенталне вароши у европски модеран град. Јосимовић је најпре предложио регулисање и трансформисање урбане матрице од неправилне мреже улица у правилну, ортогоналну, блоковску структуру која би омогућила усклађен развој, пласирање инфраструктуре и функционисање саобраћајне мреже. Улична матрица која је касније формирана на основу Јосимовићевог плана одржала се у великој мери до данас и послужила као основа за развој физичке структуре која данас чини основни елемент заштићеног Историјског језгра Београда. Имајући у виду значај и далекосежне последице Јосимовићевог дела, подсећамо научну и стручну јавност на важност овог јубилеја, у нади да ће низ активности током 2017. године допринети оживљавању Јосимовићевог дела.III International Conference, held 12-13 May 2016 in Sremski KarlovciEditor: Dubravka Đukanovi

    Contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia through the perspective of urban morphology approach

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    By analysing the contemporary architectural and urban design practice in Belgrade and Serbia the challenges in urban development can be identified and explained through the perspective of an urban morphology approach. The majority of these challenges are as a result of an inadequate relationship between different scales of professional interventions in built environment, as well as, an ineffective relationship between theory and practice. It should be noted that due to these challenges in urban development, the role of architects and professionals involved in urban designing and planning has been questioned. The findings indicate an emerging belief for the need for improved dialogue between professionals in relation to urban development in Serbia, as well as, interaction with wider professional networks. The general issues have already been expanded upon through the discourse of urban morphology and can result in the drafting of guidelines for further improvement of designing and planning practice in Belgrade and Serbia. The principal issues the urban morphology network in Serbia would be faced with are: consolidating up-to-date research and contributions; translating the key references and Glossary present within the Urban Morphology discourse; integrating theoretical and applied knowledge - developing a common morphological language – as a conceptual framework applicable to various typologies and urban tissues; providing a better understanding of the complex phenomenon of urban form; and introducing the morphological dimension to plans, that is, the concept of form into planning.22nd International Seminar on Urban Form (ISUF) International Conference, held 22-26 Sept 2015 in Rome, Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Architectur