53,507 research outputs found

    Screening and collective modes in gapped bilayer graphene

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    We study the static and dynamic screening of gapped bilayer graphene. Unlike previous works we use the 4-band model instead of the simplified 2-band model. We find that there are important qualitative differences between the dielectric screening function obtained using the 2-band and that obtained using the 4-band model. In particular within the 4-band model in the presence of a band-gap the static screening exhibits Kohn anomalies that are absent within the 2-band model. Moreover, using the 4-band model, we are able to examine the effect of trigonal warping (absent in the 2-band model) on the screening properties of bilayer graphene. We also find that the plasmon modes have qualitatively different character in the 4-band model compared to 2-band results.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. Published versio

    Inhomogenous electronic structure, transport gap, and percolation threshold in disordered bilayer graphene

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    The inhomogenous real-space electronic structure of gapless and gapped disordered bilayer graphene is calculated in the presence of quenched charge impurities. For gapped bilayer graphene we find that for current experimental conditions the amplitude of the fluctuations of the screened disorder potential is of the order of (or often larger than) the intrinsic gap Δ\Delta induced by the application of a perpendicular electric field. We calculate the crossover chemical potential, Δcr\Delta_{\rm cr}, separating the insulating regime from a percolative regime in which less than half of the area of the bilayer graphene sample is insulating. We find that most of the current experiments are in the percolative regime with Δcr<<Δ\Delta_{\rm cr}<<\Delta. The huge suppression of Δcr\Delta_{\rm cr} compared with Δ\Delta provides a possible explanation for the large difference between the theoretical band gap Δ\Delta and the experimentally extracted transport gap.Comment: 5 Pages, 2 figures. Published versio

    Radio-X-ray Synergy to discover and Study Jetted Tidal Disruption Events

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    Observational consequences of tidal disruption of stars (TDEs) by supermassive black holes (SMBHs) can enable us to discover quiescent SMBHs, constrain their mass function, study formation and evolution of transient accretion disks and jet formation. A couple of jetted TDEs have been recently claimed in hard X-rays, challenging jet models, previously applied to γ\gamma-ray bursts and active galactic nuclei. It is therefore of paramount importance to increase the current sample. In this paper, we find that the best strategy is not to use up-coming X-ray instruments alone, which will yield between several (e-Rosita) and a couple of hundreds (Einstein Probe) events per year below redshift one. We rather claim that a more efficient TDE hunter will be the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) operating {\it in survey mode} at 1.4 GHz. It may detect up to several hundreds of events per year below z∼2.5z \sim 2.5 with a peak rate of a few tens per year at z≈0.5z\approx 0.5. Therefore, even if the jet production efficiency is {\it not } 100%100\% as assumed here, the predicted rates should be large enough to allow for statistical studies. The characteristic TDE decay of t−5/3t^{-5/3}, however, is not seen in radio, whose flux is quite featureless. {\it Identification} therefore requires localization and prompt repointing by higher energy instruments. If radio candidates would be repointed within a day by future X-ray observatories (e.g. Athena and LOFT-like missions), it will be possible to detect up to ≈400\approx 400 X-ray counterparts, almost up to redshift 22. The shortcome is that only for redshift below ≈0.4\approx 0.4 the trigger times will be less than 10 days from the explosion. In this regard the X-ray surveys are better suited to probe the beginning of the flare, and are therefore complementary to SKA.Comment: Astrophysical Journal (revised version

    Hilbert Functions of Filtered Modules

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    In this presentation we shall deal with some aspects of the theory of Hilbert functions of modules over local rings, and we intend to guide the reader along one of the possible routes through the last three decades of progress in this area of dynamic mathematical activity. Motivated by the ever increasing interest in this field, our goal is to gather together many new developments of this theory into one place, and to present them using a unifying approach which gives self-contained and easier proofs. In this text we shall discuss many results by different authors, following essentially the direction typified by the pioneering work of J. Sally. Our personal view of the subject is most visibly expressed by the presentation of Chapters 1 and 2 in which we discuss the use of the superficial elements and related devices. Basic techniques will be stressed with the aim of reproving recent results by using a more elementary approach. Over the past few years several papers have appeared which extend classical results on the theory of Hilbert functions to the case of filtered modules. The extension of the theory to the case of general filtrations on a module has one more important motivation. Namely, we have interesting applications to the study of graded algebras which are not associated to a filtration, in particular the Fiber cone and the Sally-module. We show here that each of these algebras fits into certain short exact sequences, together with algebras associated to filtrations. Hence one can study the Hilbert function and the depth of these algebras with the aid of the know-how we got in the case of a filtration.Comment: 127 pages, revised version. Comments and remarks are welcom

    Quantum dislocations: the fate of multiple vacancies in two dimensional solid 4He

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    Defects are believed to play a fundamental role in the supersolid state of 4He. We have studied solid 4He in two dimensions (2D) as function of the number of vacancies n_v, up to 30, inserted in the initial configuration at rho = 0.0765 A^-2, close to the melting density, with the exact zero temperature Shadow Path Integral Ground State method. The crystalline order is found to be stable also in presence of many vacancies and we observe two completely different regimes. For small n_v, up to about 6, vacancies form a bound state and cause a decrease of the crystalline order. At larger n_v, the formation energy of an extra vacancy at fixed density decreases by one order of magnitude to about 0.6 K. In the equilibrated state it is no more possible to recognize vacancies because they mainly transform into quantum dislocations and crystalline order is found almost independent on how many vacancies have been inserted in the initial configuration. The one--body density matrix in this latter regime shows a non decaying large distance tail: dislocations, that in 2D are point defects, turn out to be mobile, their number is fluctuating, and they are able to induce exchanges of particles across the system mainly triggered by the dislocation cores. These results indicate that the notion of incommensurate versus commensurate state loses meaning for solid 4He in 2D, because the number of lattice sites becomes ill defined when the system is not commensurate. Crystalline order is found to be stable also in 3D in presence of up to 100 vacancies

    Theory of carrier transport in bilayer graphene

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    We develop a theory for density, disorder, and temperature dependent electrical conductivity of bilayer graphene in the presence of long-range charged impurity scattering as well as an additional short-range disorder of independent origin, establishing that both scattering mechanisms contribute significantly to determining bilayer transport properties. We find that although strong screening properties of bilayer graphene lead to qualitative differences with the corresponding single layer situation, both systems exhibit the linearly density dependent conductivity at high density and the minimum graphene conductivity behavior around the charge neutrality point due to the formation of inhomogeneous electron-hole puddles induced by the random charged impurity centers.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Mean-field expansion for spin models with medium-range interactions

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    We study the critical crossover between the Gaussian and the Wilson-Fisher fixed point for general O(N)-invariant spin models with medium-range interactions. We perform a systematic expansion around the mean-field solution, obtaining the universal crossover curves and their leading corrections. In particular we show that, in three dimensions, the leading correction scales as R−3,RR^{-3}, R being the range of the interactions. We compare our results with the existing numerical ones obtained by Monte Carlo simulations and present a critical discussion of other approaches.Comment: 49 pages, 8 figure
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