82 research outputs found

    Settlement of indonesian human rights violations in the past through restorative justice approaches

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    This paper aimed to identify and analyze the resolution of past gross human rights violations in Indonesia through a restorative justice approach. The type of research used is normative legal research, using a juridical approach, the type of data used is secondary data consisting of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials, tertiary legal materials, data analysis used is qualitative analysis. Based on the results of the research, it is concluded that so far the Attorney General has not been proactive in looking for various legal facts that can support the evidence previously presented by Komnas HAM. The Attorney General in cases of gross human rights violations tends to be passive, even though the law instructs him to carry out an investigation as soon as possible after he receives a file from Komnas HAM. So far, Komnas HAM has completed the investigation results files and submitted them to the Attorney General to be followed up in the investigation process. However, the current problem is that the Attorney General's authority in conducting investigations has never been optimal, because it is influenced by various factors, the role of legal instruments; laws and regulations with human resources capacity as well as supporting facilities and facilities, unable to resolve past cases of gross human rights violations, the restorative justice approach is a paradigm that can be used as a framework for resolving cases of past gross human rights violations that aim to address dissatisfaction with the operation of the current human rights justice system

    Kedudukan dan peranan wanita dalam kebudayaan suku bangsa Minangkabau

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    Buku ini menggambarkan bagaimana Kedudukan dan Peranan Wanita pada suku bangsa Minangkabau, mulai dari mengurus anak, kadang-kadang membantu perekonomian Rumah Tangga, menyediakan persiapan untuk upacara sampai memelihara harta pusaka, karena Minangkabau mengenal Sistem Matrilin eal, di mana wanita berhak atas Ā·harta warisan. Meskipun kaum pria turut mengelola harta warisan tersebut, tetapi mereka tidak berhak untuk menjual atau menggadaikannya, karena harus seizin saudara-saudara wanitanya atau saudara perempuannya. Jadi wanita di Minangkabau sangat berperan dan se lalu dimintai pendapatnya, serta tidak pernah ditinggalkan pada waktu berunding. Di sini tampak bahwa kedudukan wanita di Minangkabau sejak dulu telah sejajar dengan pria, bahkan dalam banyak hal peranan mereka lebih besar daripada pria. Mereka mempunyai hak-hak dan memegang peranan dalam kehidupan masyarakat Minangkabau, terutama peranannya dalam keluarga besar dan di rumah Gadang


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    Salah satu yang harus dipertimbangkan rumah sakit adalah kinerja perawat. Kinerja merupakan pencapaian atau hasil secara kualitas dan kuantitas seorang karyawan atas pekerjaanya sesuai dengan arahan dan tanggung jawab yang diberikan oleh atasan. Perawat merupakan sumber daya manusia yang ikut mewarnai pelayanan kesehatan di rumah sakit. Oleh karena itu pelayanan keperawatan memberi kontribusi dalam menentukan kualitas pelayanan di rumah sakit. Perawat menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu dengan pasien dibandingkan melakukan penyedia perawatan kesehatan lainnya. Perbaikan dalam keselamatan pasien dapat dicapai dengan meningkatkan kinerja perawat. Adapun hasil evaluasi kinerja perawat di rumah sakit diukur dengan menggunakan standar asuhan keperawatan berdasarkan standar Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia (PPNI) tahun 2010 diperoleh pencapaian dengan indikator pengkajian keperawatan sebesar 85%, diagnosa keperawatan sebesar 97%, perencanaan keperawatan sebesar 86%, tindakan keperawatan sebesar 89%, dan evaluasi keperawatan sebesar 82%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada pengaruh komitmen organisasi terhadap kinerja perawat intalasi rawat inap RSUD Kabupaten Majene. Saran peneliti selanjutnya dapat melakukan penelitian dengan metode kualitatif guna menggali lebih dalam terkait variabel penelitian

    Vocabulary learning through vocabulary scrapbook

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    For the last 25 years, the field of English language teaching has witnessed significant responses to the incorporation of vocabulary learning in the language classroom. Vocabulary learning has been viewed as central to language learning and being of critical importance to the typical language learner. According to Coady (1997), there is a general agreement among vocabulary learning advocators that the heart of communicative competence is lexical knowledge. Such shift in emphasis in the field of ELT, followed by continuous research on vocabulary learning, have shed light on, and have provided valuable information about what to do and what to focus on. All these imply that the teachers in the language classrooms can utilise many interesting and creative techniques in vocabulary teaching and learning. A project called Vocabulary Scrapbook was introduced to the first semester students at Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia France Institute with the aim to enrich studentsā€™ vocabulary inventories via specific vocabulary learning strategies. This paper describes how the principles underlying vocabulary learning are put into practice in the project, the problems faced by the teachers and students in carrying out the project, and the effectiveness of the project in improving studentsā€™ inventories of words and phrases. A survey carried out after the project was completed revealed the studentsā€™ positive reception of the project ā€“ viewing it as a useful tool in learning and enriching their vocabulary


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    Menjamin kesehatan juga harus mendapatkan perlindungan dalam melaksanakan kewajiban dan hak-hak sebagai tenaga kesehatan dan pasien dalam perlindunagn hukum. Dalam Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan RI Nomor 28 Tahun 2017 tentang Izin Penyelenggaraan Praktik Bidan telah diatur mengenai kewenangan bidan, bidan memiliki kewenangan memberikan pelayanan kesehatan ibu, kesehatan anak dan kesehatan reproduksi perempuan serta keluarga berencana. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana kewenangan bidan dalam memberikan pelayanan umum, perlindungan hukum bidan, dan perlindunga hukum pasien. Perlindungan dalam hal ini ditinjau menurut peraturan perundang-undangan dilihat dari hukum perdata, hukum pidana, hukum administrasi dan etika profesi Pendekatan ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis normatif yang disajikan secara deskriptif analitis dan pengumpulan data dengan teknik studi kepustakaan yang dianalisis dengan teknik normatif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kewenangan bidan sudah jelas batas-batasan kewenngannya yang telah diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan

    Learning from peers: Collaborative learning to improve instructional practice

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    A Teacher Inquiry Community for staff development was formed between teachers of language programmes at a private university in Malaysia to explore the learning process within a community of teachers who took inquiry as a stance to improve their instructional practice. Data for the study was collected through participant observation, audio recorded interactions, in-depth interviews, analyses of documents and qualitative questionnaires. Ten language teachers from various university programmes within a Malaysian private higher educational institution took part in this study. Analysis of data reveals the following: i) teacher learning in the teacher inquiry community was influenced by the dilemma raised, the protocol utilised and the evidence of practice shared; ii) new knowledge about teaching surfaced through sharing and deprivatisation of practice at various points during each session; iii) teachers would go through cycles of inquiries and individual and group reflection during each session and, iv) learning took place within these cycles and resulted in the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, changes in teachersā€™ perspectives, new understanding about role as teacher, and reinforcement of past beliefs about teaching and learning


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    This articles shows about the profile of nursing home in Central Aceh District of Aceh Province. In liteal meaning, the meaning of Joyah is a place where women staying together and they do their daily routine such as reciting Al-qurā€™an and gathering with other nursing home members. However, the function of nursing home in this era is different from the past. This reaseach was made by qualitative method. The data was collected by depth interview with some joyah members and the caretaker of Joyah. Now, the function is just as a nursing home how this women staying together, reciting Holy book and having exercise together and trying their health always fit by having some medical care by health center in town which come once a week. While, in the past the function of Joyah is to promote women leader by having opportunity to teach another women in that area. Eventhough another function is still exist, however the function to create Muslim women leader now is vanish

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Melalui Pengembangan Usaha Pariwisata (Meneropong usaha penginapan masyarakat Lokal dan Manca Negara di Desa Mon Ikeun Lhoknga)

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    Abstrak Tulisan ini melihat perkembangan usaha penginapan di desa Mon Ikeun, Kemukiman Lhoknga, Aceh Besar. Sejak tahun 1976 sudah mulai banyak turis mancanegara yang datang, namun ketika konflik di Aceh terjadi, kedatangan mereka terpaksa berhenti. Di tahun 2006 turis-turis itu mulai berdatangan lagi dan mulai banyak usaha penginapan murah di desa tersebut. Penginapan tersebut banyak di isi oleh turis manca negara yang berkunjung ke pantai untuk menikmati keindahan pantai atau untuk berselancar. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan observasi dan wawancara. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat beberapa usaha yang berhasil meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat di desa ini. Kedatangan turis peselancar juga membuka wawasan anak-anak muda di desa tersebut. Selain mendatangkan pendapatan, cara pandang terhadap internet juga memberikan dampak positif bagi anak-anak muda di desa. Namun masih terdapat kekhawatiran akan dampak negatif dari pergaulan dengan orang-orang manca negara di wilayah ini seperti prostitusi, berpakaian tidak sesuai syariah, pergaulan bebas dan minum-minuman keras. Penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bias gender antara laki-laki dan perempuan, dimana para anak muda lelaki bisa berlatih berselancar, sehingga bisa menjuarai kegiatan internasional. Namun perempuan di Mon Ikeun lebih kepada menikah dengan lelaki asing, menjadi pekerja domestik. Kesempatan untuk setara dengan lelaki Mon Ikeun adalah belajar bahasa Inggris dari para turis. Kata kunci: pemberdayaan, turisme, penginapan Abstract This writing will see the development of home stay in Mon Ikeun, Lhoknga, Great Aceh. Since 1976 has been a lot of foreign tourists come. This activity stoped when conflict happen. After tsunami, in 2006 tourist start to come again and tourism are booming in Mon Ikeun. It gave benefits for people to open their own homestay and accept those foreign tourists. They come for pleasure and try to do surfing in one of beaches in Mon Ikeun. Methodology of this research is depth interview and observacy. This research shows that there are some efforts have florished to increase income in Mon Ikeun. By having that tourist, it opens young peopleĆ¢ā‚¬ā„¢s mindset. However, there are some concerns come up related to negative impact of the association with foreign people such as prostitution; unproper dress according Syaria Law, free sex and drunks. This research also shows about gender bias between men and women. Men can learn how to surf and they can join international event. However for women, they just getting merried with foreign men, doing domestic work such as being housemaid, washing and ironing. The balance opportunity between men and women are only from learning and practicing their English with those foreigners. Key words: empowerment, tourism, homestay
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